Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Scorpio until 9:20 PM, after which we are under the influence of a Sagittarius Moon.
- The void Moon occurs from 5:11 PM to 9:20 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase until 5:11 PM, after which the Moon is waning and is in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon occurs today in the sign of Scorpio at 5:11 PM.
- Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Today’s Venus-Uranus conjunction helps you tap into your intuition, dear Aries, and you can feel a strong desire to start fresh, approach things differently, and make changes and improvements. If old methods aren’t satisfying, it’s time to shake things up a little. You might decide to make a new or unusual purchase or to indulge in something unconventional. Discoveries may be made along financial lines. Connections with others can inspire you in your creative or business life. It can also be a time for recognizing the need to let go of certain things that are cluttering up your life. Today’s Full Moon can also be eye-opening. If you’ve been dependent on a situation, person, or habit, it’s a time for realizing your need to detach. Now is the time for entertaining your genuine needs for spiritual and emotional fulfillment, a connection to something bigger than yourself or your current projects or to more meaningful pursuits.

A Venus-Uranus alignment in your sign points to incredible personal appeal today, dear Taurus, as well as a feeling of freshness and invigoration. There can be surprises related to money, work, or love. You won’t tolerate limitations and restrictions, but as rebellious or defiant as you may feel, you express these traits in a pleasant way. Your craving for more variety may steer you in exciting new directions. You’re in good shape for moving work or health pursuits forward. Also today, relationship needs are awakened with a Full Moon occurring in your partnership sector today. Epiphanies about a relationship or your feelings can lead to exciting changes. This can mark a turning point. You are likely to stir the pot now, and the results can be fascinating. The day is about moving onward and embracing change and growth.

A Full Moon occurs today, and Venus aligns with Uranus, dear Gemini, and both events produce a theme of awakening. You might feel inspired and motivated by a shared secret or special moment, or past love or old feelings can resurface quite suddenly. Your intuition is trying to tell you something, and you might gravitate to the things, people, or situations that help you move forward. You might enjoy a coincidence that leads you to beautiful memories or unexpected feelings. The Full Moon awakens buried emotions. You may have an epiphany about the work you do, your routines or habits, or the ways you go about filling your needs and taking care of yourself. If you’ve been spending a lot of time attending to the world of emotions, then this can be a time when the practical world demands your attention. There can be a strong realization about your work that serves as a turning point, whether your passions kindle or you recognize the need to make changes and look for projects or work that’s more fulfilling. You might also recognize the need for more physical fitness or improved health routines now.

Today’s Venus-Uranus alignment can enhance your intuition and animate your interactions with friends or lovers, dear Cancer. You may feel surprisingly detached about a matter that once weighed you down. Friendships can bring surprises today, or could see a friend in an entirely different light, which can be disruptive or exciting–and perhaps both! It’s an excellent time for exploration on a social level or with new ideas, dreams, and plans. Curveballs thrown at you tend to nudge you in new directions. Today’s Full Moon can illuminate matters revolving around a romantic affair, creative project, or children. Be sure to break the routine even just a little to make the most of the day. This is a time for pivotal discoveries of your feelings for someone or particular projects in your life. Emotions can seem to overflow, and while this is a necessary process, it’s a good idea to take some time with them before making huge decisions.

A Venus-Uranus alignment at the top of your solar chart today points to some excitement, change, and stimulation, dear Leo, particularly regarding work, business relationships, or your image, status, or reputation. Others may see you in a special light, appreciating your unique qualities. The Full Moon that occurs today can also bring surprises or illumination. Buried feelings emerge that can ultimately clear the way towards meaningful improvements in your life, particularly related to living conditions, family, and home. There can be a turning point regarding your living arrangements, or this Full Moon can stimulate strong feelings about where you want to live or how you want to live. This can also be an exciting day regarding love, partnership, or dating. Feelings come on suddenly and pleasantly.

Today can be a time for recognizing and embracing your need for change and progress, dear Virgo. A Venus-Uranus alignment in your solar ninth house can serve to awaken you to new ideas, interests, or experiences that encourage you to live more spiritedly. You’re also expressing yourself particularly well, and fabulous energy is with you for social or cultural events and studies. Further excitement is in the air as you can have a sense of awakening to ideas and feelings with a Full Moon occurring in your communications sector. You are awakening to buried needs and desires, which can be eye-opening. There can be a conversation or social connection happening now that stirs up all sorts of emotions. While the atmosphere can be a little chaotic, you’re also recognizing the need to manage your daily affairs better and keep on top of things, as well as the value of staying in touch with people and opening up the lines of communication.

