We’re still high on the energy of last night’s New Moon. This is an important time for new ideas and new beginnings.
- The Moon is in Cancer until 10:14 AM.
- The Moon is void from 7:24 AM to 10:14 AM.
- The Moon is in Leo from 10:14 AM forward (until Saturday, July 18th, at 8:46 PM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- A New Moon occurred last night in the sign of Cancer.
- Venus is direct and is in its pre-retrograde shadow (Venus will retrograde from July 25-September 6).
Times are EDT

Due to last night’s New Moon, home and family matters are in high focus, and new energy is with you to make improvements to these areas of your life, dear Aries. You might immerse yourself in family projects or home improvement activities. Family is more inclusive or you are more interested in setting things right. Later today, you could have a vague feeling that something is not right. Your perceptions may not be as reliable as they usually are, and reading too much into a situation may even get you into trouble. Avoid, as much as possible, spiralling thoughts and wrestling with regrets or recent decisions. You can feel out of touch. Even so, the Moon begins supporting your sign later morning, and this helps you to feel more alert, capable, and confident.

There are likely to be busy days ahead of you with a New Moon in your solar third house, dear Taurus. New energy is with you for connecting, communicating, and learning. Ideas can fill your head, but so can too much information. Some of your ideas will take and others may not, but don’t worry about the difference between the two just yet. There’s no rush. Plan to make warm and interesting new connections with people, be open to the idea that you need more intellectual stimulation in your life, and look for ways you can improve your approachability. However, watch for taking on so many things that you feel overwhelmed. Later today, a mildly difficult aspect between the Sun and Neptune can point to a feeling that others are draining you of energy or confidence, which can be the result of their negativity or simply your expectations of them.

A New Moon in your second house occurred last night, dear Gemini, and you are receiving wonderful energy for improving your finances and tending to your personal possessions. The impulse to buy something can be sudden and should probably be tamed just for now, until you get a plan in place. Ideas, and especially money-making ones, come to you with force and passion. Receive and enjoy them, and sort them out patiently as you go along. This can be the start of something special. Even so, later today, you may need to get over a temporary hump in the form of lack of confidence, a mental disconnect, or illusions related to money and work. Enjoy your imagination, but go slowly.

The yearly New Moon in your sign has just occurred, dear Cancer, pointing to a time for personal new beginnings. What you’d like to change, improve, or initiate is in your hands. You’re suddenly more noticeable and “out there”, and it’s a good time to ride this energy. It’s also a time for personal re-invention. You are always in charge of your destiny, but times like now, you really feel it. Confidence comes across well; excessive preoccupation with yourself doesn’t! People believe in you, and this only serves to motivate you further to present the best version of yourself. However, later today, watch for some self-deception, as you may not be seeing yourself and others very clearly. You mean different things to different people and this can confuse true understanding of yourself, or you may be giving off mixed signals. Treat any hesitance you might feel now as a chance to slow down and make adjustments.

Last night’s New Moon occurred in your soul sector, dear Leo, launching a cycle in which you are strongly inclined to take charge of personal and private matters that need your attention, or give more time to a person in need or an important cause. Buried or neglected issues can demand your attention, but for some of you, you may need to take on a supportive role in which you sacrifice some of your personal plans and goals, at least temporarily, in order to take care of or help out other people. You might take the lead on such a matter, or if you are the one who needs extra rest, then you’ll push for that. If you’ve been neglecting your psychic, spiritual, and emotional needs, then this is a time that forces you to acknowledge and tend to them. Later today, a minor difficult aspect involving the Sun (your ruler) in this same sector can leave you yearning for more and especially sensitive psychically. Try not to over-think things. Stick to the simple now.

Pay special attention to who you meet and ideas that come to you around now, dear Virgo. The New Moon that occurred last night energized your sector of friendships, networking, community involvement, new ideas, technology, and aspirations. What’s happening around the time of this lunation helps pave the way for personal changes and new beginnings. There can be new friends or associations with groups and people who share some similar interests or a common goal, or new beginnings with existing connections. A New Moon is about taking the lead and taking charge. Open yourself to the need for people in your life who offer you new perspectives, a change of pace, and some exciting variety to your daily life. Tonight, however, there can be some tendency to nurse an idealized image of someone or a plan. There can be a strong desire to believe in someone, but at the same time, fear that you’ll discover reasons not to. Try to avoid over-thinking.

