Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aries.
- The void Moon occurs from 10:01 AM forward (until tomorrow at 2:29 AM when the Moon enters Taurus).
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase.
- We are in between the First Quarter Moon, which occurred on the 4th, and the Full Moon, which will happen on December 12th.
- Chiron Rx and Uranus Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Moon spends the day in your sign, dear Aries, and you’re seeking a fresh start, or you’re ready to begin something new. While this transit does bring out your enterprising side, there is a Sun-Neptune aspect that wants you to slow down! It’s better to keep a low profile or reconsider your needs before rushing forward. You could temporarily lose some motivation for what you’re doing, or suffer a brief loss of faith–also temporary–as you reassess specific paths or projects. Consider that you may not be in close touch with your usual limits. Misjudgements are possible, so it’s best to leave assessments open-ended. However, this is a good time to stretch your mind and consider new possibilities, as long as you wait to act upon them. If you’ve been avoiding things, now is the time for noticing it, but do save the more significant decisions and initiatives for a later date. You need extra space or at least small freedoms to feel comfortable today.

The week is ultimately strong for getting busy and a stronger sense of where you stand on a matter, dear Taurus. Still, you may struggle with some ambiguities today as the Sun and Neptune form a square. It’s temporary and, in some ways, useful for helping you pace yourself. However, it’s best to reserve judgment. The need to be able to depend on someone is strong, but may not work out for now. A desire to make a deeper connection to someone can cloud your vision just for the time being, and wishful thinking has a way of skewing your perceptions. You need more time to process matters. Some confusion with boundaries in relationships or issues of balance and power in partnerships can figure now. Complicated feelings are to be expected, but by tomorrow, you’re likely to feel quite comfortable with the mystery.

The Moon spends the day in your social sector, dear Gemini, and you continue to seek pressure-free, light activities and experiences. A Sun-Neptune square suggests that it’s best to reserve judgment, but it’s also useful to take note of areas where you’ve lost a bit of inspiration or steam. Consider that some things may need more time to unfold, and defining them is not only a lesson in futility now, but it also may not be necessary. People in your life may be expecting you to know where you’re headed, but you need more time to discover this for yourself. Enjoy creative activities and avoid scheduling tasks that require a serious focus or concentration today for the best results. It’s better to observe and intuit rather than push your plans forward or make significant commitments. Try not to push for direction– allow it to come more intuitively, which requires patience but is well worth the effort.

The Moon spends another day at the top of your solar chart, dear Cancer, and you’re prepared to take care of business. While you’d prefer to see things realistically, a Sun-Neptune square is set to keep things murky for now! Aim to approach your day in a relaxed, creative way, where appropriate. It’s essential to be mindful of rules and situations that require more concentration, however, and to keep in mind that things may not be clear-cut, definite, or certain. You may feel out of wind or motivation levels come up lacking just for now. What’s inspired you in the past may require some adjustments, or you may need to seek a new source of inspiration, which can happen as soon as tomorrow! A lack of focus now can point to a need for a break or personal refreshment. If you’re considering something new, remind yourself of your usual limits since boundaries are not clear for now.

The Moon’s trip through your adventure sector again today finds you seeking inspiration, dear Leo. Still, a Sun-Neptune square can have you questioning your current sources of inspiration or perhaps your allegiances. While this can be a creative and dreamy day on the one hand, on the other, watch that your mood isn’t too dependent on the reactions of others, or on circumstances going (or not going) your way. It can be challenging to keep boundaries clear or to know where you stand. It’s important to give things a little more time. By tomorrow, you’ll be just fine with a bit of mystery, ambiguity, or complicated feelings. Getting to that point can take a bit of adjustment today. It’s better to avoid fast conclusions or commitments. Take some space from things, as you may very well need a little more creative room or inspiration before you push forward.

The Moon spends another day in your intimacy sector, dear Virgo, and the desire is to give something your “all.” However, motivation levels are subject to ups and downs temporarily as the Sun forms a square to Neptune. There can be evasiveness in a relationship, or you may be dealing with some dashed hopes or deflation if a situation (or person) isn’t pulling through for you as you’d hoped. While it’s temporary, you wouldn’t be wrong to pay these feelings a bit of attention–they may point you to areas that require some refreshment. Watch for self-soothing with self-deception, as it only gets you in deeper. Instead, aim to give yourself and situations a bit of space, and in the meantime, avoid commitments or hard conclusions. Aim to make yourself happy with a project or cause that genuinely inspires you. If you’ve been unhappy with confronting the same old issues in close relationships, this can be a time for changing your approach. Tackling high expectations may be your first step.

