Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 2nd, and the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse will happen on January 10th.
- Uranus Rx
- Mars spends its first full day in the sign of Sagittarius today (Mars transits Sagittarius from January 3-February 16).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

While you may face a stubborn person or roadblock today, dear Aries, today’s energies are powerful for healing. Avoid clinging to what is familiar if this keeps you in a mental rut. While satisfying love feelings may not be straightforward for now, you’re in good form on the level of personal appeal with a Mars-Chiron influence active today. Your confident, take-charge approach is appreciated. Outside pressures tend to release as you answer to your natural rhythms. While you are inclined to push your boundaries just a little, your common sense and intuition are working well. You are expressing confidence in others and yourself, as well as a strong desire to move forward and to forgive and forget. Reaching out can bring special rewards. This can also be a brilliant time for learning useful skills and gaining knowledge that opens doors for you. Self-respect is building, and this creates just the right energy surrounding you that attracts success as well as positive people and circumstances into your life.

You may not be entirely on the same page as someone important to you just for now, dear Taurus. The results can be stimulating if you see your differences as something to learn from, but frustrating at first. Watch for pushing yourself too hard today due to impatience to reach a goal. Pace yourself as much as possible. Helping you with this is a Mars-Chiron transit that’s powerful for activities that promote physical and emotional healing. Opening up on a personal or intimate matter can be especially rewarding. Increasingly, you feel ready to take on challenges. Peace with the past is a real possibility now, freeing you up for exciting times to come. It’s a good time for sharing something in confidence and feeling better for getting it off your chest. Take a new look at any frustrating situations by taking a step back and seeing what it is that may have been blocking you.

Impatience can have its way with your day if you’re not careful, but it’s best not to let it, dear Gemini. It’s a time for working with differences and trying to find a balance since passions run high, and there is a distinct air of competitiveness around you – and within you. There can be imbalances between what you want from someone, and from what they want from you, but consider that this may be temporary, and that patience will serve you best now. Overreacting can stir up trouble that you don’t need. Your magnetic powers of attraction are strong, however, and you may suddenly have the courage to make a move you’ve wanted to make for some time! Helping out a friend or acquaintance can give you a real boost. It’s a good time to bond, but it’s also a time for maturely dealing with occasional moments of emotional distance, as accepting some ups and downs is an essential key to healthy relating. A person or group association that is more creative, visionary, unusual, or unconventional can figure strongly in your life now.

The Moon spends the day in your social sector, and cooperation comes easily, dear Cancer. Regarding a belief or idea, however, you can quickly become impatient with others if they are not catching on to your way of thinking. Emotions tend to cloud logical thinking in spots today. Avoid taking things too personally, and this can be an enriching day. In fact, someone’s differing viewpoint can lead you to an important conclusion. You could receive an inspiring message now, or take a detour from your usual routine that manages to lift your spirits. A Mars-Chiron aspect encourages a hands-on approach rather than focus on the details. Putting the past behind you is not always an easy process, but today you’re looking forward and feeling confident about doing so. Efforts to improve work or health have excellent results and make you feel good, and it’s a potentially powerful day for your practical affairs, work, and health matters. You’re solving problems, primarily because your attitude is quite fearless and because your energy for taking care of business is fresh.

The Moon at the top of your solar chart suggests you’re best off on your best behavior, dear Leo, as people are noticing what you have or haven’t done, even more so than usual. A missed financial opportunity may be frustrating, but it can also steer you on a course towards better management of your resources. While there can be some missteps today, you’re bound to learn from your differences, and eventually feel closer to someone as a result. You’re in strong shape for gentle challenges today, too, and you’re especially enterprising and pioneering–not inclined to overthink things. You might come up with an exciting idea for a new venture, and the motivation to get things done is powerful. You’re coming across with effortless charm and grace today as you flow along comfortably to the rhythms around you. Creatively speaking, you are in tune. It’s an excellent day for expressing your affections in simple ways, primarily through actions. You are feeling optimistic, and the creative juices are flowing. Romantic matters can thrive, and educational or travel plans can come together beautifully.

The Moon’s transit of your sector of spirit today encourages you to get out and about, dear Virgo. It promotes a more involved, active, and open approach to your world, and a Mars-Chiron influence reinforces this. It’s a good time for big-picture thinking and gaining perspective on your life. If you need to clear the air about something, this is a good time to do so. You are braver about facing your fears, which can lead to real, useful solutions to problem areas. You could be a little more sensitive and emotional than usual, and a small disagreement is a possibility, but try not to let this drain you. In fact, you can learn much from differences now. You approach touchy or complicated subjects with bravery today, and intimate relationships can thrive as a result, ultimately. You are more confident about your abilities to resolve conflicts and to get around obstacles in your path on an emotional plane. You are especially attracted to the healing arts or anything that boosts your spirit and makes you feel more vital.

