Relating to one another can be complicated if we allow insecurities and doubts to rule. Disappointments in love relationships can occur now if we focus on the differences and weaknesses rather than the strong points. We are more aware and possibly resentful of imbalances in our relationships. We might question whether we need more excitement in our relationships (or leisure activities), or whether we need freedom from them yet we may not feel confident enough to rock the boat.
- The Moon is in Taurus until 7:39 PM.
- The Moon is void from 3:37 PM to 7:39 PM.
- The Moon is in Gemini from 7:39 PM (until Friday, August 26th, at 11:06 PM).
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase until 11:40 PM, after which the Moon is in its Last Quarter phase.
- A Last Quarter Moon occurs tonight at 11:40 PM.
- Mercury is in its pre-retrograde shadow (Mercury will be retrograde from August 30-September 22).
Times are EDT

Look for ways to simplify your life this morning, dear Aries, when you’re in a good position to see things more realistically than usual. Watch for rash or rebellious moves later today, particularly with relationships. Self-destructive tendencies might emerge. There can be some temporary doubts in your love life experienced now, and relationships can be up and down. Work or health problems can reach a head, especially if you’ve let some things slide. Defer decisions to a later date, if possible, and especially if you are feeling confused or down. Nevertheless, events of the day tend to bring you to a greater understanding of your commitment to self-care.

Be vigilant, follow the rules, and take action on a problem area in the first half of the day, dear Taurus. Putting a difficult task behind you can be satisfying now. You could be taking things a little too personally later today, however. Discomfort on a social level might lead to over-indulgent tendencies. You could become edgy if you feel caged in or if people are trying to pin you down to an answer or a commitment. Vague health complaints might also be part of your day. Take extra breaks or rest periods, if possible. It’s time to shake things up, but do so in ways that don’t rock the big boats! The Moon transits your sign until evening, pushing your emotions to the surface for immediate attention, after which you’re more inclined to settle in.

The first half of the day is strong for locking something down or bringing more order to an important area of your life, dear Gemini. Filling a responsibility may not feel good in the moment, but can lead to a freeing feeling that makes it well worth it. As the day advances, you may be dealing with troubles connecting with loved ones. It’s better not to mix business and pleasure. It can be difficult to see reputation and professional matters clearly now, and your confusion over where you’re ultimately headed could affect personal relationships. Use your imagination constructively rather than letting it take you to negative places. However, relationship issues, particularly family ones, that reach a head today also get over an important hump, and the rest should be uphill.

This morning, putting something into order, taking action on a matter you’ve put off, or doing a chore you’ve avoided might figure strongly, dear Cancer. Routine domestic tasks can nevertheless feel quite overwhelming as the day progresses, however. Accept any help you can get instead of shouldering more than you can handle. Those jobs that require deliberate action or concentration tend to thrive this morning, but the day’s energies shift considerably, and the more metaphysical, creative, or spiritual matters can benefit later on. Watch for communications that don’t express what you actually feel. You could be reading too much into what others are saying, as well. You have extra courage today, however, and you can use this to do something you’ve always wanted to do.

This morning, efforts that require concentration or deliberation can thrive, dear Leo, although you may be craving more enjoyable pursuits. The past has a way of pulling you in as the day advances, however, especially when it comes to matters of the heart or finances. It can be difficult knowing whether you need comfort and familiarity, or excitement. Decision-making today could be too emotionally-driven or based on fear and insecurity, so you may want to wait for a better, clearer day to make important decisions. A partner may not be seeing matters of security or finances in the same way as you right now, which can frustrate. You might also feel some tension regarding having enough resources to fund your pursuits, including education or travel. You may need to confront a significant financial or ownership matter in order to get over a hump.