You may need to bend your schedule to accommodate someone else’s today, dear Libra, but it works well for you now with the Moon in your partnership sector. Look for ways to get along better with others with the Moon sensitizing you to the needs of a significant person in your life. With a Sun-Neptune aspect also active, it’s best to separate business and pleasure since lines blur easily. It’s hard to make sense of the signals you’re receiving from others, and perhaps from within. Aim to be patient and to keep things simple as a counter-strategy, as convoluted as things seem. By tomorrow, you’ll either understand your feelings, or you’ll be okay with the mystery! Communications and interactions can leave more questions than answers today, but with the resulting detours, you may entertain new possibilities. Consider areas where you’ve become too slack or neglectful if they’re holding you back from shining. Tackle these days on another day.

You are at your best when you’re feeling useful and productive today, dear Scorpio, with the Moon in your practical work sector all day. Still, a Sun-Neptune aspect active now tends to blur the lines, and clarity is not likely. By tomorrow, you’ll be just fine with the ambiguity, but it’s an adjustment today. This transit does serve to illuminate areas of your life where you need either more reality or inspiration! Recent problems may feel more weighty as a solution seems further out of reach than usual. Waiting things out is usually the answer with this kind of aspect, as you need some time to get to a clearer headspace. There can be temptations to jump into a new purchase or experience without considering the consequences, and it’s best to keep these tendencies at bay. If you’re experiencing a lull in motivation, it may very well be temporary, and it’s also a sign you need a break or another form of refreshment.

With the Moon in your creative sector again today, dear Sagittarius, you’re more playful and engaged than usual. A Sun-Neptune square is whimsical but can also put you in a distractable mood. Wishful thinking can interfere with our vision, and this applies to all, not just you. As such, it’s probably wise to reserve judgment if promises are made or things appear to be moving in a different direction. Or, you could be feeling more vulnerable, and things go a little off course temporarily. There is a tendency to complicate your life when keeping things simple would serve you better. Aim to get in tune with your needs for imagination before moving things forward too quickly. Feeling deflated may seem a nuisance now, but could also give you pause to rethink specific plans or goals in creative ways.

The Moon spends another day in your home and family sector, dear Capricorn. You tend to gravitate towards secure and familiar places and people. This transit keeps you a little more cautious or reticent than usual, and it serves you rather well considering the Sun-Neptune square active now. It’s an influence that leaves uncertainty hanging around us, and leaving things open or undecided may be necessary. However, do watch for others misinterpreting what you say or don’t say! This transit suggests disruptions to the regular flow and the detours you take tend to lead to new ideas and perhaps inspiration, too. If focusing is challenging or motivation levels low, consider ways to fill your needs for more imagination, romance, or spirituality in your life in the future.

The Moon spends another day in your communications sector, dear Aquarius. You’re interested in knowing the facts, but a Sun-Neptune square holding sway over the day suggests a lack of clarity. You might readily make a personal sacrifice today, but you may be doing so in the wrong places, and it’s best to get in touch with your true feelings on a matter. Things quickly become complicated today, so a useful strategy could be to keep things you can control simple, and work on managing expectations. Avoid making any commitments that you might later regret, and instead, give yourself or a matter some time and space. Take things a little more slowly now so that you can tune into your intuition.

The Moon spends another day in your solar second house, dear Pisces, boosting your need for comfort, security, and reliability. However, the Sun forms a square to Neptune, and lack of clarity is more likely. This transit can pull up a personal challenge, or it means you’re managing expectations, and you need to better align your dreams with your plans. Be careful if you notice that others are not seeing you very clearly, as tempting as it may be just to let them think what they want, because this may backfire on you later. Try to be as clear as you can in your dealings, but save hard decisions or conversations for a better time. Committing to something should probably wait a couple of days, too. You need to allow things to play out a while longer to give yourself more time to process and understand your needs. Concentrating on healing, forgiving, and clearing out negativity is useful. Creatively speaking, you can do quite well today, as your imagination is in full swing.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is December 7, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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