Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Leo until 10:21 PM, after which the Moon is in Virgo.
- The void Moon is from 8:19 PM to 10:21 PM.
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon (Lunar Eclipse) occurred yesterday at 12:15 AM in the sign of Leo.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You are thinking and feeling in big terms, dear Aries, with Venus and Jupiter in alignment today. It can be a time of romantic possibilities with someone offering you an entirely different perspective on life. Intelligence attracts! Or, you are more adventurous with your feelings and bolder with your affections. Sharing your ideas with others might lead to bigger opportunities. The future looks bright, and some of you could be making educational or travel plans now. Small stirrings of restlessness can motivate you to make improvements to your life, such as through a new course of study. Today’s energies encourage activities that connect you with empowering ideas and experiences, as well as people who stimulate hope and optimism in you. Entertain new perspectives. Non-routine activities seem to be most appealing and beneficial now. A fun and healthy escape may be in the offing and can be a real refresher.

This can be a day in which you find ways to strengthen a connection with someone, dear Taurus, or to connect more deeply to the things you feel especially passionate about with Venus, your ruler, coming to alignment with Jupiter in your solar eighth house. New insights about yourself or a significant person in your life can be motivating and heartwarming. You may find it easier to open up about a passion of yours or about a matter that you’ve been keeping under wraps. This is an important time for accepting others’ help, sharing responsibilities, and combining resources or talents in order to advance your goals and benefit most from your experiences. Money or support may come through for some of you now, or an open-hearted conversation that makes you feel quite wonderful takes place. Your people instincts are powerful, and you may find joy through an intimate moment or a moment of profound self-honesty. Promotional activities, counseling, and financial dealings can be successful now.

As Venus and Jupiter come together in your partnership sector, dear Gemini, distinct opportunities to win others over or to enhance a relationship can emerge now and this week. This can be a good time for attracting a pleasant or helpful person into your life. There can be mutual benefit through others today, or you might reach a new level of understanding with someone special. You can experience joy in feeling part of a partnership, or if you’re not paired up, you can be feeling particularly good about your relationship situation. This can be a time when you benefit from virtually any one-on-one setup, whether it’s about counseling, business, or romance. You are expressing real confidence and you have a strong desire to move forward through forgiveness and acceptance. People seem to really want to help you out or be around you right now. Expressing love, pleasure, warmth, and affection comes more naturally than usual, and you’re likely to find others are receptive.

As Venus and Jupiter align in your solar sixth house today, dear Cancer, there is divine energy with you for opportunities to improve or enjoy your daily life and happily attend to your health and wellness. Look out for impractical thinking and too-high expectations, but do watch for exciting possibilities. Good humor can be healing today. You more fully enjoy getting things done, working, helping, guiding, assisting, or being of service. You might also be feeling quite motivated to do meaningful work or to make your work more meaningful to you. You could be making connections and socializing in places you never thought to do so, and you may find new ways to explore and enjoy your work or tasks. You might receive some compliments or other forms of recognition for your efforts. Gaining cooperation to complete chores can be easier than usual now. Sparks of attraction or love might even occur while pursuing your daily routines or health goals.

Excellent energy is with you for expanding your horizons through creative endeavors, dear Leo, or for enjoying simple pleasures, romance, or pastimes. Love can be magical, and your powers of attraction are strong. It’s a good time for friendships and dating, personal magnetism, and your social life in general. A Venus-Jupiter alignment this morning is excellent for morale, too. Opportunities to connect with someone special or to share good humor are likely to emerge now. Your confidence increases and you could be feeling exceptionally generous, whether this is with your heart, time, happiness, or money. This is a great time to inject some extra oomph, romance, affection, or fun into a relationship or into your life in a general sense. The Moon spends most of the day in your sign, magnifying your emotions, and later heads into your resources sector, turning your attention to getting comfortable and enjoying your bounty.

There can be special warmth or a feeling of abundance today, dear Virgo, particularly related to your family, the comforts of home, or your personal life. Venus and Jupiter align in your sector of home and family, and there can be a nice opportunity to bring more love, beauty, or harmony to a relationship or your domestic world. You might receive a gift–or give yourself one–that benefits the family or home. This is a time for emphasizing cooperation, trust, and faith in your relationships. You can be feeling quite generous either materially or emotionally (or both). You might enjoy fond memories or activities that focus on comfort and security or familiarity. This can also be an excellent time to clear space around the home. Whether you’re going bigger or creating the illusion of more space, it feels good! There is mostly good humor with you today, although you can be a little prone to impracticality and exaggeration. This is a good time to expand contacts, strengthen ties, and find peace with the past. The Moon moves into your sign only later today, and you can feel emotionally awakened as a result.