The first half of the day is strong for getting things done, facing the music on a matter, and getting over an important hump, dear Virgo. The work you’re doing now may be unpleasant or uncomfortable but is necessary for getting your life back into order. You may very well feel that you’re reaching a turning point or getting over a hump. It can be difficult to go after what you want directly later today, however, and it can also be challenging to relate in a healthy way with a partner or peer. If you are worried about money matters, make a plan to make a plan! While it’s not the best time to draw up one, you can certainly commit to the need for a plan. There can be hypersensitivity to friends’ reactions and comments, and a tendency to rebel as a result. If possible, use the latter half of the day for rest and reflection rather than for taking concrete action.

Deliberate, meaningful activities can figure strongly this morning, dear Libra. This is a time for doing work that helps strengthen the foundations of something important in your life, whether that’s a project, relationship, or endeavor. There can be a tendency later today to be a little too hard on yourself, however. While you shouldn’t avoid your responsibilities, you should try not to take them so seriously that you lose yourself in them. Stick to what you know, and do your best to do it well. It can be difficult to know where you stand with others, and your thinking could swing from entertaining the ideal and imagining the worst. Of course, the truth is somewhere between. Insecurities tend to come the fore today, and as a result, it’s not ideal for winning favors, but it’s a good time for pondering the behaviors (and possibly even the situations or people) that are holding you back from going after what you want.

The first half of the day is strong for practical activities, dear Scorpio. Aim to strengthen foundations and think about the long term. Get over a hump and start anew. You may be doing some form of clean-up or purging process of your psyche as well. Try not to worry about what you are leaving behind, and instead focus on what you have to gain. There are confusing energies with us later today, and for you, they are more likely to surround friends, acquaintances, children, or lovers. People could be withholding, distant, or acting in a way that has you doubting them. You are not very clear on who or what to value today, so try to control behavior that may give you reason to regret at a later date, such as quick decisions in a relationship or impulsive spending.

In the first half of the day, dear Sagittarius, focus on accomplishing an important task that will help free or relieve you. Mars and Saturn finally meet in your sign, and this can mark a turning point in which you put a tricky obligation behind you. Mars in your sign certainly fills you with enterprising spirit and enthusiasm, but today you may be stopped in your tracks. Watch and listen, but consider your fears in the process, and how they may interfere with healthy relating patterns. Later today, you can be rather sensitive and perhaps read a situation the wrong way or from a place of insecurity. There can be disagreements over values or concepts of love. Events occurring now may very well open up old wounds, but with wounds wide open, you may have an opportunity to find ways to heal.

The first half of the day is good for getting work done, dear Capricorn, or putting a heavy matter that’s been weighing on you completely behind you. You can be quite determined and ready to take on a challenge. Words can stir up all sorts of problems as the day advances, however, and there can be some defensiveness. Before it spirals out of control, consider whether or not it’s better to simply correct “syntax errors” and move on. You could feel as if you are at a turning point in a relationship, and today’s events could call up old hurt or old problems. Learn from what opens up today, even if it’s not always easy to face truths. Keeping something buried will only prolong problems.

There can be a need to deal with a tricky matter or put in some extra work in the first half of the day, dear Aquarius. However, it can also feel good to clear the air or put something behind you. You may even feel that a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, although it’s less about a lucky break than it is about taking action or responsibility. There can be issues that stir up feelings of anxiety or possibly even guilt later today, however, but do your best not to let these disrupt your relationships. Arguments started now can reach a stalemate if both people are not willing to listen to the other side. It may be hard to see the true value of people, situations, and material things today, as you might either exaggerate their importance or pass over those things that are truly important.

