Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Gemini.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 2nd, and the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse will happen on January 10th.
- Uranus Rx
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

While the Moon in Gemini inclines you toward a mental disposition today, dear Aries, emotions and desires can run high, temporarily clouding decision-making in spots today. Blockages can frustrate and stimulate restlessness. It’s not an ideal time to accomplish things cooperatively. Even so, you’re likely to find yourself in a good position regardless. Learning that you can handle certain things on your own can be empowering. There can be a tendency to overdo, and it will be important not to make promises that seem okay right now, but that later turn into aggravations or burdens. You need to avoid buying on credit or lending/borrowing too much today, as you’re temporarily short-sighted. Taming excessiveness keeps you in an even, smooth frame of mind.

You’re in a “settling in” frame of mind today, dear Taurus, and it’s probably for the best because entirely new projects and commitments are not recommended, just for now. This can be a day in which interruptions steer you off course temporarily, but it’s rather easy to regain your footing. Changes in schedule may very well lead to new ideas and positive directions. Timing can be off — for example, you may be passionate about something, while others may be indifferent, or someone’s trying to gain your attention, and you miss the gesture. Even though events may not unfold exactly as planned today, you’re in a mostly flowing mood, and very little can truly get you down today, except perhaps routine! Fortunately, the day’s energies are anything but routine, so you’re sure to experience a real mix of feelings and circumstances. Take charge of your own happiness rather than waiting for someone else to fill that job.

With rebellious Uranus in your solar twelfth house acting up today, dear Gemini, you may want to watch for provocative commentary and impatience. In some cases, somebody close to you could be insecure and acting out or bringing up uncomfortable topics. It can be challenging to arrive at an explicit agreement. Changes in plans and distractions may very well lead to new ideas and methods. As well, this is a good day for discovering something new about a special person in your life, for appreciating diversity, and for sharing your personal philosophies with others. Keep your plans fairly open and your expectations realistic, and you’ll do best now. The only safe route today is to stay centered and avoid expecting too much from regular things and people! The Moon in your sign all day can bring your personal and emotional needs to the fore.

As much as you’d like to today, it can be challenging to focus on your work, passions, and projects, dear Cancer. Distractions and interruptions can make it hard to concentrate. Friendships can bring surprises, and perhaps not always pleasant ones. Although you’re itching to make changes, consider them carefully before implementing them. Work and health matters can be in good form much of the day, although you’re very likely to need to redo or iron out problem areas now. Flaws may appear in recent projects, and this is a time for making needed adjustments. Try to be patient even if you don’t feel you’re moving ahead fast enough. If you’re tied to a desk or stuck doing monotonous work today, you could feel very restless since life is calling you, but you may not know precisely what for! There may be sudden and unusual attractions or desires now, and these can either disturb or delight, depending on how you look at them, and may not last in the long term. Try to identify what is real and what is simply a reflection of inner discontent.

Today brings matters of the heart to the fore, dear Leo, and while you can make some gains on creative and romantic levels, there can be some complications with plans. Loose ends may need tying, and changes of plans are likely. Timing can be a little off today with rebellious, unexpected, and unreliable energy in spots. It’s minor but noticeable. The day can move more quickly than you’d like. Make allowances for unforeseen changes and interruptions of your usual schedule, and stay as flexible as possible. Spending may not be wise today, as you’re inclined to go overboard. Your tastes are running into exotic or expensive territory. You might say or promise a little too much, and even with the intention behind it good, once your current enthusiasm fades, you may not be up to the task. Doing your own thing today can be liberating, but sharing yourself with others is more of an inclination now. Avoid important new endeavors today, but enjoy yourself.

There can be the need to take the lead or to perform today, dear Virgo, and you’re likely to fare well. Still, you may be on the fence about whether to stick with what you know or to take a risk and stick your neck out. Timing is a little off. It can be challenging to feel in sync with others and in touch with your true desires temporarily. Try not to let this drain you. If you’re facing pressures or sudden attention when you’d rather spend some time alone, gracefully bow out and seek out ways to build up emotional strength. Consciously pull your energy away from the little problems that have taken too much space in your brain. Recent plans seem to unravel a little, and adjustments are needed. Social and learning opportunities are emerging, but it’s important today that you don’t go too far, and this is especially so for adding new projects or responsibilities to your life. Without even knowing it, you could be misleading others simply because you want to do more than you’re realistically able to manage. Letting things flow and keeping everything moderate are the keys to staying evenly, naturally happy today.