Last night, a New Moon occurred in your profession and reputation sector, dear Libra. Even if you’re happy in your position as it stands, there are always some tweaks that can be made to improve your professional and public life. New projects and goals, and possibly even a new area of focus on the job, may emerge in the coming days and weeks. Enter these with healthy confidence, not over-confidence. Take the time to plan, and act rather than react. You have more impact on others than usual, so use this time in the spotlight well. Later today, however, when it comes to practical matters, you just aren’t seeing things realistically. In fact, you can swing from pie in the sky to negative thinking, making it a less than ideal time for making big purchases and business decisions. Daydream rather than make solid plans just for now.

Your spirit to explore beyond the ordinary experiences in your life is powerful now and in the coming weeks, dear Scorpio. A New Moon occurred in your expansion sector last night, and this gives you extra energy and resolve to seek out new experiences on mental, physical, and spiritual planes. This can be a period for beginning new activities or projects that feed your thirst for mind-expanding experiences. This is a time of increased bravery and spontaneity. Later today, you may be dealing with mixed messages and minor irritations or delays. The tendency to act in conditioned rather than mindful ways is strong right now, and you would do well to identify these patterns so that you can step around them. Otherwise, it’s a decent day for daydreaming and fantasizing. Take things easy, and slowly right now.

Last night’s New Moon energized your sector of intimacy and sharing – a sector of your chart that’s making a lot of headlines these days! Now and in the coming weeks, dear Sagittarius, there can be a feeling of revitalization on a deep, inner level. This can be experienced in your relationship with yourself and/or in a partnership. Inhibitions can drop and there is more acceptance of the deeper side of your personality. Alternatively, you might have had enough of a bad habit, addiction, or superstition, and you are suddenly motivated to end it. It’s a time for getting rid of burdens, or sharing their weight with trusted others. You might decide to rid yourself of clutter or debt. You may be saying goodbye to a bad attitude or habit, or getting closer to someone who makes you feel better about yourself. Later today, there is a tendency for people to be indirect, which can be especially annoying to Sagittarians! It’s not the best time for healthy relating patterns, but consider that you might need some personal space.

Last night’s New Moon brings you good energy for starting a new partnership or committing to a new way of enhancing a current relationship, dear Capricorn. Someone in your life could need more support or attention and you may need to put your own plans on hold. It’s time to strengthen your relationships, negotiate, compromise, and strike up deals. It can be a strong period for communications in one-on-one setups. Take in now, and take action when it feels right. If you need to take charge of a relationship issue, you’ll feel the energy to do so. Later today, situations and people may leave you feeling drained or confused. There is a vacillating energy tonight that is best handled by imagining or enjoying entertainment and art than for serious thinking.

You can be tempted and motivated to totally rework your daily routines now with the New Moon having just occurred in your solar sixth house last night, dear Aquarius. A new health program or fitness routine could be implemented now, or you could be doing a top to bottom reorganization of your workspace or home. Whatever gets you more organized and feeling in charge of your daily life is favored. A new project, work task, or even line of work can be on the table. This is an important time for clearing clutter, both physical and mental. Take advantage, but take it easy. Tonight, dreamy or creative activities can be nice detours from pressures.