Make an extra effort to focus on what needs to be done this morning, dear Pisces, when Mars meets with Saturn and requires you to look at the facts and secure your future. Aim to do the more disagreeable work so that you can put it behind you. Insecurities can get the best of you later today, however, and you could be feeling a little “stiff” in your interactions with others as a result. Some of you could be feeling very vulnerable and possibly too open. You might be wondering about how someone feels about you, or how deep a commitment is. Try not to allow vague worries and doubts hold you back, but it might be better to wait for a better day to declare complicated feelings. As well, consider that if soft spots are triggered easily, you may want to take a closer look and discover ways to strengthen them. This may involve another person and an important talk!
*Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign.
If Your Birthday is August 24th, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Date & Time: Aug 24 2016 7:39 pm
Event: Moon enters Gemini
Description: The Moon in Gemini
We are attracted to new ideas, but we need to discriminate more so that we don’t become too scattered. Communications mean more to us than usual.
Date & Time: Aug 24 2016 3:37 pm
Event: Moon goes void of course
Date & Time: Aug 24 2016 11:40 pm
Event: Third Quarter at 2°Ge22′
Date & Time: Aug 24 2016 8:05 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Ven
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Venus
We are less inhibited and more willing to indulge ourselves. Love and romance can be favorable. Decorating, beauty treatments, the arts, creative pursuits, parties, dates, and recreation are generally favored now. There is increased sensitivity, affection, and warmth. Love is grand! Affection, love, and romance are in the air.
Date & Time: Aug 24 2016 9:21 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Chi
Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Chiron
We are more emotionally present and involved. We more easily hone in on problem areas and want to fix them. Synchronicity is a feature of our daily life right now. Tune in and enjoy the spiritual signposts.
Date & Time: Aug 24 2016 2:05 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Jup
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Jupiter
We want to do good and to honor our inner code. We don’t sweat the small stuff right now. We are generous with our energy, time, and money. A great time to take up new feel-good opportunities. Show your confidence and optimism and reap the rewards.
Date & Time: Aug 24 2016 2:16 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Pal
Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Pallas
Our judgment may be temporarily impaired by excessive emotions, or emotional bias. We may be experiencing a conundrum. Someone’s belief or idea can make us feel insecure or out of sorts, or otherwise rub us the wrong way. There can be sensitivity to others’ opinions experienced now.
Date & Time: Aug 24 2016 2:18 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Ves
Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting Vesta
We can be a little stiff with our emotions, and we can be distracted from our work or focus. There can be difficulty expressing tenderness, concern, or care.
Date & Time: Aug 24 2016 3:37 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Mer
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Mercury
Ideas flow freely. We express feelings with clarity and thoughts with sensitivity. An excellent time for cooperative projects. A good time for taking tests, writing, promoting, public speaking, and studying. We are alert, observant, and our memory is good.
Date & Time: Aug 24 2016 7:39 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cnj Gem
Description: Transiting Moon Entering Gemini
We are attracted to new ideas, but we need to discriminate more so that we don’t become too scattered. Communications mean more to us than usual.
Date & Time: Aug 24 2016 7:57 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqq Plu
Description: Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting Pluto
Deeper feelings emerge suddenly, and possibly in a disruptive way. We may be over-reacting or going to extremes. Wait for the tension to subside before taking action.
Date & Time: Aug 24 2016 11:40 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Sun
Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Sun
This is a time for noticing discrepancies. Self-expression doesn’t flow well, and conflicts can be stirred. There can be some resistance and irritability. This can be a time when we’re compelled to take action, make changes, and solve problems.
