Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Libra until 7:57 AM, after which the Moon transits Scorpio.
- The void Moon occurs from 6:45 AM to 7:57 AM.
- The Moon is waning and its Last Quarter phase.
- The Third Quarter Moon occurred on the 18th, and the New Moon/Solar Eclipse will happen on the 26th.
- Uranus Rx
- The Sun enters Capricorn today (the Sun transits Capricorn from December 21st to January 20th).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Today brings natural energy for work, but not exceptionally high energy levels, dear Aries. It’s a time for feeling in tune with others and with life itself. You are expressive and creative. There can be a good opportunity to enjoy a bonding or learning moment today, but there can be some disruptions before you get to this point. You seem to need to distance yourself from something for a bit to understand where your heart lies. Your desire for variety in your social life is strong right now, yet there is also a big part of you that would prefer to hide away or stick with the familiar or usual. The Sun begins its transit of your career and reputation sector today, where it will stay until January 20th, putting the spotlight on your professional goals and standing. What you have done — or haven’t done — is in focus now, and you’re ready to take care of business. You are more aware of the impression you are making on others and of your responsibilities. You tend to achieve your goals through personal effort, and rarely through favors, being somewhat of a loner when it comes to the pursuit of professional goals, and this trait is emphasized now. There can be a business peak in the coming weeks for many of you.

Today’s energies are especially keen for private matters and intimate relationships, dear Taurus. You are spirited and positive today, willing to invest time and energy into putting things into order. After the Moon moves into the sign of Scorpio and your partnership sector, you feel more sociable. A career or reputation matter might disrupt plans or throw you for a loop today, but this may very well be the time to shake things up a little! Listen to your own need for change, but avoid jumping into something for which you’re not quite ready or prepared. The Sun moves into your adventure sector, where it will influence until January 20th. This transit brings your needs for life experience, learning, and excitement to the fore. You may be exposed to many new ideas and schools of thought, and your tolerance for others and their viewpoints is likely to expand significantly in the weeks ahead. The routine elements of your life may blur in your mind’s eye now, so be sure not to skip over important basics in the weeks ahead.

Today is particularly strong for communications, especially with a partner, dear Gemini. Still, part of you may be craving comfort and closeness, while another part of you needs some space. You may be giving off mixed signals, and it’s probably best to avoid making big decisions unless you’ve thought something through. An unexpected situation destabilizes your feelings, and you need a bit of time to process. For best results, and before going out on a limb pursuing your desires, aim to understand what it is you truly want! Today’s frustrations can merely point to an unacknowledged need for a change of pace, and the sooner you take this into your own hands, the better. You’re also very willing to grow from misunderstandings, and a bonding moment can result. The Sun begins its transit of your intimacy sector tonight and will continue to influence this area of your solar chart until January 20th. You’re focusing on life’s mysteries or hidden elements during this cycle. You can be less spontaneous and more strategic now, so take advantage by doing more observing and planning. Dealing with intimacy matters and sharing or support can be in focus, and this can be material or emotional, or both. Avoid the tendency to look so deeply into topics that you forget to come up for air!

There’s a smooth, pleasant focus on your practical affairs today, dear Cancer. Still, you might experience restlessness until you recognize the need to take a breather or the benefits of a change of pace. Your feelings or others’ affections for you can be intense one minute, and then they cool down the next, but at the end of it, you may very well learn something new about yourself or a relationship. It’s a good time for getting the courage to do something new. The Sun begins its transit of your partnership sector today, and will it influence this area of your solar chart until January 20th. You’re now in an excellent position to tap into relationship needs that you may never knew you had, or that you’ve put on the back burner. Your powers of negotiation are enhanced, as you’re more inclined to see others’ perspectives and points of view. During this cycle, how you relate to others on a one-to-one basis will be in high focus. It may not be the most energetic cycle of the year, but it’s a good one for bringing more balance to your life.

With current Venus transits, dear Leo, the focus should be on new relating patterns rather than falling back on dysfunctional ones. It may be better to avoid acting on whims, as emotions stimulated today may very well be transient. The source of unrest, though, is something more important, deserving your attention now. What you want from the world (or a career) and what you want from your relationships may not seem to mesh well today, but you’ll work this out, finding every reason to learn from the challenges and differences of the day. The Sun moves into your work, health, and daily routine sector, where it will influence until January 20th. The weeks ahead are active for taking charge of your daily affairs, work, and health. It’s a healthy cycle for improving your self-care habits, as you are taking more pride in these things. Work is likely to be busy, but you are in control, so work it your way! Taking steps to improve your health, work relationships, and daily routines through better organization and focused attention is essential now.

You may be recognizing the need to make a change with your routines, diets, fitness, or work, dear Virgo. Today’s transits remind you that you need to change things up once in a while to do your best. While there is some potentially disruptive energy with us now, as long as you respect the free spirit within, it can be a learning experience. You’re in good shape for identifying areas that require a fix. The Sun begins its transit of your solar fifth house today–a cycle that lasts until January 20th. It’s a time when your pursuit of pleasure is strong, and your desire to express yourself creatively is equally compelling. Romance can be in sharp focus for some of you. You’re inclined to want to put a creative spin or personal stamp on most of what you do. Games, friendly competition, and creative outlets are all more relevant to you now, and your powers of attraction are enhanced. Big changes are on the horizon regarding how you “do” pleasure, dating, entertainment, hobbies, and self-expression.