You’re receiving a nice boost of energy that jumpstarts a cycle in which taking charge of your life is appropriate, dear Pisces, particularly when it comes to romance, children, creativity, and entertainment. This is a time for making improvements to your life that help restore balance. You are in need of quality leisure time and channels for expressing yourself creatively. Ideas for enjoying life’s more playful moments can come to you in a rush, or opportunities can suddenly appear, ready to grab. Even if your life seems crammed with things to do, you need to learn to make the most of the time you do have for enjoying yourself. Later today, you may be giving off mixed signals, but who can really blame you? It’s hard to project confidence and clarity if you’re not feeling these things inside. If you feel out of the loop, which is quite possible tonight and early tomorrow, hold off. Be easy on yourself.
*Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign.
If Your Birthday is July 16th, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are the factors considered in the forecasts:
Date & Time: 16 Jul 2015 10:14 am
Event: Moon enters Leo
Description: The Moon in Leo
We have a stronger need for appreciation, shows of affection and warmth, and excitement. We are proud and conduct ourselves accordingly. This is a time for having some fun, being creative and childlike, and enjoying life. It’s also a good time for organizing and managing.
Date & Time: 16 Jul 2015 7:24 am
Event: Moon goes void of course
Date & Time: 16 Jul 2015 6:04 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqq Pal
Description: Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting Pallas
We may be concerned about what others are thinking of us now, and can be sensitive to negativity and criticism, or what we perceive as such. We might not understand one another, and can be at odds with one another on a mental or intellectual level. Someone’s belief or idea can make us feel insecure or out of sorts, or otherwise rub us the wrong way.
Date & Time: 16 Jul 2015 7:24 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Sat
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Saturn
An auspicious time for any project demanding endurance or tolerance. Also good for establishing new habits and rituals.
Date & Time: 16 Jul 2015 10:14 am
Event: Tr-Na Mon Cnj Leo
Description: Transiting Moon Entering Leo
We have a stronger need for appreciation, shows of affection and warmth, and excitement. We are proud and conduct ourselves accordingly. This is a time for having some fun, being creative and childlike, and enjoying life. It’s also a good time for organizing and managing.
Date & Time: 16 Jul 2015 4:49 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Nod
Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting North Node
A good time for dealing with the public, for making connections, and for taking positive steps towards a personal or professional goal. You are able to make changes. This is a feel-good time for embracing new opportunities.
Date & Time: 16 Jul 2015 5:45 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Opp Cer
Description: Transiting Moon Opposition Transiting Ceres
We may feel unsupported or uncomfortable about supporting or nurturing others. Alternatively, we might be frustrated dealing with neediness in others. We could be insecure, fearful of rejection or separation. Positively, we might discover our own needs, fears, and comfort zones.
Date & Time: 16 Jul 2015 10:22 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqq Chi
Description: Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting Chiron
Hurt feelings may be opportunities for healing. Now is the time for building bridges, not burning them.
Date & Time: 16 Jul 2015 0:14 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mer Cnj Mar
Description: Transiting Mercury Conjunction Transiting Mars
Questions are raised, discussions can become heated, and there can be nervous excitement now. Enthusiasm is strong, particularly for ideas and topics. Impulsive speech or other communications, and possibly lacking in sensitivity. Resourcefulness.
Nurturing, protective, tenacious, emotional sensitive, watery, strong roots. Can be overly protective, unwilling to let go, timid, reclusive.
Self-confident, generous, warm-hearted, powerful leader, dramatic. Can be overly proud, vain, extravagant, arrogant.
Fire is enthusiastic, dynamic, and spontaneous, but lacks reflection. We are more courageous and adventurous now, with a tendency to act before thinking. There is little concern about what happened in the past. We are competitive and possibly impatient or bored easily.
There can be a lack of desire, interest, or skills regarding practical affairs. We may not be very much in touch with reality. Difficulties concentrating, grounding ourselves.
We may have a difficult time being objective or detached. We may not be especially communicative.
We are more compassionate, emotional, and intuitive than usual, and we may react emotionally to situations, possibly at the expense of logic or practicality.
We are ready to take action and to take on challenges, and can become frustrated with stagnant conditions.
We can have a hard time adapting to changes and to others’ agendas.
Moon 0 to 45 degrees ahead of the Sun.
This is an energetic, impulsive, and subjective period of time. We are looking for new projects and opportunities.
The following aspects (major only) and positions are at noon (EDT) on July 16th:
Note that when an aspect is applying, it has not yet happened but is within orb – it’s pending. When an aspect is separating, it has already happened/perfected and is moving away from the aspect. Depending on the speed of the planet/body involved, the aspect will have perfected, or will perfect, in a matter of hours (often the case with the Moon), days, months, and possibly years in the case of the very slow-moving outer planets and bodies.
