- The Moon is in Scorpio until 8:07 PM, after which the Moon is in Sagittarius.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 10th, and the New Moon will occur on December 18th.
- Mercury is retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius (Mercury is retrograde from December 3-22).

This morning continues the good energy for smoothing over differences that began last night, dear Aries. You are presenting yourself and your ideas with gentleness and beauty. You seem to know how to turn virtually any situation around in a favorable way. This is a strong time for enjoying people, and for them enjoying you! While you can falter a little with certain decisions, as the day advances, it’s quite excellent for applying new methods to old problems. There may even be a breakthrough of sorts. You may be excited about putting something behind you and looking to new horizons. A strong urge to rid yourself of restrictions, particularly in mind or attitude, can motivate you to take charge. You may be excited about your projects and interests and happy to embrace a more authentic way of expressing yourself. Look for opportunities to publish, promote, travel, share, and learn. Enjoying an adventure, even if it’s only on a mental plane, can be gratifying now.

You may be concerned, or feel some vague guilt, about how you’ve handled certain things in the past, dear Taurus. You don’t want to allow this to rob your future, and today is great for doing whatever you can to make things right. There is a strong tendency to consider consequences of recent choices or missed opportunities, and this gives you a new perspective on how to go about things in the future. There can be attractive business projects or plans re-emerging from the past today. Exes can be in focus, as new information comes out about old relationships, for some of you. Generally speaking, this is a good day for connecting in love, but even better for analyzing and making sense of relationships and relationship needs. As the day advances, you can experience a strong emotional need to do something spontaneous or taboo – to break through barriers. Behind-the-scenes efforts are favored now. It’s not the time to do the same old thing!

Mercury and Venus come together in your opposing sign and partnership sector this morning, dear Gemini. Even if you’re not interacting with someone today and whether or not you’re involved in a partnership, this is a time for coming to the point of resolve or closure about something from the past. Others are persuasive, conversations are especially impressive, and people are attracted to your amenable manner. This is also a strong time for creative and romantic pursuits, as well as enjoying leisure time or a hobby. While you may feel some hesitance about expressing your desire for change as the day advances, you end up going all in. In fact, facing your fears can be invigorating. You would do well for yourself to mingle and share some of your day with people you enjoy. You may see a new side of a person or situation, and someone could see you in a new, more positive light.

Attention is drawn again to work and health habits, dear Cancer, and you may come to a new discovery about an old or long-standing matter. This is a time for paying extra attention to the pleasing elements of your daily routine or work. Drawing upon your people skills can help you to receive the appreciation you crave, even if social factors could hurt productivity levels a tad. This is not the ideal day for getting substantial work done, but it’s useful for generating ideas and attending to the social and aesthetics. You are inclined to want to reform a method or situation. You can come to a new understanding of a particular career, health, or financial matters today. A sense of turning over a new leaf with a health or fitness goal or a work project can be with some of you today, at least in mind and attitude.

This morning, the desire for harmony is strong, dear Leo, particularly as it relates to getting to a comfortable understanding of a matter that was previously stumping. All day is a time for making improvements, although a lot of this is happening on a mental plane as you come to a happier perspective on things. You want to put something behind you or pull yourself out of a rut, and this applies in particular to romantic, recreational, and creative levels. While you’ve had heavy transits in these areas of life in recent years, the coming two years brings considerably lighter themes to these affairs, and you’re catching hints of this now. Today is good for breaking the routine without too much in the way of friction. Small personal triumphs are likely. There can be an opportunity to learn a new way of thinking through a connection or recreational activity or you might inspire someone with your ideas and perspective.

You may be directing a lot of attention to unresolved relationship matters today, dear Virgo, especially regarding family and the past. This is a time for being fair and nonjudgmental as well as for seeing an issue that perplexed or bothered you in a more helpful light. There can be plenty of nostalgia now, and perhaps a past opportunity related to family and home that re-emerges now. There is a bigger drive to bring more harmony to your home life. New information about a health or relationship issue can emerge. Especially as the day advances, you’re looking to move on, move forward, or leave an old idea, emotion, or attitude behind. This can be a crucial time for exploring ways to break out of a rut in your home life or with family. Enjoy your relationships with others more fully by detaching yourself a little from your fears and insecurities, as good energy is with you for pushing beyond self-imposed limits and barriers.

