- The Moon is in Sagittarius.
- The Moon is waning and in its Last Quarter phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 8th and the New Moon will occur on January 16th.

A career or reputation matter might disrupt plans or throw you for a loop today, dear Aries, but this may be the time to shake things up a little, anyhow. Indeed, the same old routine can be unsatisfying now. Your desire for a change of pace is strong but you may not be in touch with what it is you truly want so that impulsive desires can lead you astray. Avoid quick, rash decisions. Listen to your own need for change, but avoid jumping into something that you’re not quite ready or prepared for. The tendency is to be a little too abrupt and to overshoot the mark today. Otherwise, this is a beautiful day to push your usual boundaries just a little and to consider new ways of dealing with the people around you. Once you recognize your boredom with the usual routine or patterns of relationships, you’re ready to take things into your own hands and enjoy a breath of fresh air.

It may be a little tricky knowing whether you want to be closer to someone or to take some space for yourself today, dear Taurus, and you may be giving off some mixed signals as a result. It may be best to reserve big decisions until later, as they can have unexpected consequences today. Something about your past may emerge that destabilizes your emotions temporarily. Before going out on a limb pursuing your desires, aim to understand what it is you truly want. In general, you’re sharing your affections more liberally these days, and you’re looking forward when it comes to love and your finances as well. You are more willing to look at the big picture and less inclined to focus on the little problems. Today’s frustrations can merely point to an unacknowledged need for a change of pace, and the sooner you take this into your own hands, the better!

While you’re craving more intimacy these days, dear Gemini, you can feel a little rebellious about it today. In fact, you may feel a bit restless until you recognize the need to take a breather or enjoy a change of pace. Your own feelings or others’ affections for you can be intense one minute, and then they cool down the next. Avoid getting caught up in emotional games and try to center yourself instead. In fact, this can be a good day for getting the courage to do something new. There can be some disruptions regarding a friendship or confusion about boundaries in a relationship for some of you. However, you may be sufficiently detached to step out of your comfort zone and discover new ways of relating, and that’s the lesson of this somewhat disruptive transit.

Relationships can be confusing today, dear Cancer, as someone may seem in hot pursuit of you at one moment, and disinterested or even cold the next. While generally speaking this is a good period for close personal relationships, today’s energies can be disruptive on that front if you play into them. Focus now should be on new relating patterns. You are in the position to see what or who needs to go but do avoid acting on whims, as whatever emotions stimulated today are likely to be transient. While both life departments can see advances individually, it would be wise not to mix business with pleasure/love today. What you want from the world (or a career) and what you want from your relationships may not seem to jibe today, but you’ll work this out. Aim to enjoy and learn from differences now.

While you’ve had fantastic planetary support for bumping up routines, diets, fitness, and work these days, dear Leo, today’s energies remind you that you need to change things up once in a while to do your best. As such, this is not the best day for sticking to routines or monotonous tasks, as there can be a rebellious streak that emerges that can throw you entirely off course. This is not necessarily a problem, as it may very well be a time for shaking things up, but avoid making decisions about the important stuff now, keeping in mind that what you feel strongly about at the moment may not last for long. While there is some potentially disruptive energy with us now, as long as we respect everyone’s free spirit, as well as the calls of our own, it can be a learning experience.

The alliance that formed in your solar fifth house in recent days is slowly breaking up and moving on, dear Virgo, but you are still in a good position for friendship, romance, creative expression, and leisure time. Even so, today there is very little that is stable in these areas of your life — or with your desires and deeper feelings — just for now. Watch that you don’t make light of an issue that means something deeper to someone, as the tendency today is to miss the mark, even with good intentions. Relationship moves right now can be sudden and disruptive. You like to understand things and people in a logical manner, but today, it can be challenging to get to the bottom of a matter. Giving everyone a little space and recognizing your need for a break from all the intensity or focus of the last week can do wonders for the overall mood of the day.

