Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus.
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurred on the 5th in the sign of Aries.
- No major ones.
- Mercury is direct and is in its post-retrograde shadow phase until April 16th.
- Jupiter is not yet retrograde but will turn retrograde on the 10th.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Self-doubts can creep in today, dear Aries, but they can also serve an important purpose. Contrary to what you may hear about self-confidence and success rates, we can benefit from self-doubt from time to time as long as we use it positively. It’s time to reconsider your plans and make sure they truly align with your deepest desires. Circumstances may be such that you feel the need to choose between going along with others or striking out on your own, or you may be facing small roadblocks today. Consider earthy, simple activities that reconnect you with the here and now, as these can help to center you and restore balance to your senses.

With a Mars-Saturn minor challenge today, dear Taurus, just when you think you’ve gotten through, something comes up to remind you otherwise. Your best strategy today is to make yourself perfectly clear, without sounding too business-like or arrogant. The truth can hurt, but just for the moment. In the long run, more pain and frustration come from lack of clarity. The Moon spends the day in your sign once again, and as spontaneous as this transit usually is, there can remain a feeling of being torn over how you want to proceed with your plans. Nevertheless, chances to enjoy yourself and feel good about the future are sure to pop up now. Once over a small hump, you’ll be most enterprising.

Some challenges can emerge today, dear Gemini, as you can be called upon to take responsibility for a past action, or could be questioned for your actions. Keeping a cool head can be a tad difficult today, as you can be feeling rather emotional. However, it’s the best way to deal with your day – by staying calm, cool, and collected. This can be a strong day for leaning on a trustworthy friend or partner. Even so, the desire to hide yourself away or to escape from daily pressures can grab hold now. In some ways, you may be pulling away from others. Keep in mind that any frustrations you may face today can help you to redefine yourself and your relationships positively. Take your time. Stronger resolve and initiative are just around the corner.

Your sensitivities are heightened regarding friendships and your community today, dear Cancer, and you can feel strongly about a particular cause, or you’re especially aware of the dynamics of a friendship. While sensitive, you are also quite open to allowing others into your life, and this may lead to the beginning of a new friendship or association. Watch for the temptation to force an issue or to try to “get your way” later today. Consciously aim to slow yourself down. Plans are unlikely to move forward at lightning speed right now, but your personal life could certainly bring rewards if you open yourself to the opportunity.

You may refuse to play by the rules right now, dear Leo, particularly in close relationships and in your professional life, and this can stem from a feeling of boredom with anything that feels too structured or traditional. However, discipline is in order today, and while you may be able to bend the rules somewhat, some require extra attention today, and it may very well be to your benefit to do so. People turn to you and expect you to call the shots right now, so do what you can to show your most competent side today. Guilt or issues from the past can have a way of nagging at you today, but fortunately, you can find solace in a trusted other in your life now, and this strengthens you.

While there can be some tension around you today, dear Virgo, you seem to be able to rise above it and enjoy yourself. For one thing, you are feeling quite secure in your position, and this helps to keep you in a positive frame of mind. For another, you find it easier than usual to employ diplomacy quite effectively, and this allows you to sidestep potential conflicts. Take a detour from the usual routine if possible, and aim to satisfy your urge for more adventure and experience in your life. Your curiosity is stimulated today, and you should do what you can to nourish it. Your mood is forward-looking, particularly if you are afforded a bit of personal space and movement. The key today is to keep things moderate with Saturn strong.

Relationships that have become too stale or humdrum can grate on your nerves today, dear Libra, and it’s probably best to think up creative solutions to the problem instead of acting out and stirring up needless conflicts. You are craving more stability from your relationships, and along with stability can come some level of monotony, which is something you may well need to accept. Consider pursuing a shared adventure of sorts, however big or small, so that you can break the routine, and perhaps some negative patterns of relating at the same time. You’re best off as an observer, although you may be in the mood to fix problems that have been standing in your way.

You may be seeking some breathing room now, dear Scorpio. Do what you can to entertain yourself if things are going sideways. Close relationships or partnerships need more attention today and tomorrow, but it won’t necessarily be smooth sailing on this front. Tensions today may very well stem from a simultaneous need for stability and emotional excitement. It can be difficult to satisfy both needs at once, and it can be all too easy to act out as a result. Part of you is curious and interested in digging deeper, but another part doesn’t have the time or is not ready to go too far. Even so, others might notice a talent of yours now, and you may get the chance to apply yourself. The trick today is to keep things moderate rather than attempt to push ahead or rush something.

Consciously make an effort to ask more questions for best results today, dear Sagittarius, and to listen well when you receive the answers. Responsibilities and demands from others seem to be coming in from all angles. Fortunately, you seem to be more than capable of handling them, but a chaotic atmosphere can erode at you, and your productivity might increase if you take short breaks to get centered. Problems that have been left unacknowledged or that have been festering have a way of surfacing these days, particularly in close relationships, and this can be distracting now. However, you might also feel relieved to get something out into the open because it means getting closer to a solution.

Mars is moving through your solar sixth house of work and health these days, dear Capricorn, bringing strong energy, for bad or good, to the affairs of this house. Positively, you have more initiative and energy for work projects, and can apply yourself with more vigor. Challenges can emerge if you push yourself too hard, or if you feel a great desire to work independently and it causes tensions with those around you. Today, with Mars and Saturn forming a minor clash, you may experience stop-and-go energy, and the timing is somehow a little off. You may hesitate or push too hard at the wrong times now, but this is temporary. While your attention is pulled in many directions, don’t forget to truly listen to what others are saying, as expectations can sometimes skew what you hear or interpret.

It may not be the best day for acknowledgment and positive feedback of a more public nature, dear Aquarius, but you can make strides in your personal life. Love interests are seeing you in a most favorable light and admiring you for your more unique qualities. It can be challenging to harmonize your intentions and beliefs with certain others today, however, and you can be especially sensitive to any behavior that seems to be disrespectful towards you. It may seem that it’s either love you or hate you today. You crave more stability and security, but you need the self-discipline to achieve it. Plans can be slow to manifest right now, and you will need to exercise patience and remind yourself that good things can take time.

With Mars currently in your sector of home and heart, dear Pisces, what you do with the extra energy available to you now will determine whether this is merely a period in which you work more heartily on home projects and are more actively involved with family, or if challenges and conflicts ensue on the home front. Of course, it can be a bit of both at times. Watch for a defensive attitude, as this can needlessly provoke conflict. Today’s energies can be up and down as there can be frustrating energy. Pushing something seems to be blocked – practical affairs and realities have a way of emerging just when you think you’re going forward, and your progress seems to halt. Try to think of reality checks as necessary, just as they are. Down the road, you’ll be thankful for them. Plus, if you pursue something too hotly when your heart isn’t in it, you won’t get any closer to your goals than you would if you take a step back, a deep breath, and then returning to your task refreshed.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is April 7, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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