Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Capricorn.
- There is no void Moon.
- The Moon is waning and in its Third Quarter phase until 10:44 AM, after which the Moon is in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 15th, and the New Moon will happen on the 23rd.
- Mercury is retrograde (from February 16-March 9).
- The Sun spends its first full day in Pisces (the Sun is in Pisces from February 18-March 19).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Moon spends the day in your sector of long-term goals and reputation, dear Aries, joining with Jupiter in this area of your solar chart. You want to–and may very well–enjoy what you’re doing, and you’re seeking inspiration. Opportunities to move toward your goals can emerge in pleasing ways that can even feel a bit magical. A Jupiter-Neptune sextile happening now will influence your life until October and is particularly strong right now. You may benefit from past work, good deeds, and experience, particularly in your profession. While you’re “going hard” in some areas of your life, this transit helps you find moments to detox, relax, decompress, and detach. It also reminds you of the value of feeding your spirit, imagination, or romantic needs alongside your more worldly pursuits. As you pay more attention to your mental and emotional health, you feel stronger in your career, or you experience more meaningfulness and purpose in your responsibilities. This is a wonderful time for bringing more imagination and compassion to your work, as well as having more faith in life.

Even with Mercury retrograde, this is a beautiful day for communications for you, dear Taurus. The Moon spends the day in your sector of spirit, higher learning, and adventure, joining with optimistic Jupiter, and harmonizing with Neptune in your social sector. While you’ve done some hard thinking recently, a Jupiter-Neptune influence is now swooping in to inspire you. This is a good time for instruction, guidance, advice, teaching, and sharing ideas. Your attitude is positive, and exceptional support can come from friends and associations. You’re inspired to grow, improve, explore, discover, and move outside of your comfort zone. You’ll feel this energy weaving in and out until October, and it’s particularly strong this week, making it a fine time for bonding through shared interests or ideas. Friendships grow or begin. Networking, courses, or extracurricular activities introduce you to new ideas, causes, and people that inspire you.

You’re in a fabulous position to focus on the things you love doing, dear Gemini, and energies today (and this week) are brilliant for increased self-acceptance and enjoyment, and possibly for learning new things about yourself or someone important to you. Your own knowledge or insight can draw others to you, or someone can offer you valuable insight or a boost of confidence now. A Jupiter-Neptune influence that will stick around until October is strong today and this week, benefiting your intimate world and feelings of self-empowerment, as well as your career or life path. It’s a subtle but most welcome boost that increases your feelings of purpose and meaningfulness. This comes at a time when there has been rather serious and sometimes somber energy in your intimate life or with finances, and it’s an uplifting booster. You’re looking at your life path, relationships, projects, and lovers in new ways–you see the romance, imagination, and beauty in your connections and aspirations. You can enjoy more meaning and purpose through your deep relationships, career, and attachments. In the months ahead, you’re finding tangible ways to express your compassion.

Your closest relationships are crucial to your sense of emotional satisfaction today, dear Cancer. The Moon in your partnership sector connects with a Jupiter-Neptune influence that’s launching an excellent opportunity period for your relationships. Now, and to some extent, until October, is a fine time for enjoying alternative or extra-curricular activities with a partner or for connecting with someone significant through mind-expanding experiences or non-routine activities. A partnership can be a source of inspiration, and the realization of a happiness goal seems more likely now through the support or positivity of a friend/partner. With heavy energy in your partnership sector lately, this boost is most welcome. You’re finding an increased sense of personal meaning and purpose through your contacts and explorations. You’re learning through others’ viewpoints and expanding your experiences in the process.

You can feel particularly fulfilled when you feel needed today, dear Leo. Helping out can be satisfying, and you can experience new feelings of inspiration regarding your daily affairs, services, work, or wellness programs. A Jupiter-Neptune influence is strong today and this week and will weave in and out, blessing your life until October. This influence supports your sense of a higher purpose and general enjoyment of your routines. You take more interest in your psychological health and how it impacts your physical health, and you may receive rewards on financial and/or intimate levels. There has been rather heavy, serious energy in your work and health sector lately, making this warm breeze most welcome. It’s an uplifting transit that suggests you’re looking at your efforts, work, services, and chores in new ways.

Emotionally arousing activities satisfy you the most today, dear Virgo. Creativity is blossoming, and you’re looking at life with a sense that you can take on anything that comes your way. You attract others through your words and ideas even more than usual. A Jupiter-Neptune influence is strong today and tomorrow, and will stick with you until October. It’s a potentially magical influence on your relationships. You might form a creative partnership, or a connection is enhanced with increased attention to creativity, imagination, and recreation. Your sector of joy has hosted some serious planetary guests in recent years, and this transit helps you find ways to enjoy yourself and others–things don’t always have to be heavy and serious, in other words. It’s an uplifting transit that suggests a new way of looking at your projects, entertainment, the love in your life, your relationships, and your relationship needs can help round out your experience. Your faith in your creative output or romantic life is renewing.

