Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Cancer.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase until 2:54 AM, after which the Moon is in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- The Full Moon occurred on the 12th in the sign of Taurus, and the Last Quarter Moon will happen on November 19th.
- Mercury Rx, Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, and Neptune Rx.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from October 31st to November 20th).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You’re investing more heart in your personal life or home-related activities now with today’s Moon transit, dear Aries. As is often the case in recent years, this urge can do some battle with the demands of your responsibilities or ambitions. It’s the time of the lunar cycle for you to more deeply explore your inner world and get in better touch with your needs for nurture and comfort. Still, influences now challenge you to find a better balance between your personal and outer lives. You might feel torn between rest and work. It may be best to seek new ways to entertain yourself or even to do business, as a fresh approach can keep you engaged, but avoid burning the candle at both ends. Be sure to devote some time to recouping and gathering strength. Because you’re more sensitive than usual, seek positive or calming atmospheres.

Today’s Moon transit puts a special emphasis on connecting, learning, sharing, and communicating, dear Taurus. While you may want to block out all else, you may find yourself limited by outside responsibilities or demands. With the Moon’s opposition to Saturn, differences of opinion can be frustrating in spots today, or you may need to crack down on your duties, making it hard to fill all your needs. You can have a strong attraction to personal projects or passions right now, but also a compelling need to get things done. Keep your mind stimulated by mixing up the routine, but try to follow some rules today for the best results. There can be something handy to learn through your communications or through information that comes in. Traditional approaches to your work or projects are favored most now, but innovative thinking or updates to your methods are still very likely.

The Moon spends the day in your resources sector, dear Gemini, and you’re seeking some predictability and comfort. This is the time of the lunar month when you’d prefer to keep things simple! Still, the Moon’s opposition to Saturn today can pull you into complicated or frustrating interactions at times. Or, you might do battle with competing needs, and blockages, boundaries, respect, money, or power dynamics can be issues you’re facing. Tensions can build, and any resentments you’ve been nursing may reach a boiling point. Compounding matters further, moods and desires seem impermanent, and you’re probably right that they won’t last long. It can be a bit tricky arriving at a compromise, but it’s certainly not out of reach. As well, today is good for giving thought to how you can improve your work or income, and conversations about your practical affairs or the information you come across now can be helpful along these lines.

With the Moon spending the day in your sign, dear Cancer, your emotions can feel more colorful than usual. It’s the time of the month to listen to and interpret your feelings. You have a stronger need for acknowledgment and emotional connectedness right now. You can learn a lot from your gut feelings and reactions, but consider that with the Moon opposite Saturn, you may face blocks to expressing yourself at times today. The tendency might be to dwell on problems. You might deal with restrictions, primarily in the form of relationships or someone in your life. It’s hard to spread your wings with people around you seeming to clip them, but there is usually something to learn from your interactions. Even with Mercury retrograde, you’re in a good position to talk things out, however. You’re likely to enjoy following up on a brainwave or personal interest.

The Moon continues its transit of your solar twelfth house today, dear Leo. You’ll do well for yourself by taking a pause from your busy schedule or putting your ambitions to the back burner. Still, responsibilities can drop into your lap or surprise you. You may be dealing with a pesky competitor, or you could feel pressured and fear that resting is lost time when, in fact, it’s something you need to bring your best game going forward. Pamper yourself today, but don’t go too far with this such that you pay a higher price later with Saturn opposite the Moon, keeping watch over possible excesses. Even so, a small change of pace may be in order, and it’s best to recognize your need for change rather than wait for it to happen to you. Aim for balance as much as possible now.

With the Moon in your social sector today, dear Virgo, you need some extra-curricular enjoyment, not the same-old-same-old. Still, it may be difficult to achieve in spots, primarily because your responsibilities loom. The demands of your romantic life, creative pursuits, or your personal life can often consume your attention, leaving you little time for free and light interactions, and this dilemma is highlighted today as the Moon opposes Saturn. Compounding issues now, you may discover that you’re subconsciously looking for a change of pace. Fortunately, conversations are compelling and easily draw you in, helping you take a break from heavy thinking. Once you allow yourself the pleasure, you’ll find that talking and connecting is soothing.

