Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Virgo until 5:04 AM, after which the Moon transits Libra.
- The void Moon occurs today from 3:06 AM to 5:04 AM.
- The Moon is waning and its Last Quarter phase.
- The Third Quarter Moon occurred yesterday, and the New Moon/Solar Eclipse will happen on the 26th.
- Uranus Rx
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Moon heads into your partnership sector today, dear Aries, bringing your feelings for others to life. Reactions can lead to a confrontation of sorts, and with mutual respect in the mix, this can be a positive thing. While the morning continues stable, practical energy for concentration, there can be some disarray and confused thinking as the day progresses. We can have difficulties seeing things clearly with our wishes or emotions dominating. There can be resistance to following directions or instructions, which can compound the problem. While the drive may not be with you today, resolve to put more order into your life going forward, particularly when it comes to taking care of nagging, long-term avoidance problems. It’s a better time for imaginative undertakings. Small efforts to chip away at an overwhelming problem are better than none.

The pace picks up surrounding work or daily routines today, dear Taurus, or it may very well be that you’re more invested with the Moon’s move into your solar sixth house. The urge to sort out little problems, iron out flaws, and eliminate waste or excess runs high. You might find a solution to a vitality problem early today. Still, as the day advances, you may feel that your mind is playing tricks on you, or there is a frustrating lack of clarity in general. Mercury, the fact-finder, clashes with Neptune, which prefers a bit of mystery, and you may have to compromise to gain peace of mind. The likelihood of misunderstandings on social or romantic levels is high, and wishful thinking could confuse your idea of others or their view of you. If a situation calls for mental focus, then be sure you double-check your reasoning. Otherwise, consider ways to enliven work or projects that have become dull and to make a dream more realizable or realistic.

Creating something and sharing it with others can be satisfying today, dear Gemini, as the Moon heads into your sector of joy and creativity for a couple of days. It’s a day for honoring your “inner child,” and your ease in expressing this part of you assures you some positive feedback. As the day advances, there can be some foggy thinking as our perceptions are strongly colored by what we want to see or are afraid to see. Either way, it can be difficult to see things in a realistic light just for the time being. Indulging in fantasy can be quite therapeutic, but the trick will be to do so in the right situations. The bigger decisions are best not approached based only on what you see today. Others may not be clear with you–they may not know the whole story, or may not be revealing it! It’s too easy to become distracted today, which could be a signal that you need a change of pace or some mental refreshment.

You’re finding extra special meaning in the connections you make today, dear Cancer–even the smallest of ones. You are sensitive to others’ cooperation and can be quickly taken aback if you sense lack thereof. You’re putting more heart into whatever you take on now. The day can certainly be a creative or romantic one, but as it advances, it’s not ideal for practical matters. Situations or tasks that require crystal-clear thinking are not favored just for now. Regular fare may seem exceptionally dull, particularly if your mind is going back and forth between fantasy and facts. Taking a break to achieve mental refreshment is in order. Choices may not be to your advantage. Bringing more imagination to your routines and work can help you out.

You could be talking ahead of yourself today, dear Leo, and might regret what you’ve said, or committed to, later on. While the morning begins clearly, as the day advances, setting things straight or getting clear answers can be a real challenge. Attempts to pin something down are unlikely to lead anywhere. Information is missing or hidden, and your imagination can skew your perceptions of a situation. Resolving to take care of business at a later date makes the most sense now. It’s best to avoid making significant commitments or promises for the time being. You may very well be better off leaving some things up in the air or open to interpretation. The Moon heads into your communications sector for a couple of days, stimulating your need to reach out, connect, learn, and share.

You have an intuitive understanding of what you want and what you need early today, dear Virgo, so that how to go about getting it comes naturally. As the day advances, however, there can be chaotic elements to manage or possibly some confusion related to a close relationship. Distractions can lead to less-than-ideal decisions with a Mercury-Neptune square, and misunderstandings are likely. While you may want to clarify a matter or express your ideas, someone may not be genuinely getting what you’re saying, or they seem uninterested. If others are not matching your enthusiasm, try to treat this as temporary. Alternatively, you may not be feeling up to thinking hard or deeply about issues, and it makes sense to aim for flexibility with your schedules and to enjoy imaginative activities. It’s better to accept that this isn’t a day for consistency or clarity, but do treat it as a day in which there are distinct moments of inspiration, perhaps from surprising sources.

