Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Cancer until 12:17 AM, after which it’s in Leo.
- The Moon is void until 12:17 AM (since yesterday at 7:20 AM).
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent/Balsamic phase (the New Moon will occur tomorrow, and it’s an eclipse).
- We are in between the Last Quarter Moon (which occurred on the 4th) and the New Moon Solar Eclipse (which will happen tomorrow).
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from July 26-August 19).
- Mars is retrograde (Mars is retrograde from June 26th to August 27th)—there are less than three weeks left of the Mars retrograde cycle.
- Also retrograde: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron.
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

A Solar Eclipse will occur in your sector of joy and creativity tomorrow morning, dear Aries, and today, it’s appropriate to wind yourself down and clear your head. It may not be exceptionally easy to do the latter with current influences, but it’s a good idea to avoid quick decisions now. As much as possible, reflect and rest so that you can tune into your intuition. A Mercury-Jupiter aspect coming into influence and tied into the coming eclipse is familiar – it happened in July, and we’re now returning to it with Mercury’s backward trek. Thoughts and ideas about love, creative projects, and possibly children may come back into focus now for further attention. Do watch for jumping to conclusions or working yourself up about an idea that you haven’t yet researched. However, let yourself dream and stretch your mind to consider new possibilities.

A Solar Eclipse occurs tomorrow morning, dear Taurus, and since it will mark the start of a new cycle, it’s better to wind down, let go, and rest on this day before the eclipse. It’s easy for your mind to race today, however, with a Mercury-Jupiter square influencing the day, and it’s just fine to stretch your mind now, but significant new beginnings should probably wait since it’s unlikely you have the complete picture yet. There can be developments with family, home, or partnership now, but things are still evolving. There is more to the story! It may be a helpful exercise to think in big ways, especially if you previously missed an opportunity by focusing mainly on practical possibilities, as long as it’s serving you well. If it’s making you or a significant someone tense, then it may be better to let it go. You are likely to return to an old conversation or idea now, in fact.

This is a good day for reviewing projects and endeavors in your life with an eye on what may need improvement, dear Gemini. It’s not a good time for all-new beginnings for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is a Solar Eclipse occurring tomorrow that’s set to redirect you along a new path. New energy is coming your way with this eclipse, which can boost your motivation and possibly turn your attention to exciting endeavors. You may want to keep a check on your communications today, particularly with a tendency to say too much or to come to conclusions too quickly. You may come up with interesting ideas, but the discipline to follow through on them may be lacking. That’s just fine for now – it’s not the time to bank on things, anyhow, so stretch your mind and enjoy yourself as you do. Today is best for winding down and reflecting or laying things to rest.

Timing continues to be a little off, dear Cancer, and it’s not the best time to make final decisions today for a variety of astrological reasons, not the least of which is that a Solar Eclipse is occurring tomorrow. A Mercury-Jupiter aspect today can serve to emphasize the differences between you and people in your life, even if these differences don’t bother you on another day. Watch for unnecessary tension. This is a good day for reviewing financial records or money-making ventures for problems, but not ideal for starting something new. Review recent developments. Consider ways to improve your finances and sense of security, as these are active areas of focus in the coming weeks. Take steps to wind down, relax, and reflect as much as possible today.

With a Balsamic Moon today, dear Leo, it’s best that we wind down or turn inward for answers. For you, it’s a particularly good idea to take stock since tomorrow’s New Moon is a Solar Eclipse in your sign. As with any new beginning, your attitude going into this cycle can help shape the months ahead. Be aware that you are not at your decision-making best today, and aim to reflect, review, and reconsider. Avoid giving in to negative thinking or succumbing to a Mercury-Jupiter square influence that tends to exaggeration or making too much of a matter. These things only serve to interfere with your intuition. Clear your head so that you can take full advantage of the energy for a new beginning ahead of you.

