Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Leo.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- We are in between the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse which occurred on the 10th and the Third Quarter/Last Quarter Moon that will occur on the 17th.
- There are no major planets that are retrograde!
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

There has been an intense concentration of energy at the top of your solar chart, dear Aries, and much of it is coming to a head today and tomorrow. A Saturn-Pluto alignment in this area of your chart today points to the need to overhaul what you’re projecting to the world, particularly through your career, status, or reputation. This transit is about accountability, authenticity, power, responsibilities, leadership, management, rules, and life direction. You’ll be working diligently on building your reputation and profession in the year ahead. Your approach to your life direction, management, major life structures, and status may go through a reworking of sorts as you approach these things differently, and others see you in new ways. This influence ultimately pushes you to new heights, but there may be a fall or simply a new beginning or fresh start before you climb again. The key is to focus on simplifying while this aspect is in force now, and only later work on building and expanding. Watch for some pressure to come to a decision today. Still, acute insight into a career matter or forward movement on a significant project can happen now, and fears and worries may prompt a reworking or strengthening of a weak area in your life. If you’re worried about your reputation or career path, this is a good time to work hard at making fixes. It’s also an excellent time for paring down so that you can perform better. You are communicating with intensity now, but keep in mind that what you say today may stick with you for longer than you imagine. Career projects may be subject to scrutiny, and flaws may be revealed that need fixing. There can be criticism to deal with, but after the initial sting, you may very well find the motivation to improve. It’s a powerful time for doing important work towards long-term happiness and prosperity.

A Mercury-Saturn-Pluto alignment occurring today pushes your ambitions to make improvements, dear Taurus. Events occur now that lead to a brand new vision. You see life in a new way, and your attitude or belief system and perspective may radically change. You’re taking things a little more seriously than usual today, and this can be a time for making small sacrifices to help you secure significant gains in the future. Giving up a pleasure for a benefit in another life department can create some tension, but you’re practical enough to see the value of these strategic moves. Reality can bring you back to earth on a matter. Some of your plans or projects may require fine-tuning. The good news is that you are likely to have better information to move your plans forward in practical ways. You’re also in a good position for renewing a commitment to studies, a writing project, or a long-term venture that’s close to your heart. This can be a time for new insight into your beliefs and travel or educational plans. You are particularly focused but could be a little obsessed, perhaps finding out the truth about a matter. If this is something that serves you well, then take advantage of the energies with you now that help you focus and concentrate. Otherwise, consider managing your time so that you handle priorities. As well, watch for a tendency for an exchange of ideas to turn into a frustrating power game. Otherwise, today is wonderful for the self-discipline to put special effort into a course, training, project, or publishing pursuit.

A Saturn-Pluto alignment occurs in your intimacy sector today, dear Gemini, and Mercury is also joining the meeting! You may be working diligently on better handling your attachments, debts, intimate relationships, and support system now. Stripping away what is unproductive in these areas is in focus, and rebuilding a better “model” will come later. Right now, it’s about restructuring, simplifying, and making substantial changes that revitalize your finances, lifestyle, and relationships. It’s better to think in terms of downsizing rather than expansion for the time being. Your thoughts or conversations run deep today. Transits occurring now help to reveal new layers to a situation. This is an excellent time for research and investigation, although you might end up taking this too far if you’re not careful. Nurture your desire to get to the bottom of a matter only up to the point that it serves you well. Conversations and thoughts need not go to negative places to find answers. What’s most important now is that you learn more about yourself and your desires and feelings so that you can make better decisions going forward. Certainly, commitments or decisions made this week can be long-term and significant. It’s a meaningful time for ideas about how to cut back on excesses, reduce dependencies, and eliminate redundancies. You may feel temporarily unsupported, but this can lead to a stronger grip on what’s realistic and where you stand, plus you discover that you can handle things just fine on your own. This is a time for turning a corner and mentally changing directions! You can come out of this with a sense that your plans are more doable and realistic, which is particularly the case with finances and attachments.

Today’s Saturn-Pluto alignment happens in your opposing sign and partnership sector, dear Cancer. Your connections, partnerships, and relationship needs seem to need a reworking of sorts as you approach them very differently. If you’ve been living inauthentically in this area of your life, now is the time to strip away the fluff. This transit presents an opportunity to break something down and rebuild anew, but first, change is needed! You may be moving out of your comfort zone now, but you have tremendous planetary support for getting back on track as the year advances. Today, serious thoughts, observations, or conversations about relationships may figure strongly. There can be decisions made or a sudden awareness of responsibilities related to others. Or, this can be a time for making joint plans, decisions, and commitments. Counseling or negotiating can be useful now. Others may be withholding or strict with you, or more demanding than usual, but if you are forced to face a reality today, you might bear in mind that you’re better off for it, as holding on to unrealizable dreams will not serve you well in the long run. Consider, though, that even others’ criticisms can motivate you to make improvements. There can be stimulating and possibly intense interactions with a significant person in your life. Your thoughts on a matter are in focus as you reach an epiphany and greater understanding of a relationship or your relationship needs. Whether or not this is an easy process, the opportunity emerges for learning and growing. If others seem a little too pushy, it’s a time to redefine your boundaries. Otherwise, this can be a time for gaining a new understanding of someone’s point of view, and it can be educational.

