Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus all day.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred yesterday, and the Full Moon will happen on the 9th.
- There are no major planets that are retrograde!
- Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow phase today (Mercury will be retrograde from February 16-March 9).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Moon in your resources sector has helped you recognize your needs, dear Aries. There can be a nice focus on recycling, saving, or repairing this morning, and a solid feeling to much of the day. Entertain large ambitions, but only if you truly have room in your life for more. Business matters tend to go well today with patience. You have an increased need for emotional contentment and predictability today, and simple activities tend to be particularly satisfying. You are quite happy to build upon what you have rather than urgently seeking out a connection to the world around you. Your sense of practical priorities is strong. The desire to have a little more control of your life is a motivating factor now, and the need for tangible results improves your self-discipline. You may be connecting to a special someone or your own inner power. Seeing eye to eye with someone about important issues, and feeling both valued and wanted, puts you in an intimate and giving frame of mind.

Today’s energies are strong for self-motivation, dear Taurus. The Moon spends the day in your sign, adding color to your emotional world. Its easy aspects to bodies in communications and relationship sectors suggest satisfying outlets for self-expression, particularly through writing, speaking, sharing, and connecting. If you need to repair relationships with relatives or friends, today and tomorrow are strong for doing so. Your good humor and wisdom can be an important resource today. You might also feel more supported and happy to bond with friends. Diplomacy goes a long way right now, and you tend to sense this intuitively. You could find that you do particularly well with a cause and a plan, and your sense of timing is strong. Others are putting their faith in you. This is a good time for getting a broader or higher perspective, taking stock, and acting upon your new insight.

The Moon spends another day in your solar twelfth house, dear Gemini, pointing to behind the scenes activities, extra rest, and, ideally, a reprieve from competition or stress. Life very often seems to move quickly, and this Moon transit helps you catch up on an emotional level as you now process and digest recent events and feelings. While you are inclined to withdraw, and it’s necessary and good for you, there can be an advantage gained in business today. Learning something that was hidden or not obvious to you in the past can boost your work or relationships. You might reflect on previous projects that worked well for you and pull out an idea that can be repurposed successfully. The day’s energies favor quiet but purposeful activities. Look for opportunities for some high-quality unwinding and letting go. It’s not always that practicality and emotions combine so easily as they do now, so aim to take advantage of this clearer grip on reality.

Today is good for getting some extra time with people who genuinely allow you to be yourself, dear Cancer. Or, you might spend time in surroundings in which you can feel comfortably free. You can feel connected emotionally and spiritually with people in your life. Sharing ideas and personal philosophies might help bond, and you’re naturally drawing success and resources to you today and tomorrow. You may be seeing the more reliable side of others, and fully appreciate it. It’s a good day for feeling that you are making progress in key areas of your life. Humanitarian goals fill a need within you right now, and it’s best to focus on these. You might be attracted to a new interest or feel motivated to explore a topic more deeply. There can be an advantage gained through studies or news, and concerning travel, the law, or publishing. Today’s easy Moon energy is not necessarily motivating, but it can help you to feel supported and content.

The Moon is at the top of your chart today, dear Leo, and your goals, responsibilities, and performance are in stronger focus than usual. You may be a little premature with decision-making or speaking up about a matter right now, so draw upon patience. Fortunately, there’s plenty of support for this. There can be an easy rapport with someone close to you who is supportive of your goals and desires. You have a rather competent air about you, and others are likely to take note. It’s a good time for intimate relationships, for which positive energy is building. You’re in an excellent position to see where you can gain power or advantage with business. Others’ talents or resources can be particularly helpful to you now. You crave a little more order in your life, and you’re quite willing to put in the effort to make it happen. Others tend to cooperate or let you do your own thing today.

Progress and self-improvement are in focus today and tomorrow, dear Virgo. Close relationships and partnerships benefit greatly from sharing ideas and plans. You stand to gain a lot through your dealings with others, and you fare particularly well in one-to-one situations. You can enjoy pleasant interactions, and there could be especially open and hopeful conversations that help you get closer to a partner or special someone. There is a stronger focus on forward growth and movement now. Gently stimulating energy is with you for social and romantic connections. You might inspire somebody with an idea or a unique perspective on a matter, and problem-solving seems easier with a cooperative feel to the day. Even so, it’s important to avoid taking on too much now.

