Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Pisces until 12:32 PM, after which the Moon is in Aries.
- The void Moon continues until 12:32 PM (since 6:34 PM yesterday).
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon occurred on August 15th in the sign of Aquarius, and the Last Quarter Moon will happen on August 23rd.
- Saturn Rx, Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, and Pluto Rx.
- Mars enters Virgo this morning (Mars is in Virgo from August 18th to October 4th).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Soon enough, most of the inner planets will be in your work and health sector, and today, Mars is the first to head there, dear Aries. This transit revs you up for action with chores, jobs, health pursuits, and routines. It will stick with you until October 4th, giving you some time to benefit from this powerhouse planet, your planetary ruler. You may be taking on challenging projects that advance or improve your work or routines in the weeks ahead. The desire to step up a health and fitness or nutrition program runs high now. You have more initiative and energy for work projects and can apply yourself with more vigor. Consider that a game plan will help you channel your energy most effectively. Today brings good energy for clarifying feelings and coming to agreements.

Energetic Mars now moves through your solar fifth house, dear Taurus, and will continue to do so until October 4th. This sector of your chart is about finding your joy, whether through romance, pleasure, self-expression, hobbies, or entertainment. These areas of your life are invigorated now and in the weeks ahead. You are more willing to take personal risks with your heart and your creative impulses and perhaps with money as well (watch this last one!). You are more outgoing and more often willing to seize opportunities as they arise during this cycle. Romance can become heated, which can be stimulating or challenging depending on how you view and handle the energy. Good energy is with you for mending fences, enjoying others, and expressing your feelings today.

Mars begins its transit of your sector of home and family, dear Gemini. The weeks ahead can be excellent for getting a whole lot done in your personal life. Until October 4th, you may be working more heartily on home projects or spending more time actively involved with family. What you do with the extra energy available to you now is critical. To some degree, it determines whether this is simply a period in which you get things accomplished or if challenges and conflicts ensue on the home front. It can be a good time for entertaining in the home, although at times you could find that your home life is a little too busy. Today is good for your social life, romance, comfort, and finances. You are expressing both your feelings and ideas with the same ease.

Go-getting, energetic Mars begins its transit of your solar third house today, dear Cancer. This transit brings increased drive, initiative, energy, and courage to your daily life, communications, and mental pursuits until October 4th. You’re motivated to make contact, write, speak, and learn during this cycle. Arguments over ideas and opinions could be more frequent now, and you should certainly watch for impatience while driving, walking, and getting around. You’re inclined to use words as a weapon during this period, but expressing your anger in constructive ways can be a better use of this transit. Take advantage of this energy since it can motivate you to get a lot done in a short time. Today, you’re in a good position for making your money work for you. There can be promising developments with home and family.

Energetic and assertive Mars leaves your sign and enters your resources sector today, dear Leo. During this cycle that lasts until October 4th, you can experience a stronger desire for financial independence. Increased motivation to pursue a larger income is possible, or you’re ready to take action on money-making ideas. It can also bring impulsive energy to your spending habits, as the desire to accumulate objects can grow now. You might also be a little more possessive of people in your life during this cycle. This transit is not always only about money–self-worth, talents, and intangible resources can figure strongly. If things are not right with these things, it’s a time to take steps to improve them. Focus now on building rather than exhausting your resources. Feel the increased courage to earn what you need and deserve. It’s a generally a good time for finding new ways to boost your feelings of security and comfort. A bolder approach to business, earnings, defending your territory, and proving your worth can emerge.

You will soon host many planets in your sign, dear Virgo, and today, Mars heads the pack. Mars is in Virgo from today until October 4th. Throughout this energetic cycle, you’ll have plenty of chances to assert yourself and seek out what you want from life. You’re likely to be especially motivated, desirous, assertive, and perhaps impulsive at times in the weeks ahead. Angry feelings can also surface during this cycle, and you might want to watch for overly hasty, rash, or impatient behavior. Otherwise, you can use this period to pursue personal goals heartily. It can be a time when support, emotional or material, can more readily come to you, even though you are more independent than you are usually. Today is good for some objectivity about a matter. Taking a creative approach to work and money matters can benefit you.

