Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Cancer.
- The void Moon occurs from 6:58 PM forward (until tomorrow at 7:15 AM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase until 2:21 PM, after which the Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse occurs in the sign of Cancer today at 2:21 PM.
- Uranus stations and turns direct today. There are now no major planets that are retrograde!
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

There has been a stronger emphasis on your life path, responsibilities, goals, ambitions, or career these days, dear Aries. While this theme is expected to continue and will be prominent in 2020, today’s Lunar Eclipse reminds you that if your responsibilities to the outside world have overshadowed your personal life, it’s time to pay your private life its due attention. Now’s the time for bringing things back into balance. There could be home repairs, family dramas, or internal changes to deal with in the coming weeks stimulated by this eclipse. If you’ve been overextending yourself, you need to find ways to get more downtime or do catch-up work around the home or with loved ones. The key will be to devote quality time to family or the home. Recognizing your need for familiarity, warmth, and nurture is vital now. Watch, however, for a sense that you need to rush, be first, or get something done right away, when this may not be necessary. Avoid acting on impulses, but do pay attention to prompts happening around now. Feelings that you’ve been holding at bay or haven’t yet acknowledged are impossible to ignore now! What emerges tends to clear the path for improvements in your life, mainly related to career, reputation, status, home, and family.

Today’s Lunar Eclipse occurs in your communications and transportation sector, dear Taurus, and there can be important discoveries, ideas, and changes in your mindset or attitude. Watch for impulsive self-expression, but give weight to your emotions and any epiphanies occurring now. Writing, learning, sharing, publicity, and promotion are themes that reach a turning point. This eclipse reminds you of connecting with your true feelings about what you’re learning, communicating, and sharing. You have a stronger need for strategy in your life, but there is a tendency to rush things anyhow. If rushing makes you skip steps, try to slow down. Emotions run particularly high, but so does mental energy, and it can be a confusing mess in spots! There can be a sudden need to handle your daily affairs, or a change of plans prompts a wave of activity. Watch for impatience that can lead you to trip over yourself. Minor issues can be the trigger, but major issues may be at the root! Watch what you communicate at this time, too, since emotions tend to run high and several influences active now tend to lead to misunderstandings or misjudgments. Ultimately, though, this is about connecting with your personal truth.

Today’s Lunar Eclipse reminds you to seek some balance, dear Gemini. Heightened emotions surrounding money and possessions, as well as personal values and talents, can be a theme, and you’re facing feelings and making changes and improvements that get you to a stronger sense of security, predictability, and safety. You might experience a significant revelation about money or business, or you could be dealing with matters related to your values and self-worth or boundaries in a relationship. There can be a tug of war going on with someone (or within yourself) over money, possessions, and matters of control. Whatever emerges now can force a needed change. Realizations about how to better handle or manage your money can happen now. Take your time before making any pivotal decisions but aim to examine feelings that are coming to the surface, however raw they may be at the moment. There can be some disagreements to navigate today, and it’s important to avoid rushing things. Take time to process your realizations. This eclipse can certainly bring revelations and possible conflicts to the foreground, but it can also be highly illuminating ultimately.

There has been much focus on other people in your life, dear Cancer, and making your connections stronger and happier. Of course, taking better care of yourself plays a significant role in all of this, and if you’ve forgotten about it, today’s Lunar Eclipse in your sign serves as a reminder. This eclipse can lead to an emotional awakening or epiphany. You could be managing competing feelings related to the need for freedom and togetherness. Emotions run high, especially surrounding a personal matter or close relationship, and even with all of the emotional excitement, you can feel drained as you see things in a new light. The result can be that you want to make significant changes, and even go through a personal reinvention of sorts, related to your sense of independence. These feelings are real, but it’s best to take your time with them. This eclipse may serve as a cosmic push to change gears in a relationship or to get in touch with your relationship needs. Your true feelings about someone or a matter can emerge powerfully now. At the same time, you have many planets aligning in your opposite sign, and there can be a whole lot of chatter–be careful not to allow others’ noise to outweigh your feelings. Do watch for a sense of urgency to take care of matters. You could feel some pressure to make a decision, but it’s best not to rush.

