Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Virgo.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- The New Moon occurred on the 3rd in the sign of Gemini. The First Quarter Moon will happen tomorrow.
- Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde.
- Venus spends its first full day in Gemini (Venus transits Gemini from June 8th-July 3rd).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Conflicts or misunderstandings today are likely due to feelings of being drained or dismissed, dear Aries. If you’re looking for answers, this is unlikely to be a satisfying day. Instead, it’s a time for discovering ways to feed your imagination and faith–your more worldly concerns may need to wait. Wait and process things before making final decisions and conclusions, but if your attention is needed, be more vigilant than usual about noticing and attending to details. Because this is a busy time for you, and you want to stay mentally active, you might consider engaging some of your more creative ideas as you go about your business. However, if you’ve denied yourself necessary rest, downtime, or spiritual sustenance, the need to restore balance becomes obvious. Feeling hesitant about a project or idea may be a sign that you need a bit more time with it before going forward.

There may be annoying things to deal with related to communications or an unforeseen expense today, dear Taurus, but you may very well discover that getting worked up over minor problems only serves to drain you. Try to conserve energy rather than waste it on issues that have little meaning to you in the long run. While it’s vital for you to focus on your practical affairs these days with the Sun and Venus in your resources sector, you cannot ignore your needs for imagination and spirit as you do. Ideally, you discover a way to infuse more creativity and spirit into your business today. Avoid letting others’ evasiveness, unreliability, or absence get to you. If you’ve misjudged the time required to finish a task or the resources you needed for it, aim to make some adjustments in due time.

You can be quite fired up in spots today, but you may not know where to direct all of your excitement, dear Gemini, which can lead to impatience or impulsiveness. Circumstances may be such that you need to consider your imaginative, emotional, and spiritual needs. Lack of clarity on the job or about your life direction, in general, can seem to interfere with all sorts of life departments. Try not to project fantasies on people and situations, as you may make more of them than they deserve, good or bad. If goals are too far-reaching or not very clear now, take things a step at a time and entertain smaller, more realizable goals. You may need to make some extra time for yourself to get into better touch with your needs before going forward. Use this time for imagining possibilities without jumping to conclusions. Let time tell the truth of a matter.

You can be one part hesitant and one part enthusiastic and ready for action today, dear Cancer. Mars in your sign has a way of pumping you up, but Venus is encouraging you to take a backseat for now. You could feel torn between dedication to your plans and commitments to others. Watch also that you’re not tricking yourself about a belief or goal or deferring your happiness to a later time. If a dream keeps you in a state of discontent in the present, then something needs adjusting. Take a step back and assess a matter that seems too good to be true. It’s also a good time for challenging your perception of a past issue or a belief, since all may not be as it seems. If you’re becoming restless with your routine, it’s best to make changes to it rather than abandon it altogether.

People may be taking things very personally at times today, dear Leo, and at other times, they can seem withholding or confusing. Negotiations of any sort can be tough today. You may be struggling with what’s real and what may only be wishful thinking, particularly regarding emotional attachments, relationships, and finances. It’s probably a good idea to keep an eye on your money, especially if it’s in someone else’s hands, as well as to stay abreast of what’s going on with shared resources. This is an essential period for reaching out and collaborating with others, but you can’t entirely brush off your needs for a deeper, more spiritual connection, or your need for time to yourself and sufficient rest. Find ways to make time for others, who are providing vital nourishment for you at this time, and for yourself or your close, intimate relationships. You may need some inspiration.

Action in both your social and professional lives can leave you feeling divided at times today, dear Virgo. There can also be negative attention or competitiveness stimulated that gets on your nerves now. You are learning how to use challenges and obstacles to your advantage, and it can be a bumpy ride along that road today. It can be an overcast day in the relationship department with the Sun forming a square aspect to Neptune. There may be important details that are missing, and they’re likely to be glaring at a later date, so do keep on your toes. If something doesn’t feel quite right or complete, consider waiting it out. This can be a time for dealing with illusions that have blinded you to progress and growth, or the viability of dreams. The tendency to feel drained of energy or enthusiasm runs high, and this can serve as a reminder to take a pause.

