Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aquarius.
- The Moon is void all day (this happens rather infrequently).
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 15th, and the New Moon will occur tomorrow.
- Mercury is retrograde (from February 16-March 9).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Today’s transits are especially good for looking at your life in new ways, dear Aries, especially private, personal, self-worth, and financial matters. Outside-of-the-box thinking brings rewards. You may wish to share something personal with a trusted person in your life, and it comes as a nice relief to do so. You’re in a great position to make small changes in your life that lead to big improvements. You can readily see areas that would benefit from improved approaches, including projects and attitudes. Working under the radar is likely, and it’s useful and fruitful to do so. Still, it’s a time for branching out and coming up with novel ways to approach your world and express your feelings. Doing money and valuables differently is in order–you want to move forward freer and lighter. You might choose to go with your gut feeling, as your intuition tends to serve you especially well right now. A change of pace feels right. Even with this positive, forward-looking energy, it’s a day for winding down. New beginnings should wait.

A Sun-Uranus aspect today puts you in fine form for hopes and dreams, dear Taurus. New ideas and potential ventures inspire you. You might also break through a barrier or problem, and this comes as a pleasant relief. You’re in particularly good shape for sharing your talents or expertise with others, socializing, and coming up with creative and exciting ideas for future projects. You’ll be breaking ground, but since we’re just a day behind the New Moon, putting plans into motion should wait for later. Dream, but don’t invest your heart, money, or energy into something brand new just yet. You feel less inhibited, and you can experience more emotional clarity after or through sharing your thoughts or feelings with a friend.

You’re once again in fine form for letting go of those things that have been only serving to weigh you down, dear Gemini. Letting go of attitudes that keep you stuck in the past comes naturally. There could be out of the blue insights into a professional or personal interest today. It’s a good day for gaining an ally, and public or business activities have a nice, progressive flow to them. People, bosses, and even organizations tend to be more willing and flexible today. Following too closely to protocol and rules may spell missed opportunities. Still, you shouldn’t have to force anything either with today’s Sun-Uranus transit that encourages interacting with your world a little differently. You might draw upon experience and wisdom to solve a problem, likely related to your career or reputation. Instincts for making changes and improvements are excellent, but because we’re a day behind a New Moon, it’s best to wait to implement them.

Today’s Sun-Uranus aspect can inspire you, dear Cancer, as you’re more “in tune” with your need for new ideas and experiences. Friends and acquaintances or new plans and dreams can be part of this. Travel, courses, networking, teamwork, and publishing opportunities can be areas of improvement or inspiration. Friends and alliances formed through your studies or extracurricular activities can be in focus and successful today and in the week ahead. For some, a long-distance friendship or a new interest is a central focus. You especially enjoy sharing viewpoints, personal philosophies, and opinions with others and making exciting discoveries in the process. This can be a strong day for you on social and mental levels, but do consider that because the Moon is void and Balsamic, it’s best not to push forward with new plans just yet.

Given the time and space for experimentation, dear Leo, you can come to some exciting new insights. You’re inclined to come up with good ideas when you’re not following all the rules or coloring inside the lines today with the Sun working in harmony with Uranus. You might come up with a new method that works wonders for you, or there’s a reputation boost that seems to come out of the blue. The desire for positive change is stronger than usual, and you instinctively know that you have to approach things in new ways to make improvements. A relationship might play a significant role in your motivation to reach a goal or ambition. It’s almost effortless to identify what’s no longer working for you or contributing to your growth, and you enjoy the idea of going forward lighter and freer. Because the Moon is both void and Balsamic, it’s better to dream and plan than to push forward with implementing your ideas today.

At this time of the year, dear Virgo, people in your life are contributing more to your life, or you’re paying their contributions more attention! Today, you can feel especially fulfilled as you see this more clearly. Again today, your curiosity and willingness to explore can lead you on fun detours, and connecting with others who are forward-looking can boost you up. The Sun in your partnership sector harmonizes with Uranus in your spirit sector, and you’re drawn to mind-opening experiences and arriving at exciting revelations. Or, this transit can mean you’re moving forward with someone or a relationship. While a potential project or plan can be exciting now, the Moon is both void all day and Balsamic today. As such, it’s best to take things easy. Allow yourself to dream and feel the inspiration build, but it’s better not to push something forward just yet.

