Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Virgo.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waning and its Waning Gibbous phase until 11:56 PM, after which the Moon is in its Last Quarter phase.
- The Third Quarter Moon occurs today at 11:56 PM.
- Uranus Rx
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You’re in a good place for focusing on priorities today, dear Aries. You can be especially excited about your plans or ideas, even if they are on the serious side. Your responsibilities and reputation are prominently on your mind today, but you seem to have a plan of action, and it feels good. Mars continues its transit of your intimacy sector for a couple more weeks, and with its connection to Saturn now, it’s a time for building up plans and strategies for reaching your goals. Your intimate life, whether or not you’re sharing it with someone, is animated and energetic. Today, useful energy is with you for focusing on a project that’s important to you or your career. You have abundant stamina that enables you to accomplish much, and your x-ray vision is sharp. Business matters should thrive with this extra attention.

With a Mars-Saturn transit helping to stabilize your life, dear Taurus, you are likely to be feeling pleasantly capable, competent, and ambitious. You are determined, thinking in the long term, and more tuned in to important, practical details. You may be getting to a better, more equal, and fair position with someone significant in your life today. Terrific opportunities to work with someone towards a common goal can emerge now. Someone’s confidence in you can help give you a boost. Or, this can be a time for attracting a reliable, competent, and loyal person into your life. It’s also a good day for work, especially of the catch-up kind. The Moon spends the day in your sector of entertainment and self-expression, suggesting a real need to enjoy yourself, too, so do make room for some fun.

Feelings stabilize and moderate today, dear Gemini, and good energy is with you for tackling a project. Expressing patience and tolerance is essential now for maximum benefit. Productivity is excellent, too, as Mars and Saturn harmonize, reminding you of the value of a step-by-step approach. Mars continues to push you in the work-and-health department, and while you’re inclined to overdo this from time to time, today’s transits help you pace yourself. You seem quite capable of putting more focus, determination, and muscle into whatever you do. Support is there when you need it most, more of the practical than symbolic variety. Actions speak louder and more clearly than words today. This can also be a time when you feel a strong compulsion to take charge of health and fitness matters with good potential for success and long-term results.

Energies steady and stabilize today, dear Cancer, and you’re craving more predictability. There can be an agreement that comforts you now. Mars continues to animate your romance and creativity sector for a couple of weeks, only moving on in early January. While this can be an intense period at times, today’s energies help you focus it all as Mars harmonizes with disciplined Saturn. You are very willing to act on your ideas, and a partner or special someone may be integral in motivating you, or you could resolve to get things done together and more efficiently. You may be slowing things down a little out of necessity or as a strategy. Somebody close to you could have important words of wisdom for you now. While the day mainly favors positive gestures and actions, communications are useful and compelling too.

Emotions tend to settle, and practical priorities tend to take precedence today, dear Leo. You can be very productive, and you’re likely to feel more confident with your plans if you’re realistic. Mars has a couple more weeks left in its transit of your home and family sector and is currently harmonizing with Saturn in your work and health sector. Strife or merely an accelerated level of “busyness” on the home front has been a theme, and today, efforts and energy are concentrated and deliberate. This means you can be very productive with family or in the home. You might particularly enjoy working on putting recent ideas into action, particularly family, home, and work-related. It’s a time when it’s easier to get through things quickly and efficiently.

You’re in excellent shape for tuning in to practical goals and priorities today, dear Virgo. While the Moon in your sign excites your emotions, you may be feeling considerably more settled and goal-oriented than usual. It can be a good time to examine issues surrounding love, romance, creative projects, or children with a mature or realistic outlook and a genuine desire to get to the bottom of things. Mars in your communications sector keeps your everyday life bustling these days. Today, it’s easier to focus and channel this excess energy. Simple, thoughtful gestures work wonders to improve your relations, perhaps helping to cement a bond. Today’s energies are particularly powerful for understanding your relationships on new levels.

You’re more deliberate than usual today, dear Libra, thinking before you act. You’re also less inclined to fall for a whim of the moment. It’s an excellent time to organize, particularly around the home, or to sort out your finances. Mars continues to charge through your finances sector for a couple more days. While this transit is often a time of random spurts of assertion or pursuit of desires, today, you have help channeling excess energy constructively. You might find the time to pursue practical goals with more courage or self-assertion. Problem-solving or actions taken on money, family, and home-related matters can thrive. Functional rather than emotional issues tend to capture and engage your attention today. The drive to make the most of every situation is with you.

There is practical and patient energy to the day, dear Scorpio, and you may be in the position to take the lead in an important matter. You are acting and communicating with more authority or decisiveness, and you could find yourself in a place to guide or teach. Mars continues to transit your sign for a couple more weeks, only leaving Scorpio in the New Year. While this can be a fiery, impulsive aspect, Saturn connects with Mars, helping you pace yourself strategically. You may have important work to attend to that requires much focus and concentration. Conversations today tend to be serious and probing. You’re not only skilled at finding the source of a problem, but you’re also ready to get your hands dirty and handle a matter once and for all. Be very clear in any statements you might make now, as people are taking you especially seriously.

You’re likely to need or crave some predictability today, dear Sagittarius. Energies today are strong for decisive action and getting things done, particularly if it’s about a behind-the-scenes project or if you have the chance to work without distractions. Mars continues to work in the background of your solar chart for a couple of more weeks, as it will enter your sign in early January. Today, you benefit from a stronger ability to pace yourself and focus on practical matters. Healing, quiet, rejuvenating activities can figure strongly, and you’re ready to push yourself a little harder to get going on these things. Your problem-solving skills are also quite brilliant. A business-like approach to your life may be in order today, even if you’re applying this method or attitude to your emotional world.

While the Moon continues to encourage your wild side today, dear Capricorn, a Mars-Saturn aspect coming into play helps you conserve energy. It’s a highly practical influence that awakens your desire or need to produce. Others might want to lean on you now. Mars continues to transit your social sector for a couple more weeks. While Mars can be a bit of a fireball without direction at times, it gets help today from your ruler, Saturn, offering you the opportunity to channel all this extra energy productively. You crave some order, but you’re also lending someone a hand or acting upon an idea. While your actions seem to be doing most of the “talking” today, your words can be memorable now, making it important to be on your best behavior.

There is an organized feel to today, dear Aquarius, and you’re likely to feel quite on top of things. You’re capable of working tirelessly today once you find a channel for your considerable energy. Mars continues to transit your career and reputation sector for a couple more weeks. While this energy can sometimes be a bit too impatient or pushy to be convenient, a Mars-Saturn transit helps you pace yourself. You can have a strong urge to settle issues that have been left unresolved, and it can be very relieving to put a matter to rest. You can be firm with yourself, and it seems necessary and positive in the long run. There can be a strong sense of support from a friend now, or a feeling that you’re solid with a person or group can motivate you.

Terrific energy is with you today for bringing a little more order and clarity into your life, dear Pisces. Mars has a couple more weeks left in its transit of your adventure and spirit sector and receives support from Saturn for focus and concentration today. You can get something constructive done, and you can be a bit more assertive than usual without ruffling too many feathers. Problem-solving or active involvement with a friend or group can figure strongly. It’s a time for going over your goals and dreams with a fine-toothed comb. Obligations towards friends and groups can be in the spotlight. It can serve you very well to adjust your expectations just enough that your viewpoint empowers you. The Moon continues its transit of your partnership sector, inclining you to seek out company.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is December 18, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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