Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Leo until 6:13 AM, after which the Moon is in Virgo.
- The void Moon occurs until 6:13 AM (since 9:38 PM yesterday).
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase.
- We are in between the First Quarter Moon that occurred on the 12th, and the Full Moon that will occur on the 19th.
- Jupiter is retrograde.
- Mercury is direct and is in its post-retrograde shadow phase until tomorrow.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

While the Moon moves into moderate Virgo today, dear Aries, a couple of influences point to possible excess. The desire to have your way or to push an idea onto someone who isn’t budging could figure strongly now. Life is far more enjoyable when we don’t feel the need to control it, so it may be better to let this one go. Desires and new endeavors tend to burn out fast if they’re based on whims or are born out of pure restlessness. If you’re feeling unusually good, you might be tempted to sign up for more than you can later deliver. Optimism is a strength, but if it leads you into unrealistic territory, you may be going too far. Responsibilities and restrictions seem excessive, as it’s a day when you want to have some fun. A wait-and-see attitude can come in handy right now.

The Moon moves into your recreation and creativity sector today, dear Taurus, and this can stimulate a greater need to express yourself. Some tension about money or a clash of values with someone could be part of the picture, but overall, there is a sense that you are coming out of your shell and allowing yourself to have a little fun. Good intentions can be at the root of taking on a new endeavor or challenge today, but if plans are not well laid out, it could become a burden later on. Moods can swing today, and it may be useful to remember that the higher you go, the harder you fall. It’s not about restricting happiness, but rather distinguishing between a whim and a genuine desire. Cultivate emotional self-control for the essential things, and for others, you may decide to indulge yourself in moderation. Try to keep your expectations reasonable.

The Moon’s move into your home and family sector today can stimulate a desire to nest, nurture, or rest, dear Gemini. You’ll be craving more familiar activities, people, and environments for a couple of days with this transit. Regarding matters of the heart, try not to rush or push anything today. You have high expectations, or you could be tempted to make big, bold moves that are more likely to be premature or over the top under current conditions. With both a Moon-Mars square and a Venus-Jupiter square influencing the day, we tend to overreach and fall in the process. Going a little overboard might be fun now, but for the essential things, it’s better to respect everyone’s boundaries, including your own.

While you may be intrigued by unusual desires and wants, or wrestling with them today, dear Cancer, you might in the process gain clarity about which steps you need to take to improve your finances and to take charge of your earnings. Attempts to talk through problems in a relationship or to sweet talk could fall flat. Ask yourself whether something you’re craving now will benefit you later, or whether it might be cause for regret. It can be tough taking others’ advice right now, so try to keep yourself in the position to manage your own resources. You may keep certain things to yourself if you’d rather not receive unsolicited advice. Or, the urge to splurge is dominant at the moment. Restlessness is a real problem today. Tame it, and you’ll have a much better chance of enjoying some fun.

Emotions usually settle down when the Moon enters Virgo and your solar second house as it does today, dear Leo, but some aspects in play now can point to minor ups and downs. There can be a conflict over values or money. Restlessness can stimulate the risk-taker in you today, but misjudging things right now is more likely than not. Watch that you don’t get too carried away by an idea or sensation. It’s important to remember your boundaries in situations like these, and aim to take it easy with money and pleasurable pursuits. Enjoy yourself, but don’t go over the top to do so. While it’s a good day for dreaming up a new project, wait before launching it or jumping in. Don’t mislead yourself into thinking that acting on a whim will make life more exciting.

The Moon moves into your sign today, dear Virgo, and this brings a little more clarity, at least about your own feelings and needs. Fight the inclination to treat emotional needs as big emergencies as the Moon clashes with Mars. Remind yourself that you have time to sort things out, and you’re likely to discover that some of these urges pass almost as quickly as they came on. The important thing is that you’re acknowledging your feelings. A Venus-Jupiter square active today also points to desires that come on suddenly but they likely stem from restlessness rather than actual want. Going all out is not necessarily going to improve your life, even if it feels that way at the moment! This aspect could point to conflicts between the demands of family and partnership. Keep expectations reasonable for best results. Even though you can be in an elated, even puffed up mood now, it’s too easy to burst your bubble.

