Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Scorpio.
- The void Moon occurs from 10:27 PM forward (until the Moon enters Sagittarius tomorrow at 11:34 AM).
- The Moon is waning and its Last Quarter phase until 10:25 AM, after which the Moon is in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Third Quarter Moon occurred on the 18th, and the New Moon/Solar Eclipse will happen on the 26th.
- Uranus Rx
- The Sun spends its first full day in Capricorn (the Sun transits Capricorn from December 21st to January 20th).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

There can be a strong desire to improve today, dear Aries, and you are blessed with the ability to think ahead to the long-term game plan. Recognition can fuel your ambition and commitment, or you have a stronger sense of your priorities, and this helps you focus. Your sense of the future is almost prophetic now as you seem to know precisely what needs changing. Profound inner changes are brewing, and you instinctively know that it’s necessary. Love feelings are intense and stimulating. If you’re looking to overhaul or rework a project, now is an excellent time to commit to it. It’s also a great time to deal with fears of not meeting your responsibilities or living up to others’ expectations and forging out a plan for pursuing your ambitions while being kind to yourself. Your commitment and focus can help you attract the right resources to you. For some, this is a period of realizing the preciousness of life more fully and making choices accordingly. Today, you don’t have any patience with the superficial–it’s all or nothing for you right now.

Connecting with a partner or with your needs and desires can be intense and exciting today, dear Taurus. It can also be a turning-point moment for matters related to beliefs, ideas, publishing, travel, or education. Sharing beliefs, ideals, and plans can bond you with someone, and you’re in a great position to pair up to enjoy yourself or accomplish something important to you. It’s an important time in your life to broaden your mind, share your experiences and ideas with others, and consider ways to explore new horizons. There can be considerable excitement about an idea or subject, and others are incredibly interested in what you have to say, teach, or share. Desires for increased freedom of movement and thought are strong, and this can be a time to reinvent yourself through new ideas, knowledge, and life experience. There can be tension and fear experienced in these respects, but also a growing determination to live a more engaging life. There is a real desire to make profound changes that will last a long time, particularly in terms of how you approach relationships and your general outlook.

You can be quite effective and productive today, dear Gemini, with Mars, currently energizing your work and health sector, in a positive relationship with powerful Pluto. You might especially enjoy redoing or revamping a project. You are investigative and ready to solve problems and mysteries. Flaws and inconsistencies that you might overlook on another day seem prominent now, and you are tuning in to the tiniest details and finding meaning in them. It could be an opportune time to see a healthcare specialist or to research ideas and get to the bottom of something. You are less inclined to avoid the truth now, even if it’s uncomfortable! This can be a time for recognizing your need for more from your relationships or projects and activities and doing something about it. If your needs go unmet, use your intensity productively, as this is a time for transforming a project or situation and making it work for you. Feelings and news now can prompt or motivate a significant lifestyle change.

This can be a time of a breakthrough or turning point related to relationships and self-expression, dear Cancer. Learning from the differences you’re having with a partner or close friend seems the best way to increase intimacy. If someone is pulling up strong feelings inside of you, consider this a chance to understand yourself, your affections, and a relationship better, but if boundaries are crossed, it’s a time for clearing things up. You may be bravely seeking out the truth of a matter or making changes in your relationships and breaking worn-out relating patterns. There can be important epiphanies and advances, with a chance to take a connection or project to a new level. The Moon spends the day in your creative sector, aligning with Mars there, and exciting your feelings. You’re pushing the boundaries just enough to discover new interests and diversions. It’s a beautiful day for appeal and magnetism.

Relationships can be passionate and intense today, dear Leo. You might experience a moment of truth, and possibly extra motivation to kick a bad habit and to live a freer, more authentic life as a result. You feel ready to broach complicated subjects. Your stamina is strong, and if not, you’ll find every reason today to want to build it up or to improve your health. This is a powerful time to come in touch with your deepest ambitions and desires related to work, health, and home life, and there is more of this on the horizon! The potential for breaking new ground in a work or health matter, or for discovering a real passion, is very strong now and in the weeks ahead. There can be a unique enjoyment of–and pride in–your work, services, dedication, family life, and health pursuits. The Moon spends the day in your home and family sector, encouraging your need to nest or cocoon.

You’re bringing more commitment, depth, and focus to romantic or creative endeavors, dear Virgo. Tapping into your deeper feelings can be rewarding, both for healing and for bringing more intensity to a project or relationship. You can be on the verge of a very positive turning point. You may have been struggling with whether you deeply care or have totally gotten over a situation or person, and now, you seem to know which is which–and it’s empowering! Whether it’s recognition for your uniqueness or attention from a love interest, the desire can be hard to deny now. There will be more discoveries in the coming weeks related to learning your deeper ambitions and desires that you may never knew you had. Today, you get a taste. There can be a cathartic release, likely through a conversation, artistic activity, passionate union, or even a journal entry. A feeling of closeness, with your own heart or with someone special, is likely. You could be especially focused on making improvements that may not have instant results, but that you know will be worth the effort in the long run.