This is a time of new interest and habits in your personal life, dear Libra. You can feel strongly about bringing peace and harmony to your family life and your home environment, but today, there is an inclination to keep others at arm’s length or to go in and out of wanting closeness. This is not a good day for intimacy, as people around you are generally difficult to please, including yourself! A partner could also act suddenly, throwing you for a loop. If we push others’ boundaries today, we may be pushing our own luck. However, this can be a time of new insights into problems, light interactions, finding new ways of enjoying others’ company, and for getting rid of clutter in the home — as well as on a mental or emotional plane by releasing a problem that you’ve kept to yourself.

Your communication skills are in fine form these days, dear Scorpio. Your powers of persuasion are enhanced, and you seem to know what to say at the right moment. Others might be especially attracted to your ideas and style of communication. Today, however, there can be some problems getting your message across, but it’s temporary. Your own inner restlessness might tempt you to look for greener pastures, but this is unlikely to last very long, either. Physically, there can be some vague complaints, and these are likely to come from stress. A problematic schedule or your own tendency to rebel against routine can be at the root of this. Any attempts to lock someone down to a commitment can backfire. Straying from the rules just a little may very well lead to exciting new ideas or experiences. People need space, and so do you. Giving and taking space seems to be the solution to many of today’s problems.

The desire is strong to settle in and enjoy yourself, as well as to accumulate new possessions and/or to beautify existing ones these days, dear Sagittarius, but your desire for security is also more important to you than usual. Today, whims can take hold, however, and you may do things that rebel against your current reluctance taking risks. Similarly, a clash of values with someone can prompt a bit of a rebellious streak. Whims can take hold, but instead of following them, you might try to get to the reason underlying your restlessness and tension. It’s important not to respond to all urges, particularly if they involve spending or pushing a situation that needs more time to develop and unfold.

You’re hosting quite a few guests in your sign these days, dear Capricorn, and Venus is one of them, which can boost your appeal and desire for pleasure. Venus clashes with Uranus today, however, which can stir up some rebelliousness. This aspect can lead to overreaching and acting on whims, but you may be distracted from what you truly want. In fact, on some level, your desires may be leading you in an opposite path as a form of rebellion or avoidance of what truly matters to you. Honor your need for extra excitement by doing something different or shaking up the routine a little, but leave the important decision making for later. Experimenting with ideas and possibilities works but attempts to lock something down doesn’t at the moment!

With the recent emphasis on your solar twelfth house, your intuition is dominating these days, dear Aquarius. It’s a time of hunches and inner messages, and you’re bound to learn a lot about yourself and your goals. Today can be a little tricky, however, as you may have a difficult time knowing what you want, possibly baffling those close to you. In fact, ou may blurt out something that doesn’t represent your true feelings, getting yourself into a bit of a pickle. Something said, or news received, can be disruptive at first, so it may be wise to expect the unexpected and try to remain as flexible as possible. While you are inclined to express your unusual or sudden desires and feelings impulsively, it might be better to wait things out to see if you change your mind entirely after the Venus-Uranus influence today passes. Pay particular attention to news or information you uncover today, mainly related to financial matters and emotional health. There can be some gems discovered now.

