Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aries until 2:29 AM, after which the Moon transits Taurus.
- The void Moon occurs until 2:29 AM (since yesterday at 10:01 AM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase until 4:23 AM, after which the Moon is in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- We are in between the First Quarter Moon, which occurred on the 4th, and the Full Moon, which will happen on December 12th.
- Chiron Rx and Uranus Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

By tuning into your intuition and observing subtle cues around you today, dear Aries, you’re arriving at a better understanding of where you’re headed. It’s an excellent time to relax, let go, and move on with less baggage and stress. The Moon moves out of your sign early on today, and you’re ready to settle in. A Venus-Neptune aspect active now softens your feelings, and emphasizing the non-material elements of a project can be fruitful. There can be good favor with parents, bosses, or associates. You might make some peace with the past, and even if it’s in a small way, it feels good. You could be choosing to put faith in a matter that’s concerned you or stressed you out in recent times. Aim to refresh and rejuvenate yourself through activities you genuinely enjoy.

The Moon moves into your sign today, dear Taurus, and Venus harmonizes with dreamy Neptune, making it a great time to seek out soothing, refreshing activities. A connection or communication can inspire you. Your confident, calm demeanor helps you attract easygoing interactions. These transits put you in fine shape for love, friendship, and camaraderie. You’re more interested in ideas and concepts–and perhaps people–that take you away from the routine, expected, and humdrum. You may be released from a burden, or you see the positive side of a situation. It’s an excellent time to nurture a dream or wish, or there can be more compassion or understanding in a friendship today that leaves you feeling positive and hopeful.

The Moon heads into the sign immediately behind yours today, dear Gemini, as it finishes up a cycle. Until the Moon enters Gemini on Tuesday, you’re inclined to lay low, rest, reflect, and wind down. It’s time to process and digest your feelings, and today, a Venus-Neptune aspect helps you do this in a most lovely way. It can show you the beautiful side of a situation or person. You might enjoy unusual but pleasant feelings for someone or about a situation. You seem to be tuned in to different levels of experience, and you’re looking at the world a little differently. Fortunately, this perspective benefits you greatly! The chance to repair a relationship might present itself under this warm, forgiving influence. It’s not a time for tackling the harder issues, but it’s simply fabulous for bonding. Your reputation or professional image can improve, or you’re bringing more creativity, imagination, and idealism into the work you are doing.

The Moon moves into your social sector for a couple of days, dear Cancer, bringing out your idealistic side. A Venus-Neptune aspect active today boosts it further! Your warmth, gentleness, or imagination are attracting others, and you’re feeling particularly gracious. Through today’s experiences, you seem to find the gentle motivation to do a better job, to be a better person, or to support and help others. You see more beauty and wonder around you, whether in life, situations, or people. While you’ve been wrestling somewhat with your faith, you’re rebuilding it now in ways that you jive with more than ever. A philosophical conversation or new ideas can be illuminating and great fun, or a partner may be generous with their time and energy.

The Moon heads to the top of your solar chart today, dear Leo, which inclines you to pay more attention to your image or the rules. Helping you enjoy yourself is a Venus-Neptune aspect that tends to soften the rough edges. Today’s strength is generosity of spirit, and it can benefit your relationships in beautiful ways. A more relaxed approach to problem-solving leads to new insight and unusual but useful solutions. Being of service or help to others can be particularly rewarding. Your intuition for work, research, discrepancies, analysis, and health matters is solid. Aim to reduce stress since the day is good for reminding you of the value of occasionally easing off the pedal. This kind of energy will be with you much of 2020, and although you’ll enjoy working hard, there will be times when you need to balance things out.