Note that the Moon moves at a rate of approximately one degree every 2 hours, so that if an aspect involving is applying and has an orb of 5 degrees, the aspect will perfect (be exact) in about 10 hours. If the Moon is separating from an aspect with an orb of 2 degrees, it has already formed said aspect approximately 4 hours ago (since the following are positions at noon today, then it would have occurred at about 8 AM today).
**I suggest paying close attention to applying aspects. The energy of the aspect builds as it gets closer to exact. Once an aspect involving inner planets has happened, it’s over. Separating aspects are good to know for context, but in terms of energy that is with us today, applying aspects are most important. (This is the case for daily astrology influences involving inner planets, which pass quickly, and not natal astrology aspects, which are with us for a life time).
You have an emotional need for praise and attention. Under stress you may show off in order to gain attention, or become arrogant. You may be proud of your mother, or she may be very proud of you.
Part of Body: Left coronary artery
Sabian Symbol: Under emotional stress, blood rushes to a man’s head.
CONJUNCTION THE SUN Orb 7°06′ Separating
A New Moon. Intensity of focus, a new beginning, fresh energy, intiative, impulse.
TRINE SATURN Orb 2°24′ Separating
We are more able to find a balance between our own emotional needs and our responsibilities. This is a strong time for establishing good habits. We are more tolerant, deliberate, and resolute.
Our attention is turned to our nest – our families, homes, and anything that makes us feel at home, safe, and secure. We take more pride in these things. We are more inclined to nurture and take care of our loved ones and our pet projects.
Part of Body: Blood vessels of digestive organs
Sabian Symbol: A woman and two men on a bit of sunlit land facing south.
Thoughts and communications about ourselves and our goals. We are expressing ourselves confidently, directly, and clearly.
TRINE SATURN Orb 4°41′ Applying
We are taking pride in our responsibilities or performance. Steady progress. Self-discipline.
SQUARE URANUS Orb 3°21′ Separating
We may want to break free from restrictions or responsibilities, but if we aren’t in touch with this need, we could cause some problems or feel restless and irritable. There could be rebellious feelings. We don’t want to be told what to do. Use this time to see what changes need to be made.
TRINE CHIRON Orb 2°28′ Separating
We find it easier to bounce back from criticism, rejection, or feelings of insecurity; to humble ourselves. We can be filled with a sense of purpose. We more easily cooperate with others.
You place importance on communication within the family. Information about your family and its background is also important to you. For instance you may like to collect family photos or study family history. You look after yourself and others by communicating emotional issues.
Part of Body: Pancreas
Sabian Symbol: A man before a square with a manuscript scroll before him.
CONJUNCTION MARS Orb 0°41′ Separating
Questions are raised, discussions can become heated, and there can be nervous excitement now. Enthusiasm is strong, particularly for ideas and topics. Impulsive speech or other communications, and possibly lacking in sensitivity. Resourcefulness.
SQUARE URANUS Orb 5°00′ Applying
Original ideas but perhaps too radical or disorganized, or perceived as such. There can be mental or nervous tension experienced now. Mistakes can be made due to impatience.
TRINE NEPTUNE Orb 5°56′ Separating
Our words and thoughts can be more imaginative and colorful, subtle or creative. We can experience a sense of knowing and understanding with minimal explanation or instruction. Intuition is highlighted or awakened.
OPPOSITION PLUTO Orb 1°26′ Separating
We can experience pressure to decide or come to a conclusion. Second-guessing and suspicion are possible now.
TRINE CHIRON Orb 5°53′ Applying
We can be more understanding and sympathetic to others now, particularly when it comes to sensitivity with what or how we communicate. We might talk or learn about healing methods.
We take more pride in our tastes, relationships, and personal possessions. We are more affectionate, expressive, and generous, and we tend to crave admiration and appreciation.
Part of Body: Back
Sabian Symbol: An unsealed letter.
CONJUNCTION JUPITER Orb 4°47′ Separating
We are looking for more meaning or color to our lives and especially to our relationships. We seek to make others happy and tend to give others the benefit of the doubt. Our feelings and tastes are grand, and we may be especially extravagant or indulgent.
SQUARE SATURN Orb 0°52′ Separating
Lack of spontaneity when it comes to expressions of affection and the pursuit of pleasure, likely due to insecurities or fear. We may be reserved, withdrawn, cautious, and tight with money and/or feelings. Feelings of being alone and not getting what we want/need can be experienced now.
We are less likely to move straightforwardly towards our desires now. Our emotional moods especially affect the pursuit of our goals. We are a little more cautious and conservative under this influence, but we will fight for, about, or on behalf of those people and things that are dearest to our heart.
Part of Body: Gastric nerves
Sabian Symbol: A group of people who have overeaten and enjoyed it.
SQUARE URANUS Orb 5°42′ Applying
The desire to assert independence and to dominate can be strong. Impulsiveness can be a problem. We can be rebellious and willful, ignoring others’ needs in the process.
TRINE NEPTUNE Orb 5°14′ Separating