Mars moves into your solar twelfth house today, dear Libra, and until October 4th, encourages you to take charge of your private life. This is an excellent time to reassess your goals, needs, and desires. It’s not the most decisive or energetic period in your life, except when you’re cutting out activities and situations that have outworn their usefulness–that’s when you come alive! You may find more comfort in private moments and require a little more rest than usual. If you don’t recognize this need, you may face circumstances that enforce rest. For some of you, this can be a quiet or more private time for relationships. It’s an essential time for discovering what you truly desire, and which pursuits may not be quite as worthwhile for you. Think of it as a time to pause to reassess things. Today’s energies are excellent for sharing ideas.

Mars begins its transit of your solar eleventh house today, dear Scorpio, and will continue its lively transit until October 4th. This points to a sociable period in which you could find yourself in high demand, particularly with friends. For some, however, this can be a time when you prefer to take the lead in group settings. More invites might come your way now, although Mars is more about making things happen than attracting things to you. As such, you could be actively collaborating with others in group or team efforts during this period. It’s a time for putting a little more energy into friends, networking, and community, as well as projects and happiness goals/pursuits. More actively pursuing things that fulfill you and make you happy can be in focus. Today’s energies are brilliant for creative ideas and a boost in appeal.

Mars brings more initiative and energy to your career and reputation sector, dear Sagittarius, in a cycle that begins today and lasts until October 4th. It’s a period for pumping yourself up professionally, taking the lead and initiative more often, and pursuing your ambitions directly and with confidence. At times during this transit, you could find yourself in conflict with authority figures or facing challenges with your reputation, but you’ll get better at this after Venus enters this same sector on the 21st. In fact, the Sun and Mercury will join Venus and Mars before August ends! You are now given a chance to push yourself to excel and improve. Today, there is easygoing, charming, and open energy that helps you enhance friendships.

Mars begins its energizing transit of your solar ninth house today, dear Capricorn, and will continue influencing this area of your chart until October 4th. This puts the planet of action in a good, harmonious position relative to your sign. You’ll find it natural to assert yourself and to pursue your desires without too many obstacles standing in your way. It’s nice to go after what you want without much fuss or worry. You’ll also be braver and more courageous than usual, finding it natural to seek out new adventures and experiences. This transit can encourage a crusade for more engaging, mind-expanding experiences, whether this takes place in your mind or in person (or both). Today’s energies are good for observation. Strategies and plans made now have legs to stand on.

Mars begins its energizing transit of your solar eighth house today, dear Aquarius, and will continue to influence this area of your chart until October 4th. This can be a cycle in which you can get to the root of challenges in a close relationship related to sharing and power politics–or to the heart of your desires! If there are confrontations now, they can be revealing and, with true effort put toward resolving problems, refreshing. Some of you could be meeting with strong personalities, and learning experiences follow as your connection brings out your own passions and desires. You’re less inclined to act on impulse and more prone to use strategy when it comes to moving your plans forward. Desires run more deeply than usual, or they seem a little more complicated. Benefits and good feelings come from connecting with others today, and a fair approach wins you favor.

Energetic, assertive Mars begins its transit of your opposite sign and partnership sector, dear Pisces, animating close relationships until October 4th. Problems that have been festering have a way of surfacing during this cycle, and they seem to demand your immediate attention. This can be a little tense or chaotic, but ultimately refreshing, as you now get the chance to deal with them. When something is happening right in front of you, there is little choice but to deal with it! It can also be a time in which you have more courage to pursue a relationship. It’s best to own and acknowledge your role in conflicts or strife that might emerge now. With Mars opposite your sign, it can be all too easy to project desires or even anger onto someone else. Today’s energies are especially supportive of work and health pursuits.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is August 18, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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