Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Sagittarius until 4:45 PM, after which the Moon is in Capricorn.
- The void Moon occurs from 6:18 AM to 4:45 PM.
- The Moon is waning and its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Third Quarter Moon occurred on the 18th, and the New Moon/Solar Eclipse will occur tomorrow.
- Uranus Rx
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

On this day before a Solar Eclipse, it makes sense to wind down rather than begin something brand new, dear Aries. This eclipse will bring fresh energy to your career, reputation, performance, or professional life in the weeks ahead. You should be feeling strong, in charge, and especially responsible. Enjoy the hopeful, fresh approach to your life and new insight into emotional, personal, and financial matters. There can be feelings of excitement or uneasiness, depending on how you handle change, surrounding career, reputation, and life path matters. Or, you can experiences an initial feeling of being stuck, blocked, or uncertain of your next step. Going forward, however, it will be a good time for developing new business plans and goals. A sense of renewal and reinvigoration regarding your career goals is on the horizon. As well, significant shifts in how others see you can occur in the weeks ahead. Eclipses often have an effect of wiping out our energy as the slate is cleaned, after which power slowly rebuilds, so take things easy today before the start of a brilliant period for your work and performance!

It makes sense to try to unwind and let your intuition work for you today with an eclipse occurring early tomorrow, dear Taurus. Since a joyous Jupiter-Uranus influence ties in with tomorrow’s eclipse, you’ll find this heartening theme sticks with you in the coming weeks and even months. You might discover that certain beliefs or methods no longer help or support you, yet you’re still hanging onto them because they’re familiar. This Solar Eclipse falls in the sector of your solar chart that rules your spirit to grow, explore, and expand beyond the “regular” experiences in your life. It can bring invigorating events into your life that serve to nudge you out of your usual routine. You are making a break from the past in some manner, which will help clear the path for future growth and development. For now, aim to relax and let go of tension-producing thoughts. Today’s Moon-Uranus aspect helps you feel freer.

With a Solar Eclipse early tomorrow, dear Gemini, this is an especially good time for clearing the decks of leftover issues from the past before breaking new ground. Avoid jumping to conclusions and jumping into action since interests are likely to change dramatically tomorrow. While you can feel quite competent and sure of yourself right now, it’s better to reflect than to take action. It’s a fine time, however, to wind down and enjoy yourself! In the weeks ahead, you’ll see your inner workings in new, meaningful ways. It’s essential to be patient so that things can unfold naturally. Don’t push for clarity, and it will come! Energy levels can be unusually low around an eclipse, restoring slowly but surely going forward. You can have revealing dreams, and it may be that something you have kept under wraps comes out into the open quite unexpectedly. The good news is that it’s likely to feel like a sweet release now. Aim to let go and unwind today.

You’re entering a powerful period for new beginnings in a key relationship, dear Cancer, and today, you’re likely to want to wind down and enjoy a pressure-free time. When a Solar Eclipse happens (it’s occurring early tomorrow), we are still symbolically in the dark. As such, today and the next couple of days are suitable for paying attention to news coming in and feelings emerging, but taking new action should wait at least a few days. Energy levels can plummet initially, and then they’re likely to rebuild slowly but surely. Changes in how you “do” relationships are in store, and this theme will develop further in January. Aim to address any need that might arise in a current partnership for growth and development rather than wait for matters to force themselves. Today, rest, wind down, and reflect. Getting in touch with your needs and feelings about a topic can empower you and improve decision-making as you go forward.

An eclipse will occur in the work and health sector of your solar chart early tomorrow, dear Leo, stimulating a new beginning in these areas. Trusting your inner guide works best at the moment–it’s better not to rush anything. Over the coming weeks, it makes sense to take charge of your health, self-care initiatives, and work. If you’ve been holding on too tightly to a stressful work situation or job, then this is a time for letting go and starting anew. Be sure to pace yourself and don’t jump into something without thinking. A new direction will come, and you don’t have to push for it. While energy and motivation levels can be low for now, you’ll feel the motivation and courage build, and you’re likely to get to a point where you’re in charge and confident of what you’re doing going forward.

A Solar Eclipse will occur very early tomorrow, dear Virgo, and today, it’s better to wind yourself down, reflect, and enjoy yourself. This eclipse happens in your sector of romance, creative self-expression, recreation, children, and hobbies. If you’ve been holding on too tightly to people or projects that have been keeping you from expressing your true self, this is a time for making necessary changes. You are likely to attract favorable attention from others, especially romantically or creatively speaking, in the weeks and even months ahead of you. You may be starting a new hobby, reviving an old pastime, or stepping up a current one. You are making big decisions about recreation, hobbies, love, and children. Even if your life seems too busy as it stands, you need to learn to make the most of the time you do have to enjoy yourself. Pace yourself, though, because rushing into something is not advised now. Allow the process to unfold. Eclipses can drain your energy temporarily, but you’ll be refueling with the good stuff shortly.

