Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Sagittarius until 7:32 AM, after which the Moon is in Capricorn.
- The void Moon occurs today from 5:49 AM to 7:32 AM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- We are in between the New Moon, which occurred on the 26th in the sign of Sagittarius, and the First Quarter Moon, which will happen on December 4th.
- Chiron Rx and Uranus Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You could feel in the dark on a specific matter in spots today, dear Aries, and it can eat away at you, but only if you let it. You could also be feeling somewhat drained or demotivated, but the pressures to perform and to get things done are just as strong, which can result in some inertia or indecision. Nevertheless, a beautiful aspect opens up possibilities. A Venus-Uranus trine encourages a spirit of progress and improvement. You’re deriving pleasure from your work and responsibilities or regarding a sense of your future opening up for you. You’re in an excellent position to connect with people in high places or those who can help your cause. Bringing a fresh attitude, idea, or method to the table can figure strongly now, and you’re especially open to making progress, moving on, and embracing different approaches. With money, responsibility, or work, you may have reason to breathe a sigh of relief, or there is a little more freedom or leeway to enjoy and encourage you now. Fortunately, this theme builds and fleshes out further in December.

You can be connecting with some insecurities about your ability to reach your goals in spots today, dear Taurus, and this may lead to uncomfortable situations or tension in your relationships. Do your best to avoid game-playing or holding onto an idea so tightly that you fail to see the positive side of a situation. This becomes easier as the day advances–a Venus-Uranus transit is a liberating, joyful influence. With Venus now in your adventure sector, you’re embracing new forms of pleasure and entertainment, and today, you’re inclined to latch onto a vision that’s positive and inspiring. You’re thinking outside the box, and activities involving communications, travel, projects revolving around technology or alternative therapies, and love connections are favored. Surprises turn out pleasant in the end. Letting go of negative feelings such as resentment feels great now. You’re more likely to want to preserve your energy for exciting feelings and make room for positivity. You’re attracted to things or products that make your life a little easier or more enjoyable. Tastes are for the unique, progressive, and unusual. A relationship may strengthen through shared or respected ideals, opinions, and beliefs. Fortunately, this theme builds further in December.

There is a tendency to harp on the past, problems, and flaws in spots today, dear Gemini, making it wise to release some of the pressure you’ve put on yourself to reach your goals. Frustrations magnify, but another aspect in play today helps you get ready to let it go. It’s time to focus on what’s working in your life. Moments of doubt can lead to better things as you detach yourself just enough to let go of insecurities and more thoroughly enjoy your day. It can be a time of experimenting with different ways to relate and learning something exciting and new in the process. You could have flashes of inspiration that help you see the light, either within yourself or in a partner. There can be important breakthroughs of feeling occurring today. Liberating yourself from a burdensome secret or concern can be refreshing. This is a potentially brilliant day for intimacy and connection. In many ways, this theme continues and builds in the next couple of weeks when Jupiter and Uranus form the same aspect that occurs today between Venus and Uranus.

There can be tensions that trigger arguments or leave you feeling a little on edge at times today, dear Cancer. Ambitions serve you well only to the point that they motivate you. However, if you put so much pressure on yourself that you’re living with stress for too long, then you may need to make some adjustments now. Fortunately, another influence today helps you release negative energy and embrace the new. You free yourself up to move forward now, and you can be wonderfully surprised–feeling lighter and happier. As you connect and reach out, you invite interesting people into your life. Friends tend to support you, and you’re quick to return the favor. It’s a good time for expanding your reach and entertaining new pleasures or ways of relating that benefit all involved. There can be a liberating feeling regarding friendship and partnership. You might consider the possibility of a working collaboration or a shared chore or task that helps cement a bond in the coming weeks. Your natural talents are framed well and supported through teaming up or going one-on-one. This theme extends and expands until mid-December.

Pressures today could lead to some tense interactions, dear Leo, with a minor challenge between the Sun and Pluto. There can be the triggering of buried frustrations, but you might treat it as a chance to rid yourself of old resentments. A Venus-Uranus trine is also in play today, helping to inspire you creatively. You’ll find it liberating to pull yourself out of this funk. This happy connection occurs in your productivity sectors, and detaching yourself from expectations and “being in the moment” leads to greater pleasure with the work you do or services you provide, as well as in the relationship department. You might meet someone special through work or the pursuit of daily duties or health goals now, or pursuing your goals is more pleasurable and engaging. Approach the world in a more relaxed, creative way for best results today. As you do, you’re likely to come up with intelligent solutions to practical problems. Fortunately, this theme develops and expands in the next couple of weeks.

Relationships can be a little tense at times today if pressures to succeed or push a plan forward are getting to you, dear Virgo. Frustrations might also emerge if someone is attempting to call all the shots. These can be signs to slow down or gain perspective. Fortunately, a Venus-Uranus aspect occurring today helps you do let go of anything that feels too confining. You’re ready to turn ordinary circumstances into fun, exciting ones, or otherwise make the best of a situation now. You’re also very much in need of something a little different, upbeat, and engaging. This transit happens in fellow Earth signs, and it enlivens you, bringing out a spirited and socially courageous version of yourself today. A surprise attraction may be part of your day, and it’s a strong time for keeping things open, enjoying spontaneous pleasures, and entertaining fewer inhibitions. It’s time for doing things a little differently to keep things fresh.

