Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Libra.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waning and its Last Quarter phase.
- The Third Quarter Moon occurred on the 18th, and the New Moon/Solar Eclipse will happen on the 26th.
- Uranus Rx
- Venus enters Aquarius today (Venus transits Aquarius December 20-January 13).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The day is relationship-focused for you, dear Aries, and your affections can be up and down, but you’re mostly looking forward. Venus moves into a supportive, happy place in your solar chart today, and will continue to transit here until January 13th. You’ll be seeking people and situations that make you feel at ease about expressing who you are. There can be a pleasing variety in your social life in the weeks ahead. It’s easier than usual to attract friends and those who share common interests. Today, you’re a little more vulnerable to moodiness, but if you can, try to slow down long enough to process recent events and tap into your true desires. Chances are quite excellent that you’ll feel stronger and more self-knowledgeable by day’s end. You’re tuning into your imaginative and spiritual needs. In the weeks ahead, you’ll be experimenting with new projects, endeavors, and connections.

The Moon transits your solar sixth house all day, dear Taurus, raising your emotional sensitivity to imbalances and flaws. This may very well motivate you to fix problems and smooth out differences, but if it doesn’t, you could end up fretting or tensing up. Watch for this, particularly with a Venus-Neptune aspect that suggests some clarity is likely–you might have a hard time getting the specifics you want. However, it’s rather easy to settle and enjoy yourself. Venus enters your career and reputation sector, where it will stay until January 13th. This cycle brings increased social opportunities through your business or professional dealings, and you could be more at ease in public, although perhaps not as flowing when love is intimate and personal. Your relationship with those in authority is warmer and friendlier. There can be important connections and contacts made in the weeks ahead. Today, you’re very willing to grow from misunderstandings, and a bonding moment may occur as a result.

The Moon spends the day in your playful solar fifth house, dear Gemini, and you’re particularly affectionate and expressive now. This transit encourages you to push some limits creatively and perhaps romantically or socially. Spontaneity is the key, although there can be spots of uncertainty that are frustrating today. Aim to take a breather if things are not coming together well. Venus heads into your spirit sector for a transit that lasts until January 13th. Your style and attractiveness are well-received in the weeks ahead, and increasingly, you let go of overthinking your love life or your feelings. You’re seeking unique experiences, people, topics, and ideas. While clarity is wanting again today, people are cooperative, and it’s a fine time to connect with a friend. In the weeks ahead, you’ll find you’re more outgoing and spirited. Sharing ideas and beliefs is fun, rewarding, and even relationship-enhancing.

The Moon continues its transit of your family and home sector, dear Cancer, encouraging self-care and comfortable or safe routes as you build up your emotional strength. Venus enters your intimacy sector, and in the weeks ahead, you’re in great shape for working on the more complicated or intricate areas of relationships, sharing, and intimacy. This transit sticks with you until January 13th. Financially speaking, you may find backing or support, and a need to share some of your deeper feelings with someone special can emerge. If there has been tricky energy in your life related to power dynamics, loans, or alimony, then this is a time for smoothing things over and coming to more beneficial agreements. Or, you might see the darker, deeper side of your nature in a better light. Today’s energies are somewhat unclear in spots, but mostly friendly. Fortunately, even if there are missteps, you feel as if you’re growing. You’re sure to learn from differences rather than feel drained or overly annoyed by them.

The Moon continues its transit of your communications sector today, dear Leo, bringing the curious side of your nature to the forefront. There continues to be some challenge focusing or concentrating today, but the day holds rather friendly energy. Venus moves out of your work and health sector and into your partnership sector for a stay until January 13th. You still have a lot of work to do, but life becomes a little less driven and more balanced in the coming weeks. It’s a favorable cycle for attracting and enhancing close relationships, and for pleasing social situations in general. If you have any need for peace-making with others, it’s an excellent time for doing so. Today, give yourself a break from overthinking or doing too much. It’s not the best time for keeping your mind in the game, but if you can embark on a healthy escape, you’ll be better off for it.

The Moon continues its transit of your solar second house today, dear Virgo, and you’re looking for more consistency and security. You may not find it today, but you’ll enjoy the pleasant and cooperative vibes of today and tomorrow. Wishful thinking can color perceptions in relationships, and there can be some see-sawing or beating around the bush. However, you can feel good about the people in your life overall, and you’re willing to see both sides to a situation. Venus enters your work and health sector for a stay until January 13th. You may find work or health routines more enjoyable, possibly receiving benefits in these areas. If there’s been tension or conflict in your work or daily routines, Venus here can help soften rough edges. You’ll be motivated to bring more harmony to your everyday life. There may be increased social opportunities through your work or daily routines.