Try to take the day slowly, dear Virgo, on this day before a Solar Eclipse. With current influences, it’s more than likely that you do not see the full picture – there’s more information to come. Tomorrow’s eclipse can bring on a new development of a private matter or the need for more rest and some seclusion. With a Balsamic Moon today, appropriate activities involve reflecting on the past and tying up loose ends, while entirely new endeavors should be avoided. However, if you want to quit a bad habit or let go of something more easily than you might under normal circumstances, then this is the time to do so. Keep in mind that people around you may be making mountains out of molehills or they could be promising more than they can eventually fulfill. Rest, reflect, and simplify, and keep expectations in check for best results now.

Today is good for slowing down, dear Libra, although current influences tend to wind you up mentally. Avoid jumping to conclusions and jumping into action since your interests are likely to change after tomorrow’s game-changing Solar Eclipse. You’re moving in a new direction on a social level with this new beginning, but you may not have all the information you need to make big decisions for now. With today’s Balsamic Moon, it’s better to focus on tying up loose ends, putting a bad habit behind you, or reflecting on recent events. You might envision what you’d like to accomplish or what you see for yourself related to networking, your place in the community, and friendships. Try not to give in to the temptation to make a quick decision without knowing enough of the necessary information. Focus instead on letting go and clearing your head so that you can more easily access your intuition.

With a Mercury-Jupiter square today, dear Scorpio, it’s important to avoid speaking too soon (or too much) on a matter. This aspect ties in with an eclipse that is to occur early tomorrow, giving it more staying power, and you wouldn’t want to have something you haven’t put a lot of thought into to be a defining moment or to stick with you in the weeks ahead. Excesses in your personal life may be catching up with you, and today, it’s best to consider letting something go rather than taking on something new. Since it’s a Balsamic Moon today and the New Moon Solar Eclipse occurring tomorrow is career-related or is about your long-term plans and ambitions, you may want to reflect on recent events and consider how you want these things to play out. Envisioning your goals makes sense now. You’re in an excellent position to quit a bad habit or attitude, as well as to let go of thoughts and feelings that haven’t been serving you well. Today, avoid noisy distractions that take you away from your intuition.

There is a Solar eclipse tomorrow, dear Sagittarius, and it’s part of a set that’s encouraging you to communicate in ways that serve you well and to find your path with studies and personal interests. Today’s Moon is Balsamic, and it’s ideally spent relaxing, reflecting, and winding down. Even so, a Mercury-Jupiter influence, also active now, can have a stimulating effect, so you may have to consciously work on letting go, simplifying, and tuning out distractions. If you find yourself over-stimulated, take steps to reduce stress. Watch also for misinformation, as it’s more likely to circulate now. Tomorrow’s eclipse is likely to stir motivation and ambition. For now, reflection is in order. You might consider now what’s best to leave behind you as if you were packing for a new journey and you can only bring so much. These can be self-limiting attitudes or situations and projects that hold you back from growing.

The Moon is Balsamic today, dear Capricorn, making it a good idea to reflect, detox, rest, and tie up loose ends. The focus should be on letting go and simplifying rather than winding yourself up since tomorrow’s New Moon Solar Eclipse will begin a new cycle for you. If there is a bad habit you’d like to let go of, it may be easier to do so now. Tomorrow’s eclipse is likely to bring a change of focus or new information into your life. Today, keep in mind that there is a tendency to be unduly critical one minute, and so optimistic that it borders on carelessness the next. While you may have lots of ideas now, it’s not a good time to make your move, especially if it involves making an announcement. Information just isn’t complete at this time. Rein things in as much as possible, as simplifying now seems to be the best answer to problems.

With a Solar Eclipse tomorrow and a Mercury-Jupiter influence in effect, dear Aquarius, take steps to avoid rushing through paperwork and conversations. You are seeking new ideas and experiences rather than the tired, old ones, but you could be easily distracted from your priorities. Today is best used for reflection on recent events than for innovating or beginning something brand new. You might try to get in touch with what you’d like to change or adjust that will move you, or a key relationship, forward. The eclipse is relationship-focused for you, and understanding your needs and current situation will go a long way towards making the right moves. In all likelihood, you’ll be pulled in an entirely new direction and towards a new perspective with tomorrow’s eclipse, but clearing your head now can help you make strong decisions later.

