Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aquarius until 11:49 PM, at which time it enters Pisces.
- The void Moon occurs from 9:01 PM to 11:49 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase until 8:29 AM, after which the Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon occurs today at 8:29 AM in the sign of Aquarius.
- Saturn Rx, Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, and Pluto Rx.
- Mercury ends its post-retrograde shadow today.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Today’s Full Moon can produce a surprise, dear Aries, bringing warmth, emotion, and color to your social sector. There can be a sudden discovery, need for your assistance, or recognition of your feelings. The need to assist–or for assistance–can emerge. You are in an emotional frame of mind, but you’re also quite motivated to start fresh. It’s a time for making yourself proud, and the bonus is that others are likely to appreciate you as well. Events are such that you are more sharply aware of the vital role you play in others’ lives. Fortunately, a Mercury-Chiron aspect is also active today, helping with clarity and self-expression. You are more willing to listen, absorb, and explain. You have a unique or different view of life these days, and this trait stands out today.

This morning’s Full Moon occurs at the top of your solar chart, dear Taurus, reminding you of the need to pay special attention to your work or reputation. A call to action is likely now. While you could feel some pressure to perform, don’t push yourself too hard. A project revolving around the home could reach a turning point. You could receive extra attention, or you may be in the position of taking control or managing a situation. Get more information before making important decisions, but pay absolute attention to what’s now coming to light. A Mercury-Chiron aspect also active today benefits expressing feelings, family, and personal matters. Detoxing and freeing yourself on an emotional level can be easier than usual now.

The Full Moon this morning is a call to expand your interests and experiences, dear Gemini, particularly if you’ve been overly focused on your personal life. There may be surprising news from a relative or afar. You may also be dealing with unexpected transportation issues, whether local or long distance. New ways of getting around can open up opportunities to you. This lunation brings illumination, color, emotions, and awareness of your needs related to learning matters, personal interest, and mobility. An idea or interest you’ve been working on can take flight. You might also feel inspired to enjoy and express yourself. Today’s Mercury-Chiron aspect boosts your communications further. There can be a lot to learn and teach, and conversations tend to flow quite nicely.

This morning’s Full Moon awakens a need or desire, dear Cancer. For some, it can bring a reminder of overspending or a debt, but it can also be a time when you have cause to celebrate. Money or intimacy issues can reach a head and demand your attention. This is a time for reaching a settlement or making changes in the ways you depend on others. This lunation illuminates matters that have been previously hidden or left unacknowledged, and it can play out on the level of finances or shared resources. Today’s Mercury-Chiron aspect helps you communicate flowingly. You are ready to entertain challenges, and you are virtually fearless when it comes to the topics you’re willing to explore today. You feel empowered by the truth.

The Full Moon this morning falls in your opposite sign, dear Leo, and relationship issues or needs may come to light. This lunation can also bring a personal matter to your attention or get you in touch with feelings you’ve kept at bay. This energy can be very revealing. If you’ve been focusing too little on your relationships, they can demand your attention now. This lunation tends to encourage you to reach a compromise or find a better balance if you’ve been overdoing things. There could be an epiphany reached about a partnership or an announcement made. Today’s Mercury-Chiron influence helps you express yourself–your words go over well. You are comfortable with words now. You would do well to connect, share, promote, or publish something important to you.

The Full Moon this morning may prompt a bit of a scramble to meet deadlines or deal with work or health matters, dear Virgo. Demands seem to be high, and emotions are on the strong side. Still, you have a good sense that if you stay on top of them, you’ll be able to make meaningful changes. A work, health, or a matter that you’ve been avoiding may now come to a turning point. You might be seeing the flaws in plans or projects, but this opens you up to a brand new beginning, and a stronger position once you’ve handled the details. Help can come from behind the scenes or through an illuminating conversation. Someone may have your back now.

You can experience a romantic revelation or a powerful desire to create something unique with a Full Moon in your sector of joy, dear Libra. Your personal life and projects deserve some special attention. Feelings are full and rich, and hard to ignore! This lunation brings illumination to your life regarding friends, personal goals, and creative pursuits. Others may be seeking you out and vying for your attention. Letting something go can make room for a rush of new creative juices flowing. Don’t speed ahead just yet, but don’t ignore the calling to explore your needs and feelings, either. This is a beautiful day for making repairs in a relationship and connecting more deeply with a partner or special friend. Willingness to share feelings can be prominent and helpful, opening up the possibility of improvement.

Today’s Full Moon is likely to prompt more attention to your personal life, family, or needs for quiet, safety, and familiarity, dear Scorpio. Be sure to recharge so that you can give other areas of your life your best. If you’ve poured too much energy into your responsibilities to the outside world, circumstances now remind you to find a balance. If you’ve been overextending yourself, you need to find ways to get more downtime. You may benefit greatly from doing some catching up with family or your own heart. Even so, conversations about work matters can be particularly helpful today, and health news could be supportive as well. Talking about your needs and concerns with someone you care about can be refreshing.

The Full Moon today can bring deadlines, errands, and paperwork to your attention, dear Sagittarius. If you’ve been avoiding your daily affairs, it’s a time for bringing back more balance to your life. This lunation might also, or instead, pull up emotions that you’ve pushed to the side. Something previously hidden or only “in the works” comes to light. A change of plans or a sudden awareness of an outstanding matter can lead to a scuffle of activity. This can also be a day for especially meaningful personal revelations. Themes related to learning, communicating, commuting, and connecting are in happy focus. Conversations can be revealing as you are connecting not only on practical levels, but physical and emotional ones as well.

The Full Moon today brings your attention to a money matter or your resources, dear Capricorn. It’s a time for recognizing your needs, and with more clarity about your feelings, you’ll have a better idea of your next step. There may be a financial breakthrough or a quick purchase, but whatever does occur, it seems out of the blue and unexpected. Opportunities to advance business and financial goals can arise now. You might also be asserting your independence in surprising ways. Situations may serve as a nudge to get on top of your finances. A more intense desire for security and comfort can also be a motivator. Show your abilities in the best possible way, as others are noticing. Family interactions can be revealing, supportive, and insightful today, and conversations are more constructive than usual.

The Full Moon today occurs in your sign, dear Aquarius, and feelings bubble up to the surface. You’re likely to have epiphanies about your needs, especially if you’ve been overly focused on others. This lunation can bring an epiphany or culmination of sorts. A relationship matter might come to light, or a personal revelation is possible. There can be quite a bit of attention coming your way. Emotions that surface now can point you to areas of your life that need more tender loving care. Because emotions run high right now, you may want to sort them out before taking action. Conversations today can help bring new insight into a relationship, or communication styles aid understanding. It’s a fine time to listen and be heard.

The Full Moon this morning can awaken you to feelings and emotions you’ve kept at bay, dear Pisces, and it can pull up strong intuition and hunches. This lunation happens in your privacy sector, and a lot may be going on in your inner world. You might come to an important realization related to work as well as health on mental, emotional, and physical levels. If you’ve been ignoring your need for more rest, solitude, and time to catch your breath, then circumstances might push the matter! It’s a time to consider ways to regenerate and strengthen emotionally. You’re in great shape for solving problems and assisting someone in sorting out a matter. This is a good day for making the most of what you have, such as an asset or talent.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is August 15, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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