Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Capricorn until 12:20 AM, after which the Moon is in Aquarius.
- The void Moon occurs until 12:20 AM (since yesterday at 4:02 PM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon/Solar Eclipse occurred on the 26th in the sign of Capricorn.
- Uranus Rx
- Mercury enters Capricorn today (Mercury is in Capricorn from December 28-January 16.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Moon moves into your social sector for a couple of days, dear Aries. Today is strong for approaching others and enjoying simple, straightforward connections. The atmosphere is refreshing. It can be a comfortable, pressure-free day of relating to friends, associates, and partners. People are drawn to you quite naturally. Also today, Mercury moves to the top of your solar chart where it will transit until January 16th. This cycle brings more mental activity and involvement with career, reputation, and goal-setting activities. You already have a lot of planetary action in this area of your solar chart, and Mercury here now can help you make a lot of sense of it all. Communications are a little more studied or guarded during this cycle, and this can be necessary since others are more inclined to take you seriously.

The Moon heads to the top of your solar chart for a couple of days, dear Taurus, and you want to feel in charge of your life. This can be a good time to enjoy the rewards of recent accomplishments and to consider or set new goals. There can be particular joy in what you’re doing or your responsibilities today. You have a good sense for business and management with the Moon and Venus aligning today. Mercury enters your solar ninth house and will transit this sector of your chart until January 16th. You already have a lot going on in this area, and Mercury brings with it a need to make sense of everything. You might frequently think about ways to enjoy a change of pace and experiences beyond the ordinary and mundane during this cycle. There is a greater hunger for learning, but not of the rote kind. You want instead to expand your knowledge. This transit stimulates your curiosity, or mental restlessness if you’re not feeding your interests.

The Moon moves into your spirit sector for a couple of days, dear Gemini. There can be an emotional need to escape the usual routine, introducing some variety into your day, or taking a detour. The goal is to refresh your spirit. Aim to grab opportunities to lighten up and release stress. There could be a chance to pursue a special interest, or there can be an opportunity to enjoy a change of scenery with someone special. Also today, Mercury enters your solar eighth house where it will transit until January 16th. Currently, this is a very active area of your solar chart. This transit places further emphasis on your intimate life, mysteries, psychology, investigations, long-term strategies, and an attraction to all that is taboo or hidden. You’re looking for deeper meanings or the hidden agenda now. Mercury here helps bring more objectivity to complicated and deep-rooted emotions and circumstances. Discussions can intensify quickly, yet you can detach yourself from topics enough to keep things rational, logical, and fair.

The Moon moves into your intimacy sector for a couple of days, dear Cancer. There’s a desire to turn inward as you examine your motivations or to take a break from the action so that you can observe and strategize. You may be attracted to multi-layered situations and all that is hidden today. You have a straightforward yet gentle touch in your closest relationships right now. Also today, Mercury moves into your opposite sign for a stay until January 16th. During this cycle, there can be fantastic opportunities to learn through your interactions with others. The idea now is to look at areas of your life from a different perspective. This position could also mean others have a lot to say, or a lot of input, in your life at this stage. There is currently a lot of activity in your partnership sector, and now with Mercury here as well, you’re in a better position to sort things through rationally.

The Moon moves into your opposite sign for a couple of days, dear Leo. With this transit, you are challenged to find a balance in your life. You are received particularly well right now as the Moon aligns with Venus in your partnership zone. Others can be helpful. It’s a good time to consider the other side of the coin and to weigh the pros and cons. You may be in the position to strike a deal or compromise. Diplomacy is the way to go at the moment! Also today, Mercury enters your solar sixth house where there is currently quite a bit of activity. During this cycle that lasts until January 16th, you can become quite caught up in the details of your everyday life. You may be dissecting problems, working on solving tricky matters, and finding solutions to practical problems. Do watch for over-thinking and over-analyzing situations. However, you’ll do well if you put extra effort into organizing your space and seek out information that helps you improve your health, habits, and daily routines.

The Moon moves into your work and health sector for a couple of days, dear Virgo. The idea now is to handle little problems before they manage to grow and take over your life, but give yourself frequent breaks if possible, and time to think, imagine, and reflect. It’s also a great day for approaching others and harmonizing with them, particularly those you deal with as you pursue your health or daily routines. Also today, Mercury enters your solar fifth house for a stay until January 16th. This is a busy, active area of your solar chart, and Mercury’s energies here add a stronger desire to make sense of your feelings. You may be analyzing your love life, verbalizing your affections, or pouring more mental energy into games and creative pursuits.