With today’s aspects, people may seem to swing between unrealistic optimism and just as wild pessimism, dear Pisces, when they’re better off in moderate territory. The truth is somewhere between, and you’ll probably find it by going within. With a Balsamic Moon today, it’s an ideal time for letting go of those things that you no longer need, or that you can’t hold on to, and tuning into your intuition will help you greatly along these lines. The trick will be to tune out distractions. Think about what kind of improvements can be made with your daily life, routines, health, and work after the powerful energy of the New Moon Solar Eclipse that will occur tomorrow morning. With this coming eclipse, it’s time for breathing new life into stale routines. Today, make a special effort to wind things down and process recent events rather than push for new beginnings.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is August 10th, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 0:17 am
Event: Moon enters Leo
Description: The Moon in Leo
We have a stronger need for appreciation, shows of affection and warmth, and excitement. We are proud and conduct ourselves accordingly. This is a time for having some fun, being creative and childlike, and enjoying life. It’s also a good time for organizing and managing.
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 0:17 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cnj Leo
Description: Transiting Moon Entering Leo
We have a stronger need for appreciation, shows of affection and warmth, and excitement. We are proud and conduct ourselves accordingly. This is a time for having some fun, being creative and childlike, and enjoying life. It’s also a good time for organizing and managing.
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 1:12 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Opp Mar
Description: Transiting Moon Opposition Transiting Mars
We may be acting on impulse now, and if we’ve been holding back our feelings, they might burst up and out now. There can be touchiness, we can be temperamental, but also courageous. There could be domestic conflict or a conflict within ourselves (whether or not to express something, or to act upon a desire).
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 1:36 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqq Nep
Description: Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting Neptune
If we are not in touch with our need for inspiration, beauty, compassion, connection to something otherworldly, or our spirituality, we could feel out of sorts right now. Relaxing, listening to music, getting close to nature, or taking a break may resolve this.
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 3:16 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Chi
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Chiron
There can be new or easy understanding of our feelings and impressions now. We have a greater understanding of, or compassion for, others’ plights. We are more emotionally present and involved. Synchronicity is a feature of our daily life right now. Tune in and enjoy the spiritual signposts.
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 4:21 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Ura
Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Uranus
There may be sudden, minor changes to plans, schedules. There can be rebelliousness and tension. Aim to be open to possibilities, and avoid making permanent decisions.
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 5:07 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Cer
Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting Ceres
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 5:14 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Sat
Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Saturn
This is a brief period of uncertainty, guilt, fear of not performing well, fear of rejection, a feeling that others will not support or fulfill our needs/desires, or a sense that something can’t be achieved. Patience is a virtue right now. Otherwise we might succumb to feelings of frustration and sadness. All good things come to those who wait.
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 5:48 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Ven
Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Venus
We are less inhibited and more willing to indulge ourselves. Love and romance can be favorable. Decorating, beauty treatments, the arts, creative pursuits, parties, dates, and recreation are generally favored now. Smile, laugh, and enjoy!
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 9:40 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cnj Nod
Description: Transiting Moon Conjunction Transiting North Node
A time to embrace new opportunities for emotional growth. Accept challenges. New attachments, relationships, connections. Success may come through dealings with women or with the public. A time to consider your priorities vis a vis home and family and the outside world. Sensing current moods and trends. Fated meetings or connections.