The Moon heads into your sign today, dear Libra, stimulating your emotions and prioritizing your personal needs. While the early day is strong for organization and clarity, mixed signals and desires are likely as the day advances. Mercury in your communications sector seeks reliable information and answers to problems but is in a challenging aspect to elusive Neptune. The second half of today is good for intuition but challenging for exact or precise work. Distractions are likely, or you may end up spending far too much time looking for misplaced things or reorienting yourself. Misunderstandings can also be a problem. Aim to seek healthy escapes from dull tasks and routines–you may decide it’s time for a break or some form of mental refreshment.

It’s time for quieter activities and perhaps some personal space or privacy, dear Scorpio. Today and tomorrow, you are in the final stage of a lunar cycle. While there can be lower energy levels on an emotional plane, it’s also a good time for tuning in to your feelings, as well as for reviewing the events of the last four weeks. As today advances, a Mercury-Neptune aspect can lead to misjudgments, whether of money, time, or energy. We’re inclined to view matters through an impractical or emotional lens right now. Overlooking or preferring not to see essential details can be the issue. Creative activities may energize you, but real-life drama can be draining now. The need for some mental refreshment becomes clear. As much as you’d like to make sense of things, clarity may not be with you today. It’s not the best time to sign on the dotted line or to make large purchases.

Today’s events tend to bring to the surface a need to be part of a group or team, dear Sagittarius. While you’re in generally good spirits, there can be some tendency to misinterpret a communication, particularly related to home and family, or to try to articulate something that seems to defy description at the moment. Miscalculations are likely in the latter half of the day. Still, if you’re off the mark on something, it could end up a useful learning experience. It can be challenging to get a point across, perhaps due to inner uncertainty. Others may not be clear with or about you, or they might blow what you say out of proportion. If you can let go of overthinking or seeking out definitions, however, this can be a good time for creative thinking and writing. A strong sense of the dramatic can spur on creativity.

With the Moon moving to the top of your solar chart, dear Capricorn, you are more visible and accountable for your actions today. Others tend to look at you for what you’ve done rather than who you are. It can be an annoying influence if you’re not in the mood to keep up appearances. On the other hand, you could also enjoy some appreciation and recognition, particularly for your more unique qualities. This morning’s energies seem clear, certain, and predictable. However, as the day advances, your imagination may not seem to serve you well with Mercury and Neptune in conflict. Try not to set yourself up for disappointment today by overshooting–counting on something to happen is not the best idea right now. Avoid doing things you usually wouldn’t do, particularly if they involve deception or taking significant shortcuts. It’s probably better to keep your own counsel just for now. Otherwise, this can be a good day for creative writing and other arts, or stimulating conversations.

The Moon’s move into your solar ninth house for a couple of days is an optimistic, forward-looking, and cheerful transit, dear Aquarius. You are quite willing to learn through your experiences and open to sharing your ideas with others. You may want to expand your mind with new topics or activities that take you away from the usual. While the day’s energies are not very stable or reliable as it advances, you invite change right now. It’s best to keep in mind that perceptions may be temporarily wavering. There can be a spaced-out quality to later-day, and this can be problematic in moments but useful if you can turn it around to your advantage. It may not be a great day for schedules, but it encourages you to think up exciting new ideas and plans. The details can wait for a time when everyone’s more clear-headed.

You prefer not to live your life on the surface today, dear Pisces, as the Moon moves into your intimacy sector for a couple of days. Your tendency now is to read between the lines and to push the envelope. You may have the courage to take an emotional risk. Mercury in your career sector seeks the facts, but with its challenging square aspect to Neptune in your sign today, distractions or uncertainties can lead to a few hassles now. It becomes especially crucial to fact-check as gossip and misinformation can be a problem just for now. Your imagination is excellent but doesn’t always serve you well today, as it can play to your insecurities. You may be expecting others to understand you even if you are not stating your needs clearly, or your fantasies interfere with achieving your goals. Whatever the case, it’s a good idea to avoid important decision-making until you’re more focused. Still, the detours you make can lead to new ideas.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is December 19, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
My name is Charles a virgo and the chaotic elements to deal with prediction for as far as what was in going to possiblely happen to my sign yesterday is the understatement of the month I say. Anyway just wanted to let you know that your horoscope help me figure out some not logical reason for something that happened to me yesterday evening although I’m not sure if the situation regarding it will really recover never say never as the frase goes.