While the intense focus on health, wellness, work, and daily routines continues, dear Leo, today’s Lunar Eclipse reminds you of the need for some quality downtime. This eclipse highlights energies that seem to pit your need for rest against chores and duties. It’s time to take a break from overthinking, and circumstances occurring now seem to demand that you get a chance to tune out. This eclipse can push troubled areas to the foreground for your attention, and it might bring a health, secret, or private matter to light. The need for extra rest and quiet or private time becomes apparent, and better time management may be necessary now. Disruptions in your routine force you to pull yourself away from the daily grind. There can be some tensions or conflicts today, particularly if you’re juggling work and relationships or your work and social life are spilling over into each other. With patience, you’ll be able to sort out conflicts. For now, take in and process or digest your feelings rather than taking action. Put your fears aside and deal head-on (or heart-on) with whatever comes your way. Watch for speaking about a matter too soon, however, as the Lunar Eclipse occurs in your privacy sector and is tied tightly to Mercury.

You’re coming into better touch with your need to entertain or be entertained and to create and enjoy extra playtime, dear Virgo. It’s a theme this year, and how you “do” your leisure time or pursue your joy is due for a makeover. With today’s Lunar Eclipse, your feelings for someone, about a relationship or romance, in general, can be pivotal, reaching a turning point. You might also come to powerful realizations about long-term happiness goals. You might need to come to a friend’s aid, or a buried problem in a relationship can come to light now and demands attention. Events occurring now are designed to push you in the right direction or along a more authentic path, and you need this background now to make meaningful choices later. This eclipse can feel intense, and it could pull problem areas that have been brewing to the foreground. Ultimately, clearing the air helps you make better choices. Responsibilities to others, especially friends or other delays can enter the picture now, and these can be time-consuming. You’re bound to get to a better position to understand what and who you want once the impatience or frustration of the moment passes. Aim to feel, experience, and take in but to act on all of this later!

There continues to be much activity in your sector of home, family, domestic matters, and personal foundations, dear Libra, but today’s Lunar Eclipse asks you to attend to demands from the “outside world.” Responsibilities or problems that have been neglected or overlooked have a way of surfacing now for your attention. This lunation affects how you see your life path. It can push recognition or awards, or it may result in a change in your general direction or career focus. It’s a persuasive prompt to sort out the delicate home-work balance in your life. There can be a feeling of urgency now, but that it’s best to process your feelings before acting on them. Frustrations may only be about small problems, but they could have been building up. Avoid pushing something that you can’t change, and allow for unexpected changes that are out of your control. Misunderstandings can be plenty, and you’ll want to avoid bad press now. Impatience won’t move things forward if they’re not ready to go in that direction, so take some time before making needed changes. Buried personal matters can be brought to light now, which can push your emotions up to the surface. Unrest with work, bosses, or related to your long-term goals and the current path you’re taking to reach them are stirring with this eclipse, and changes may be imminent.

Your interests, daily affairs, and studies or learning continue to be in strong focus, dear Scorpio. Today’s Lunar Eclipse can show you where your life has come out of balance due to this focus, and it generates much emotional and mental energy. Focusing it all can be difficult, and it’s best to give yourself time to process any news or new information coming your way. This eclipse prompts you to fit more extracurricular activities into your life, reminding you to expand your skills and knowledge. Spreading the word, exploration, and discovery are in the spotlight. You may have felt very much tied to your desk, neighborhood, or projects, and you now need to answer a call to get away, even if this is only for the sake of mental refreshment. There can be some tense moments or impatience to deal with, or you could feel in a hurry even if there isn’t an actual rush, so check in with yourself. Sometimes, you put pressure on yourself when it isn’t warranted. Watch the temptation to push when this is an opportune moment to take the time to feel, learn about, and understand your desires and drives. Frustration can center on intellectual planes, so watch for speaking prematurely or making too much of something said. Emotions can bubble up to the surface now, and the eclipse can also illuminate things that were previously hidden, particularly for you revolving around learning matters, news, legal affairs, or fruition of a project. It’s a great time for the discovery of your feelings on an issue, but you may need to let everything sink in before drawing conclusions. Taking control of your life requires time and energy, so resolve to make changes, but avoid pushing for immediate results.

