Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Sagittarius until 5:36 AM, after which the Moon is in Capricorn.
- The void Moon occurs from 4:03 AM to 5:36 AM.
- The Moon is waning and in its Third Quarter phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 15th, and the New Moon will happen on the 23rd.
- Mercury is retrograde (from February 16-March 9).
- The Sun enters Pisces today (the Sun is in Pisces from February 18-March 19).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You are more inclined to examine the past for answers these days, dear Aries, but while the tendency is to do so in an analytical manner, you may benefit a lot more if you engage your feelings. With responsibilities strong on your mind–or new ones surfacing–you’re likely to feel much better about yourself if you handle your priorities today. You may be taking the lead or pushing something ahead, and perhaps feeling a bit competitive or strongly motivated. Business, professional, or reputation matters can be fruitful, and for some of you, there can be positive press and promotion. Aim to draw upon the strength of your feelings to be productive and take the initiative. This can be a time of some impatience, but you’ll be at your best if you can pace yourself a little.

With the Moon heading into your solar ninth house and meeting Mars there, dear Taurus, you have the chance to adjust your emotional orientation if you require a change of pace. However, there is some tendency to overthink things today, particularly related to your social life, networks, and friendships. Try not to let this go too far. You may need to remind yourself to be tactful if being forthright, as this can extend to conversations. Still, your vitality is strong now, and you can be quite enthusiastic about a plan, topic, or idea. Do watch for impatience, but consider gently pushing your usual boundaries now. You want to feel alive and connected to the world around you.

The Moon heads into your solar eighth house today, dear Gemini, inclining you to be a little more introspective than usual. This can be useful, as you can learn a lot about both yourself and important people in your life through observation. However, the tendency today is to overthink your long-term plans, and possibly to fret over things that are not under your control. Don’t let this overpower your gut feelings or overshadow your emotional needs. New ideas and discoveries can be made about your inner world with the Moon’s alignment with Mars. A lot is coming in and not so much coming out today on an emotional level! If you find energy is bursting its seams, you might decide to pour yourself into a pet project, interest, or research.

The Moon moves into your opposing sign for a couple of days, dear Cancer, challenging you to find a better balance in your life. Looking at things from a different angle can help. The need for others becomes more obvious today, and sometimes this influence prompts you to seek counseling, advice, or other one-to-one connections. Still, there can be some tendency for mental clamor and nervousness as you consider your longer-range plans today. Try to avoid overthinking and aim to connect with what you want to do so that you can factor your heart in as well. One-on-one relationships can be animated today. You are looking to feel vital through your experiences with others. Ideally, someone helps encourage you to take action or do something fun and interesting that you may not have felt motivated to do otherwise, pulling you out of a state of limbo.

Watch for overthinking to the point that you ignore what you feel about a matter today, dear Leo. It’s not an ideal time for hard and fast decision-making. It’s time to approach things a little differently, but this doesn’t have to happen all at once. Pace yourself. With your work or daily routines, you seem to bring added energy and zip to your approach or methods. Productivity increases when you’re enjoying what you are doing, and this is especially evident today. Getting things done helps free up your mind. Avoid pushing yourself too hard or doing things too quickly right now, but do tap into your enthusiasm and passion. You may have more on your plate today than usual, but you’re also more motivated and confident.

It’s crucial to avoid living too much in the head today, dear Virgo, particularly as you relate to others. The tendency is to separate from your feelings when connecting or communicating, and this can lead to some confusion or mixed messages. Nevertheless, today’s energies bring stronger desires and passions. There can be extra sizzle in a love relationship or your creative world. Additional power is with you for leisure activities, artistic expression, hobbies, time spent with children, and romance. These things inspire you, but with heightened feelings, it can also be a time when conflicts are more likely. The Sun makes it to your partnership sector by the end of the day, and a relationship-themed month ahead is in store.

The tendency to overthink is high in spots today, dear Libra, and so is the inclination to fret with retrograde Mercury in an awkward angle to Venus, your planetary ruler. Handle problems before they manage to take over, but give yourself frequent breaks if possible. It’s not easy to make the right choices or decisions just for now. Still, there is good energy for home-related activities or for resolving a personal problem as the Moon and Mars align in your solar fourth house. This transit brings a fresh spirit to your domestic life and excitement to your feelings. Also today, the Sun enters your work and health sector, where it will transit for a month, encouraging you to pay special attention to your daily affairs and routines.

Watch for overthinking creative and romantic matters today, dear Scorpio. You do need to review and backtrack in these areas, but it’s not as urgent as you might imagine right now. The Moon heads into your communications sector today, meeting Mars there and animating your thoughts, mindest, or conversations. There can be openness in your communications or a breakthrough in a project or learning endeavor. You can be motivated to start something new or discover a new interest. Putting an idea into motion can be a strong desire or drive at this time. Tonight, the Sun enters your sector of joy, and in the month ahead, it will encourage you to enjoy and express yourself more fully and more often.

The Moon moves into your money sector today, dear Sagittarius, meeting Mars there. You’re in good shape for sniffing out overlooked assets, attending to financial affairs and valuables, and discovering ways to boost your comfort. Home and family are areas of special interest for you in the coming weeks, as well as areas that need some reworking. You have at least a few weeks to make improvements here, so try not to give in to pressures to get everything done too quickly. There is a tendency to worry, fret, and overthink today, but it’s unlikely to get you to an improved position. Tap into increased enthusiasm for making yourself more secure and comfortable. Focusing on using your current resources to their utmost can benefit you now.

The Moon moves into your sign for a couple of days, dear Capricorn, drawing your strong attention to your emotional needs, especially the unmet ones! While it can be a somewhat moody transit, it’s an important part of a larger cycle and is a good time to start fresh. The circulation of ideas and the feedback you receive while interacting tend to inspire you today. Even if it’s about going in the opposite direction, it’s still a reaction to something you’re hearing. There can be a stronger focus on learning, transportation, projects, and daily affairs for you in the next while, with some complications to sort out in these areas. While discussing non-personal matters comes easily today, with more personal topics, there can be some hesitation about sharing certain information or remorse for sharing too much right now! Still, if you don’t challenge yourself today, you may feel irritable. Self-directed activities are best now since you’re more independent and competitive at the moment. Do watch for impatience and pushing things that require subtlety.

The Moon heads into your privacy sector today, dear Aquarius, drawing your attention to behind the scenes, background, and private matters. It’s a time for taking some pressure off your life so that you can regroup. Your private life is likely to be animated. Discoveries about your inner or private world and feelings can be exciting and motivating. You might have a sudden desire to break from the past or to reconnect with it! Emotions emerging today can surprise you, as they can be about previously buried anger or desires. For best results, focus on improving your life. The Sun leaves your sign tonight, moving into your resources sector for a month-long stay. The weeks ahead can be particularly strong for managing your money and things. Today, however, try not to overthink these things.

Mercury is newly retrograde in your sign, dear Pisces, and some introspection can be beneficial now. Watch for overthinking today, however, which is a strong tendency. You’re inclined to separate from your affections and feelings when making a decision, which is useful only up to a point! The Moon heads into your social sector today, meeting Mars there, and there can be an exciting or animated quality to your social life. Networking stimulates all sorts of feelings now. You may have more energy and motivation than usual to dream up new long-term plans. The need for friendship can be stimulated, and you can nurture existing connections as long as you also honor freedom. Tonight, the Sun enters your sign for a month-long stay, and this brings your personal plans to the front burner.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is February 18, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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