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 9:40 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Pll Nod
Description: Transiting Moon Parallel Transiting North Node
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 12:09 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqq Ves
Description: Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting Vesta
We can be a little stiff with our emotions, and we can be distracted from our work or focus. There can be difficulty expressing tenderness, concern, or care.
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 11:45 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Jup
Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Jupiter
We may not be very realistic right now – there can be some exaggeration. Minor annoyances are possible now. Contrariness or disagreements. This is not an ideal time for publicity, promotion, or legal matters. We can experience injustices. We are less inclined to consider the consequences of over-eating, over-drinking, or overdoing in general. This is a time to show some restraint. Grandiosity is not appreciated right now, and excess doesn’t go over well either. With a little self-control we can learn about what truly makes us happy.
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 11:54 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cnj Mer
Description: Transiting Moon Conjunction Transiting Mercury
Ideas flow freely and surface spontaneously. We express feelings and thoughts with clarity. We are busy, alert, curious, and communicative. This can be an excellent time for cooperative projects.
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 3:06 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Sun Sqq Sat
Description: Transiting Sun SesquiSquare Transiting Saturn
We can feel temporarily blocked or thwarted, and possibly less than confident. Steady accomplishment is the way to go. Patiently tackle any obstacles and make those tough decisions, or wait until a more enlightened, positive time.
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 5:14 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Sun Cpl Jup
Description: Transiting Sun ContraParallel Transiting Jupiter
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 12:54 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mer Pll Ura
Description: Transiting Mercury Parallel Transiting Uranus
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 6:00 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mer Pll Cer
Description: Transiting Mercury Parallel Transiting Ceres
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 2:33 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Chi SSq Jun
Description: Transiting Chiron SemiSquare Transiting Juno
Date & Time: Aug 10 2018 6:51 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Chi Sqq Pal
Description: Transiting Chiron SesquiSquare Transiting Pallas
Strong Signs, Elements, Modes
Today’s Emphasized Signs of the Zodiac
Self-confident, generous, warm-hearted, powerful leader, dramatic. Can be overly proud, vain, extravagant, arrogant.
Today’s Elemental Balance
Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Fire is enthusiastic, dynamic, and spontaneous, but lacks reflection. We are more courageous and adventurous now, with a tendency to act before thinking. There is little concern about what happened in the past. We are competitive and possibly impatient or bored easily.
There may be some insensitivity or lack of empathy now. We may be out of touch with what we’re feeling or with our emotional needs. We may be tougher than usual now, and more inclined to follow mental or practical considerations than we are to listen to our intuition.
Today’s Modal Balance
The Fixed signs are: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. We are thinking about the long view, seeking out security and stability rather than change. We may be committed, focused, resistant to making changes, and stubborn.
We can have a hard time adapting to changes and to others’ agendas.
Today’s Lunar Phase
Moon less than 45 degrees behind the Sun.
Time to tie up loose ends, review, reflect, let go, and edit.
The following aspects (major only) and positions are at noon (EDT) on August 10th:
Note that when an aspect is applying, it has not yet happened but is within orb – it’s pending. When an aspect is separating, it has already happened/perfected and is moving away from the aspect. Depending on the speed of the planet/body involved, the aspect will have perfected–or will perfect–in a matter of hours (often the case with the Moon), days, months, and possibly years in the case of the very slow-moving outer planets and bodies.
Note that the Moon moves at a rate of approximately one degree every 2 hours so that if an aspect involving the Moon is applying and has an orb of 5 degrees, the aspect will perfect (be exact) in about 10 hours. If the Moon is separating from an aspect with an orb of 2 degrees, it has already formed said aspect approximately 4 hours ago (since the following are positions at noon today, then it would have occurred at about 8 AM today).