Your desire for variety in your social life is stimulated strongly today, dear Pisces, yet there is also a strong part of you that would prefer to hide away or stick with the familiar or usual. There can be some doubts or concerns that can prevent you from interacting naturally with friends or associates. Someone could be playing hard to get, or they may not be playing at all – they might only be out of touch with what they truly want. Others’ reactions tend to be a little unpredictable now, but shouldn’t throw you off kilter, either. Watch for impulsive moves that stem from inner restlessness rather than genuine need or desire. However, don’t close yourself off to sudden whims and ideas, because in reasonable doses, they may be the start of something beautiful.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 13th, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
Date & Time: Jan 13 2018 0:00 am
Event: Moon in Sagittarius
Description: The Moon in Sagittarius
This is a time for expanding our mind and experience, exploring new pathways, aiming high, and broadening our horizons. It’s not as strong for detail or routine work. There can be restlessness, courage, and spontaneity now.
Date & Time: Jan 13 2018 0:15 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Pll Mar
Description: Transiting Moon Parallel Transiting Mars
Date & Time: Jan 13 2018 0:56 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Jun
Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Juno
We can gain strength through others or through our relationships, and we are especially comfortable in one-on-one situations.
Date & Time: Jan 13 2018 2:37 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Nep
Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Neptune
There can be confusion, misunderstanding, or some level of chaos and uncertainty. Avoid money transactions or new business initiatives – it can be difficult to think clearly. There may be deception or self-deception to deal with. We might have an emotional urge to escape. Feeling out of sorts and don’t know why? Relax and listen to some inspirational music. Honor your need to feed your more refined or spiritual side, and the difficult feelings will soon fade away.
Date & Time: Jan 13 2018 4:50 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqq Pal
Description: Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting Pallas
We may be concerned about what others are thinking of us now, and can be sensitive to negativity and criticism, or what we perceive as such. We might not understand one another, and can be at odds with one another on a mental or intellectual level. Someone’s belief or idea can make us feel insecure or out of sorts, or otherwise rub us the wrong way.
Date & Time: Jan 13 2018 8:28 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Nod
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting North Node
A good time for dealing with the public, for making connections, and for taking positive steps towards a personal or professional goal. You are able to make changes. This is a feel-good time for embracing new opportunities.
Date & Time: Jan 13 2018 9:18 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Cer
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Ceres
We can be feeling pleasantly attached to, or supported by, our loved ones or family. We are seeking out security, nurturing, and warmth, and we are more likely to express these things towards others.
Date & Time: Jan 13 2018 2:03 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mer Cnj Sat
Description: Transiting Mercury Conjunction Transiting Saturn
Rational and logical thinking. Concentration and focus. Organization. Serious communication. Agreeable solitude.
Date & Time: Jan 13 2018 10:55 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mer SSq Jup
Description: Transiting Mercury SemiSquare Transiting Jupiter
Mentally pushing the limits — overassimilation. Interest in learning and travel. Overconfident judgments. Opinions.
Date & Time: Jan 13 2018 2:08 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Ven Sqr Ura
Description: Transiting Venus Square Transiting Uranus
The desire for something new and different is stimulated. Social affairs are unpredictable. There can be aloofness or rebelliousness in relationships, with fashion and trends, and regarding our tastes. Sudden whims and fancies can take hold. There can be issues with personal freedom and expression which seem at odds with closeness or intimacy.
Date & Time: Jan 13 2018 9:51 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Ven Sxt Chi
Description: Transiting Venus Sextile Transiting Chiron
Opportunities for relationships or socializing can arise now. Interactions are open, warm, and supportive of growth.
Strong Signs, Elements, Modes
Intense, magnetic, penetrating perception, power to confront. Can be destructive, vengeful, jealous, overly dramatic.
Inspiring, broad vision, enthusiastic, goal seeking, truthful, adventurous. Can be reckless, unrestrained, tactless.
Disciplined, responsible, reliable, industrious, conscientious, practical, achieving. Can be pessimistic, overly conventional, rigid, materialistic, callous.
We are especially in touch with the physical world. We consider what we’ve learned and experienced in the past in order to make the most of the present. We can be cautious, practical, and possibly unimaginative. We are deliberate and can pace ourselves well. We need hands-on experience and are not impressed with theory as much as we are with results. Routines are tolerable and comforting.