Date & Time: Aug 24 2016 10:19 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mer Cpl Cer
Description: Transiting Mercury ContraParallel Transiting Ceres
Date & Time: Aug 24 2016 1:26 am
Event: Tr-Tr Ven SSq Jun
Description: Transiting Venus SemiSquare Transiting Juno
This may be a self-centered, self-indulgent time. We might also resort to trickery or manipulation to get what we want, when a more direct route would be more appropriate. Power games can interfere with healthy relations.
Date & Time: Aug 24 2016 8:24 am
Event: Tr-Tr Ven Cpl Jun
Description: Transiting Venus ContraParallel Transiting Juno
Date & Time: Aug 24 2016 10:12 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Ven Opp Chi
Description: Transiting Venus Opposition Transiting Chiron
It is time to say goodbye to painful associations. Opportunities exist for more positive relationships that support and sustain you.
Date & Time: Aug 24 2016 7:26 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mar Cnj Sat
Description: Transiting Mars Conjunction Transiting Saturn
Discipline and endurance are required now. Resist the urge to control. Accomplish what you can. Any delays are likely to be fortuitous.
Date & Time: Aug 24 2016 7:53 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Jup Qnx Pal
Description: Transiting Jupiter Quincunx Transiting Pallas
Date & Time: Aug 24 2016 1:31 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Ves Sqq Pal
Description: Transiting Vesta SesquiSquare Transiting Pallas
There can be conflicting drives to push forward and be progressive, or to stick with what has worked in the past.
Strong Signs, Elements, Modes
Stable and enduring, strong values, unyielding, earthy, acquisitive, strong desires. Can be stuck, stubborn, overly possessive, self-indulgent.
Meticulous, discriminating, pure, practical, health conscious, hard working. Can be hyper-critical, petty and perfectionistic.
Inspiring, broad vision, enthusiastic, goal seeking, truthful, adventurous. Can be reckless, unrestrained, tactless.
We are especially in touch with the physical world. We consider what we’ve learned and experienced in the past in order to make the most of the present. We can be cautious, practical, and possibly unimaginative. We are deliberate and can pace ourselves well. We need hands-on experience and are not impressed with theory as much as we are with results. Routines are tolerable and comforting.
We may have a difficult time being objective or detached. We may not be especially communicative.
There may be some insensitivity or lack of empathy now. We may be out of touch with what we’re feeling or with our emotional needs. We may be tougher than usual now, and more inclined to follow mental or practical considerations than we are to listen to our intuition.
This is not a time that we tend to naturally initiate actions. We may be stronger at following up than starting anew. Survival mechanisms may be weaker now.
We are flexible, adaptable, willing, open to change, and possibly flighty or nervous.
Current Lunar Phase
Moon 135 to 90 degrees behind the Sun.
Sharing our knowledge with the world is a major motivation at this stage. We believe we have gained much knowledge and wisdom through our experiences, and want to ensure others have the benefit as well.
The following aspects (major only) and positions are at noon (EDT) on August 24th:
Note that when an aspect is applying, it has not yet happened but is within orb – it’s pending. When an aspect is separating, it has already happened/perfected and is moving away from the aspect. Depending on the speed of the planet/body involved, the aspect will have perfected, or will perfect, in a matter of hours (often the case with the Moon), days, months, and possibly years in the case of the very slow-moving outer planets and bodies.
Note that the Moon moves at a rate of approximately one degree every 2 hours, so that if an aspect involving is applying and has an orb of 5 degrees, the aspect will perfect (be exact) in about 10 hours. If the Moon is separating from an aspect with an orb of 2 degrees, it has already formed said aspect approximately 4 hours ago (since the following are positions at noon today, then it would have occurred at about 8 AM today).
**I suggest paying close attention to applying aspects. The energy of the aspect builds as it gets closer to exact. Once an aspect involving inner planets has happened, it’s over. Separating aspects are good to know for context, but in terms of energy that is with us today, applying aspects are most important. (This is the case for daily astrology influences involving inner planets, which pass quickly, and not natal astrology aspects, which are with us for a lifetime).
This is a time for settling in, establishing and maintaining routines, and consolidating existing projects. We are building and developing. We crave predictability, stability, and security. This time favors ongoing projects and activities more than new ones.