Thoughts and conversation tend to revolve around sorting out past problems today, dear Libra, particularly past relationship challenges. There is a lot of charm and humor in your manner and communications today, even if the words are not always perfect. It’s not the best time for demanding work, as it’s all too easy to become distracted by social elements, and thoughts and conversations tend to wander. Even with this meandering, new light may be shed on a problem or issue that’s been at the back of your mind for some time now. Particularly as the day advances, it becomes apparent a project or a relationship needs a fresh approach or you see either of these things in an all-new way. You are focused on improvements, reform, and the spiffing up of dull, outdated elements of your life.

This can be a day when further information about a long-standing issue emerges, dear Scorpio, mixing things up and changing your perspective, particularly related to your finances or practical affairs. There could be a project or financial opportunity involved with something that you previously set aside that now looks promising. You are inclined to recognize and discuss your needs and desires. There is also a stronger desire to bring more harmony and comfort into your life. At the same time, you’re especially open to new ways of doing things as you become uncomfortable with dull, outdated methods now. In fact, you’re in a great position to do something innovative or reformative with your money, work, and routines. It’s also an excellent time to detach yourself from a bothersome issue and get over it so that you can move on. It’s a time to liberate yourself from methods that haven’t been working for you regarding health, work, spending, and routines.

Mercury and Venus align in your sign today, dear Sagittarius, and you have more impact than usual, especially when it comes to what you communicate. How you communicate and your manner count for a lot, too. Energies feel rather easygoing, but you should nevertheless be a little more mindful of what you say, as it may not come out as you intend. You’re creative and charming, which gets you out of a lot of problems! There continues to be a lot of attention and focus on you today, and you might be the subject of conversation. New light may be shed on a matter regarding personal plans or health. Especially as the day advances, your interest in hobbies, pastimes, and recreational activities come into sharp focus. It’s a great time to breathe new life into old projects and relationships. You can be determined to get over hurdles that have been standing in the way of progress.

There is continued good energy for making sense of the past, feelings, and ideas this morning, dear Capricorn. You’re seeing things in an all-new way that helps you understand them more. You are more inclined than usual to talk about private matters or to think about these things in an objective way. You may want to watch that you don’t reawaken a topic that truly does belong in the past, but the vibes this morning are mostly positive. For some, there can be the re-emergence of a person from your past that sparks all sorts of memories. Today’s energies encourage breaking free from restrictions that are unnecessary, particularly as it advances, even if there is some hesitance involved. You can fill up with the desire to get over a hurdle that previously seemed insurmountable, or to grab an opportunity that once seemed out of reach. There is more openness to change in the family unit or within your mind as you are willing to let go of an unreasonable expectation or a burden that you may have put on yourself. This is a time for pulling yourself out of a rut.

New information about old matters can come to light now, dear Aquarius, particularly about long-term projects or friends, or through networking. A project or idea that you had abandoned or set aside can seem viable again. While this may be true, do watch for a tendency to glamorize the past. For some of you, someone from the past can reappear. This is a particularly good day for personal appeal and attraction. There can be new spins on ideas and concepts that speak to you and fill you with enthusiasm. You can also feel a compelling desire to break free from the past or unnecessary burdens today, even if part of you is a little scared or skeptical about doing so. There can be quite brilliant connections made with others, or inspiring conversations can take place now. Your eye is on improving and reforming things, and you’re likely to buck tradition if required.

