Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Libra.
- The Moon is void from 11:15 AM forward (until tomorrow when the Moon enters Scorpio).
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 10th, and the Full Moon will occur on June 17th.
- Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You’re in good shape for sharing, connecting, and learning today, dear Aries. You’re likely to enjoy studies, conversations, and communications as the Moon in your partnership sector connects with the Sun in your solar third house. You’re focusing on your relationships and negotiating or accommodating people in your life, all of which seem to be a pleasure right now. At the same time, a Mars-Node connection today encourages a focus on nurturing and developing your home life, as it can provide the perfect foundation for you to branch out and blossom in other areas of life. Once you’ve stabilized and built upon your home base, you’ll feel more equipped to succeed elsewhere, as well.

The day is good for special attention to practical matters, dear Taurus, although you’re also inclined to want to settle down and enjoy quiet time once you’ve handled everything. You seem to fall into a productive rhythm quite naturally, and you’re likely to experience a feeling of being in sync with the people around you. As well, you may find it especially important to gain knowledge and improve communications today. You’re likely to feel your popularity soaring due to your specific manner of communication as well as your ideas and personal experience, or it’s a time for pursuing a special skill. New connections with people and information seem to further your personal growth, insight, and knowledge.

You can feel quite supported and free to express yourself today, dear Gemini, so that letting loose your more playful and creative side comes naturally. Your head and heart seem to be working in harmony, and this means you can make connections you don’t typically make. Energies now also support your appeal and visibility. It’s also beneficial to connect with information and people who seem to boost your confidence or help you, in particular, your finances. How you manage your resources, including your money, skills, and talents, enables you to refine and clarify your path and goals. You’re likely to feel more confident in your independence and security.

The Moon continues to transit an introspective, play-it-safe sector of your chart all day, dear Cancer, and your need for security and comfort seems to take over. While this transit typically inclines you to seek out either the company of familiar people or privacy and solitude, Mars and the North Node are joining forces in your sign today, stoking your courage to do something a little more daring. Even so, it can be an excellent time for emotional renewal and moments spent with important memories. With the North Node in your sign this year, you’re connecting with your independence and personal courage, overcoming any existing fears of trusting your instincts or going it alone. Today, connections may be made that point you in the right direction, whether it’s through a person, a chance meeting, information you come across, or a sudden realization.

Today can be a time of confidence and eagerness, dear Leo, and this is especially the case with learning, friends, connections, and studies. There is likely to be a good sense of emotional rapport with others, as well as enthusiasm for future projects and activities. Even so, there has been much attention to your inner world and private life, and today is also healthy for actively seeking out new or improved ways of enjoying quiet time or moments set aside for healing and renewing your energy. You could be meeting people or experiencing synchronicities that point you in the direction of putting problems that have been weighing you down behind you.

Today is excellent for successfully applying intuition to business, money, or a unique project, dear Virgo. You’re feeling rather stable and emotionally strong now. The focus is mostly on what can reasonably be done, not what might be, and this pleases the resolutely practical side of your nature. Activities that build and support you in the long-term are currently capturing your interest more than those that make you happy only at the moment. You’re also bound to feel some enthusiasm about getting your affairs into order. A connection today can boost your confidence and perhaps nudge you to learn and grow through a friend or pursuit.

The Moon spends another full day in your sign, dear Libra, and connects harmoniously with the Sun transiting your adventure sector, encouraging hopefulness. This transit stimulates a pleasant and fresh outlook or a general feeling of support, lightness, and positivity. You are a little braver than usual, particularly for entertaining new concepts and ideas and for expressing your feelings or opinions. You can more fully appreciate the cooperative elements of your life, but there are potentially significant developments happening in your professional life now as well. Having a strong sense of the future and what you’d like to make of it can figure strongly and can motivate you even further.

The Moon spends another day in your private solar twelfth house, dear Scorpio, and you’re inclined to prefer to hide away or take a pause that refreshes on an emotional level. Even so, an exciting aspect occurring now encourages you to step out of your comfort zone or push your usual boundaries just a little, particularly related to learning new things or sharing your ideas and connecting with someone who inspires you. Play into this energy by getting ahead or improving in your work, hobby, or relationships. You may find a person, subject, or pastime that excites you or gives you a new perspective. Learning or teaching something can figure strongly and can be most rewarding today.

Today’s energies are strong for spending time with people you care about, sharing ideas, and networking, dear Sagittarius. Don’t worry about the little things today, as influences are such that putting things into perspective is most rewarding now. You may feel a tug toward internal change, as well as a strong desire to take charge of your life from the inside out as Mars and the North Node align in your solar eighth house. You may find yourself connecting with just the right resources and tools (or courage) to help you on your path, and you have just the right attitude to use these to your advantage. Today is a good day for kicking a bad habit or working towards reducing a particular dependency in your life.

You’re in particularly good shape for dealing with work and routine matters today, dear Capricorn. In fact, you’re more likely to feel good about yourself once you’ve taken care of an obligation or two! Relationships are also in sharp focus now, and it can be a particularly positive time for taking the lead. Someone may encourage your confidence, whether directly or indirectly, and you can feel especially optimistic about the future. Through partnership or activities with others now, you’re likely to get closer to your goals at the moment as Mars and the North Node come to alignment in your sector of one-on-one connections. It can be a very busy and active day.

You get excellent support from the Sun and Moon in sister Air signs today, dear Aquarius, giving you a sense of general ease, buoyancy, and light. Your more creative side is easier to access and enjoy. You thrive on a feeling of freedom. It’s a good time to reach out to others, learn, and expand your mind, particularly also with a Mars influence that motivates you to go out of your way to pursue your goals. You could very well make connections with people or information that help you improve aspects of your life related to your work, habits, or health. Adding structure to your life through setting rules, developing new routines, and tidying up loose ends in your affairs will give you some real satisfaction.

This can be a good day for keeping your mind and body busy, dear Pisces, even with a rather retiring theme in your chart today as the Sun and Moon harmonize in hidden, emotional sectors. There is a particular focus on your deeper needs and feelings now, but you’re also encouraged to go the distance in other regions of your life–perhaps even to connect with someone with whom you’ve been hoping to make contact. You may feel inspired to express yourself and take a creative risk. It’s easier to connect with information, people, or tools that can help you achieve your creative or romantic goals. Romance in the air can help point you in directions that encourage growth and self-improvement.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is June 12, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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