QUINCUNX MARS Orb 1°43′ Separating
You suffer from irritability and nervous tension. You need to make adjustments and slow down.
QUINCUNX SATURN Orb 1°19′ Separating
This is a brief period of uncertainty, guilt, fear of not performing well or of rejection, a feeling that others will not support or fulfill our needs/desires, or a sense that something can’t be achieved.
SEXTILE NEPTUNE Orb 0°16′ Separating
This is a feel-good time if we allow ourselves to relax and tune into the subtle aspects of life – art, nature, beauty, dreams, and spiritual realms. We absorb things easily, our senses are in good form, and we more naturally accept things and people as they are. There is no need to look for definite answers right now.
TRINE PLUTO Orb 4°00′ Applying
We can be quite focused now, driven by our goals and ambitions and motivated to put problems behind us. We might happily pour ourselves into a current passion or interest, and could find it easy to get to the bottom of things.
You are an analytical and critical individual. You are also practical and discriminating, and may be fussy.
Part of Body: Duodenum
Sabian Symbol: In a portrait the best of a man’s traits are idealized.
TRINE URANUS Orb 6°40′ Separating
We are looking forward, happy and confident about making changes and improvements. We are willing to experiment and explore.
You have a discriminating mind, and can be critical and analytical. You can also become obsessed with detailed knowledge. This may be to your detriment in daily life, although it is very beneficial for doing any kind of research. You like to be precise in your communications with others.
Part of Body: Hepatic plexus
Sabian Symbol: A bald-headed man dominates gathering of national figures.
CONJUNCTION VENUS Orb 4°52′ Applying
We are more agreeable, sociable, and focused on balance and harmony. Conversations flow nicely.
CONJUNCTION JUPITER Orb 0°31′ Separating
You are talkative and have a thirst for knowledge. You have big ideas and plans. Education will feature largely in your life.
OPPOSITION CHIRON Orb 3°04′ Separating
There can be insecurity about our own ideas or decisions, or we may not know who/what to believe. Words, or lack of, can hurt right now. There is greater sensitivity to what is being said, choice of words, and syntax.
This is a time when we express our love through practical means and gestures – running errands, doing detail work, or just being there. What we love, what we decide to buy and the types of entertainment we enjoy during this cycle are ruled by whether or not things make sense.
Part of Body: Capsule and ligaments of liver
Sabian Symbol: A lion-tamer rushes fearlessly into the circus arena.
We are looking for more meaning or color to our lives and especially to our relationships. We seek to make others happy and tend to give others the benefit of the doubt. Our feelings and tastes are grand, and we may be especially extravagant or indulgent.
QUINCUNX URANUS Orb 2°08′ Applying
You find it difficult to be yourself in your personal relationships and would benefit from a creative outlet such as writing.
OPPOSITION CHIRON Orb 1°48′ Applying
You tend to suffer emotional pain in your personal relationships. You are so busy caring for your loved ones that you neglect your own needs. This imbalance can lead to you resenting your partners . You also tend to become the peacemaker as you are so sensitive to disharmony. You need to learn to nurture yourself and trust your own wisdom.
You are an inspirational leader, and have a strong desire for exploration and adventure. You may be one-pointed in your desires.
Part of Body: Left lymphatic vessels
Sabian Symbol: A stage symbolization of the “goddess of opportunity”.
You sometimes feel that it is hard to express your energy fully, that something always holds you back. There is a feeling of “bashing your head against a brick wall” and this is frustrating. You are ambitious, and have the ability to slowly but surely reach your goals. You also have the ability to organise yourself and others, and good self discipline.
SQUARE NEPTUNE Orb 1°26′ Applying
This is a time for resting, escaping, or taking a break as we reconsider our needs. We might temporarily lose focus or direction.
You have a strong desire to be of service, and high religious or spiritual ideals. You may also have an obsession with detailed perfection.
Part of Body: Iliac nerve
Sabian Symbol: Elderly ladies drinking afternoon tea in a wealthy home.
OPPOSITION CHIRON Orb 2°33′ Separating