Changes happening now seem designed to get rid of non-essentials, dear Libra, and this ultimately reduces stress and clears your mind. You want to take care of business, get a job done that you’ve been putting off, and to pare things down or simplify. You’ll go the extra mile for something if it means you’ll feel more secure in the long run. A financial strategy can emerge and can be very useful to you, especially regarding home and family. For some of you, a partner or special someone can come through for you today. Embrace an attitude of making improvements on both material and emotional or spiritual levels for best results now. The weeks ahead are powerful for new beginnings related to your personal life. You have tremendous support for making a change for the better, particularly related to money, valuables, home, and family. It’s a turning point or breakthrough moment when you see a family or relationship matter from a new perspective.

You’re in great shape for making changes and improvements, dear Scorpio. Your words have a high impact today, and so do you! You’re getting your message across, so be sure you’re fully behind what you’re communicating now. You are bravely facing deeper issues that need to be settled, and you are more purposeful and deliberate with what you’re doing. Change is stressful, even if you’ve chosen to make it, however, so reward yourself with self-understanding. People are drawn to you magnetically now–aim to enjoy the attention! This is a time of unusual events or news that alters your thought patterns or leads to fruitful connections. The weeks ahead are particularly potent for making important changes to the ways you think, communicate, share, and learn, and it all starts now! The Moon spends the day in your sign, aligning with Mars, and exciting your emotions.

This can be a time of important discoveries related to your finances, dear Sagittarius. Or, you may get the chance to make full use of a resource or talent with the ambitious, revealing energies of the day. You are discovering ways to make more of what you have. You’re also boldly seeking — and facing — the truth, which helps you get to a place where you’re ready to make essential changes. As such, this can be a real turning point moment, and there is more of this kind of energy to come in the weeks ahead with a Solar Eclipse about to occur in your resources sector and Saturn converging with Pluto there. Look for where you may be overly attached and aim to let go even a little to get yourself in a healthier place. You might resolve to do what you can to improve your financial picture or at least the attitude you have towards your earnings and ability to take care of yourself. You have a strong sense of what needs to go so that you can improve and simplify your life in key ways. The Moon’s transit of your privacy sector today suggests it’s crucial to take the time to rest and reflect.

While there is a deep, competitive, or edgy energy to the day, dear Capricorn, you’re at a turning point, and you’re making incredible progress. The weeks ahead are powerful for moving your life forward, and today, an inherent need to change yourself or your attitude towards life is with you. It’s exciting! Passions run high, and your usual boundaries can be pushed comfortably and successfully. Friendships can improve with more focused or quality attention given to them but are also quite vulnerable to pressures to be more than they are. You can turn a problematic situation right around if you put your mind to it, and you have compelling planetary support for doing so now. This can be a time for attracting what or who you want or pursuing a cause and making a difference. Your sense of what is most important to you is on-point, and you’re getting to the bottom of a matter or a situation. Changes you are making these days are preparatory but also hugely defining. You are discovering your own real personal power, and this may be through networking, sharing, and connecting with others. You can be a leader now.

With Mars in your solar tenth house these days, dear Aquarius, your ambitions are stimulated and, at times, challenged. Today, you can very successfully draw upon your past experiences to make the right decisions about your career or life direction. You are determined to make long-term improvements, and you seem to be attracting or gravitating toward the right resources today. It’s a good time for making changes that suit your current needs, particularly in your career or regarding your overarching life-path goals. You’re in great shape for career moves, personal epiphanies, and reputation — you may even be celebrated or appreciated for all you’ve done or what you’re currently doing. Or, you discover a new interest or attraction, enjoying a private epiphany or experience that fills you with confidence. It’s a good time for a meaningful review of your feelings. Those things that leave you feeling insecure or guilt-ridden need to go, but first, you need to uncover their source, and this may very well happen now! This process is particularly useful for the coming weeks.

While the Moon’s transit of your adventure sector usually stimulates your wanderlust, dear Pisces, today’s energies tend to keep you grounded. You’re in an ideal position to expand your mind and pull yourself out of a rut if so needed. It’s a time for digging deep and discovering your needs and desires and then applying these insights to the real world. You’ll be doing much along these lines in the weeks ahead, in fact. You’re in the position to purge, release, and move forward regarding friends. This can be a time to connect with your sincere desire to work towards a dream or cause or to transform and improve your social life. You’re getting an honest glimpse into problem areas plus a window into your deepest needs — a potent combination. Keeping some of your plans to yourself or pacing yourself can be a useful strategy. This is a time for making significant, long-lasting changes that can involve friendships, group associations, publishing, travel, and belief systems. You see your ambitions and desires exceptionally clearly, cutting through the layers of fluff.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is December 22, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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