You are likely to receive more than the usual amount of attention today, dear Pisces, particularly on a professional or public level. Your words have a lot of impact, and the tendency to be misunderstood remains strong with Mercury retrograde, but as long as you choose your words carefully, this can be an excellent time to bring peace and harmony to a matter. There may be an opportunity revolving around work or business that re-emerges for a fresh look. Especially as the day progresses, you tend to seek out diversions. You prefer not to be tied down to one project, place, or line of thinking. This is a time when you’re feeling unusually open to new ideas and opportunities. People can be drawn to your ease with practical affairs and your open-handed, open-minded approach. It’s a good time to take the lead or set the trend. Part of you hesitates today, but getting over an insecurity can be empowering.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is December 15th, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Date & Time: Dec 15 2017 8:07 pm
Event: Moon enters Sagittarius
Description: The Moon in Sagittarius
This is a time for expanding our mind and experience, exploring new pathways, aiming high, and broadening our horizons. It’s not as strong for detail or routine work. There can be restlessness, courage, and spontaneity now.
Date & Time: Dec 15 2017 8:53 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Chi
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Chiron
There can be new or easy understanding of our feelings and impressions now. We have a greater understanding of, or compassion for, others’ plights. We are more emotionally present and involved. Synchronicity is a feature of our daily life right now. Tune in and enjoy the spiritual signposts.
Date & Time: Dec 15 2017 9:16 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Pll Jun
Description: Transiting Moon Parallel Transiting Juno
Date & Time: Dec 15 2017 9:34 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Ura
Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Uranus
There can be vague insecurity stimulated now, as we feel a little out of control faced with unpredictable events or feelings. There may be a conflict between a desire for familiarity and comfort, and the need for a change or excitement.
Date & Time: Dec 15 2017 10:23 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Pal
Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Pallas
Date & Time: Dec 15 2017 6:02 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Pll Jup
Description: Transiting Moon Parallel Transiting Jupiter
Date & Time: Dec 15 2017 7:29 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Jun
Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Juno
We can gain strength through others or through our relationships, and we are especially comfortable in one-on-one situations.
Date & Time: Dec 15 2017 8:07 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cnj Sag
Description: Transiting Moon Entering Sagittarius
This is a time for expanding our mind and experience, exploring new pathways, aiming high, and broadening our horizons. It’s not as strong for detail or routine work. There can be restlessness, courage, and spontaneity now.
Date & Time: Dec 15 2017 10:46 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Sun Sqr Chi
Description: Transiting Sun Square Transiting Chiron
We can feel especially vulnerable to criticism or fear rejection now, or could struggle with a situation where we may need to humble ourselves. People or circumstances may seem to be exposing or playing on our vulnerabilities.
Date & Time: Dec 15 2017 3:03 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mer Tri Cer
Description: Transiting Mercury Trine Transiting Ceres
We are imaginative, creative, and communicate warmly and considerately. This is a good time for both teaching and learning, and for expressing feelings. Researching cooking, health, and nutrition can be fruitful now. It’s also a strong time for marketing.
Date & Time: Dec 15 2017 9:08 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mer Cnj Ven
Description: Transiting Mercury Conjunction Transiting Venus
We are more agreeable, sociable, and focused on balance and harmony. Flowing social conversation. Spirit of compromise and agreement. Harmonious interaction. Clarity. Appreciation of beauty.
Date & Time: Dec 15 2017 3:18 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Ven Tri Cer
Description: Transiting Venus Trine Transiting Ceres
We may be feeling pleasantly attached, finding it natural and easy to nurture and support people in our lives.
Strong Signs, Elements, Modes
Intense, magnetic, penetrating perception, power to confront. Can be destructive, vengeful, jealous, overly dramatic.
Inspiring, broad vision, enthusiastic, goal seeking, truthful, adventurous. Can be reckless, unrestrained, tactless.