**I suggest paying close attention to applying aspects. The energy of the aspect builds as it gets closer to exact. Once an aspect involving inner planets has happened, it’s over. Separating aspects are good to know for context, but in terms of energy that is with us today, applying aspects are most important. (This is the case for daily astrology influences involving inner planets, which pass quickly, and not natal astrology aspects, which are with us for a lifetime).
You have an emotional need for praise and attention. Under stress you may show off in order to gain attention, or become arrogant. You may be proud of your mother, or she may be very proud of you.
Part of Body: Inferior vena cava
Sabian Symbol: A bolshevik propagandist.
We are speaking with feeling or intellectualizing our feelings. We express feelings and thoughts with clarity. We are busy, alert, curious, and communicative. This can be an excellent time for cooperative projects. Ideas flow freely and surface spontaneously.
OPPOSITION MARS Orb 6°53′ Separating
We may be acting on impulse now, and if we’ve been holding back our feelings, they might burst up and out now. There can be touchiness, we can be temperamental, but also courageous. There could be domestic conflict or a conflict within ourselves (whether or not to express something, or to act upon a desire).
SQUARE URANUS Orb 4°49′ Separating
There may be sudden, minor changes to plans, schedules. There can be rebelliousness and tension. Aim to be open to possibilities, and avoid making permanent decisions.
TRINE CHIRON Orb 5°30′ Separating
There can be new or easy understanding of our feelings and impressions now. We have a greater understanding of, or compassion for, others’ problems. We are more emotionally present and involved.
There is a stronger drive or need to be around others, to share ourselves, and to belong.
You are good-hearted, have a sunny personality, and a strong need for attention. You have a generous nature, but can be arrogant.
Part of Body: Right cardiac cavity
Sabian Symbol: A chemist conducts an experiment before his students.
CONJUNCTION MERCURY Orb 2°43′ Separating
Thoughts and communications about ourselves and our goals. We are expressing ourselves confidently, directly, and clearly.
SQUARE JUPITER Orb 3°13′ Separating
There can be exaggerated good moods or a tendency to go over the top now. Clashes of ego can occur.
QUINCUNX PLUTO Orb 1°22′ Applying
We could have a hard time deciding how to proceed about a matter. There may be a moral dilemma now, or a tough decision between taking the high road or the low road. We may be resisting change that is necessary in order to move forward or let go of something. We may be in denial about our own personal power or ambition.
You are enthusiastic in your quest for knowledge. You are proud of your learning abilities, and believe in the saying that learning is fun. You may have a tendency to be a know-it-all.
Part of Body: Left atrium
Sabian Symbol: Sunshine just after a storm.
SQUARE JUPITER Orb 0°29′ Applying
You have many so many ideas and plans that you are not sure which ones to follow. You make promises you can’t keep, although your intentions are good.
QUINCUNX NEPTUNE Orb 0°34′ Separating
We may not be seeing things clearly, or we are second-guessing our perceptions. There can be difficulties concentrating and focusing.
You have a strong need for relationships. You will also require your relationships to be harmonious, peaceful, and creative. You enjoy having beautiful possessions.
Part of Body: Kidney surface
Sabian Symbol: A group around a campfire.
TRINE MARS Orb 3°15′ Separating
You have a talent for relating to other people. You are a loyal and fun loving partner with an ability to balance intimacy with independence. You may take your own creative talents for granted and fail to make the most of them.
SQUARE SATURN Orb 0°37′ Separating
Lack of spontaneity when it comes to expressions of affection and the pursuit of pleasure, likely due to insecurities or fear. We may be reserved, withdrawn, cautious, and tight with money and/or feelings. Feelings of being alone and not getting what we want/need can be experienced now.
QUINCUNX URANUS Orb 1°10′ Separating
You find it difficult to be yourself in your personal relationships and would benefit from a creative outlet such as writing.
OPPOSITION CHIRON Orb 1°52′ Separating
You tend to suffer emotional pain in your personal relationships. You are so busy caring for your loved ones that you neglect your own needs. This imbalance can lead to you resenting your partners . You also tend to become the peacemaker as you are so sensitive to disharmony. You need to learn to nurture yourself and trust your own wisdom.
You will fight for just causes. You are unpredictable, but will probably be a group leader. You may become rebellious when angry.
Part of Body: Right tibial nerve
Sabian Symbol: An old adobe mission.
SQUARE URANUS Orb 2°04′ Separating
The desire to assert independence and to dominate can be strong. Impulsiveness can be a problem. We can be rebellious and willful, ignoring others’ needs in the process.
SEXTILE CHIRON Orb 1°23′ Separating
You have the opportunity to be an empathetic and powerful leader of the downtrodden people of the world.
