Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Sagittarius.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase until 6:27 AM, after which the Moon is in its Last Quarter phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurs today at 6:27 AM.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You’re in an excellent position to do an “inventory” of your feelings, dear Aries, as you get a window into which attachments may be holding you back from growing and thriving this week. It’s a good time to clear up old projects that may be slowing your progress. Charitable acts can be especially satisfying now. Dreams and fantasies can be nice conversation points, and you may learn something valuable through your sharing now. A Mercury-Node connection can inspire you and stimulate some great ideas for making living arrangements or family life more supportive and pleasant. Family projects or discussions can have significance now. Conversations may very well lead to important discoveries about yourself and the people you love today.

While the day seems to reward sharing and connecting, dear Taurus, early on appears to favor some personal reflection. You might decide to consider which habits or attachments in your life are holding you back from improving and thriving, particularly on a mental level or related to the ways you communicate and think. Watch for a tendency to please and appease that might later come back to bite you! Stay alert to possible opportunities to advance your interests. It might benefit you to keep your ear to the ground — you’re likely to gain inspiration for new ideas, dreams, and goals through news you hear or people you meet. Lean towards activities and people that encourage you to improve, grow, and develop for best results now.

Look for opportunities to clear up debts or settle accounts early today, dear Gemini. It’s a great time to consider letting go of unnecessary attachments. For example, you might want to seek ways to pay off debts or recover loans. Your extra sensitivity to others’ moods may put you on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. However, a Mercury-Node harmonious aspect today suggests you might make some meaningful connections, whether this happens in person or on a mental level. You have a strong desire to know that your future is relatively secure and that achieving your goals will satisfy you in the long run. Information can be in the offing that support your finances or current business interests.

Watch that you don’t take on too many responsibilities that others should be handling themselves now, dear Cancer. Similarly, you might also watch for relying too heavily on someone when you’d be better off getting things done independently. It’s a good time to see where we may be taking the easy road to your own detriment now with Venus opposing the North Node in your sign. You might benefit from looking to the past for answers to problems in the present. Tying up loose ends may be necessary before you feel right and confident about moving ahead. Also today, a Mercury aspect supports communicating in warm, positive ways. There can be news or information circulating about courses and opportunities that are likely to benefit you.

You may be looking to the past for answers to work or health concerns for now, dear Leo, but consider whether you’re holding onto something that no longer serves you well. Settling accounts can be in order now. The day should shape up to be excellent for benefiting from being especially observant. You might make a useful connection with someone through a heart-to-heart or by lending an ear. Some conversations and shares deserve your undivided attention now, as they can be quite instructive. A discussion about private issues, a secret, or a matter of the past can be especially significant and perhaps even liberating on some level. If frustrations have been brewing, today’s Quarter Moon can demand you deal with them.

As Venus meets the South Node, dear Virgo, your inclination may be to fall back on quick fixes or the easy route instead of moving in the direction of challenge, reward, and growth. In particular, do your best to avoid being careless with creative projects and romantic relationships now. There can be a meeting with an old love interest or friend or much sentimentality about an old love or pet project. You can benefit from looking to the past now, as you may reawaken a worthwhile pursuit. However, it’s better to tie up loose ends than to make any new long-term commitments or agreements today. As the day advances, you’re likely to make your own luck. You might gain clarity through a conversation or a chance meeting with a friend. You may very well stumble upon some information that supports the development of a friendship or a feeling of belonging.

You may be taking the path of least resistance early today, dear Libra, and you can be quick to fall back on comfortable behaviors rather than challenge yourself or aim to grow and learn. Old habits seem to have a strong pull on you now. However, it’s important to open yourself up to ideas, as a Mercury-Node connection can bring you exactly the information you need, especially pertaining to work or health matters. It can be a time for connecting with people or information that further your career or health goals, and your inclination to include others and network helps you even more than first meets the eye. You’re seeking some clarity about a life-path goal, project, or job.

Watch that you don’t miss steps early today, dear Scorpio. It may be better to avoid promises or deferrals. The Sun in your pleasure sector clashes with the Moon in your security sector, and you may have trouble deciding whether you want to do something new or stick with what you know. Perhaps a bit of both can work! Tune into the good energy surrounding you for creative ideas and useful information coming your way. There can be an exciting connection made with information or a person that illuminates your way on a creative, educational, or romantic pursuit. Someone may seek out your guidance, and you feel great about helping.

The focus is on your personal projects, needs, and moods today, dear Sagittarius, with the Moon in your sign all day. This can also be an important time for clearing away obstacles related to money and business. There is a tendency to want to do it all yourself these days, but sharing, trusting, and pairing up to accomplish something is the way to go for the rewards, even if it seems the more challenging route to take at the moment. Look to let go of things you don’t need. Connections to people who help you feel comfortable or who have a reassuring effect on you may be made today. Today is most excellent for sharing ideas with others, as it can be valuable for lifting spirits and contributing to a sense of overall well-being.

This week, you might notice you’re frequently falling back on doing things on your own when pairing up or sharing the load would be much better for you, dear Capricorn. Try to nip this problem in the bud today. Dealing with loose ends or settling accounts can be useful to clear the pathway for smoother endeavors and activities in the future, but it’s also time to make some connections. Ideas are easy to come by, and for some of you, a useful connection may be made now that helps you put ideas into action. You may learn something exciting or valuable about a friendship or cherished project, so be sure to open up the lines of communication.

As the day begins, there can be some tendency to seek the easy way out, dear Aquarius. Sometimes you only need a break, but other times, you miss opportunities to grow and learn if you back away from a challenge, and the latter may be the case early today. However, as the day moves forward, you’ll find it more natural to come out of your shell. It’s a good time to do so, too, as reaching out to someone even just for information can leave you feeling delighted you did. You might come to an understanding of what is most valuable to you, and this can benefit both your personal interactions and business affairs. Information coming in related to finances or health can be most illuminating.

You may start the day in the mood to get comfortable, dear Pisces. A connection with an old friend or strong memories of someone from your past can figure strongly now, and you’re in a more sentimental mood than usual. Nevertheless, don’t let this stop you from making some connections, as an opportunity can emerge for interesting personal discoveries through your interactions. It’s a good time for seeking out more understanding in a relationship, too, particularly with a friend. Connections may be made to people or information that help you get in touch with your creative muse. This can also be a significant time for new information about a creative project or relationship.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is February 26, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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