Building and developing projects, enjoying simple pleasures and comforts, and taking care of money and possessions have been in focus, dear Sagittarius, and these themes will continue for a while yet. However, today’s Lunar Eclipse can stimulate a turning point, awareness, or epiphany surrounding financial, ownership, intimate, or sharing matters. There may be some drama with financial support, taxes, debts, investments, or a close relationship and its power dynamics now and in the weeks ahead. Instead, issues of trust reach a head. There can be new money coming into your life, or the need to shuffle around your finances to accommodate changes. Divvying up shared resources can be in focus. Projects that have less significance in your life may need to be put aside now. This eclipse brings buried or long-brewing situations to your attention or a turning point, and you now want to make changes to the ways you depend on others. Watch for the pressure to rush things today–take the time to process your feelings. Aim to take a lesson from any issues that may become inflamed now. Emotional energy runs high, so keep your wits about you. Make important decisions later, but pay close attention to the drives and desires stirred.

Today’s Lunar Eclipse occurs in your opposing sign, dear Capricorn, and a relationship turning point is possible. You’re challenged to find a balance between your autonomy/independence and your need for a perspective, person, or companion. There is comfort in going your own way since it means not having to answer to someone. However, this eclipse challenges you to face your attachments, emotions, and needs for nurture, even though it’s been very much about you and where you’re heading these days! Your attention turns to the perspective, agenda, or needs of a significant other or your relationship needs. This process can help balance things out, although you could feel temporarily drained or overwhelmed. In the weeks ahead, there can be increased invitations or social engagements, relationship drama, new clients, or other circumstances that get you more involved with others. A commitment might be an issue on the table, and epiphanies about a significant relationship can lead to substantial changes. Note that a Solar Eclipse in the same area of your chart in June will bring on the new beginnings related to this January eclipse’s epiphanies and realizations. Avoid over-exerting yourself on both physical and mental planes! Overdoing something now can prevent you from continuing it later, so take it easy. As well, be careful that you don’t attempt to force an issue or talk ahead of yourself. Both are strong possibilities with Mercury and the Sun in your sign tied to the eclipse and clashing with Mars in the sign behind yours. Speaking prematurely about your plans may not be wise right now. Events over the next while help you define your life concerning your partnership needs. Today is about getting in touch with what’s in your heart so that your desires don’t lead you astray.

There is a lot of astrological activity in your privacy sector these days, dear Aquarius, signaling a need to rest, reflect, and detox. Still, today’s Lunar Eclipse can serve as a strong nudge toward improving your health, routines, or work. You might recognize that you’ve been so caught up in personal matters that you’ve neglected some elements of self-care, and now is the time of an epiphany, pushing you forward. It’s essential to embrace the need to take better care of the systems in your life, including your physical well-being. Developing healthier habits can be part of this. This eclipse can stimulate a sudden awareness of something that’s not working in the world of your work, daily routines, or health, or the need to make adjustments and meet deadlines. Emotional reactions are stronger than usual, but can also be very revealing. Through a bit of chaos or disorder, you’re likely to discover new information that genuinely pushes you forward. While it’s not the best time to make serious decisions, it’s a definite time for observing and getting in touch with buried desires or frustrations that need management. It’s a time to deal with loose ends, looming deadlines, health matters, or scheduling issues. Realizations and reveals prompt you to get going on an exercise or nutrition program that you know you have to do to feel more balanced, or there can be a culmination of a job or work project that gets you to a turning point. Today can be tricky if you fall prey to the idea that you need to rush a decision. Even if your feelings of being under pressure are happening for legitimate reasons, you won’t do yourself or anyone favors if you push so hard that you can’t hear yourself think. Watch for speaking too quickly or too soon about a matter.

Influences on your chart continue to transform your social life, dreams, wishes, and initiatives, dear Pisces. Today’s Lunar Eclipse brings strong attention to your needs for recreation, romance, and creative expression. These matters have often been overlooked or outshined, and now you’re reminded of their importance. Feelings are powerful. With so many things, and possibly people, vying for your attention, your next step may not be straightforward. However, reorienting yourself is a good idea, and this eclipse can force the issue! Revelations or news surrounding romance, children, or hobbies and creative pursuits can occur now and in the coming weeks. There might be illumination in a romantic affair and possibly some tests, but the path is clearing for more authenticity. Your true feelings about a person, romance, or a project can flood your awareness, and life changes as a result. Letting something go makes room for a rush of new creativity. Since this is a part of a series of eclipses that last until this summer, you won’t have all the answers yet, but you’re certainly on your way. Watch today for impatience–it’s not the time to rush.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 10, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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