Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aries.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- The Full Moon occurred on August 15th in the sign of Aquarius, and the Last Quarter Moon will happen on August 23rd.
- Saturn Rx, Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, and Pluto Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The first part of the day is better for seeing the practical angles, dear Aries, but you end the day looking at the bigger picture. Don’t let this somewhat serious energy bring you down, and instead, resolve to use it to make refinements and edits. Demands of the outside world continue to be high, but you also need some downtime. Strive for balance. Indecision and disconnects are temporary but possibly instructive since, through them, you might eventually understand what you truly want. As the day advances, there is wonderfully smooth energy for your ideas, thoughts, and creative process. It’s a time for expressing yourself creatively and for seeing the bigger picture regarding a relationship, venture, or pursuit. You may be making decisions about higher learning, travel, long-term goals, and making plans to do more, learn more, and experience more. Minds are open, and making changes feels natural. You certainly recognize a need for more creative and expressive outlets these days, and today, you are steering in the right direction.

There is some tendency to close up or withdraw today, dear Taurus, making it better to work on your own just until you’re more self-assured. There can be a conflict between your indulgent side and your responsible side, with neither coming out a clear winner! As the day advances, things flow, particularly on mental and emotional levels. You might sort matters out in your mind or with someone special and get to happy places and conclusions. An open-handed approach to domestic issues, sharing, finances, and intimacy is the most successful, and there is a tendency to focus on the most supportive, positive, and hopeful scenarios. People tend to cooperate with you, and family or intimate relationships can improve simply through connecting, reaching out, sharing good humor and anecdotes, and extending help or support. Family or co-workers can be cooperative and possibly quite helpful in terms of bringing new insight into your life. Cooperation with others helps fuel your motivation.

A Venus-Saturn awkward aspect today can be perplexing, dear Gemini. It’s best to try to find a satisfying and successful balance between responsibility and leisure. If someone close to you is tense without apparent reason, try not to let it spoil your mood. Later today, though, conversations and humor flow very smoothly. Mercury, your planetary ruler, is heading toward a harmonious aspect with optimistic Jupiter, lightening things up. You are more fluent than usual with expressing your ideas. It can be a time for a bright idea or intellectual win. Others tend to treat you well, give you the benefit of the doubt, and enjoy your perspective and sense of humor. You can feel supported on a mental level. You may come to a happy agreement with someone special. There can also be good energy for communicating, interesting offers, and good news or reviews. There can be a satisfying sense of growth and faith in a relationship.

While there can be some tensions to deal with revolving around relationships or finances today, dear Cancer, it can serve to balance out your thinking along realistic and practical lines. Insecurities may lead to missed connections, and improvisation may not be natural for the time being if you are feeling out of sync. Keep in mind that people can be standoffish with a Venus-Saturn influence active now. Worries about limited resources or the disapproval of someone in your life can dampen your spirits somewhat. As the day advances, a Mercury-Jupiter aspect comes into play and serves to lighten the mood. It also encourages you to think in bigger terms. It’s an excellent time to make financial plans and to discuss strategies for reaching your goals. A problem that has bothered you might resolve itself. Your vision of an issue is broad, and this helps you to put things into perspective. Your supportive role is not always recognized but could be “seen” now. With more faith in your abilities and your worth now, it could be a good time to attract positive feedback from others.

Mercury in Leo forms a nice relationship with lucky Jupiter, dear Leo, and you’re communicating positively. Even so, there is a tricky Venus-Saturn aspect today that can point to some disconnects. Whatever conflict that emerges now can ultimately get you to a better, more realistic place. Try not to stay on the fence. Take the first half of the day slowly, and consider that you may experience errors in judgment right now. Especially as the day advances, you are generous with your time. It’s easier than usual to rise above problems and make the best of circumstances. You may solve a problem or two, not only for yourself but for others as well. You can use the power of words to attract what you want or to further your interests. Expressing yourself through a hobby or creative pastime can figure strongly now.

An approach that’s modest and sincere tends to be the most successful today, dear Virgo. Dreams and intuition are fertile for ideas right now. You may be in a supportive role and enjoying taking care of someone. Private time is helpful but you are likely to feel quite connected with others, too, balancing things well today. While there can be some tensions, later today, tolerance increases. Thoughts of the past tend to dominate your life these days, but you’re putting a new spin on old matters, or seeing past issues in a new light. Connecting with loved ones and your inner world can be satisfying. You might gain valuable insight or inspiration through your communications with loved ones as well as through your dreams and personal musings. Even with this positive energy surrounding you, a break would be well-timed today.