Fire is enthusiastic, dynamic, and spontaneous, but lacks reflection. We are more courageous and adventurous now, with a tendency to act before thinking. There is little concern about what happened in the past. We are competitive and possibly impatient or bored easily.
There can be a lack of desire, interest, or skills regarding practical affairs. We may not be very much in touch with reality. Difficulties concentrating, grounding ourselves.
We may have a difficult time being objective or detached. We may not be especially communicative.
We are more compassionate, emotional, and intuitive than usual, and we may react emotionally to situations, possibly at the expense of logic or practicality.
This is not a time that we tend to naturally initiate actions. We may be stronger at following up than starting anew. Survival mechanisms may be weaker now.
We are flexible, adaptable, willing, open to change, and possibly flighty or nervous.
Moon less than 45 degrees behind the Sun.
Time to tie up loose ends, review, reflect, let go, and edit.
The following aspects (major only) and positions are at noon (EST) on December 15th:
Note that when an aspect is applying, it has not yet happened but is within orb – it’s pending. When an aspect is separating, it has already happened/perfected and is moving away from the aspect. Depending on the speed of the planet/body involved, the aspect will have perfected–or will perfect–in a matter of hours (often the case with the Moon), days, months, and possibly years in the case of the very slow-moving outer planets and bodies.
Note that the Moon moves at a rate of approximately one degree every 2 hours so that if an aspect involving the Moon is applying and has an orb of 5 degrees, the aspect will perfect (be exact) in about 10 hours. If the Moon is separating from an aspect with an orb of 2 degrees, it has already formed said aspect approximately 4 hours ago (since the following are positions at noon today, then it would have occurred at about 8 AM today).
**I suggest paying close attention to applying aspects. The energy of the aspect builds as it gets closer to exact. Once an aspect involving inner planets has happened, it’s over. Separating aspects are good to know for context, but in terms of energy that is with us today, applying aspects are most important. (This is the case for daily astrology influences involving inner planets, which pass quickly, and not natal astrology aspects, which are with us for a lifetime).
You have an emotional intensity, and a strong need for drama. Under stress you will create drama and intensity in your life. You may have been born at a time when your mother experienced a crisis, or your birth may have been traumatic. Your mother may have been possessive and intense.
Part of Body: Perineum
Sabian Symbol: People making camp.
QUINCUNX URANUS Orb 1°13′ Separating
There can be vague insecurity stimulated now, as we feel a little out of control faced with unpredictable events or feelings. There may be a conflict between a desire for familiarity and comfort, and the need for a change or excitement.
TRINE CHIRON Orb 1°33′ Separating
There can be new or easy understanding of our feelings and impressions now. We have a greater understanding of, or compassion for, others’ problems. We are more emotionally present and involved.
You are a sunny and adventurous individual. You are optimistic and philosophical, and may tend to bluntness.
Part of Body: Popliteal fossa
Sabian Symbol: A bluebird standing at the door of the house.
CONJUNCTION MERCURY Orb 6°11′ Separating
Thoughts and communications about ourselves and our goals. We are expressing ourselves confidently, directly, and clearly.
CONJUNCTION VENUS Orb 5°53′ Applying
We take pride in our ability to relate well with others or to smooth over differences now. Graciousness, diplomacy, charm, and some superficiality are themes. This is a good period for social affairs, pleasure, amusement, and romance, all things considered.
You are responsible, serious and reliable. You may have had a stricter father than the other children. Work and a career will be important to you. You have the self discipline to succeed.
TRINE URANUS Orb 0°47′ Applying
We are looking forward, happy and confident about making changes and improvements. We are willing to experiment and explore.
SQUARE CHIRON Orb 0°27′ Applying
We can feel especially vulnerable to criticism or fear rejection now, or could struggle with a situation where we may need to humble ourselves. People or circumstances may seem to be exposing or playing on our vulnerabilities.
You seek knowledge to expand your world view. You are a born philosopher, enjoying any information which helps you see the big picture. For instance you may enjoy a religious debate. You place importance on freedom of speech and thought.
Part of Body: Right femur
Sabian Symbol: Tiny children in sunbonnets.
CONJUNCTION VENUS Orb 0°17′ Separating