Your sleuthing skills are top-notch today, dear Libra. You can be especially observant, and your understanding of a situation increases, helping you move forward. Passions run high today so that whether you’re feeling love or frustration, these things are magnified. As a result, there can be extra sensitivity and some ups and downs. Try to rise above insecurities, as you learn far more when you’re not on guard. Look for ways to free yourself of guilt or overcommitment. Helping you with this is a Mars-Chiron transit. A feeling of closeness, whether with your own heart or with someone special, is likely to figure strongly now. You can see the whole of a situation on a people level, and this benefits you greatly. The day is strong for feeling adventurous, connected, and optimistic, and putting a past grudge behind you can be the reason. It’s not a time for sitting back and waiting for something to happen. Put your plans into motion and employ productive strategies to accomplish your objectives. It’s a fine time to circulate, connect, and network.

Now is a strong time for putting effort into work and professional goals, dear Scorpio, as Mars and Chiron connect, and you feel equipped to take on a challenge. A partner or special friend might come through for you today, or your confidence in a relationship grows. Take notes or make lists if necessary, and also be sure to take the time to do little favors for others that boost their spirits. Changes you make today tend to focus on getting rid of the non-essentials, and this ultimately allows you to reduce stress and clear your mind. Money sense is powerful right now, and your instincts for what needs to be done in your work, with health, or with your practical affairs are excellent. There can be a healing process going on now, and you can be attracted to physical activities that help you digest and manage your emotions.

You’re inclined to focus on the little things that need attention with the Moon continuing its transit of your solar house of habits and details, dear Sagittarius. You’d rather not idle about with this transit! Passions are strong, but the route to your desires is unlikely to be straight. As a result, you’re somewhat vulnerable to emotional ups and downs. The temptation to stir the pot is with you, but it’s unlikely to bring desired results! Fortunately, you’re ready to take on virtually any challenge today with Mars in your sign teaming up with Chiron. Your confidence is natural–not over-blown–and you’re happy to move at your own pace. You are bravely facing any more profound issues that need settling. It can be a time for fruitful, exciting connections as people are drawn to you magnetically now. Constructive, physical outlets might help release pent-up emotions. The chance to expand your world is with you, and you can feel very confident about finding ways to enlarge your scope.

The Moon in your creative sector all day suggests you’re in a more outgoing, generous, and affectionate frame of mind than usual, dear Capricorn. Still, something you say today can be on the provocative side, and you may be looking for reactions and trying to gauge how others feel about you. You’re courageous about facing emotional truths, and in fact, thrive on them. Taming the desire for drama can help you to see the opportunities of the day–it’s potentially powerful for emotional bravery, intuitive faculties, and intimate relationships. Bonding with family and loved ones can occur through shared activities. Interactions are rich, and while you remain in a somewhat undecided or limbo phase on certain levels with Mars in your privacy sector, you’re benefiting from this quiet time. Often enough, people only see what they’re prepared to confront, and today is suitable for this kind of self-discovery. There can be an opportunity for a cathartic release regarding a private or personal matter.

The Moon continues to transit your home and family sector today, dear Aquarius, and getting comfortable is an emotional need. There can be a competitive tone to the day, and boundaries can be pushed. Working to tone things down can be very much to your advantage. In fact, relationships can improve with more attention given to them but are also quite vulnerable to pressures to be more than they are. Frustrations with current conditions can be distracting, but can ultimately stimulate you to make significant changes. Releasing pent-up anger should be done in ways that don’t eventually bring you or others down. It’s time to attract fresh, enlightening experiences, and a Mars-Chiron trine helps. Feeling fresh, alive, and vital figures strongly. Today is strong for optimism and for taking positive action in (or for) a friendship. You are exceptionally far-sighted right now, and while this may not be excellent for detail work, it’s a nice mood lifter.

The Moon continues to encourage taking on many projects and entertaining a variety of ideas today, dear Pisces. You can be feeling quite optimistic about your career or social standing, and a sense of inner joy and peace can be with you today. This, in turn, quietly yet effectively boosts your personal magnetism. Still, you want to take action. Stronger conviction is with you if you find more meaning in what you are doing, which is a real possibility now. It can be challenging to pinpoint what other people truly want from you at times today. Today is perfect for career moves, but only after getting over a communication hump. A Mars-Chiron aspect active now can have you feeling ready to tackle life with a new game plan. You might enjoy a stronger sense of purpose that fuels energy levels. Ambition increases in comfortable ways, and you’re more willing than usual to put ideas into motion or take action on important matters to overcome obstacles. It’s a good time for attention to practical affairs, primarily because you see financial and work matters more plainly.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 5, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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