Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Capricorn until 5:27 AM, after which the Moon is in Aquarius.
- The void Moon occurs until 5:27 AM (since yesterday at 3:47 PM).
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase until 6:18 PM, after which the Moon is in its Third Quarter phase.
- The Third Quarter Moon occurs today at 6:18 PM.
- Pluto is retrograde.
- Jupiter is retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Sun in your predictable, middle-of-the-road second house clashes with the Moon today, dear Aries, which is transiting your experimental solar eleventh house, and it can take a bit of time to figure out which approach to take to the day! You can feel torn between wanting to settle into a comfortable pace and seeking out some newness and movement with the Sun and Moon deadlocked. Fortunately, it’s brief, and sometimes dilemmas do lead to creative solutions and increased motivations. Consider that it would be good for you to branch out a little now. Mars is moving into challenging aspects, first with Uranus, and then with Neptune, which can confuse desires or frustrate actions, particularly if you’ve been taking on too many different things and now you’re faced with some of the resultant chaos. You may feel a little rebellious when it comes to making nice with others or doing your errands and tending to everyday affairs. Watch that in your haste you don’t make rash moves or statements. Don’t fall for the idea that speaking your truths is good for everyone involved when words expressed out of a place of frustration can be damaging. However, if you feel pressure to get something done, you can try to redirect nervous energy into something truly worthwhile. You certainly do need variety these days and may have taken on a lot, but you need to leave some wiggle room now.

The Sun in your sign clashes with the Moon today, dear Taurus, and you can feel a tense pull between needs to perform and desires for independence. Quarter Moons can be as motivating as they are frustrating since they (usually) produce just enough stress or tension to get us riled up and ready to make changes. Your patience can wear thin at times, but you could also find the motivation to fix a problem that ultimately serves you well. You may experience some impatience with methods or processes that seem to be getting in the way of your efforts today and tomorrow with Mars under challenge. Since Mars is in your solar second house, this may relate to tensions about being treated as valuable, or over your personal resources. As much as you want to build upon current projects or save your money, for example, you could be fighting impulses to splurge or follow a whim today. Of course, you don’t have to satisfy all of your desires, particularly the ones that come on strong and seemingly out of nowhere, as these are likely to mask the exact or actual cause of restlessness. Things may not appear to move fast enough for you today, but do your best to exercise patience.

Of course there is always a time for concentrating on details, but today, dear Gemini, you need to take a step back to see the bigger picture. Doing something different (or differently!) can be a tonic for your soul, too, with the Moon now moving into your adventure sector. The current Sun’s transit is encouraging you to keep things low profile, but you may very well find that taking a step out of your routine allows you to refresh yourself emotionally. Circumstances may even seem to conspire to keep you tied down, or you may be more inclined to keep to yourself, which conflicts with the need to break the routine. Mars in your sign is challenged today and tomorrow, presenting a few more barriers. It’s a transit that keeps you active and assertive, but other nuisances today can seem to clash with this independent streak. Impatience and changes of plans can be part of the picture, but they might also lead to interesting detours. Most important to watch for as Mars and Uranus clash is the possibility of confusing impulses with instincts. Avoid making sudden moves that work against your best interests by learning your true desires.

With the Sun’s current transit of your solar eleventh house, dear Cancer, you can feel quite ready to experiment, explore, and make changes, but the Moon’s move into your solar eighth house brings up different inclinations altogether. One side of you is chatty, the other pensive and observant. It’s best to seek to fulfill both needs moderately. Getting in touch with our deeper selves is essential work from time to time, and that’s what this Moon transit asks of you, as very often we are going through life on autopilot. Buried frustrations also have a way of emerging today, or a problem of the past resurfaces for some more attention. You could find it particularly difficult taking orders from people. You’d rather go your own way now, but be cautious with your choices as you may be limiting your opportunities down the road with hasty, ill-timed moves today. Keep your long-term best interests in mind instead of succumbing to the heat of the moment.

The Moon moves into your sector of “others” today, dear Leo, inclining you to seek out some companionship or feedback from someone special. This may not be immediately intuitive, since the Sun is currently pushing you to focus on your professional goals, and freeing up time for other things may seem like you’re stepping backward. However, giving some due attention to those who support you and who are dear to your heart today can be rewarding. Plus, it can give you some valuable and perhaps very balancing feedback. Mars is currently stirring up some trouble, and you can feel a little rebellious or impatient with friends today if you feel they’re not moving at a quick enough pace and they’re slowing you down. With Mars in your social sector clashing with Uranus in your professional sector can also feel divisive as part of you needs the adrenalin of others while the ambitious side of you is totally into getting things done. Just as possible, restlessness can come about if you feel tied down or overly committed. Teamwork can be tricky and a little volatile today. You may want to avoid acting out or acting on sudden whims if they appear to come out of nowhere, as these are unlikely to be true hunches or intuition. Answer to a need for a little more variety now, but hold off on big decisions until a less impulsive time.

