- The Moon is in Aquarius until 6:11pm, after which the Moon is in Pisces.
- The Moon is void from 5:43am to 6:11pm.
- We are in between the Third Quarter Moon, which occurred on the 26th, and the New Moon which will happen on May 4th.
- Pluto is retrograde.
- Jupiter is retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

While there is feel-good energy with you today, dear Aries, it may be a little too easy to push a good thing and go too far with it with the Sun and Jupiter in minor challenging aspect. Especially as the day advances, watch for overindulgence. The desire to expand your horizons can compete with a need to stick with familiar things and people. Thinking in big terms is a fabulous exercise now, but it’s in your best interests to keep actual actions moderate under this influence. The Moon moves into your privacy sector tonight, pointing to a need to lay low or otherwise take a break from the usual to refresh your spirit.

You can experience a strong pull to be especially present in the world around you with the Sun in your sign, dear Taurus, but an equal tug toward introspection–to observe or retreat within yourself or become absorbed in a project. Be careful not to promise more than you can deliver because even though you mean well, you can fall short of your promises as the Sun and Jupiter form a minor challenging aspect. Sometimes this results in a minor moral dilemma.

While there is a strong focus on partnerships these days, and this can be quite enjoyable, dear Gemini, another part of you is very much in need of quiet time and even a retreat of sorts. The tendency is to feel a little restless as a result, and this can prompt you to take some risks in an effort to make your life more exciting. The answer, however, may be to simplify. Quiet activities with someone special or dividing your time can be all you truly need now. If you focus on making improvements rather than grand gestures or big moves, you’ll more thoroughly enjoy your day — and your relationships.

You have a greater interest in your daily routines and work these days, dear Cancer. While this is rewarding, today you may be overdoing your attention to the smaller tasks at the expense of the big picture and your needs to enjoy yourself elsewhere. Sometimes you need to relax and let go, which can be difficult to do today. Try not to pack everything into one day and instead look for better ways to balance your life going forward. Watch for overdoing your attention to the smaller tasks at the expense of the big picture as well as the need to enjoy yourself elsewhere. What you thought was a “sure thing” may not pan out right now, so it may be better to focus your energies on realizable projects. Connecting with your inner wisdom comes especially easy when you relax and center yourself.

With the Sun and Jupiter in minor challenge today, dear Leo, a symptom of discontent can be a desire to do something in a big way when moderate actions may be best. It’s best to avoid overdoing or overstating. Keep on the lookout for exaggeration or drama, especially in a romantic relationship and in professional dealings since the Sun and Jupiter are highlighting both areas. This is not a day for good timing, in general, as we’re inclined to overshoot and practicality is not a priority now. The trick is to think in terms of improvement rather than expansion. Bigger is not always better, and this is especially so today.

With the Sun and Jupiter forming a minor clashing aspect today, dear Virgo, something may be pushed upon you seemingly from out of the blue that needs doing quickly, or there is a decision that’s hard to make because your pride is telling you one thing and your intellect another. Keep your wits about you. There are equal pulls toward playing things safe and doing something a little risque now. Find ways to improve your home life, while also reaching out to others or varying your routine to keep things fresh since impatience is likely. Keep in mind that you could be overlooking important details today. As much as you may not feel like it, go over important emails or documents before sending or signing.

Jupiter emphasizes reaching out, keeping your mind stimulated, and learning and sharing, dear Libra, and these things are especially enjoyable to you these days. You have much to be excited about. The Sun forms a minor challenging aspect with Jupiter today, however, and things are not very straightforward as a result. Ideally, a busy feeling is just enough to keep you happily stimulated, and if you consciously avoid overdoing, this may very well pan out. Try not to overstate and overact now for best results, even if Jupiter in your third house can sometimes overstimulate your nervous system. Promising too much can be a band-aid fix that makes life a little more comfortable for now, but unnecessarily tricky later.

With the Sun and Jupiter at odds, dear Scorpio, discontent could lead to making improvements or to going overboard. While your appetite for pleasure, beauty, and comfort is stronger than usual these days as Jupiter transits your solar second house, the Sun may be encouraging you to pull out of yourself and socialize. A partner may be insistent or take issue with your desire to stay rooted, or someone might dramatize a matter today, at least as you see things. The Sun is transiting your partnership sector, magnifying your wish to harmonize with others, but today you might prefer to settle in and do things that feel most comfortable to you.

This can be a day in which your appetite for pleasure is great, dear Sagittarius, with a tendency to go overboard, however. Whatever feelings you’re experiencing, easy or challenging, they are felt in big ways. You may be overdoing things as well, particularly related to self-pampering, which can be exactly what you need in reasonable doses. However, you are also required to perform and get work done, and this is a personal need in addition to a responsibility, presenting a conundrum. The Sun is in your work and health sector pushing you to take charge of your routines, and Jupiter in your sign encourages you to chase your personal dreams. Finding a balance may not come readily, but is the key to happiness today.

You can have a strong desire to pull yourself out of demanding situations, dear Capricorn, but an equally strong pull towards taking a personal risk or two. Avoid overdoing if you can’t decide. With Sun and Jupiter in disagreement, one part of you is procrastinating and avoiding, and the other part wants to share yourself with others. There can be a real feeling of restlessness stimulated as a result, as the ordinary doesn’t seem to appeal. However, even if it’s not easy to see right now, there is a way to find a balance without having to overdo one thing or the other.

Your inner energies and outside circumstances may not feel very much in sync at times today, dear Aquarius, with Jupiter in your social sector encouraging making connections but clashing with the Sun, currently transiting your home and family sector. A good part of you wants to socialize or spend time with like-minded people, and another part wants merely to cocoon, or domestic responsibilities need attention. The trick may be to find a balance instead of thinking in “either/or” terms. Even so, there is some tendency for going overboard, perhaps to compensate, especially with friends and family. Promises may not be fulfilled, making it wise to avoid overextending yourself and putting too much faith in what’s communicated to you just for now.

Two enjoyable areas of life seem to be competing today, dear Pisces, as the Sun in your communications sector clashes with Jupiter in your professional sector. You want to expand your horizons in your career or public life, set goals, and set your sights higher than usual, but personal interests also call. Watch for the tendency to overdo or act out due to restlessness today. Try to avoid overdoing something in order to compensate. The inclination with Jupiter in challenging aspect is to go big and bigger, when simplifying or finding a balance would serve you best.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is April 28, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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