With Venus in an awkward angle to Saturn today, dear Libra, you may be grappling with insecurities. You could be feeling somewhat restricted in your personal life or stuck on a creative level. Disconnects are possible but are unlikely to be indicative of deeper problems. Later today, you’re inclined to think in big terms, and certain issues seem easier to resolve with this “view.” You are drawing in opportunities as you communicate more openly and positively. You can inspire–or gain inspiration through–friends and connections. You’re excited about learning new skills, or you might enjoy a conversation or a new interest. Reaching out and communicating can boost–or even make–a friendship. Compliments, positive reinforcement, acknowledgments, and other kind gestures are favored highly now. It’s a time to teach, guide, and learn. Your well-being increases as you connect and mingle.

Some mixed signals are possible today, dear Scorpio, with Venus in a minor challenging aspect to Saturn. A flaw in a plan or project can put a bit of a damper on things, but it can also be a real save. Later today, as Mercury approaches a trine to Jupiter, our minds open. This aspect also gives you a good head for practical matters. Making plans for your money, business deals, and problem-solving can be successful. The power of positive thinking makes anything seem possible right now. A fair, optimistic, or moral outlook enhances your reputation or professional position. You might get the chance to clarify a misunderstanding or your opinion on a matter. You can feel particularly motivated to achieve your goals so that you can build a more comfortable life for yourself.

While a moderate approach is best for much of the day, dear Sagittarius, you’ll want to go bigger as the day advances. A small reality check is possible, but it gets you into a smarter position. Later today, acceptance comes easily. It’s an excellent time to make plans and to think in significant terms, mainly related to ideas, publishing, learning, and connecting. Your sense for future trends is brilliant. Opportunities open up to you as you share your thoughts and make an effort to reach out to others. Conversations can be very fruitful and even inspiring. Travel or educational plans may come together. It’s easier than usual to find satisfying channels for enjoyment and self-expression. It’s also likely that others are cooperating with you. Others love to be around you now, primarily because you have a stronger sense of self and fun, and you’re open to learning and doing new things. Your frame of mind is open and free.

A minor challenging aspect between Venus and Saturn today suggests some reserve, dear Capricorn. With this influence, it makes more sense to look after details and practicalities. Making refinements rather than bold moves works best. As the day advances, cooperation comes easily, and your mind opens up wide. It can be a good time for striking up a conversation about a private or personal matter if this can help you. It can be a fine time for teaching, guiding, and sharing ideas. You have all the power to put something behind you and to make peace with the past. Mercury forms a trine to Jupiter in your house of karma, the past, endings, and resolve, and it can be a time to overcome a challenge. Forgiveness and putting the pieces of an uncertain situation together in a satisfying manner can figure strongly.

With a minor challenging aspect between Venus and Saturn today, dear Aquarius, there can be some feeling of being on your own or unappreciated. This is temporary and may very well lead to something positive as you discover inner resources you never knew you had. As the day advances, Mercury and Jupiter head towards a happy trine aspect. The ability to put things into perspective opens up doors that were once shut. You are entertaining new ideas, and people seem open to your viewpoint. There may be a discovery of a new way to share your thoughts that can be rewarding. It can be helpful and even fruitful to put your head together with someone to come up with a solution. You might enjoy positive feedback or reviews, and exchanges or interactions lead to hopeful and optimistic feelings. It’s a good time for counseling, advice, and negotiation. You might discover that a friend is heading in the same or similar direction.

You seem more interested in the details than the big ideas today, dear Pisces, but this can change considerably later today. You may be feeling like you haven’t made a lot of progress. As the day advances, you can be quite satisfied with work and the many little things that you’ve accomplished. Adding everything up can be pleasantly surprising. Good energy is with you for optimistic feelings, sharing ideas with others, and solving problems quite happily. Your approach to practical matters is positive and creative. You’re in good shape for expressing your goals or intentions, clarifying your position, or speaking professionally. Drawing up plans for the future can be in the spotlight and quite successful now. This can be an ideal time for work, reputation, and career, or there can be news that points you in the right direction.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is August 20, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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