Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aries all day.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- We are in between the New Moon that occurred on the 24th, and the First Quarter Moon that will happen on February 1st.
- There are no major planets that are retrograde!
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Watch for committing to something that seems a little beyond your means today, dear Aries. You might feel so uncomfortable with indecisiveness that you end up doing something to end it that may not be in your best interests. Taming restlessness can go a long way towards having a good day, and with the Moon in your sign connecting well with your planetary ruler, you’re tuning into your instincts. Your emotions are running very close to the surface. It’s important to listen to your feelings, but not to be so overruled by them that you unwittingly create crises or emergencies. Your ability to let go and move on is brilliant, as it’s a wonderful way to take a load off your mind. You are a little braver than usual, particularly for entertaining new concepts and ideas, expressing your feelings or opinions, and believing in someone or something. You’re feeling pleasantly motivated.

Taking a step back from the world in some meaningful way today is appropriate and replenishing, dear Taurus. It’s a fine time for catching your breath–you may need a little more time to yourself than usual. There is some tendency to misjudge your capacities early today, and this can lead to taking on too much. However, as the day advances, you can feel supported. You might arrive at an understanding with someone or about a matter from the past. It’s also a good day for intuition on financial matters. It helps that you now see more angles to a story or more layers to an issue, and the chance of gaining peace of mind is strong. Much is going on behind the scenes, and you may be glowing with excitement. You seem to be more productive when you remove yourself from the hub of activity.

You can be feeling freer to be yourself today, dear Gemini, probably because others are not putting as much pressure on you or you are detaching yourself from it! Sharing ideas, enjoying activities with others, networking, and negotiating can be in focus now, and quite favorable. Early today, watch for the temptation to agree to something just to avoid the pain of indecision. You’re interested in making progress and perhaps feeling gently competitive. As the day advances, life seems smoother, and you’re answering to yourself. You are projecting friendly qualities and naturally guiding others towards healing through your actions and ideas. You might also simply feel the need to challenge yourself to move into unexplored territory. Today is strong for all things social.

You feel more in charge, vital, and confident today, dear Cancer, as you get into better touch with your goals and what you want to accomplish. Going your own way in your work or with your routines is satisfying now, and while you tend to have the support of others energetically speaking, you are more inclined to want to go about things at your own pace. It’s a good time for solving a problem or coming up with a clever idea, particularly on practical levels. A feeling of being on top of things is the best place to be. As such, it’s best not to take on too much. As people notice you more than usual today, you can feel motivated to up your game. Sometimes you need a little boost that reminds you to take better care of your life.

The Moon harmonizes with Mars today, dear Leo, and both bodies are moving in harmony to your sign. This influence serves as a nice energetic boost, helping you feel in touch with your instincts, and encouraging natural self-expression. Your direct approach tends to get you results. You’re in a strong position for romance, creative pursuits, and sharing. Put progress and self-improvement at the top of your list now for best results. It’s also important to feed your need for movement, growth, and variety. It’s a fine time to freshen up emotionally. You are radiating a nice amount of confidence, and something or someone motivates you to push a little harder.

Early today, divided attention could be a problem, dear Virgo. Helping you to free yourself from unnecessary mental burdens is a Moon-Mars connection as the day advances. It’s a fine time for keeping busy, even with a rather retiring quality to your nature right now. A healthy flow of communication, verbal or non-verbal, with family and those closest to you can be especially helpful now. You may be actively working at improving your home life and considering ways to augment your feelings of security and comfort. Taking care of domestic or personal responsibilities, keeping busy around the home or with family, or enjoying freer, more accepting relationships with loved ones are in favor. Strengthening ties with loved ones can help you across the board. Emotional satisfaction comes through applying yourself to something productive today.

The day supports connecting with others and enjoying shared activities, dear Libra. It’s also strong for enjoying exciting projects or enthusiasm for your interests and projects. An idea coming to you now is exciting. Any situation that requires one-on-one relating, including counseling, meetings, and pairing up, can prosper. A partner might demand some attention today, but not in an unpleasant manner. You might thoroughly enjoy showing your appreciation for a person in your life who can, in turn, help relieve some of the recent mental tension and pressures you’ve been experiencing. The key to success with the Moon in your partnership sector all day is to adapt to the needs of others, giving less attention to your own needs without ignoring them entirely. You might be able to solve a problem, particularly of the interpersonal variety, lay a debate to rest, or get a little closer to someone special.

This is a time for feeling stronger for your self-improvement efforts, dear Scorpio. You see, more clearly, what needs improvement in your daily life or with your health and wellness. Work may take on more meaning, or you’re finding ways to find it more fulfilling. With a Moon-Mars aspect today, you seem to naturally fall into a productive rhythm and have a nice feeling of being in sync with the people around you. While you might begin the day feeling less than focused, as it advances, you seem to find your passion. Feeling on top of your practical affairs frees you up emotionally. It’s a good idea to clearly separate work and play now so that you can enjoy both more fully. You’re in fine shape for meeting your goals and for taking action on a practical matter.

Today is strong for creative and romantic pursuits, dear Sagittarius, particularly in the second half of the day. While you may be grappling with some inner restlessness early today, you recognize that it’s better to find the middle road and aim for moderation. Matters of the heart thrive as the day advances. The enthusiasm you express today tends to inspire others to follow suit. The affection you’re putting out there is easy to catch, and others appreciate your unique vision and perspective. You’re also in good shape for following a passion or a new interest. Your head and your heart are working in harmony now, and this means you can make connections you wouldn’t normally make.

Gaining a sense that you’re on top of your domestic chores can be satisfying to you today, dear Capricorn. Your need for security and comfort is more pronounced, and you’re likely to seek out either the company of familiar people or privacy and solitude. It can be a wonderful time for emotional renewal, as well as moments spent with important memories. Taking action seems to suit you best now, so even if you’re working in the background or under the hood today, you prefer not to be idle. Look within and to your support system for what you need today. Whether you’re building your nest or attending to your innermost or spiritual needs, it seems to come naturally. Keep things simple, familiar, secure, and comfortable today for best results.

Today is strong for sharing and connecting with friends, dear Aquarius. While restlessness is possible early today, as the day advances, you seem to see matters from a balanced, faithful, and positive perspective. The trick is not to push things or rely too heavily on expectations. Confidence in your ideas, which can be quite brilliant right now, is building. You could feel motivated to reach out and make a connection, or you are very much on others’ radar. It doesn’t take much effort to keep exchanges lively and spirited today–they seem to flow this way naturally. You are bringing a large amount of appeal and charm to your communications, and you can be feeling especially eager and confident.

You’re paying more attention to those things that make you feel most comfortable today, dear Pisces, and taking special care of them. It’s a fabulous time of the month for establishing your needs and wants, as well as for exploring ways to satisfy them. There can be progress made on the career or life-path front, which is especially satisfying to you right now, as you have a strong sense of the long view. It comes more easily to you to put aside your worries so that you can focus on your priorities. You see your current projects, talents, and resources more clearly, and you’re finding ways to nurture and develop them. You might take essential steps towards fulfilling a responsibility that leaves you feeling more self-assured.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 30, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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