There is terrific energy with you today for winding down, dear Libra. You might seek out the pause that refreshes. It can also be a nice time for enjoying with family or simply resting up. In fact, resting and conserving your energy is essential now with the current cosmic conditions. It is not a good time for new initiatives with an eclipse occurring early tomorrow. Today is particularly useful for clearing your head, letting go of overthinking, and enjoying yourself. Eclipses can be draining, and it’s wise to take a light schedule or, at the very least, NOT take on more than necessary. The Moon spends much of the day in your communications sector, but by late afternoon, heads into your home and family sector, encouraging you to enjoy some downtime. New situations and settings are less relevant to you than exploring new feelings and ideas today.

This is an excellent time to do a clear-out on a mental level so that you make room for new ideas, dear Scorpio. Even so, go gently today and plan strategies rather than trying to push forward. The Moon is Balsamic today, with a Solar Eclipse occurring early tomorrow morning. Others will see your vision soon enough. In the coming weeks and even months, you are likely to find new opportunities for learning and communicating or avenues for self-expression. You can feel quite motivated to let go of outdated attitudes or conditions so that the path is clear for new beginnings. While the eclipse can overstimulate confidence as it connects with Jupiter, in the weeks ahead, you’ll get to an exceptional sense of what is truly valuable to you, and also of your capabilities, aiding decision-making. Take your time on this. After an initial energy drain that typically happens around an eclipse, there can be an energetic boost or news or information coming in that redirects you.

With the Balsamic Moon today, dear Sagittarius, you may be actively putting certain troubles behind you. You are looking to make your life feel more secure and comfortable. Aim to seek out opportunities to enhance your sense of comfort, well-being, and security, or to improve your finances in the weeks ahead after tomorrow’s eclipse. You have the chance in the coming months to discover new or untapped resources, and innovative thinking now contributes significantly. There can be pleasant surprises in your work that help you advance. You are a little more open and direct about your talents, resources, or skills, and this helps open up possibilities or opportunities. As you help and share, you naturally draw resources your way. Today, take things easy, wind down, reflect, and let go. It’s better not to push anything during the eclipse season.

With a Solar Eclipse about to occur in your sign, dear Capricorn, today is good for pausing and taking stock. Consider what you may have been missing or what might help round your life out. You may be better off underestimating a situation so that you can feel pleasantly surprised if it turns out more than expected. We’re so often told that we should shoot high and believe in ourselves, but this can be exhausting and unnecessarily so. Accepting that we need to take things easy from time to time is essential, and today’s energies help you see this. It’s a good day for connecting with others in happy ways, for finding your voice, and for coming up with new ideas. You might enjoy a feeling of emotional reawakening. While the weeks ahead are critical for personal goals, revisions, new beginnings, and makeovers (physical and otherwise), it’s best to build up to all of this slowly but surely.

Today’s energies are potentially excellent for allowing your intuition to work for you, dear Aquarius, and for putting your fears aside. It’s a good time to take special moments for reflection. There is much activity in your privacy zone now, and tomorrow’s Solar Eclipse reinforces the theme of renewal and repose. Goals may not be apparent or well-defined at this time, but connecting with your spiritual or imaginative needs now can ultimately lead to more clarity and better decisions. You can feel some nervous excitement about new ideas or plans that are forming, but now is not the time to act on them. Your perception of family dynamics or your ideas about your personal life and living arrangements are evolving, and changes are on the horizon. There can be physical alterations such as moves or reorganization, or a new and improved approach to connecting with loved ones and expressing your feelings.

Tomorrow’s Solar Eclipse is a powerful one for your social life, dear Pisces, and as it occurs when the Sun aligns with Jupiter, it can generate a strong feeling of hope. You’ll be drawn to activities that energize you or give you a strong sense of purpose or meaning, and these are the endeavors that are the most successful at this time in your life going forward. Observe and remain alert but avoid starting something entirely new just yet. In the weeks ahead, there will be a strong focus on making contacts and reaching out to others in both a social and professional sense. Today and tomorrow are excellent for reflecting on how you’d like to steer your life in the coming weeks, particularly concerning your “place” in the social side of your life. It’s not a time for clarity, but one of faith in the process–and fortunately, you have heaps of it! You pleasantly attract attention today, and you’re in great shape for winding down and letting go of your troubles.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is December 25, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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