We may have a difficult time being objective or detached. We may not be especially communicative.
We are ready to take action and to take on challenges, and can become frustrated with stagnant conditions.
Moon less than 45 degrees behind the Sun.
Time to tie up loose ends, review, reflect, let go, and edit.
The following aspects (major only) and positions are at noon (EST) on January 13th:
Note that when an aspect is applying, it has not yet happened but is within orb – it’s pending. When an aspect is separating, it has already happened/perfected and is moving away from the aspect. Depending on the speed of the planet/body involved, the aspect will have perfected–or will perfect–in a matter of hours (often the case with the Moon), days, months, and possibly years in the case of the very slow-moving outer planets and bodies.
Note that the Moon moves at a rate of approximately one degree every 2 hours so that if an aspect involving the Moon is applying and has an orb of 5 degrees, the aspect will perfect (be exact) in about 10 hours. If the Moon is separating from an aspect with an orb of 2 degrees, it has already formed said aspect approximately 4 hours ago (since the following are positions at noon today, then it would have occurred at about 8 AM today).
**I suggest paying close attention to applying aspects. The energy of the aspect builds as it gets closer to exact. Once an aspect involving inner planets has happened, it’s over. Separating aspects are good to know for context, but in terms of energy that is with us today, applying aspects are most important. (This is the case for daily astrology influences involving inner planets, which pass quickly, and not natal astrology aspects, which are with us for a lifetime).
This is a time for expanding our mind and experience, exploring new pathways, aiming high, and broadening our horizons. It’s not as strong for detail or routine work. There can be restlessness, courage, and spontaneity now.
Part of Body: Sciatic nerve
Sabian Symbol: An easter sunrise service.
TRINE URANUS Orb 7°47′ Applying
We are open to new ideas, ways of expressing ourselves and our feelings. A break in the routine is pleasing now. We could be experimenting with new ideas or feelings. There can be chance meetings, events that occur that open our hearts or our emotional awareness.
SQUARE NEPTUNE Orb 4°37′ Separating
We may feel a need to escape or to rewrite our lives in various ways – by seeing what we want to see, for example. This is a short time in which there can be lack of clarity. Emotional and physical sensitivity.
You are responsible and respectful, with a strong need to be an authority figure. You command respect and may tend to superiority and bossiness.
Part of Body: Muscle insertions of upper to lower legs
Sabian Symbol: A woman entering a convent.
CONJUNCTION VENUS Orb 1°03′ Separating
We take pride in our ability to relate well with others or to smooth over differences now. Graciousness, diplomacy, charm, and some superficiality are themes. This is a good period for social affairs, pleasure, amusement, and romance, all things considered.
SEXTILE MARS Orb 1°23′ Separating
We can be furthering our goals and desires without apology. A time for getting ahead, taking action, and solving problems, and some healthy self-centeredness. Competition. Taking the lead.
SQUARE URANUS Orb 1°09′ Applying
We may want to break free from restrictions or responsibilities, but if we aren’t in touch with this need, we could cause some problems or feel restless and irritable. There could be rebellious feelings. We don’t want to be told what to do. Use this time to see what changes need to be made.
CONJUNCTION PLUTO Orb 4°14′ Separating
You are intense, obsessive and have great personal power. You find it easy to rid yourself of the unwanted but may be intolerant of others less powerful. Transformation is the key factor in your life.
SEXTILE CHIRON Orb 1°33′ Applying
You will be able to help others with your ability to understand their pain.
You are a wise and careful thinker. You place importance on credibility and authority. Therefore you will seek knowledge which carries some authority. You may approach new ideas with caution.
Part of Body: Cutaneous nerves of lower leg
Sabian Symbol: A party entering a large canoe.
CONJUNCTION SATURN Orb 0°31′ Separating
You have a logical mind. As a child you were shy and unable to express your opinions. As an adult you will become a voice of authority.
You are shy in relationships. You will form relationships slowly, but they are likely to be enduring. You may not form close relationships early in life, but later will have solid and committed relationships. You are responsible with your money and possessions.
Part of Body: Connections between femur and tibia
Sabian Symbol: An oriental rug dealer.
SEXTILE MARS Orb 2°26′ Separating
You have the opportunity to blend your charm and assertion. You can be both gentle and strong.
SQUARE URANUS Orb 0°06′ Applying
You are restless and lack commitment in your personal relationships. You are wilful and see anyone else’s claim on you as an obstacle to your freedom of self- expression. You need to learn to compromise and enjoy your partner’s unique contribution to your life.
CONJUNCTION PLUTO Orb 5°18′ Separating