You may experience difficulty being assertive and finding the drive to succeed, or alternatively you may have a tendency to misdirect your energies. Your current life lesson to express your energy positively and assertively. Your talent for independent action needs to be developed.
You are on an intense search for the truth. You have strong desires for sexual union and joint enterprises. You could be a transformative teacher.
Part of Body: Cowper’s glands
Sabian Symbol: Children playing around five mounds of sand.
TRINE NEPTUNE Orb 1°04′ Applying
You are artistic and may also be religious. You have a need to help others and may feel you have a calling. You have the ability to inspire other people’s talents as well.
Conservation, moderation, definition, structure, simplicity, and realism are themes now. We might also be striving for more authority in a particular area of our lives now. This is a time for making clear choices and decisions, for weeding out what isn’t working for us, and for letting go of lost causes, particularly related to our life path choices, careers, and long-term goals. (from December 19, 2017, to March 21, 2020; and then from July 1 to December 17, 2020).
Part of Body: Cutaneous nerves of lower leg
Sabian Symbol: A party entering a large canoe.
TRINE URANUS Orb 0°32′ Applying
You have a talent for investigation. You look at new ideas and are able then to put them into action. In business you achieve much in your own independent way.
SQUARE CHIRON Orb 1°14′ Applying
There can be fears now of not being competent or effective enough to meet our responsibilities, or we could find it hard to strike out on a unique path, again due to fears or insecurities. The desire to break from the status quo is strong, but we may not have the necessary confidence to do so. We may have difficulties empathizing with others and understanding ourselves.
(1934 – 1942) We approach money and personal possessions in new ways and learn how to free ourselves from certain material constraints. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable emerge. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. We’re challenging what we previously valued. There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures. We’re bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money are likely. Income and the energy we put into making money can be variable. (May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, then March 6, 2019, to July 7, 2025, and then November 7, 2025, to April 25, 2026).
Part of Body: Pharynx – oral part
Sabian Symbol: Steps up to a lawn blooming with clover.
A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026)
Part of Body: Cruciate ligaments of the right foot
Sabian Symbol: In a quiet moment, the flow of inspiration.
Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008, to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008, to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023, to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024, to November 19, 2024).
Part of Body: Tendons of right knee
Sabian Symbol: A hidden choir singing.
Chiron, Major Asteroids, and Moon’s Nodes: in Sign and by Degree
Your sense of being has been violated in some way and you may fear asserting yourself. You may also over-compensate by attempting to be the first at everything. Physically you may suffer head wounds. You may become a pioneer in a way which will be of service to humanity.
Part of Body: Midbrain
Sabian Symbol: A comedian entertaining the group.
You have the ability to work relentlessly for a cause in which you believe. You need to make sure you do not exclude other people’s points of view. You have visions and enjoy the adventure of discovery in your work.
Part of Body: Left trochanter
Sabian Symbol: Immigrants entering a new country.
You have a creative mind, which you enjoy using. You like to play with words. You may write or be involved in a creative project in the world of the arts.
Part of Body: Right auricle
Sabian Symbol: Volunteer church choir makes social event of rehearsal.
You need to feel safe and secure in your relationships. You want your partner to be reliable and stable and are likely to want a traditional marriage.
Part of Body: Thyroid gland and tonsils
Sabian Symbol: A symbolical battle between `swords’ and `torches’.
You feel cared for when other people help you perfect your skills. You like to be of service to other people.
Part of Body: Oesophageal groove
Sabian Symbol: A swimming race.
This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world.
Part of Body: Entrance of pulmonary artery
Sabian Symbol: An old-fashioned woman and an up-to-date woman.
This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world.
Part of Body: Nerve of left fibula
Sabian Symbol: A performer of a mystery play.
**Conjunctions to Select Fixed Stars on August 10, 2018.**
Aspects to Mer 15°Le14 +11°49′
Cnj 15°Le26 DUBHE Loving but forceful
Aspects to Jup 14°Sc44 -15°22′
Cnj 15°Sc20 ZUBEN ELGENUBI Positive social reform
Aspects to Nep 15°Pi48 -06°30′
Cnj 15°Pi34 ACHERNAR Risk of rapid endings.
Aspects to Ves 22°Sg28 -23°24′
Cnj 22°Sg42 RAS ALHAGUE The desire to heal a wound.
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