Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aries until 9:06 AM, after which the Moon is in Taurus.
- The Moon is void until 9:06 AM (since yesterday at 10:14 PM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurred yesterday in the sign of Aries.
- No major ones.
- Mercury is direct and is in its post-retrograde shadow phase until April 16th.
- Jupiter is not yet retrograde but will turn retrograde on the 10th.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Vesta is transiting your sign until June 9th, dear Aries, and the coming two months are strong for independent work, commitment, and personal pursuits that require some dedication and focus. Your heart is genuinely into your work and projects. Today is strong for thinking and processing, and it’s excellent for drawing upon experience and wisdom and applying it to a current problem. It’s also good for quiet study or work in relative solitude. You’ll find it easier to focus on your priorities right now, and more attentively than usual. It’s a great time to notice and handle details. Dealing with responsibilities rather than hiding from them is satisfying right now.

The Moon continues to transit an introspective, play-it-safe sector of your chart this morning, dear Taurus, and then heads into your sign. As such, you can feel an emotional awakening of sorts. You’re ready to come out of your shell now. Today is good for communications projects, publishing, and smart thinking, and you’re likely to find some serious opportunities to concentrate and focus. Committing yourself to a goal or pet project can help bring you down to earth. Making lists or writing out intentions can also help you sort out mind clutter. You’re currently enjoying a cycle in which you can find many benefits from working in relative solitude on a special project. You also have a stronger need than usual to regroup and recoup your energy.

You can derive pleasure out of working on a project or venture that’s designed to last, dear Gemini, or for taking special care of your responsibilities as Mercury, your ruler, connects harmoniously with Saturn. You may be getting some solid work done or sorting through a matter that was previously frustrating or disorganized. You might put in extra effort to learn, study, or perfect a project or craft. You may be called to perform or to fulfill an obligation. You benefit from a Vesta transit of your solar eleventh house that will stick with you until June 9th, as it can mean excellent chances to collaborate. Focusing on long-term happiness goals is, in fact, healing at this time.

This can be a fine time for learning new things and making substantial progress on your projects, dear Cancer. Regular conversations and more intellectual exchanges can be fruitful now. Work and problem-solving are highly favored today. A commitment to make improvements comes readily. A Mercury-Saturn sextile influencing the day is excellent for dissecting and digging for answers, which can be especially satisfying and beneficial. With Vesta at the top of your solar chart now and in the coming two months, you’ll enjoy increased motivation levels and focus on your work or long-term goals. You can be doing more managing and organizing at this time.

You have some lovely grounding energy with you today, dear Leo. You’ll see time wasters for what they are today, and you may stumble upon methods that help you tighten up your work or routines. You’re in great shape for work, research, analysis, and investigation. You can be drawn to details and excited about finding solutions to problems. With Vesta transiting in harmony with your sign until June 9th, you’re feeling a little more on track, focused, committed, and responsible, and it suits you well. Prioritizing comes a little more naturally during this cycle, but it’s not always about work or responsibilities. In fact, you’re in better shape for balancing work and life experiences at this time.

There is a “back to business” feeling to the day that suits you well, dear Virgo. You’re interested in long-term results with responsible Saturn harmonizing with your ruler, Mercury. While you’re quite self-motivated, there is quite a strong focus on collaboration or partnering these days, and you can come up with some good ideas or solutions putting your heads together. You may very well see certain things in your life more clearly if you take a partner’s viewpoint into account. You’re currently in a cycle for another two months that brings you wonderful energy for focusing on a passion project, special research, or self-improvement efforts. You’re especially motivated and dedicated, in fact. The Moon’s move into your spirit sector reminds you of the need to get out and about, if not in person, in spirit as you learn new things.

With a Mercury-Saturn aspect influencing today, dear Libra, you’ll find it easier than usual to put things into order and to take things step by step. It’s satisfying to do so now. This aspect grounds you, and it’s most helpful for work and health improvement, although it’s useful all-around. You can feel good about committing to something specific and making measurable progress. You’re in fine shape for dealing with work and routine matters, and your mood gets a boost once you’ve put a responsibility behind you. The Moon heads into your intimacy sector today, and you gravitate toward absorbing, heady, or involving activities. You’re up for a challenge on a mental level, and you’re rather fearless on an emotional level, as well.

Details that you may have missed in recent days are filling your consciousness now as things seem to move forward, dear Scorpio, making this a good time for paying more attention to a special area of interest. This is a time for putting in the extra effort and feeling good about doing so. You can make satisfying progress in a creative or communications project or in studies. Thinking in the long-term rather than about immediate rewards helps a lot today as Mercury and Saturn harmonize. It’s a good day for getting a better sense of your priorities. A newer influence with you now and until June 9th is strong for bringing more order and structure to your daily routines, for committing to a work project or a health and wellness program, and for genuinely enjoying the work you do or services you provide. There may be a new and improved health plan, routine, or work focus coming together as you go forward. This theme is building as April progresses.

Problem-solving is favored now, dear Sagittarius, since you are less distracted by emotional concerns than you have been recently. A patient and orderly approach works best right now, helping to alleviate stress at the least and resolve a problem at best. You can be feeling quite self-motivated now. Taking care of business is favored now, as well as dealing with details that may have been missed (or that you didn’t want to see) in the past. With Vesta now transiting your creative sector and sticking around for another two months, you’re likely to enjoy a more dedicated, committed approach to creative projects, love relationships, children, and hobbies. As the Moon moves into your work and health sector today, you’ll feel good about getting your chores and responsibilities handled first and foremost.

Coming out of some emotional, high-flying days, dear Capricorn, today’s steadying energies can be relieving to you. Your ability to focus increases. You’ll feel most accomplished if you pay special attention to details or chores that you’ve let slide. You’re making smart decisions and seeing your priorities clearly. A thorough approach works best today as Mercury harmonizes with your ruler, Saturn–a fact that you know well, better than most other signs. You’re also in a cycle in which you can enjoy a more dedicated focus on home and family, and this lasts until June 9th. It can be very healing and rewarding to pour more of your energies into your personal life, and it can boost your confidence along with your sense of security as you do.

You are in a cycle, lasting for another two months, that encourages your interest in projects, learning, and communications, dear Aquarius. This is a strong period for making significant headway in any of these areas. People are drawn to your advice and intelligence during this cycle. Today, you’re in great shape for sorting your thoughts and things, and this can help you feel less overwhelmed or scattered with a practical Mercury-Saturn transit. You seem to be in better shape for focusing on the details rather than the bigger picture. Practicality and willingness to draw upon common sense can help you lock something down, and increased clarity feels good right now.

You’re inclined to want to do something practical, useful, or helpful today as Mercury and Saturn head into a harmonious aspect, dear Pisces. You can have a call to service now. You’re also in a cycle that finds you especially interested in making your life more secure. You focus more intently on earthy, comforting, and natural activities that help you to heal and cleanse as Vesta moves through your solar second house for another two months. You’re more committed to business and money-making goals. This theme will continue to build as April progresses. Your attention to the details or practical angle of a project can help you advance your goals. A new level of respect or reliability in a relationship can be achieved now. Perceptions are coming back to earth today, at least on practical levels. You’ll find it easier than usual to organize and sort through details, plans, and ideas.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is April 6, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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