A Saturn-Pluto alignment in your work and health sector today can point to some pressure to simplify and rework some structures and programs in your life, dear Leo. This transit can serve to break something down so that you can later rebuild it to be better, more relevant, and more authentic. Disciplined efforts to advance will pay off later. For now, there can be some hard and mature decisions to make! It’s best to think in terms of simplifying and downsizing right now, bearing in mind that expansion comes later. In fact, as the year progresses, you’ll have tremendous cosmic support for building better habits, self-care systems, and work. Today, obligations and responsibilities magnify. Aim to become more efficient and organized and to work hard and do what you can, without pushing yourself too hard. It’s a delicate balance, but doable! You’ll see your priorities more clearly as you go along, which can lead to essential adjustments and improvements that benefit you tremendously. Decisions made now tend to be more considered and sensible, although perhaps a little strict. Work or people you work with could be more demanding or otherwise difficult. You might renew a commitment now, especially to a sensible diet, health program, or work project, quite successfully. Facing a truth, even an uncomfortable one, can motivate you to improve, firm up, and get a handle on essential areas of your life, leaving you less vulnerable to worry or problems down the road. Embrace your ambitions if they inspire and motivate you, but avoid putting excessive pressure on yourself.

A Saturn-Pluto alignment occurs in your sector of joy today, dear Virgo, and your ruler, Mercury, joins in. This influence transforms how you express and enjoy yourself. You may be working diligently on building up your dating life, your relationships with children, a hobby, or a creative project. Self-expression is going through a reworking of sorts as you approach the world differently, and others see you in new ways. Today, you’re considering the more serious side of your relationships and projects. There could be a critique or further information that frames things differently, which leads to a new direction or a change in your game plan. It becomes crucial to consider ways to simplify and streamline your life to improve it all around. You are particularly ambitious about making changes and improvements, or circumstances are such that you need to start fresh. Something seems to need to change or break down before you can rebuild it to be better, more fulfilling, and relevant to your current level of growth. Radical changes can occur, in fact, and you may very well be the one to make the call–love and creativity need a different approach for you to gain fulfillment. A meaningful conversation, discovery, or big reveal can occur now. Pushing your natural boundaries when it comes to thinking, connecting, and creating can be valuable. Knowing when to stop is vital so that you can take back control and get back on track. Adding a little more structure to your life seems sensible now.

A Saturn-Pluto alignment in your home and family sector today emphasizes the need to simplify, dear Libra. You can feel pressure to pull something apart so that you can rebuild it from the ground up, and it can relate to your personal life, support system, foundation, home, or family. It’s a time for identifying areas that are no longer structurally sound and then committing to making changes. Emotionally, you’re learning about self-reliance and inner power. Temporarily, if there are problems in your home, domestic life, or family, they may feel bigger than life. As a result, you can feel compelled to make a new commitment to organizing the home or a home-related project. If you’ve neglected particular problem areas, you’ll likely need to deal with them now. New responsibilities or limitations may emerge, but these motivate you to take charge. You’ll feel stronger if you meet your obligations and get organized! Start small and go from there. While it’s all about making mature choices and simplifying things right now, as the year progresses, you’ll be rebuilding and expanding with fantastic support and motivation. You may be a little more strict or stern now, particularly in your assessments, which can be entirely necessary and useful. Do bear in mind, however, that some of the more delicate elements are missing just for now. Having all the facts can feel good, but it’s not a well-rounded picture you’re seeing.

Today’s Saturn-Pluto alignment in your communications sector prompts the need for restructuring, dear Scorpio, or a new start with your studies, communications, mindset or attitude, transportation, or projects and mental interests. This year, you can find yourself quite determined to rebuild and succeed. While a reality check occurring now can feel intense, you have all the cosmic support for rebuilding with you in the months ahead. This is also a time for recognizing the power of your words and your thoughts. Making changes to how you express yourself and to your everyday thought habits can be life-changing at this time. If you’ve been feeling stuck in destructive patterns, you’ll now see that something has to change. Your daily life can demand a lot more from you, or you might see a project or endeavor in an entirely new, very realistic light. You could be feeling the weight of your responsibilities. If you can manage to tackle matters one at a time, step by step, you will find that you sidestep the problems of feeling overwhelmed and get closer to your goals as a result. You might find out where you stand on a matter, and this helps clarify your next step. It can be a powerful time for influencing others through your ideas and communications, and there can be breakthrough insights now. This can be a time for firming up a project or clinching a deal. Conversations tend to be serious and assessments rather stern or critical today. It’s possible that sacrifices are needed to realize a benefit, but they may very well be worth it in the long run. Fortunately, you’re in a great position for concentrated study and attention to detail.