The Moon moves into your privacy sector for a couple of days, dear Libra, suggesting a real need for some time out, healing activities, and moments to reflect and dream. With Venus and Jupiter forming a square aspect, it will be especially crucial for you to avoid promising too much today. Overstating your feelings can eventually cause a problem in your life. Your mood can be particularly elated, and as a result, a feeling that you can take on anything is possible, causing you to overshoot. When your mood and energy levels out later, you won’t want to be stuck with extra work or big bills. While it’s lovely to believe in yourself, you must also consider your limits.

The Moon moves into your social sector today, dear Scorpio, and while this might clash with your desire to get close to someone, try to entertain your need for drama-free company or easygoing activities. At the same time, it’s important to watch for spending more than you can afford today. Even if you can afford something, you might think twice before being extravagant right now, just because the desires we experience today can be exaggerated and may not last under the influence of a Venus-Jupiter square. If a mood or desire comes on suddenly, you might question whether it’s genuinely coming from the heart. More likely, it’s a whim and won’t stick. Keep expectations of others realistic, especially in matters of the heart. You are likely to be in a languishing frame of mind.

The Moon moves into your professional sector today, dear Sagittarius, and you are a little more goal-oriented, taking comfort in an overarching plan. Even so, there is a tendency to overshoot today with a Venus-Jupiter square active. Overindulgences might be an issue under this influence. Your desire for comfort can come on intensely, and while you should definitely enjoy yourself and perhaps splurge a little, try not to go overboard. Be kind to your body. Emotional judgment can be off, and moods can swing up and down. Keep expectations of others (and yourself) reasonable, and this can be a far more flowing and even easy day.

The Moon moves into your spirit and adventure sector today, dear Capricorn, stimulating a desire to break out of yourself or away from the heavier emotions that you’ve been feeling of late. However, it may be best to take what’s said around you with a grain of salt today as Venus and Jupiter form a square, and there can be some exaggeration in the air. It’s not necessarily about deception today, but more about overestimating our capabilities, especially to fulfill promises. Weed out gossip and fluff as best as you can, and try not to take yourself and others too seriously for best results under this influence. This way, you can enjoy some new ideas without investing too quickly in those that may not pan out.

The Moon’s move into your solar eighth house today turns your attention to more profound matters, dear Aquarius, and might reveal a desire that you’ve ignored or overlooked in recent days. With a Venus-Jupiter square influencing the day, watch for hidden costs, both socially and financially. There is a tendency to go big and ignore the essential details now. Of course, bigger isn’t always better. Avoid making big promises, and believing in ones made to you. It’s not that people are intentionally trying to mislead now. In fact, it may be the opposite. However, we could be overestimating our abilities. Some moderation is a good idea and can result in a happy, rewarding day. If a difference of opinion becomes too personal, and you’re no longer feeling in good spirits as a result, take a deep breath and walk away.

The Moon moves into your partnership sector today, dear Pisces, and this can stimulate a desire for good company. Even so, it’s best not to turn to others to find your own happiness. There is a competitive and possibly over-the-top energy to the day. Avoid trying too hard to get others on board with your way of thinking, as a friendly debate today can turn into a major event! The temptation is to do and say more when keeping within reasonable boundaries would serve you best. Committing to something down the road may seem just fine right now, but later can prove to be a burden, so keep things simple today for best results, and the day can be quite enjoyable.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is April 15, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
Help! This is the last personal horoscope I’ve received (April 15th). Did you stop sending them out? I’ve had nothing since the 15th and I don’t see anything posted beyond the 15th.
When will this blog and the main website be updated again? Just wondering! Thanks for all of the content. 🙂