Today seems to favor contemplation and observation more than usual for you, dear Libra. You might choose to lay low or pull yourself out of regular activities in some manner to connect with your deeper needs and desires. You might prefer to pour more attention into something that requires concentration, or you could tackle a rather complex problem with determination. There can be a nice win involving research, work, or finances now as a result of your stronger inclination and ability to investigate and deduce. Even though you seem more retiring than usual, it’s a potentially strong day for bonding with others and getting to know yourself a little better in the process. You’re particularly resourceful right now — you can make pretty much any situation work your way. Mercury in a minor challenging aspect to Jupiter can point to some overthinking, but nothing you can’t control.

You seem to accomplish much with some inspiration and moral support today, dear Scorpio. The Moon spends the day in your partnership sector and forms mostly happy connections to other planets. You may fully enjoy collaborating on a project or playing around with ideas with someone close to you. It can be a good day for some validation from someone special to you, and for finding ways to gain a stronger feeling of balance. Another person’s perspective, even if it diverges from yours significantly, tends to enhance your own. Today’s energies tend to support relating, creating, playing, and sharing. Try to take a breather from heavy emotions or emotional excitement, and perhaps most importantly at this time of the lunar month, share the load.

Today’s energies are good for putting something into order, dear Sagittarius. Putting in the effort towards something productive, however big or small, is what seems to satisfy most right now. Gaining the cooperation of loved ones also comes naturally, although you can work independently quite happily as well. Do watch for some misunderstandings today with Mercury and Jupiter in minor challenging aspect, as this can point to high expectations interfering with otherwise good and stable moods. You might choose to be a bit more mindful of what you communicate. Otherwise, family or the desire to enjoy downtime can motivate you to get things done, and it’s rewarding. You instinctively know how to delegate fairly and make everyone feel happy to contribute. The desire to improve basic habits and daily routines is also with you. Don’t spread yourself too thin, and you’ll feel much better by the end of the day.

You have an improved ability to see opportunities where you may have seen challenges in the past today and tomorrow, dear Capricorn. Friends or associates can be a source of opportunity to expand your knowledge and experience. You’re in a fine position for sharing your ideas and connecting with others harmoniously. Cooperation brings rewards and possibly some meaningful feedback. You may be putting more than usual energy and effort into your creative or romantic life and projects, and there can be pleasant advances in these areas now. If you need to patch up differences, particularly with a lover, partner, or child, this is a fine time to do so through gentle conversation and gestures of reaching out. Others might recognize your kindness or special perspective and communication style. Watch that you don’t pressure yourself to do too much too soon.

Concentrating on creating more harmony in your personal life can be in focus now, dear Aquarius. Today’s energies are good for your more intimate relationships, including family. There is an emotional need to stick with familiar situations and to seek out safe havens. You’re driven to act with purpose. Even though you are a little more withdrawn and cautious than usual all day, you want to keep busy and produce something worthwhile. Getting along well with others helps you advance your goals now, so don’t overlook the need to appeal to people around you. You might enjoy encouraging feedback for your work or talents. You are likely to feel less pressure or stress today, and this suits you just fine. As well, there can be new insight into a financial matter, or a benefit coming your way. As your connection to family, your feelings, and your stores of motivation strengthen, you can be far more effective. You seem to need to get your domestic life running smoothly before taking on the world, and this is a good time to do so.

The Moon’s easy aspects today can point to a peaceful kind of “busy,” dear Pisces. You can be confidently reaching out to others in affectionate and creative ways as the Moon harmonizes with Venus in your sign. You are drawn to interesting and smart people, and they to you. There could be good news to share or receive and the chance to get many little things done and behind you. You might also make meaningful connections with others. Gathering information from a variety of sources seems the right way to go before pouring your energies into something particular. Themes today seem to highlight diplomacy, getting along well with others, and seeking out mutual benefits in any negotiation. You’re able to communicate with others, and everyone comes out feeling a winner. Still, getting back to basics feels right.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is February 2, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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