We are more agreeable, sociable, and focused on balance and harmony. Conversations flow nicely.
You want to share adventure with your partner, ranging from sharing adventurous ideas to hiking in the mountains. You may also enjoy relating with foreigners, and dining out with your partner at foreign restaurants.
Part of Body: Left femur
Sabian Symbol: Pelicans, disturbed by people move their habitat.
TRINE URANUS Orb 6°41′ Applying
We are open to new or unusual experiences. Our intuition for making changes serves us well now, and there can be good business sense, particularly for tapping into current or future trends. There is a healthy level of detachment experienced now that opens us up to new ideas, methods, art forms, and ways of relating.
You are a passionate warrior. You are dramatic, and may have strong sexual urges. You may make a vengeful opponent.
Part of Body: Testicles, right side of uterus
Sabian Symbol: A youth holding a lighted candle.
You are on an intense search for the truth. You have strong desires for sexual union and joint enterprises. You could be a transformative teacher.
Part of Body: Foreskin
Sabian Symbol: Telephone linemen at work.
TRINE NEPTUNE Orb 2°22′ Separating
You are artistic and may also be religious. You have a need to help others and may feel you have a calling. You have the ability to inspire other people’s talents as well.
Saturn in Sagittarius asks us to take on the responsibility of living according to our personal truths and principles — and to be loyal to these. This is a time for turning a critical eye to those beliefs and principles that don’t accurately reflect our authentic selves. (December 23, 2014, to June 14, 2015, then September 17, 2015, to December 20, 2017)
Part of Body: Pear-shaped muscle
Sabian Symbol: The pope blessing the faithful.
TRINE URANUS Orb 4°45′ Separating
You have a talent for investigation. You look at new ideas and are able then to put them into action. In business you achieve much in your own independent way.
The urge to start fresh, to break free from restrictive attitudes or circumstances, to totally redesign an area of our lives (or even our personalities), and to gain freedom through independence is strong during this cycle. (May 27, 2010, to August 13, 2010, then March 11th, 2011, to May 15, 2018, then November 6, 2018, to March 6, 2019).
Part of Body: Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Sabian Symbol: A double promise reveals its inner and outer meanings.
A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026)
Part of Body: Plantar artery of right foot
Sabian Symbol: An examination of initiates.
Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008, to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008, to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023, to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024, to November 19, 2024).
Part of Body: Ligaments of left knee
Sabian Symbol: A child of about five with a huge shopping bag.
Chiron, Major Asteroids, and Moon’s Nodes: in Sign and in Aspect
Strong awareness of our own vulnerabilities and humanity stimulates compassion for others. (April 20 to July 20, 2010, then February 8, 2011, to April 17, 2018, then September 25, 2018, to February 18, 2019).
Part of Body: Left distal tibio-fibular joint
Sabian Symbol: The purging of the priesthood.
You are intensely committed to your work. Dedication and the ability to focus are keys to your work. Sexual morals may feature strongly as you seek to either break existing sexual mores or repress sexual urges behind a strict code of ethics.
Part of Body: Right ovary, cochlea of inner ear
Sabian Symbol: A girl’s face breaking into a smile.
You have a keen intellect with the ability to come up with exciting, new ideas. You are also happy to risk putting your new ideas into action.
Part of Body: Skull
Sabian Symbol: A man possessed of more gifts than he can hold.
You want a partner who you can respect, and who respects you. You seek long-term commitment and may marry later in life.
Part of Body: Adductor muscle
Sabian Symbol: Directors of a large firm meet in secret conference.
You feel cared for when other people play with you and praise you. You like to show others you care for them by encouraging their creative talents and sense of fun.
Part of Body: Ventricular septum
Sabian Symbol: A houseboat party.
This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world.
Part of Body: Right auricle
Sabian Symbol: Volunteer church choir makes social event of rehearsal.
This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world.
Part of Body: Spinal nervous system
Sabian Symbol: A watchdog standing guard.
Transits 15 December 2017
Aspects to Sat 29°Sg28 -22°31′
Cnj 28°Sg59 ACUMEN Enduring attacks which weaken.
Aspects to Ves 15°Sc01 -11°16′
Cnj 15°Sc19 ZUBEN ELGENUBI Positive social reform
Aspects to Nod 16°Le23 +15°55′
Cnj 15°Le27 DUBHE Loving but forceful
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