This can be a time for positively directing your energies to areas of your life that require change, updates, and a more progressive approach, dear Libra, as a Full Moon occurs today and your ruler, Venus, aligns with Uranus. Sudden or unconventional whims, desires, and attractions can take hold. The sudden urge to push boundaries can figure strongly now. Intimate relationships or feelings are likely to heat up suddenly, or you awaken to your buried feelings. Keep an open mind and heart, and see where they lead you. There can be heightened emotions surrounding money and possessions, as well as personal values and talents, or you may have a revelation about money or business. You may need to pull yourself out of your comfort zone a little to get what you want or deserve, but the results can be fantastic. It’s a time for being bold about taking care of yourself and your needs, but it may be best to save the more significant decisions for a time when you’ve processed your feelings.

Venus and Uranus align in your partnership sector today, stirring things up, dear Scorpio, and this comes at a time when the Full Moon occurs in your sign. It’s time for fresh, new approaches, particularly in your relationships, but also regarding how you take care of yourself and your needs for nurture. If you’ve been unhappy with some aspect of your life, now is the time to work on making it better. You might have an important revelation or a culmination or turning point can occur. You are awakening to feelings that you may have ignored or brushed aside in previous weeks, and it’s exciting. Your emotions are in full bloom, and the coming week is excellent for sorting it all out. For now, enjoy the moment and the special window into your inner workings, needs, and feelings, and enjoy an inspired mood.

Today’s Venus-Uranus alignment can serve to open your eyes to the need for change, dear Sagittarius. This meeting of the planet of love and pleasure with the planet of change and excitement occurs in your health, work, and habits sector, and there may be some unexpected developments or interruptions that lead to new thinking or directions along these lines. You have a taste for something different, unique, and exciting. As well today, a Full Moon awakens a need to attend to your inner world and to get extra time for rest and reflection. This is a time when your psychic radar is working overtime, and you can have an epiphany about your true feelings on a matter or instincts about a person or project. There can be a need for emotional and psychic release or escape so that you can recuperate, rest, and rejuvenate yourself.

Today’s Full Moon occurs in your friendship, network, and collaboration sector, dear Capricorn, making it a brilliant time to connect and share with people you enjoy. You can be in demand, or you might experience a personal revelation or a surprising discovery in your social life. As well today, Venus and Uranus align in your romance and creativity sector, inspiring you to make changes. If you’ve been sitting on feelings that need a release, they’re likely to find a channel for expression now. Love can bring surprises today, and buried emotions awaken. Some aspects of your past need to be laid to rest, simply because they are no longer serving you well. Eventually, these will pave the way to a new beginning. Observe, absorb, and try not to react until you’ve processed new information and feelings.

Today’s Venus-Uranus alignment can help you tap into your intuition, dear Aquarius, and can bring a nice breath of fresh air into your life. Your focus is forward-looking now, and while getting rid of something you no longer need can feel slightly uncomfortable, it might also be liberating. Your magnetism runs high. This can also be a lively time for home improvement or for an open spirit with loved ones that encourages a fresh new approach. The need to put your past behind you is strong so that you can make necessary changes in both your personal and professional lives. There can be the need to take the lead or deal with a responsibility or project that requires focus. A job opportunity, an award, or a “next step” moment that clarifies your general life direction can figure strongly.

This can be a time for hearing or reading about something that inspires you to make changes, dear Pisces, as Venus and Uranus align in your communications sector. As well, a Full Moon occurs in your spirit sector, awakening you to needs to expand your mind and your experiences. You are ready to start fresh, turn a corner, try new things, and approach your relationships differently. This can be an excellent time for coming up with an inspired idea. Pleasant surprises or even new friendships can result from trips, errands, and learning pursuits. It’s a time for seeking out different ways to express yourself and connect with a higher purpose. There can be something published, expressed, or promoted that helps you turn a corner. This can be a time for getting the word out, or there can be sudden interests that lead you along a new path, or that motivate you to rekindle an old interest.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is May 18, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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