Inspiration might be found now, and our intuition is strong. There can be letting go of anger, or a softening of the disposition now. Creative arts, particularly physical ones, are favored.
OPPOSITION PLUTO Orb 0°44′ Separating
We may be looking for the upper hand and resisting others’ control. Resentments come to the surface. Competitive feelings.
TRINE CHIRON Orb 6°35′ Applying
There is more courage to face problems. Fighting for the underdog. Physical healing can help inner healing, and vice versa.
We are generous and dignified. Excessive egoism should be watched for. Prosperous areas are creative ones, entertainment, children, and recreation. Generosity brings success. (July 16th, 2014 to August 11th, 2015)
Part of Body: Pericardium
Sabian Symbol: A large camel crossing the desert.
SQUARE SATURN Orb 3°54′ Applying
We are faced with the need to temper our enthusiasm or to slow down to avoid overextending ourselves. This is a time for clarifying and editing projects and goals. We may need to cut back on something in order to grow in another area. Patience is required now.
TRINE URANUS Orb 4°08′ Separating
We’re open to new energies, approaches, and attitudes. Fortunate events occur as a direct result of our willingness to entertain the unusual and to think outside of the box. We have faith in our ability to make positive changes and improvements.
A strong period for dissecting and studying the unconscious/subconscious, for seeing how deep-rooted fears and patterns control our lives, and for dealing with and eventually mastering our addictions. Restrictions we experience through our debts to others can be magnified, and these can be material, moral, or emotional debts. This transit can help us to structure, organize, and make sense out of these debts. Dealing with fears of dependency and helplessness. Resourcefulness. (October 5, 2012 to December 23, 2014; then June 14, 2015 to September 17, 2015)
Part of Body: Vomer
Sabian Symbol: A woman pleading for the lives of her children.
The urge to start fresh, to break free from restrictive attitudes or circumstances, to totally redesign an area of our lives (or even our personalities), and to gain freedom through independence is strong during this cycle. (May 27, 2010 to August 13, 2010, then March 11th, 2011 to May 15, 2018, then November 6, 2018 to March 6, 2019).
Part of Body: Eye muscles
Sabian Symbol: A pugilist entering the ring.
A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011 to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012 to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025 to January 26, 2026).
Part of Body: Left metatarsals
Sabian Symbol: An aviator in the clouds.
Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008 to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008 to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023 to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024 to November 19, 2024).
Part of Body: Left knee cartilage
Sabian Symbol: Many toys in the children’s ward of a hospital.
Strong awareness of our own vulnerabilities and humanity stimulates compassion for others. (April 20 to July 20, 2010, then February 8, 2011 to April 17, 2018, then September 25, 2018 to February 18, 2019).
Part of Body: Achilles tendon of right foot
Sabian Symbol: A man bringing down the new law from sinai.
This can be a time for grabbing the reins and working solo. There can be strong energy for new enterprises but not necessarily for routine work.
Part of Body: Optic nerve
Sabian Symbol: The president of the country.
This is an idealistic position. We love to learn and share our ideas and beliefs with others, and will go to great lengths to defend our principles and to reveal our truths.
Part of Body: Long saphenous veins
Sabian Symbol: A widow’s past brought to light.
Partnership and service are tied together in some significant manner with this position. There may be some resistance to merging fully with a partner, as there is a need to remain independent, separate, and distinct even in a partnership.
Part of Body: Descending colon
Sabian Symbol: A merry-go-round.
You feel cared for when others accept and encourage your sense of individuality. You feel comforted when surrounded by groups of people. You teach others to accept their eccentricities.
Part of Body: Left fibula
Sabian Symbol: A hindu healer.
You take pride in your health. You may have hobbies and pastimes linked with health.
Part of Body: Left coronary vein
Sabian Symbol: The constellations in the sky.
You have difficulty making up your mind. You prefer to keep your options open and may miss opportunities to learn new ideas.
Part of Body: Fingers
Sabian Symbol: A young gypsy emerging from the woods gazes at far cities.
This is a quest to learn co-operation. You have a tendency to want your own way and to force your opinions onto others. You need to develop selflessness, the ability to share and a sensitivity to the needs of other people.
Part of Body: Kidney surface
Sabian Symbol: A group around a campfire.
This is a quest to learn co-operation. You have a tendency to want your own way and to force your opinions onto others. You need to develop selflessness, the ability to share and a sensitivity to the needs of other people.
Part of Body: Pineal Gland
Sabian Symbol: Two lovers strolling through a secluded walk.
Transits 16 Jul 2015 – Event Chart
Aspects to Sun 23°Cn48 +21°20′
Cnj 23°Cn25 POLLUX The pain of creativity, competitiveness.
Aspects to Mer 15°Cn27 +23°20′
Cnj 15°Cn09 CANOPUS** The Path Finder
Aspects to Ven 29°Le23 +09°53′
Cnj 00°Vi02 REGULUS*** Majestic, success, haughty, (revenge)
Aspects to Mar 14°Cn45 +23°28′
Cnj 14°Cn17 SIRIUS*** The mundane becoming sacred, feeling unique or unusual.
Cnj 15°Cn09 CANOPUS** The Path Finder
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