You want intensity and drama in your personal relationships. You are consumed with love and passion and expect your partner to feel the same way. You are disappointed when others fail to soar to great emotional heights and plummet the emotional depths by your side. On a more positive note you are fiercely loyal and committed with an ability to fight any injustice.
SEXTILE CHIRON Orb 0°30′ Applying
You are a caring and loving partner. You understand your partner’s struggles.
You are a passionate warrior. You are dramatic, and may have strong sexual urges. You may make a vengeful opponent.
Part of Body: Nasal bone, fimbria of Fallopian tubes
Sabian Symbol: A bunny metamorphosed into a fairy.
CONJUNCTION JUPITER Orb 3°07′ Separating
You are generous, self confident and lucky. Your energy level is high and you are courageous. You have a tendency to go where angels fear to tread, as you approach life with gusto regardless of the consequences. Travel and religious causes are likely to feature in your life. You may like to consider a career in the military or competitive sports.
TRINE CHIRON Orb 2°56′ Applying
There is more courage to face problems. Fighting for the underdog. Physical healing can help inner healing, and vice versa.
You are on an intense search for the truth. You have strong desires for sexual union and joint enterprises. You could be a transformative teacher.
Part of Body: Uterine ligaments, Haller’s net
Sabian Symbol: A parrot listening and then talking.
SEXTILE PLUTO Orb 0°16′ Applying
You have a chance to achieve a great deal. Your knowledge is broad as you are interested in so many things. You may make a career in the occult or studying the deepest mysteries of life.
TRINE CHIRON Orb 6°04′ Applying
You have the gift of wisdom. You trust your own intuitive nature, and are able to teach others on the spiritual path. You are able to encompass other people’s personal philosophies without feeling threatened, so that others trust you with their spiritual problems.
You are conservative and authoritarian, and have strong worldly ambitions. You are a responsible worker.
Part of Body: Cutaneous nerves of thigh
Sabian Symbol: The human soul receptive to growth and understanding.
The urge to start fresh, to break free from restrictive attitudes or circumstances, to totally redesign an area of our lives (or even our personalities), and to gain freedom through independence is strong during this cycle. (May 27, 2010, to August 13, 2010, then March 11th, 2011, to May 15, 2018, then November 6, 2018, to March 6, 2019).
Part of Body: Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Sabian Symbol: A double promise reveals its inner and outer meanings.
SQUARE PLUTO Orb 5°24′ Applying
A time for making sweeping changes and for adapting to changes in order to progress. This is a time for revising, altering, overhauling, and purging. We can experience tension, fear, and pressure, but also a sense of liberation from over-attachments and situations that have been holding us back from growth.
A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026)
Part of Body: Plantar artery of left foot
Sabian Symbol: A sword in a museum.
Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008, to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008, to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023, to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024, to November 19, 2024).
Part of Body: Tendons of right knee
Sabian Symbol: A hidden choir singing.
Chiron, Major Asteroids, and Moon’s Nodes: in Sign and in Aspect
Strong awareness of our own vulnerabilities and humanity stimulates compassion for others. (April 20 to July 20, 2010, then February 8, 2011, to April 17, 2018, then September 25, 2018, to February 18, 2019).
Part of Body: Plantar nerves
Sabian Symbol: A new moon that divides its influences.
You are intensely committed to your work. Dedication and the ability to focus are keys to your work. Sexual morals may feature strongly as you seek to either break existing sexual mores or repress sexual urges behind a strict code of ethics.
Part of Body: Nasal muscles
Sabian Symbol: The halloween jester.
You have a keen intellect with the ability to come up with exciting, new ideas. You are also happy to risk putting your new ideas into action.
Part of Body: Auditory canal
Sabian Symbol: A celestial choir singing.
You want the freedom to be your own person in your relationship. If this is not available you become rebellious and unreliable. You are unlikely to be comfortable in a traditional relationship.
Part of Body: Left cruciate ligaments
Sabian Symbol: People on stairs graduated upwards.
You feel cared for when other people play with you and praise you. You like to show others you care for them by encouraging their creative talents and sense of fun.
Part of Body: Left atrium
Sabian Symbol: Sunshine just after a storm.
This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world.
Part of Body: Left atrium
Sabian Symbol: Sunshine just after a storm.
This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world.
Part of Body: Lymph vessels of left lower leg
Sabian Symbol: A big-businessman at his desk.
Transits 13 January 2018
Aspects to Jup 18°Sc56 -16°25′
Cnj 19°Sc37 ZUBEN ELSCHEMALI– Negative social reform
Aspects to Ves 29°Sc17 -14°38′
Cnj 29°Sc41 TOLIMAN Learning, the lessons of life.
Aspects to Cer 15°Le29 +27°44′
Cnj 15°Le27 DUBHE Loving but forceful
Aspects to Nod 15°Le05 +16°18′
Cnj 15°Le27 DUBHE Loving but forceful
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