A struggle regarding money or ownership matters or worries about your finances can emerge in spots today, dear Libra. Plans might meet some resistance, which can be frustrating but could also buy you time to make significant adjustments and edits. Fortunately, a Venus-Uranus transit is also in play, and it helps pull you out of a rather serious mindset, drawing out your more spontaneous inclinations. You’re able to discuss typically tricky topics without being either overly sensitive or insensitive today. Polite, goodnatured frankness can be part of this. Forward movement on a home project can be exciting, even if it’s born of necessity or frustration with current circumstances. It’s a fabulous time for creative problem-solving around the home, and creative relating with family members as well. Similar progressive themes are likely to continue and expand further in the coming few weeks.

You may feel some unrest in spots today, dear Scorpio, or you could disagree with someone on core values or methods. Interactions can be a little tense, or someone is on the defensive. Tension may be the result of pressure to perform or meet a goal that is too out of reach at the moment. Once beyond a small hurdle or doubt, the day should shape up to be happy and even liberating. Your frankness can be a pleasant surprise, and you’re magnetic now. A relationship might reach a new level, or a conversation occurs that puts a problem behind you with a harmonious aspect occurring between Venus and Uranus today. There’s an excellent chance of finding someone on the same or similar wavelength as you now. Your definitions of love or attractiveness are unique, and others may particularly appreciate your point of view. Fortunately, similar themes of liberation and progress are likely to build and expand in the weeks ahead.

You may be too close to a situation or influenced by pressure to see things clearly in spots today, dear Sagittarius. It may be better to watch for conflicts brewing before they take off or they’re blown out of proportion. Backing up to gain perspective may be necessary, and a Venus-Uranus transit helps you do just that. There can be a surge of excitement about money-making or work matters, and new ways to improve your health, job, or routines can figure strongly now. With the slightly detached energy of this influence, it’s easier than usual to leave frustrations behind. You may enjoy an unexpected pleasure or make a fun connection. There can be a pleasant detour from the usual routine. A change of pace boosts your mood, and it feels great to be looking forward to the future with excitement. This theme develops further and expands your outlook in the coming weeks with Jupiter, your ruler, moving into the same empowered aspect with Uranus.

Recent pressures can put some strain on your relationships, and misunderstandings or hurt feelings could result at times today, dear Capricorn. Avoid trying to maneuver situations to work in a particular way, and try to muster up as much flexibility as you can. Fortunately, Venus forms a healthy trine to Uranus today, helping you do just that. Venus is newly in your sign, and it’s a fun and free transit that lasts until December 20th, made even more vibrant and progressive today with the help of Uranus. You may very well turn frustration into a positive–courage to do something you’ve always wanted to do, for example. You’re standing out from the pack in a pleasant way. Creative talents are in the spotlight. You might turn heads and gain a few more followers or the attention of someone special. You feel a little more courageous about expressing yourself, and this theme is likely to build and expand in the coming couple of weeks. Jupiter will soon enter your sign and form the same happy relationship to progressive Uranus.

Some intermittent tensions can surface today, dear Aquarius, with hidden agendas at play or information that is not yet known, frustrating you with only a partial story of a matter. Tension over past issues with performance or letdowns can emerge, but do your best not to let these get in the way of happiness in the present. Fortunately, a Venus-Uranus aspect is also active today, and it helps free you. Venus is newly transiting your privacy zone. As it reaches out to progressive Uranus, you can feel compelled to share a usually private feeling or to release yourself, even on a symbolic level, from heavy feelings that have weighed you down. There may be a new development regarding an attraction or a private matter in a relationship. Leaving something just a little open today can be exhilarating. After all, attempting to control too many areas of your life can be exhausting! This transit is spontaneous, making it an excellent time to do something new or different. Enjoy the courage to express or explore your usually secret desires or wishes today. Fortunately, similar energies are with you in the coming couple of weeks as Jupiter heads toward the same liberating aspect with Uranus.

Certain tensions can rise in spots today, dear Pisces, and they have to do with too-high ambitions or unhealthy expectations. However, a Venus-Uranus trine in play today encourages you to reach out and thrive in spite of pressures. Fortunately, it’s a somewhat detached, light, and noncommital kind of energy that’s easy for you to enjoy from time to time. Similar themes are likely to stick with you until at least mid-December. You are opening to new adventures and ideas, and there could be a chance encounter or a lively connection. Your unique perspective is valued. There can be a feeling of relief or release from a concern or obligation, particularly related to a friend or a long-term goal, or something that’s now out in the open leaves you feeling a little freer or lighter. This can also be a strong day for business income strategies or mutually beneficial agreements.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is November 28, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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