There is a stronger emphasis on learning and communicating today, dear Libra, but some distractions or feelings of unrest as you could feel that you’re in the dark about what’s truly going on. Plans or projects may need some tweaks. You can be feeling quite passionate about a project or idea today, but it can be challenging to entertain it for too long, as distractions and interruptions seem to be plenty. Speaking too soon on a matter is something to avoid now. Your ideas may be too scattered or ahead of the times to get a warm reception just for now. Still, it doesn’t mean they’re without value–hold on to them! Prepare for some erratic elements early in your day, as there can be some tension or general restlessness in the air. Even so, excitement can fill your mind with fresh new ideas. Write down whatever you don’t communicate or put into motion, because it’s an excellent time for new insights. Keep in mind, however, that launching new projects is not a good idea just for today. Big purchases are also unwise right now. Be an intelligent observer.

While today can be an oddly flustering day in some ways, dear Scorpio, changes of mind or schedule can lead to fresh new ideas and experiences. There can be sudden awakenings and insights that nudge you into a new position or stance regarding independence in relationships. Sudden infatuations or complete turnarounds of feelings can figure now, yet they’re likely temporary. Money can be a sensitive topic at the moment. Resolve not to allow off-the-cuff remarks or impatient people to get to you. Flexibility will be your primary key to success right now. Try to embrace differences and changes as opportunities for you or for a relationship to grow. Recent plans, particularly along business or financial lines, may seem to come apart at the seams a little today, making this a time of adjustments and edits rather than pushing ahead. As long as you avoid making too-big promises, you’ll do well today.

With Mars in your sign forming an awkward angle with Uranus early today, dear Sagittarius, not everything is likely to go as planned. Be prepared for a change of schedule. Constructive, physical outlets might help release pent-up emotions today, but it may take quite a bit of trial and error to get there. You may be dealing with defensiveness in others, making it difficult to enjoy healthy, focused conversations. Mistakes can be made in haste, and failures in communications can test your patience in spots today. This can be especially the case with work and even regular routines. Try your best not to rush things now as hasty actions or words can lead to regret at a later date. It’s a good time for getting comfortable and engaging in some form of self-pampering if possible, but avoid going overboard if you know you’ll regret it later. Keep things simple and moderate, and learn how to discern between sincere desire and desire that stems from inner discontent.

Absent-mindedness can be an issue today, dear Capricorn, as well as a tendency to speak too soon. Even so, many of the little problems that seem to be tripping you up now are very temporary, and in fact, can lead you to make small changes and adjustments that will genuinely improve your life. Relationships require more sensitivity than usual right now. Today’s energies are a little tricky. While there can be a change in plans or schedules, and this can be frustrating at first, you may end up feeling very much ahead if you use this time to make essential tweaks. Fulfillment today can involve getting creative in the ways you give voice to inner yearning. If you’re not in touch, you could feel restless and tense. In truth, you are looking for a little more meaning to your life. Recognize and honor this need for the best results. Take care of your light, while sharing yourself within reason with others. It’s a good day for chatting and exchanging information, and not so strong for important launches.

Today’s energies are friendly for the most, dear Aquarius, but there can be changes or small upsets that throw off some of your plans. There can be a competitive or restless feel to the day, as we can be feeling rather desirous but might find it challenging to fulfill our needs. You may be easily sidetracked, particularly if you try to juggle work and socializing. Others may be pushing your boundaries today. Frustrations can lead you to make small but essential changes and adjustments, however, and that’s the kind of day you’re dealing with! Inner unrest is quite likely but can be turned into something positive if you put the effort forward. Avoid investing too much in the promises and responses of others since we tend to be a bit impractical just for now. The key to balance is taking charge of your own happiness instead of waiting for someone else to make you happy.

It can be challenging to pinpoint exactly what others want from you in spots today, dear Pisces, yet they can still seem to want your attention or push your buttons. There is a tendency to speak too soon or too hastily, and impatience is a possibility. Others may be interpreting rebelliousness in your communications. Frustrations may come out in small but disruptive ways if you’re not careful. There is a tendency to take things that are said and done quite personally. Be kind to yourself by detaching yourself from irritating situations. Changes of plans today can be annoying in the moment, but can also lead to new and improved approaches. Prepare for interruptions and distractions, and focus on taking the necessary steps for getting back on track. It’s important not to look outside of yourself for happiness and satisfaction, as people around you can be enthusiastic but may not be consistent. Taming expectations doesn’t mean expecting less than respect. It means that you’ll be better off giving everyone space and allowing events to unfold naturally.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 7, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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