Today is particularly useful for problem-solving and clarifying a matter, dear Libra. Still, you may feel a little on edge or confused with your desires and deeper feelings today, and relationship moves might be sudden and disruptive. Giving everyone a bit of space and recognizing your need for a break or a change of pace can be the remedy now. The Sun begins its transit of your sector of home and family tonight, putting a strong emphasis on your personal life until January 20th. This cycle directs your attention to matters revolving around family, your heart, security, safety, belongingness, and your basic support system. Your more worldly ambitions may be on the back burner temporarily. You are seeking sustenance and perhaps extra reassurance. You’ll do exceptionally well during this cycle if you pay more attention to the place and the people that you call home. You have the chance to strengthen ties and to build your inner well.

There is a retiring quality to your personality until the Moon enters your sign this morning, dear Scorpio, after which you crave an emotional connection with the world around you or a more active role. You may not be entirely sure whether you want your space or if you want to be close to others now. It may be that you need some refreshment or a change, and restlessness emerges if you aren’t in touch with this need. Still, this can be a time of new insights into problems, discovering interesting ways to relate with one another, and for getting rid of excess clutter or chaos. The Sun moves into your communications sector, where it will transit until January 20th. During this cycle, you may spend more time socializing or moving from one activity to the next than making great headway in any one particular subject or project. However, it’s an excellent time for establishing contact and expressing yourself, as well as for learning a variety of new things. Your interests are varied, your attention is often divided, and your curiosity is piqued. If there are ways to improve your communications systems, you’re more likely to find them during this cycle. In fact, the weeks ahead are powerful for making big changes along these lines.

You’re seeking more variety and mental excitement today, dear Sagittarius, although after the Moon moves into the sign of Scorpio, you’ll be entering a brief but important incubation cycle. You need a chance to recharge your emotional batteries. Still, you have a way with words today. A problematic schedule or a tendency to rebel against routine can be at the root of unrest today. Straying from the rules just a little may very well lead to exciting new ideas or experiences, and it makes the most sense to give one another a bit of space. The Sun moves into your solar second house until January 20th. It’s a building phase when you’re investing more energy and perhaps pride in your practical affairs, stability, and money-making capacity. You can be quite motivated to build your resources and to provide for yourself. Security is a driving force for you in the weeks ahead, and significant changes to how you go about gaining it are in store.

The Sun moves into your sign today, dear Capricorn, and will stick around until January 20th. The emphasis now is on readying yourself for a rewarding year ahead. It’s your personal new year, and the desire to turn over a new leaf is as strong as the opportunities to do so. Soon, a Solar Eclipse will occur in your sign, nudging you along further. You are especially noticeable, and your presence is big. You want to feel in charge of your life, more so than usual. It’s time to strengthen your drive, build your confidence, and improve the impression you make on others. Today, whims can take hold, making it tempting to take a risk with your money or your heart! Or, a clash of values with someone can prompt a bit of a rebellious streak. Instead of following whims, you might try to pinpoint and understand the reason behind your restlessness and tension. It’s important not to respond to all urges, particularly if they involve impulsive spending or pushing a situation that needs more time to develop and unfold. Fortunately, you’re welcoming change and recognizing that a new approach to your life is worth your while.

Venus in your sign clashes with Uranus, dear Aquarius, and this aspect can stir up some rebelliousness. Honor your need for extra excitement by doing something different or shaking up the routine a little, but leave the critical decision-making for later. It’s better to “find yourself” through this aspect than to act out–it’s an excellent time to experiment with possibilities and approaches. Through some discontent, you’ll learn a little more about yourself. Also today, the Sun moves into your solar twelfth house for a month-long stay. You are in a yearly cycle of relative rest and reflection, and it’s time to heal, renew, and refresh your spirit. You might decide which elements of your past and present you should leave behind. This way, you’ll begin your birthday year fresh and robust. It’s a time of year for gathering your strength for busier times to come, and also for closing up projects or circumstances that have run their natural course.

One-on-one conversations can be rewarding and possibly inspiring today, dear Pisces. Still, there can be the temptation to jump into or out of a situation quite impulsively. Detours from the usual routine can lead you to a more comfortable understanding of how you honestly feel about a matter. However, it’s best not to make abrupt or confusing moves. The Sun begins its transit of your solar eleventh house, where it will stay until January 20th. This cycle is happy and goal-oriented. A lively agenda is promised–you’re attracting quite a bit of interest, and your energy for making contact with others increases. This will be most prominent after the Solar Eclipse in this sector of your chart on the 26th. You are stimulated by all that is unconventional at this time, and your plans are uniquely original and progressive now. Significant changes to how you do your social life, friendships, and community or group involvement are in store in the weeks ahead.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is December 21, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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