Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Sagittarius.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 10th, and the Full Moon will occur tomorrow.
- Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Conversations with those closest to you can be especially compassionate or inspiring, dear Aries, but you may also need to deal with worry, and this can put a bit of a damper on your mood in the first half of the day. There are some beautiful opportunities to be found today, but some obstacles as well. With Saturn transiting your sector that rules career goals, responsibility, and status until next year, you get the chance to firm up these areas of your life, but the process can sometimes frustrate. You may be dealing with the less flattering elements of these changes today, and you could be feeling a little alone with your responsibilities or position. Feeling the weight of your duties makes unwinding a challenge. When it comes to others’ feedback, try to tune out the harmful elements, if any, and focus on constructive ones.

This can be a day of interesting news, connections, and communications, dear Taurus, but while some events feel inspiring, others may be a little disappointing in the first half of the day. Obstacles related to communication or equipment breakdowns, blocks, or complications are possible as Mercury and Saturn form an opposition aspect. Aim to look for the lesson from any critique that might come your way, even if you feel particularly resistant to it. Decisions can be challenging to come by or jumped into too quickly, but either way, it’s about overthinking. Try not to take delays or negative feedback too personally. A Full Moon will occur tomorrow morning, awakening you to emotions that you may have been keeping at bay.

Today’s energies are mixed, dear Gemini. On the one hand, your ruler, Mercury, opposes Saturn, and some people can be a little too rigid with their ideas or plans. On the other, there is nice energy for letting things go, enjoying the moment, and appreciating the people you have in your life. You may be experiencing tension and fear of the unknown related to finances or support. Financial or emotional blocks or challenges may help you discover essential needs or information about yourself and your relationships. Taking little steps towards realizing a dream will be very satisfying now, even if you need to get past an obstacle before moving forward.

You have helpful influences with you for making plans, working on self-improvement, and imagining possibilities, dear Cancer. You tend to be following your inner guide or muse more often than not these days. It’s easier than usual to put elusive concepts into words. Even so, there can be frustrating realizations or reactions today. There can be some fluctuation or concerns related to work, health, or schedules. Others may block or call you out, or a delay enters the picture and slows you down. Try to focus on things that you can improve and have the power to control rather than worry too much about those things that are out of your hands. However, combining the practical and imaginative comes naturally to you, and you can make some interesting observations in the process.

Helpful, inspiring, or simply enjoyable conversations can stand out for you today, dear Leo. While you may have the opportunity to apply both logic and creativity with great results now, there is a Mercury-Saturn aspect this morning that can enforce an edit or correction. Problems related to work, health, or routines can weigh you down a little. There may be substantial demands on you or people around you can be taking one another too literally. If you’ve been doing far more than your share, then take steps to make changes. Even with some blocks, critiques, or delays to deal with, you are ready to embrace happier feelings as the day advances. You are more courageous about embracing and expressing your feelings.

There can be nice opportunities to harmonize with someone today, dear Virgo, or a person in your life helps you see the bright side of a situation. There can be a new idea that humbles you or opens your mind to an important concept. Even so, there can be some worries or frustrations to deal with in the first half of the day. It’s a time for cutting back or reminding yourself of limits, being careful not to stifle your creativity in the process. There may be some reason to stop what you’re doing and face a challenge or block today, as your ruler, Mercury, opposes Saturn. When Saturn is involved, criticism may be irritating, but it can also motivate you to firm up your work or ideas, so aim to take the good things from the experience and discard the rest.

Business and reputation matters are especially relevant to you these days, dear Libra, and while they are subject to ups and downs, some extra imagination and creativity can benefit you in these areas. A more creative approach or method can work in your favor. Even so, a Mercury-Saturn opposition in the first half of the day may bring about awareness of a delay, a disappointing result, or a criticism. While this can put a bit of a damper on things, the sooner you handle a duty, the sooner you can enjoy the good energy with you for connecting with others and projects you love. Aim to prioritize, and do consider that casual comments made today may be taken out of context or more seriously than intended.

Your ability to take the bad with the good is appreciated and useful right now, dear Scorpio. Certain conversations can be inspiring and uplifting today, while others can leave much to be desired. An opposition between Mercury and Saturn across your communications sector in the first half of the day can produce criticisms or negative attitudes or delays. Aim to pull out the valuable lessons from slowdowns, blocks, and criticism and discard the rest. Ideally, your imagination can be harnessed and channeled into something productive. We’re building towards a Full Moon, happening early tomorrow, that can bring an epiphany related to money or possessions.

You’ll be in the best shape if you detach yourself from your affairs today, dear Sagittarius, going into the day aiming to be ready to learn rather than to take things personally. As well, your willingness to let go of a bad situation or habit can help you attract more positive into your life. Dreams and ideas that you come up with today can later take on substance, and your confidence in yourself will help get things going. First, however, they may face criticism or a delay with a Mercury-Saturn affecting the first half of the day, which may put a damper on things, particularly related to money, ownership, and boundaries. Even so, this can lead to the discovery of new and improved methods of dealing with life.

In some ways, you’re approaching relationships in fresher ways, rather than falling back on old, ineffective methods, dear Capricorn, but you need to get over the Mercury-Saturn obstacle this morning before you feel the benefits of this new style. Creative energy is abundant when it’s with you today, but there can be some feelings of being unappreciated. Workarounds to blocks or delays today can help you out as you see new ways of doing things and relating with others, but it doesn’t mean you won’t feel the frustration that can come when facing obstacles. Watch especially for being critical, as it can be taken more personally than usual and may be remembered for longer than you’d want it to hang around.

Certain areas of your life seem to be flowing along, dear Aquarius, but blocks, disappointing news, or delays can also be part of the picture as Mercury opposes Saturn in the first half of the day. Aim to bring something new, imaginative, fresh, or unique to business or work projects, but be ready for some extra attention to practical details. With Saturn in your solar twelfth house this year, you could be dealing with worries about your effectiveness or performance. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, aim to slow yourself down and don’t be afraid to enlist some help. Taking a small break from a problem can help you get a new perspective and can ease the pressure.

This is a generally great time for coming up with fresh new ideas or adding wonderful, imaginative details to projects and ideas, dear Pisces, as your heart is into what you’re doing. You can find yourself on the same page with a partner or special friend. In the first half of the day, however, Mercury and Saturn form a challenging aspect, and you could feel that responsibilities to others are getting in the way of your favorite activities. While remembering your obligations and knowing your limitations can be helpful and practical, harping on them will not do you any favors. If others seem a little distant or critical, do your best to power through by reaching a compromise, if possible, or finding the right balance between duty and pleasure.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is June 16, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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