With Venus and Jupiter coming together in your communications sector today, dear Libra, you’ll enjoy some nice opportunities to expand your knowledge, connections, or mental interests. There can be a warm reception for your ideas now, test results may come through or news you were waiting for arrives and pleases you. Conversations can be fun, romantic, or heartwarming. You’re going over exceptionally well with the ways and things you communicate. You could feel entirely inspired to pursue a line of study or make contact, and it’s likely to feel good to learn something new or share your ideas and connect with others and the information you need. Success tends to come through word of mouth or bright ideas today. Your good cheer and optimism can help strengthen close relationships. Promotion or publicity can be particularly favorable or prosperous.

With Venus and Jupiter coming together in your solar second house, dear Scorpio, you can enjoy a special appreciation for recent blessings. Others may be enjoying and appreciating your talents. There can be a nice feeling of abundance now, or a stronger drive to enjoy certain freedoms or the fruit of your labor. Be open and generous with others today for best results, whether personally or professionally, as this planetary combination rewards warmth and good cheer. There can be a gift or discovery of a resource that benefits you now. Enjoy some overview thinking regarding long-term goals and short-term issues in your life. This is a good time for gaining an overall sense for your next step or next move, but first, you may want to enjoy some stillness or stop to appreciate the moment before going forward, and this kind of pause is just right for you now!

Jupiter in your sign tends to put you in the spotlight in delightful ways these days, dear Sagittarius, and today, Jupiter meets with Venus, boosting your appeal even further. This aspect can fill you with a nice sense of abundance, perhaps as if puzzle pieces are coming together. Attracting support from others, if you need it, can be more natural, and romantic attention is quite likely to come your way now. You would do well to put a past grudge behind you, as this is a good time for generous moves. You tend to gravitate towards situations or people that/who are right for you. This is a good time for sharing your feelings, happiness, art, talents, and joy as Venus in your sign highlights your lovable qualities and meets Jupiter, your planetary ruler and the planet of expansion, giving, and going big. You are easy to be around. You’re feeling especially confident about who you are and about dealing with life, in general.

Today, Venus and Jupiter align in your sector of the past, endings, solitude, and privacy, dear Capricorn, and your private life or the past can pleasantly come into focus. There could be a freeing of sorts from a burden or unhealthy attachment, or there can be a feeling of forgiveness and understanding that helps you move on and embrace your future. This can come through a conversation or news, and perhaps even a chance meeting or experience from which you gain greater insight into something that you’ve been struggling with. There could be warm feelings about a private matter, or a real desire to help others now. Synchronicity may be in play, such as an unusual coincidence occurring today or this week that brings a little joy into your life. A private matter can also stimulate happy feelings.

The Moon in your opposing sign most of the day can boost your interest in your relationships, dear Aquarius, and a Venus-Jupiter alignment in your social sector helps stimulate especially good feelings. You might connect with a spirited, interesting person or especially enjoy sharing yourself with others. Positive attention or simply wonderful feelings can come through enthusiastically helping others. For some of you, a friend can come to your aid. There could be new friendship or a love interest through social networking, a friend, or a group association. Connections made now can be especially rewarding and beneficial. This can be a time of social refreshment, and you might turn to others or new ideas for inspiration. It’s a fabulous time for detoxing from pressured situations and goals, and to find more time for sharing, connecting, and community.

A Venus-Jupiter alignment occurring today encourages long-term vision and expands feelings and pleasures related to your career or reputation, dear Pisces. Connecting and cooperating with others is the key to reward and success now. There can be a boost in popularity, or you may be feeling more confident or happier about where you’re headed. Making plans and setting goals is exciting now! Business connections can be helpful. This influence can open up doors on professional or public levels for some of you. People are enjoying and appreciating what you do, or they recognize your performance. Romantic or friendly connections are particularly likely from public attention or business affairs. This is an important time for opening yourself up to new possibilities.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 22, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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