The Moon moves into harmony with your sign for a couple of days starting now, dear Virgo. It’s a pleasant, compatible, and cooperative influence that helps you feel more in tune with the world around you. Also today, Venus in your romance and creativity sector harmonizes with Neptune in your partnership zone, and you attract positive people, feelings, and experiences into your life. It’s a time for activities that refresh your spirit and build your faith in your relationships. Interestingly, a similar theme will be with you much of 2020, and you’re receiving a hint of it now! Focusing on the positive, beautiful, and magical qualities of life can be rewarding now. Compassion may move you to help and support someone who needs it. It’s a fine time for bringing a bit of romance or imagination into your life, which can be therapeutic.

The Moon moves into your intimacy sector today, dear Libra, and you’re inclined to pull back just a little so that you can get into better touch with your deeper feelings. While this transit inclines you to go deep, a Venus-Neptune influence stimulates a non-possessive approach. Your desire for harmony, beauty, and balance is gently stimulated. You’re seeking more comfort and pleasantness in your working or home environments. It’s a good time to reach out and show your support, but you’re inclined to keep things simple. With loved ones, it’s an excellent time to open yourself up to learning from and through others. There can be good opportunities, feedback about, or rewards from your work, a health pursuit, or a particular project now. You’re renewing your faith in what you’re doing.

The Moon spends the day in your partnership sector, dear Scorpio. Its ruler, Venus, harmonizes with Neptune today, bringing wonderful energy for recognizing and appreciating the beauty in your life and your relationships. This is a time to refresh yourself emotionally through your connections, as well as to seek creative inspiration. You’re in particularly good shape for opening up and enjoying yourself with others. You’re in excellent condition for a pleasant interlude or gaining some perspective. You might communicate something special or receive good news. Your faith in yourself can reflect outward, magnetizing good things to you. In many ways, similar energy will be with you for much of 2020.

Today’s energies are powerful for your imagination and intuition, dear Sagittarius. A Venus-Neptune influence helps you recognize different levels and dimensions of your needs that you usually miss. There can be a desire to bring harmony and balance to your family and home life. You’re appreciating and enjoying the finer things in your life. It’s a good time for making peace with others, particularly through compassion and understanding. On another level, you’re in great shape for making important purchases or assessments about personal possessions. Even so, a Jupiter-Chiron square also active today can suggest some temporary indecision, and it’s best to take it easy on new beginnings until you’re clearer about what you want.

The Moon moves into harmony with your sign today, dear Capricorn, giving you a nice little breather for a couple of days. It happens that the ruler of the sector of your chart where the Moon is transiting is in great shape today, increasing your chances of special enjoyment. People are drawn to your healing energy right now, and your gentler, more appealing qualities are shining through for all to see. You’re especially appealing, and warm or peaceful interactions can figure strongly, boosting your mood further. It’s easier than usual to see the positives and beauty in the situations and people around you right now. Try to take a load off now–it’s a “stop to smell the roses” kind of day. You can benefit from sharing your ideas and inspiration now, and the feedback is good.

The Moon heads to the bottom of your solar chart, dear Aquarius, encouraging you to take things easy for a couple of days. A Venus-Neptune aspect is in play, and it, too, can produce opportunities to unwind emotionally and to let go of tension and frustration. This beautiful transit can also help you notice and appreciate the positive, beautiful, and magical side of people and situations, and this has the effect of softening rough edges and tense feelings. You also benefit from more trust in your intuition on business and financial matters. Dreams, visions, and intuition are powerful. Faith in your ability to earn what you need and bring in the right resources has been on the increase, and it’s most evident with today’s transits. You can feel pleasantly committed to your goals, and harmonizing with others comes more naturally than usual.

The Moon heads into your communications sector and harmony with your sign for a couple of days, dear Pisces. Also today, Venus harmonizes with Neptune in your sign, and you’re in fabulous shape for getting the right message across. Your popularity bumps up a notch, and it’s effortless–you’re just being yourself! It’s a fine time for attracting positive attention or natural appreciation. You’re in good shape for strengthening a bond of friendship or letting go of negativity or tension and putting it behind you. Or, an intuitive understanding between you and someone special figures strongly and feels fantastic. Your powers of attraction are in superb form. Positive energies are with you for forgiveness.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is December 8, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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