Saturn and Pluto align in your resources sector today, dear Sagittarius, stirring up some powerful energy for getting to the bottom of problems. This transit centers around your material affairs, income, finances, personal belongings, and non-material resources such as talents. On a psychological level, it’s about your self-esteem and sense of self-worth. These areas are subject to a thorough reworking as you approach them differently. Flaws in your current systems, especially related to money and business, are now too evident to ignore. You may be starting from scratch or forced to handle problem areas. Fortunately, you’ll get fantastic support for building up to bigger or better structures for yourself in the months ahead. For now, the light shines on problem areas, allowing you to see what should be done to improve and strengthen your life. There can be a reality to face or responsibility to meet in business or with money. This is a time to handle events with maturity by taking an honest look at a plan, project, or area of your life. Think things through and consider developing a better game plan. Work on one problem at a time, step by step, for best results. This transit is about downsizing and simplifying–expanding comes later. The more secure you feel now, the better you can share later, so don’t worry about prioritizing your needs at this time. There can be a real drive to understand something today that keeps you alert and eager. You’re in an excellent position for an epiphany or realization concerning what you genuinely think about the value of a thing, person, or situation, and this helps you make the right decisions.

Saturn and Pluto align in your sign today, dear Capricorn, and this influence can put on the pressure to succeed and achieve. You may be working diligently on building your health, a personal project, your independence, or a solo initiative/venture. Your mannerisms, image, and identity can go through a reworking of sorts as you approach the world differently, and others see you in new ways! Mercury joins in today, and the Sun and Ceres follow suit tomorrow, suggesting a big focus on you, your needs, your performance, and your dedication. You may very well be the topic of discussion! You might instead find yourself doggedly pursuing an answer or truth and making a change. Challenges today seem to light a fire under you to make improvements. Take advantage of an opportunity to bring a new perspective to a problem. Keep in mind that seriousness may be hanging in your aura, making you seem contemplative or intimidating others with a feeling that you know all. This may also be a time for taking a closer, perhaps critical, look at personal plans to see where you might make some improvements. If, however, you’re feeling a little misunderstood or let down, keep in mind that your dreams are still possible, they only need some refinement. Concerning the image you’re projecting, you could be feeling a little vulnerable now as you move into a new way of presenting yourself, but it seems vital to your progress. Confidence is bound to build as you go along.

The Saturn-Pluto alignment today prompts you to handle a matter behind the scenes or in the background of your life, dear Aquarius. Your inner world, dreams, attitude toward the past, and dealings with end cycles can go through a reworking, regenesis, and transformation. You may be cutting out something that has kept you weighed down or in limbo. Fortunately, you have some beautiful transits with you for rebuilding in the coming months. For now, you can be super-motivated to simplify, downsize, or cut out harmful elements from your life. Decisions about long-standing problems and the past may need attention now, and you’re likely to have a strong urge to settle issues that have been left unresolved. You might experience a situation in which the past is catching up with you, and now you’re ready to put it behind you. You may need to firm up and make practical choices that genuinely help you move forward happier and lighter. While you should watch for becoming overly focused on something to the point of distraction from priorities, it should be a good time for getting to the bottom of a situation. Closure is possible now, and it’s powerful since you’re preparing for Saturn and then Jupiter entering your sign this year. Letting go of conditions that have been weighing you down can be freeing now. You might come to a new understanding of a significant event from the past that changes your mental direction going forward.

Saturn and Pluto come to an alignment in your friendship sector today, dear Pisces, and Mercury joins the meeting! You may be focusing on simplifying and transforming your friendships, social life, networking, sense of community, and happiness goals at this time. If something has to go, it’s only so that you can make room for endeavors that are more authentic for you at this time in your life. This is a time of mature decisions, rational thinking, and special attention to your responsibilities. It’s a good time for coming up with solid, firm, and practical plans for the future, and there’s likely to be quite useful advice coming from a friend or your networks now. Mind you, there can also be critiques or reality checks, but these can be educational as well if you open your mind to them. Discussions with friends can turn to business or can become business-like today, which can be useful on the one hand, and perhaps a little disconcerting on the other. This is not the time for taking shortcuts — a thorough job is what gets the most rewards now. Do consider that rewards may not seem apparent, but try to be content that they can be delayed. Now is a time for tackling a problem with new understanding and insight. Try not to get stuck in old habits and methods, and instead look to push just enough to get to a new level of understanding. Discussions and ideas emerging now can help create turning points.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 12, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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