Influences today bring out the happy nester in you, dear Libra, and indoor or domestic and quite comforts appeal more than usual. Your emotional or personal life is gratifying. You can feel particularly supported and content, and you could be building a stronger sense of belonging or connectedness. A Jupiter-Neptune influence that will stick around all the way until October is strong today and this week, and it’s a real boost for your daily routines and home life. You might improve relationships with family and co-workers through increased understanding. It’s an uplifting transit that suggests a new way of looking at your work, services, and health can benefit you greatly. While your personal life has been heavier than usual, this transit helps you find moments to decompress. You’re discovering more meaning and purpose through your job, wellness programs, and family initiatives. You might also feel more valued and valuable in the work you do, and inspired to take better care of yourself.

You’re taking a warmer, more generous, and open approach to your communications and connections today, dear Scorpio. You’re in fine shape for guiding, learning, advising, and teaching. People are drawn to you and your ideas. A Jupiter-Neptune influence that will bless you until October is strong today and tomorrow, making this a time of much creativity. You continue to work hard at structuring and putting in the effort, but you’re finding more meaning and inspiration in what you’re doing, which makes everything feel more rewarding. Communications may very well boost romance and love in your life. Your imagination blossoms, and creative writing, speaking, and other such pursuits can thrive. It’s a good time to expand your mind and connect with others through the mind. It’s a time of increased personal meaning and purpose, particularly through your relationships, creative pursuits, children, or recreation and hobbies.

You’re feeling more generous towards your loved ones today, dear Sagittarius, and you could feel great about settling in and enjoying yourself. You’re connecting with the practical affairs of your life. With a powerful emphasis on the practical side of your life this year, a Jupiter-Neptune transit now coming into play offers a helpful boost, reminding you not to forget your ideals, dreams, and imagination. Relaxing and detoxing come more naturally, and it’s good for you! You could find a purpose or stronger meaning through your home life, business, and family this week, and fortunately, this energy is with you in some shape or form until October. There can also be material benefits related to your home, family, or real estate during this period. Improving home life can tie in with a better income or attitude toward money and talents. Your self-esteem gets a nice boost at this time, and it feels great to be content for a while!

The Moon in your sign all day hooks into the inspiring energy of a Jupiter-Neptune influence today, dear Capricorn, and you can crave a stronger sense of meaning. You’re also coming across well, and others may be connecting you with opportunities, or a special invitation is possible. Expressing yourself through spontaneous, interesting, and perhaps unusual activities can be especially rewarding. A new way of looking at your life, projects, and friends can benefit you greatly today and this week. Seek special moments to detox, relax, and enjoy yourself for best results now, as you need to feed your spirit! You can be particularly pleased with your projects, studies, and contacts. This is a powerful time for communicating and connecting. You may find that things seem to fall into place, and connections are made, both physically and mentally, that seem fateful and meant to be.

The Moon spends the day in your privacy sector, joining with Jupiter there, dear Aquarius, and you’re drawn to your inner world, working behind the scenes, preparing, building inner strength, and reflecting or enjoying more solitude. It’s a time for better understanding your vulnerabilities or limitations, and self-acceptance is both a goal and reward. You’re looking at finances, self-worth, your talents, and resources in new ways today and this week as Jupiter and Neptune harmonize. You’re more imaginative, ready to consider potentials and possibilities. It’s a time of increased personal meaning and purpose on an emotional level, as well as through your relationship with your practical world, resources, money, business, and belongings. You can find imaginative and inspired ways to boost your self-image, finances, or income at this time. If you’ve had tricky problems with money, there can be solutions on the horizon. Note that this influence will stick with you until October, weaving in and out, sprinkling its magic on your life. It’s powerful for improving your psychic sensitivity and understanding of what you truly want and value. You’re feeling more generosity and hospitality.

The Moon spends the day in your social sector, dear Pisces, meeting with Jupiter there and harmonizing with Neptune. In fact, Jupiter and Neptune are coming to a harmonious angle, and this divine energy will stick around until October. It’s an excellent time for networking, connecting, and sharing. There can be lively exchanges now that inspire you and renew your spirit. This week, and in many ways, in the months ahead, you’re in a terrific position for enjoying some magic in your social life and feeling a stronger purpose as a result of your interactions or new projects and plans. You feel particularly comfortable in your own skin. You’re also ready to let others inspire you. There has been harder or serious energy in your social life recently, and now you’re finding the lesson in these experiences and feeling more at peace with yourself and others. A serendipitous meeting is possible now.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is February 19, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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