Watch for a tendency to push a matter when a sensitive, intelligent approach would get the best results today, dear Libra, particularly related to work. There can be some seesawing between wanting to assert your independence or going your own way and seeking out the comfort of company. It’s best not to make definite commitments right now, and it’s also a good idea to avoid taking things at face value. Current transits are encouraging you to experience more of life beyond your routines, but you may be battling low energy or a cluttered schedule that keeps you from doing so. People can be evasive today as well. Try to tidy up your daily affairs and get to the root of any issues of discontent. Aim to honor your need to learn and experience more, but be extra vigilant if life’s circumstances keep you in situations where you need to pay particular attention to details.

There can be a sense of being just a little out of tune with others today, dear Scorpio, but it’s temporary. Restlessness with the status quo can be the reason for minor conflicts and discord, but so can misconstruing what others want or mean. If you’ve been filling your more logical needs at the expense of your spiritual or imaginative side, you could feel disoriented until you get to the right balance. It’s a time for looking within and finding better ways to satisfy your needs for imagination, creative expression, and spiritual meaning, even if this temporarily takes you away from pursuing your more worldly goals. Confusing or confused signals are quite likely in love relationships today, too, and it’s best to reserve judgment for a brighter time. If you’re wavering on a matter, it may be a sign to wait a little longer.

A Venus-Mars influence today can make a relationship matter seem urgent, dear Sagittarius, when a slower, gentler pace makes the most sense right now. Your desire to investigate, detect, uncover, or expose anything that is hidden runs very high now, and it may be best to use it for research or analysis rather than for stirring things up. Today’s energies are complicated further by a Sun-Neptune square, and all is not as it seems. Whether or not to put your faith in someone or a situation can be a struggle. Emotionally complex relationships tend to be the most susceptible to ups and downs, while the more superficial connections tend to do just fine. If insecurities have led you to accept behaviors in others that cross lines, you may be facing problems now. Or, if you’ve been tending to others’ needs at the expense of your own, this is a time for feeling the imbalance. Aim to enjoy the moment without expectations for best results.

Distractions are plenty and restlessness can set in today, dear Capricorn. You may feel torn between the desire to get things done and your commitment to others. Big ideas are likely to require a closer look, and today’s energies are somewhat fuzzy. If you’ve been pushing yourself too hard or forgetting to feed your need for imagination or inspiration, you may feel drained, or your mind tends to drift as you struggle with motivation levels. Do what you can to take a break from unnecessary overthinking, but if you’re in a position to do technical work, double-check your work. The material world needs attention, of course, but if you’re not all there, you may be making mistakes now. It’s a better day for making adjustments and refinements than concrete decisions, especially with contracts, health, and work matters.

With current transits, the line between wants and needs is likely to blur, dear Aquarius, and distractions are plenty today. As much as you’d enjoy keeping a pleasantly busy momentum going, it can be difficult to choose any one thing on which to focus. Be extra careful with details if you must deal with them today, but if you can manage it, put more energy into creative pursuits instead. Do watch for fuzzy perceptions related to financial and emotional or romantic matters. Focusing on the tasks at hand may not come easily right now, but if something excites your higher ideals or inner dreams, you’ll feel considerably more motivated. While it’s a great idea to entertain possibilities and fantasy, it’s also essential to know in what areas of life to stay grounded. Once past the feeling of being scattered, this can be a great day for self-directed study.

You can feel somewhat torn between sticking with what’s comfortable and taking a risk today, dear Pisces. You may be itching to do something productive, but if things are not happening soon enough, you can quickly become frustrated. It may be best to avoid fretting by seeking the positive in what’s in front of you. Remind yourself that it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Big dreams are worthwhile as long as they’re not preventing you from enjoying the present. Today’s Sun-Neptune square can seem to challenge your goals or your confidence temporarily. If you haven’t been paying enough attention to your spiritual and emotional needs lately, you could feel drained or lacking in direction. As you reorient yourself, you may very well get closer to your spiritual needs, ideals, and personal dreams.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is June 9, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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