There can be some exciting revelations about your buried desires or needs today, dear Libra. Answers that are not especially obvious can come to you now, and approaching things differently comes naturally now, particularly with work, finances, and emotions. Alternative methods work best at the moment–sticking too closely to what’s always worked for you can keep you from opportunities. Information surfacing now can help free you from something that was holding you back. With the Moon void and Balsamic today, be sure not to overdo or push a matter but do aim to enjoy the positive vibes with you that lead to small breakthroughs in your work or intimate life. You have a positive attitude and focus, even if you’re tying up loose ends and taking things easy for now.

With a New Moon occurring tomorrow and the Moon not forming any major aspects today, dear Scorpio, it’s better to unwind and tie up loose ends than to push something forward. Still, it’s an excellent time to dream up new ideas and turn on to different interests. Be patient about putting exciting new plans into action. Still, fresh approaches to relating are in order right now, and a little frivolousness can boost a connection. You’re expressing yourself more freely and playfully, and this may very well open up a door of opportunity. Again today, certain areas of your life need some room and space for exploration– breaking free from some of the rules or expectations helps improve them. This is particularly evident with hobbies, leisure, children, love, romance, and partnership. Hobbies and creative projects may be shared and enjoyed.

A new or different approach to your usual routines can refresh you today, dear Sagittarius. A brief or small departure from the “rules” may very well lead to interesting new ideas or experiences now as the Sun and Uranus form a harmonious aspect, connecting your home and family sector with your work and health house. A focus on family matters and security or support systems continues, and it’s a heartwarming one, but you are also ready to have a bit of fun with these things, changing things up. Follow your intuition when doing your work and domestic activities, and as you approach others with an open mind, they respond by opening theirs. Today is strong for enjoying the freedoms that support afford you. While it’s a forward-looking day, it’s important not to invest too much of yourself or your resources into a new venture for the time being.

Today’s transits are interesting because they encourage a forward-looking spirit, dear Capricorn, but you’re better off taking things easy and not pushing forward. We’re just a day shy of a New Moon, and the Moon is void all day, suggesting it’s a better time for rest than it is for new beginnings. If you can avoid putting too much energy into a particular line of thought or plan today, you’ll find yourself enjoying the idea process and feeling good about it. Your mind is open to new ways of connecting, and you have a strong sense of progress and gratitude. You appreciate the chance to experiment and express your more unique traits now. You’re feeling a little lighter, more spirited, and especially hopeful. Flexibility brings the most rewards now, and experimenting comes more naturally than locking something down.

Today’s energies are great for boosting your feelings of security and comfort, dear Aquarius. Innovative approaches to your money or personal life can be especially successful. Still, the Moon is in your sign all day but is also void and Balsamic, with a New Moon occurring tomorrow. These things mean that it’s a better time to wind down than it is to rev up. You’re certainly feeling inspired now, but brand new endeavors or official launches should wait. For now, there could be a pleasant surprise along financial, home, or business lines. You might discover a new method or come up with a fabulous idea that frees you from a problem or heavy feeling. Insight into a practical matter, especially financial, can come when you’re not trying too hard. Taking a small step back from a problem may bring a natural solution, gently. Your interactions are likely to be fresh and invigorating or inspiring.

On this day before a New Moon in your sign, dear Pisces, it’s best to let go of tension and rest so that you can reflect. Still, the Sun in your sign connects well with Uranus today, boosting your appeal through your communications and ideas. Indeed, Mercury is still retrograde in your sign, suggesting some misunderstandings, but people appreciate your perspective today. The Sun-Uranus transit is particularly helpful since it helps you detach just enough to see which elements of your life are dragging you down. Letting go of a problem can figure strongly now, and it comes at an ideal time, just before you get a fresh start and a new cycle begins. Solutions to problems come more easily if you take a step back from them for a bit.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is February 22, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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