The Moon transit continues to highlight your long-term goals, dear Libra, and you’re a bit more emotionally invested in your performance or reputation. The Moon’s opposition to Saturn can present a predicament as personal or home-related matters seem to need your attention just as intently. It can be challenging to accomplish all that you want to do in spots today. While you can feel pulled in different directions, finding a balance becomes achievable. Still, a Venus-Uranus aspect suggests there could be shows of independence from others that throw you for a loop. Of course, they can also prompt you to find other activities that discover you can be just fine doing solo! The fewer expectations you have for your interactions today, the better. It will save you some frustration since the nature of this aspect is unpredictable. While there is good energy for innovative ideas, detours, and conversations, you’ll probably want to center yourself and take things step by step.

With the Moon’s transit of your spirit sector all day, dear Scorpio, you can be seeking activities that break you out of the routine. In fact, it’s a time for nourishing your mind and spirit. Still, the Moon’s opposition to Saturn can leave you feeling blocked at times today. The demands of your daily life are often heavy, more often than not interfering with your pursuit of extracurricular activities, and today, this dilemma is in focus. Or, differences in opinion and feelings of overload can figure strongly with this brief transit. The areas where you’ve been feeling frustrated or where you’ve been growing resentful can be triggered, and conflicts can result. Compounding issues, a Venus-Uranus aspect seems to inspire whims, and they’re likely to detract from what you truly need. The atmosphere is ripe for surprise elements, and staying flexible seems your best bet. Avoid putting too high expectations on yourself today, and let yourself explore your ideas and desires without making commitments.

You can find yourself attracted to activities that help you feel intimately connected to someone or a project today, dear Sagittarius, with the Moon’s transit of your intimacy sector all day. Still, with the Moon’s opposition to Saturn, there can be some feelings of being blocked or tied to business responsibilities. If someone seems to be disrespecting you, you’re inclined to take it quite personally! You might instead be dealing with a greater need to fend for yourself, and this cuts into your ability to grow a relationship or project. A more profound focus on your feelings and desires can clash to some degree with your urge to take care of business. However, this can be a time of valuable or enjoyable research, analysis, and investigation. There can be a mystery to solve or musings that excite and engage your attention.

The Moon spends the day in your partnership sector, dear Capricorn, and you seem quite invested in bringing balance to your environment and relationships. With the Moon in opposition to Saturn, however, there can be personal blocks that interfere with your enjoyment of companionship at times today. Or, you may not feel completely understood. If you let that go and resolve to work on what matters to you most, you’ll be in good shape. Unrealistic expectations in a relationship do nobody any favors, as they put the pressure on and make you or someone else feel they haven’t measured up. As well, through your interactions, others may be showing you a new side of yourself or your unmet needs. Friction or competition sometimes works in your favor, pushing you to meet or exceed your goals.

The Moon’s a guest in your work and health sector today, dear Aquarius, and you can be especially invested in your work or daily routines. Fixing problem areas of your life can be satisfying. However, the Moon and Saturn oppose one another, and your commitments elsewhere can get in the way at times. Or, as much as you want to attend to duties, chores, work, or health routines, unsettled matters can be very distracting. It’s best to focus on doing one thing at a time to prevent feeling so overwhelmed that you don’t get much done at all. It may be best to take things step by step, but do consider making some small changes to keep yourself engaged and connected. Narrow tasks down if possible. Even if you don’t accomplish as much as you’d like, the act of starting is better than not starting at all. Despite some ups and downs, conversations can be rewarding today.

You’re putting more of yourself into your heartfelt pursuits now with the Moon’s transit of your solar fifth house today, dear Pisces. The Moon’s opposition to Saturn can point to some blocks to enjoyment, perhaps in the form of responsibilities to others or the demands of friends or networks. Even so, you tend to see opportunities through your duties and obligations, and you’re ready to make the most of tensions or blockages. You may only need to make a few changes related to your social life, dreams, and long-term happiness goals. While you may vacillate between wanting to stand out and blend in today, you’re in great shape for giving some further thought to your problems or a special interest. You might enjoy adding details, refining, editing, or otherwise going over your projects.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is November 16, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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