The Moon spends the day in your sign, and your emotional needs are up, front, and center, dear Libra. You can be in need of some self-pampering or healthy attention to your personal needs. Your ruler, Venus, moves into your solar fifth house until January 13th, and your natural attractiveness, appeal, and charm are enhanced. You’re expressing yourself with a deserving and playful quality, and you’re attracting some positive attention. You might enjoy new avenues for entertainment, leisure, and pleasure. You’re putting more heart in your hobbies, relationships, and art. You are diversifying, expressing yourself more freely and happily, and losing some of your inhibitions with creating and sharing your creations with others. It can be a good time for dating, creating, and playing. While there could be some poor planning or dull routines are harder to take today, creative and imaginative approaches work if you can manage to detach from the need for a definite plan or goal. The day is excellent for enjoying your connections.

The Moon spends the day in the sign behind yours, dear Scorpio, and you prefer to be on the down-low. Venus enters your sector of home, family, and personal life today–another introspective area of your chart. While the Moon will move on tomorrow, Venus will continue to bless your domestic world until January 13th. This cycle awakens a more self-protective or cautious part of you, particularly with your affections, money, and pleasures. Familiarity and security are themes–it’s certainly not a time when you’re wearing your heart on your sleeve. You are paying special attention to your base of operations in terms of comfort and harmony. Today, you can feel a little lost until you recognize the emotional needs that you may have been too busy to notice in recent weeks. Today, focus on relating happily, kindly, and with more joy. Take this time to connect with and learn about your inner needs, and continue to do so in the weeks ahead. Build up your confidence rather than push your boundaries.

Starting today and running to January 13th, dear Sagittarius, Venus is blessing your communications sector. Venus is the goddess of love and harmony, and her influence here brings pleasing energy for expressing yourself, social curiosity, learning (as long as it’s enjoyable), and sharing ideas with others. You are more charming and diplomatic, and there could be some good publicity or news incoming in the weeks ahead. Friendships might form at places of learning, over the phone, or through email. Today, there is some tendency to feel in the dark on a matter, but energies are cooperative and friendly overall. It may be that you’re better off without clarity just for now. The Moon spends the day in your solar eleventh house, and while others may demand a little more of your time, it can be quite enjoyable, and exchanges can be especially pleasant.

The Moon spends the day at the top of your chart, dear Capricorn, encouraging you to put more of yourself into your work or performance. Venus leaves your sign early today, and it will transit your resources sector until January 13th. It’s a great time for finding more pleasure in the world of the five senses, enjoying simple pastimes and entertainment, and taking special care of your valuables or prized personal possessions. The Sun will move into your sign tomorrow, pointing to more visibility, but Venus keeps you grounded. An increase in income sometimes comes with this transit. Still, with Venus in minor challenging aspect to Neptune today, it’s best not to buy into promises or to make big decisions. It may be best to prioritize spiritual, emotional, and inspirational needs over the material world just for now. In the weeks ahead, you might be spending more money on beautiful things, comfort items, and things that you expect will last for a long time.

The Moon spends the day in your spirit sector, dear Aquarius, encouraging adventurous or mind-expanding activities. While this lasts only until tomorrow, Venus moves into your sign today and will stick around in Aquarius until January 13th. You’ll be greeting the New Year with Venus in your sign, which is one of the nicer ways to mark a new beginning! This transit puts the focus on pleasure and affection, and in the weeks ahead, you’ll find it natural to seek out fun and love, feeling more deserving of it. You are also more affectionate and expressive, and decisions regarding love and money are easier to make. It’s also a good time to reward yourself or do some self-pampering. While there can be some lack of clarity today, particularly with money or ownership matters, you’re in beautiful shape for appeal and magnetism, communicating, and connecting. There can be some vagueness, but it’s best not to push for definitions and precision just for now.

With the Moon in your intimacy sector all day, dear Pisces, you’re taking things to heart, more so than usual. You’re drawn to intensity. Today’s energies are wavering, but you’re in mostly good spirits. Fortunately, people seem more cooperative than usual, even if they’re not especially forthcoming! Venus heads into your soul sector, transiting there until January 13th, which can mean a winding-down period for your affections. Or, this can be a time when you need extra time to get in better touch with your feelings. There can be a greater love of private moments during this cycle. External or material achievement seems less relevant to you, and your private life assumes bigger proportions in the weeks ahead. Lay low and rest rather than pushing forward now. There’s a little more mystery in your love life or with your feelings, and there can also be more pleasure in your private life.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is December 20, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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