The Moon moves into your creative sector and aligns with pleasure-seeking Venus, dear Libra. It’s a pleasant aspect that inclines you to social pleasures. Explore your needs for fun and entertainment and find ways to enjoy yourself fully. Your affections are more readily stirred today. Mercury enters your solar fourth house, however. Until January 16th, you’ll have further interest in family, domestic life, support systems, your roots, and the past. Conversations and thoughts more often revolve around these things. Activity increases in your home for many of you, and this can include work, learning, or studying. This is an especially busy, high-traffic area of your solar chart, and Mercury’s transit here brings further emphasis on your personal life. It helps you bring more logic and rationale to matters, and it can also open up communications with loved ones.

The Moon moves into your home and family sector today, dear Scorpio, and you’re likely to seek out familiar faces and places now. The emphasis is on finding peace and comfort and a stronger sense of self before moving forward. It’s a fine day for harmony and balance in the home. You can be in a particularly domestic mood today. Mercury enters your solar third house, however, and it will stay in this busy, active area of your chart until January 16th. This is a mentally busy time when you’re inclined to do a lot of connecting, calling, writing, and sharing. Frequent outings and short trips can figure strongly in the weeks ahead. There can be more fluency when writing and speaking. You’re putting out feelers and learning a lot of diverse but useful things.

You can be comfortably busy today, dear Sagittarius, with the Moon’s move into your communications sector meeting up with Venus there. You are especially amenable right now and happy to cater to the people you care about. Others are quick to cooperate with you as well. Negotiations can bring very successful outcomes. Also today, Mercury enters your solar second house, which is currently a high-traffic area of your chart. During this cycle that lasts until January 16th, you’re in great shape for focusing on priorities. You’re drawn more to concrete facts and certainties than dreams and visions just for now. This simplifies your life on some levels, although you could be missing critical spiritual considerations when making decisions and drawing conclusions. It’s a fine time to analyze and sort out your finances.

Comfort and pleasure are in high focus today, dear Capricorn, and may drive decision-making. The Moon moves into your resources sector and aligns with Venus there. It’s a fine time to enjoy special comforts, earthy activities, and the like. Slowing down is good for you now. Take the time to think up new ways to protect, improve, or build your resources. Also today, Mercury moves into your sign for a stay until January 16th. You more readily express your ideas and talk about yourself or your plans during this cycle. You communicate your personal experiences more often, and others seem to be listening to your thoughts and opinions. However, you’re also more inclined to make your choices and decisions independently.

The Moon moves into your sign today, dear Aquarius, and you quite naturally take the lead or act independently today. The emotional tone of the day is set by the qualities that come most naturally to you, and you have a stronger need for comfort and pleasure right now. Enjoy the pleasant vibes of the Moon coming together with Venus today. It may be a good day for extra special “me time.” You are more inclined to declare your needs and feelings now, and you tend to do so quite honestly and charmingly! Mercury moves into your solar twelfth house today and will transit there until mid-January. You’ve had a lot of activity in this area of your chart, and now Mercury can help you sort everything out. While this can be a cycle of limbo for some issues, it’s a strong time for reflection. Sorting through recent experiences is likely. Ideas are, in fact, in the developmental stage, and you intuitively sense that you shouldn’t share them until they–and you–are ready.

The Moon moves into your hidden privacy sector today, dear Pisces, and you may want to hide away in a similar manner. It’s a time for recouping your energy. Thanks to the Moon’s alignment with Venus, you’re likely to enjoy private time thoroughly now. Activities that honor your need to reconnect with your inner spirit are particularly timely now. Mercury moves into your solar eleventh house today, however, where it will transit until January 16th. You already have a significant showing of cosmic activity in this area of your chart, and Mercury’s appearance here brings more attention to teams, friendships, networking, groups, community, and causes, particularly on mental levels. It’s an inventive period for ideas, although it’s not always the most practical time. You are particularly interested in enjoying yourself, fulfilling happiness goals, making contact, and reaching out to like-minded people. Group activities and friendships can be more involving. You’re keeping abreast of current affairs and happenings with friends or in your community and networks.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is December 28, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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