The Moon moves into your sector of work, routines, and health today, dear Virgo, encouraging your attention to the details of your life. This is in contrast to the Sun’s current mission this month to get you out and about, but it’s still a vital need and should be answered! As such, you’d do well for yourself to find ways to compromise and find a balance between the two. If you throw your energies into something that truly pleases you now, you’re likely to feel stronger and happier for it. There can be some minor upsets or tension surrounding parents, bosses, or long-term plans to deal with as well, particularly if you’re feeling a lack of support or reliability with others, which can stir the pot. You are directing a lot of your energy into reaching your goals, your work, or your reputation these days with Mars at the top of your solar chart, and this can be an incredible boost. However, when you’re annoyed by other things in your life, you might end up channeling frustrations into your work, and this can backfire on you. Aim to be self-aware today to prevent random shows of independence or rebelliousness interfering with what’s precious to you.

You may be seeking lighthearted exchanges with the Moon heading into your pleasure sector today, dear Libra, although this is in contrast to the recent trend in your life that has you craving a more profound connection or sense of meaning in your activities and interactions. Today’s Moon transit encourages you to find some time for personal enjoyment, and it’s a great idea to follow its advice. Watch that differences of opinion or differing interests don’t lead to unnecessary conflicts, since there can be quite a bit of tension stirring as Mars moves into challenging aspects. While you may not be generating this tension, you can most certainly be on the receiving end of it, or find yourself affected indirectly. Frustrations that have been brewing under the surface of things can have a way of emerging in bursts. Mars is currently transiting your adventure sector, encouraging your independence, and today, it might seem that others are bringing some instability to your life with changes of mind or plans that prevent your progress.

The Moon moves into the sector of home and family in your solar chart, dear Scorpio, encouraging you to slow down. You might prefer to stick close to home or regular, familiar routines as a result. Your heart may be with family or you are more introspective than usual. There is very sociable energy with you these days, and this continues some more in general, but today you’re likely to require more time to regroup, renew, and relax. Soulful moments or everyday activities are in the spotlight. It’s quite alright– and probably wise –to take some space. It can be a little tricky getting on the same page as a partner or associate now. You may be dealing with past or previously hidden issues emerging or a recurring problem that you’re trying to get a handle on. You can feel particularly excited about pouring your energy into certain projects these days, but others’ unreliability or changes of mind can dampen your enthusiasm somewhat. If restlessness is a problem now, it may be useful to find the source of your boredom as it may be driving behavior that causes you problems in many areas of life.

The Moon heads into your communications sector today, dear Sagittarius, and you’re gaining more satisfaction from learning, connecting, and communicating. This clashes with the Sun, and you may feel you have a little too much on your plate. It’s a busy day, and the trick will be to keep your head on straight! Aggravations in a relationship today may have their root in the sense of not being able to rely on schedules. If you’re feeling restless, it’s not a good idea to drop sudden truth bombs, which is a real inclination with assertive Mars and abrupt Uranus in challenging aspect. Instead, look for creative ways to spiff things up. Do your part and hope that others meet you halfway. If someone else has been taking the lead in your life a little too often and you feel overruled, this may be a time when the matter comes to a head.

The Sun in your joy zone conflicts with the Moon in your sector of comfort and security today, dear Capricorn, and you may feel similarly conflicted between sticking with what you know or taking a little risk to seek out more enjoyment. Perhaps a bit of both can work! Complicating things as the day progresses is Mars in challenging aspect. Mars is in your solar sixth house these days, riling you up with your work and routines, and while this is usually quite positive, tension can emerge if you’re not patient with processes. Watch especially for impatience that leads to trip-ups. it may seem that nothing is going fast enough for you, or that life is just not allowing you to reach or keep your preferred speed of getting things done. You might also feel a little frustrated by uncertainty or impending changes. Not having the information you need to move forward can be bothersome, but it’s important to avoid jumping ahead.

With the Moon’s move into your sign, dear Aquarius, the focus is on your personal projects, needs, and moods. Clashing demands or kinks in your plans can be part of the picture as the Moon conflicts with the Sun in your home and family sector, but this can serve to motivate you, too. This is more about having trouble integrating your need to trailblaze (brought on by the Moon in your sign) and your desire to stick with what’s familiar (brought on by the Sun’s current transit of your solar fourth house). There is also some tension building that involves Mars in your creative sector. While Mars is quite happy there, inspiring you to go after your desires and seek out your joy, it’s clashing with other planets, and attempts to push a project or romance when it’s not ready to move forward can lead to conflicts and unnecessary stress. There can be some impatience with everyday, mundane affairs or with unpredictability on the home front, so aim to keep on top of your reactions and responses.

Whatever downtime means to you these days, dear Pisces, the Moon’s move into your privacy sector suggests it’s a good idea to carve time out in your day to take things easy right now. It’s a fine time for a healthy escape. Even so, the Moon clashes with Sun, suggesting some obstacles to clear before you get the peace you need. You may fight it on some level, or circumstances may conspire to keep you busy, but be sure to find a way to recharge. Tackle areas of guilt that may be preventing you from getting the break you need and deserve, if this is the issue. Mars in your family and home sector enlivens your personal or domestic life, and is good for riling you up to make changes. At times with this transit, you may need to get all worked up on the inside before you find the steam to make changes on the outside. Days like today and tomorrow, when Mars is challenged by aspect, can stimulate impatience and rash decisions or actions, and perhaps some unnecessary conflicts. Especially if you are feeling you don’t have all the information you need, or if you’re anxious on a mental level, try to redirect some of the tension to positive channels, since it can be all too easy to take things out on whatever and whoever is closest! Taking shortcuts is unlikely to work right now.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is April 26, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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