This can be a time when we are hungry for meaning and understanding, but it can be difficult to align ourselves with a personal philosophy or belief system that truly reflects our core. We might be led astray by beliefs and ideas now, or we might experience some form of crisis of faith.
Saturn in Sagittarius asks us to take on the responsibility of living according to our personal truths and principles, and to be loyal to these. This is a time for turning a critical eye to those beliefs and principles that don’t accurately reflect our authentic selves. (December 23, 2014 to June 14, 2015, then September 17, 2015 to December 20, 2017)
Part of Body: Left lymphatic vessels
Sabian Symbol: A stage symbolization of the “goddess of opportunity”.
SQUARE NEPTUNE Orb 1°02′ Applying
Some feelings of disillusionment can come now as our dreams and ideals can be put to the test. Questioning our faith in our dreams can lead to lack of follow-through or wasteful activities and avoidance of responsibilities. Ideally, this crisis leads to a realignment of material goals and spiritual ideals as we assess what is truly meaningful to us.
The urge to start fresh, to break free from restrictive attitudes or circumstances, to totally redesign an area of our lives (or even our personalities), and to gain freedom through independence is strong during this cycle. (May 27, 2010 to August 13, 2010, then March 11th, 2011 to May 15, 2018, then November 6, 2018 to March 6, 2019).
Part of Body: Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Sabian Symbol: A double promise reveals its inner and outer meanings.
A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011 to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012 to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025 to January 26, 2026)
Part of Body: Lymph vessels of foot
Sabian Symbol: Men seeking illumination.
You have a tendency to daydream and live in a fantasy world, possibly even escaping into the world of drugs and depression. Your quest in this life is to put your creative talents to positive use.
Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008 to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008 to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023 to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024 to November 19, 2024).
Part of Body: Condyle of right tibia
Sabian Symbol: Boys and girls in gymnasium suits.
Chiron, Major Asteroids, and Moon’s Nodes: in Sign and in Aspect
Strong awareness of our own vulnerabilities and humanity stimulates compassion for others. (April 20 to July 20, 2010, then February 8, 2011 to April 17, 2018, then September 25, 2018 to February 18, 2019).
Part of Body: Right distal tibio-fibular joint
Sabian Symbol: An inhabited island.
You are committed to your family and loved ones, especially when they need you. However, you may withdraw like a crab into your shell if you feel hurt by those closest to you. You enjoy working with those close to you.
Part of Body: Greater curvature of stomach
Sabian Symbol: A woman nursing a baby with a message.
Your mind can be brilliant, original and insightful. You are able to quickly grasp new ideas and apply them to the future. You fight for your ideals, and humanitarian or political causes.
Part of Body: Right tibia
Sabian Symbol: A tree felled and sawed.
You want an intense and sexual relationship. You want your partner’s total attention and demand a high degree of sensuality.
Part of Body: Scrotum, left Fallopian tube
Sabian Symbol: The moon shining across a lake.
You feel cared for when loved ones give you a sense of stability and security. You like to be touched and stroked, and nurtured in practical ways. You also like to show others you care through practical means.
Part of Body: Larynx
Sabian Symbol: A bridge being built across a gorge.
This is a quest to become dedicated to the service of others. You will need to overcome the tendency to daydream and feel overwhelmed and to put your compassion and wisdom to practical use for humanity.
Part of Body: Hepatic arteries
Sabian Symbol: A powerful statesman wins to his cause a hysterical mob.
This is a quest to become dedicated to the service of others. You will need to overcome the tendency to daydream and feel overwhelmed and to put your compassion and wisdom to practical use for humanity.
Part of Body: Plantar artery of left foot
Sabian Symbol: A sword in a museum.
Transits Aug 24 2016 – Event Chart
Aspects to Mar 09°Sg58 -24°41′
Cnj 09°Sg59 ANTARES *** Success which can be obsessive
Aspects to Sat 09°Sg52 -20°22′
Cnj 09°Sg59 ANTARES *** Success which can be obsessive
Aspects to Plu 15°Cp11 -21°18′
Cnj 15°Cp33 VEGA Charismatic, magical, lucky
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