Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Capricorn.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- We are in between the Last Quarter Moon, which occurred on the 27th, and the New Moon, which will happen on February 4th.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Moon spends the day at the top of your solar chart, dear Aries, encouraging a stronger focus on your ambitions, goals, and responsibilities. This transit can also heighten your feelings regarding your reputation, and it can stimulate a stronger concern for how you’re performing. Competitive feelings may be stirred by a Mars-Pluto square today that’s more personal than usual since Mars is currently transiting your sign! Your desire to assert your independence or simply to go your own way and do your own thing is stronger than usual, but the pressures to keep cool or stick to the rules are especially active now, causing some tension or a dilemma. Ideally, you reach a compromise, but do consider the possibility that dialing down your ambitions just a little could reduce excess stress. It may very well be that you can do so without loss.

The Moon spends the day in harmony with your sign, dear Taurus, and this is a good, reinforcing aspect. However, it’s transiting an especially sensitive area of your chart with a Mars-Pluto aspect active and serving to intensify or aggravate sore spots today. Mars in your solar twelfth house animates your private life, and its conflict with Pluto now can pull up fears that you’re not ready or prepared for a situation, or could leave you especially concerned that something from your past will surface and interfere with your current reputation or position. This aspect might instead relate to a disagreement on intellectual matters that you’re taking to heart more seriously. Jealousies or resentments can be an issue, and you might find yourself fixating on an unresolved, frustrating matter from the past, particularly with angry Mars in the sector of your solar chart that rules your subconscious mind. When Pluto is under strain as it is today, the key to easing pressures is to identify areas where we are micromanaging or attempting to control and then consciously easing off them a bit. Chances are good that you can without consequences. Fears can be on the irrational side or magnified to bigger than life proportions where Pluto is concerned, and dealing with their origins can be useful to manage tensions.

Today’s energies are complicated, dear Gemini, but reactions to them can be highly revealing! Pluto in your solar eighth house is useful for exposing tense areas where you may have been micro-managing to the point of doing yourself a disservice. Pluto’s hard aspect to Mars today tends to aggravate these hotspots. Reactions may be tense, angry, or resentful, and they can surprise you with their force. Mars is currently encouraging your active involvement with friends or networks, while your intimate life is a strong focus, and competing urges or drives can clash now. You can’t control the course of a relationship, or how you’ll feel with a person. Releasing your grip can release the truth of a matter, ultimately, and while this can be a challenging thought, it’s something that will empower you. Don’t allow fear to keep you from enjoying and truly living your life. Instead, take firm steps towards improving your current financial position, with an eye on the future and the goal of a greater understanding of a relationship.

Mars is invoking your ambitions as it transits your solar tenth house, dear Cancer, and will continue to do so until February 14th, and it’s one of the more goal-oriented periods of the year. Today, Mars clashes with Pluto, and this can pull up a conflict between a relationship and your worldly goals or responsibilities. Watch for taking on too much or overemphasizing one to the detriment of another. You should have room for both in your life, and if one drive is taking over, then it’s a sign to ease some pressure! People close to you can seem quite demanding or even pushy today, or you may feel caught in the middle of a power struggle or a difficult decision. Interactions today and this week tend to put you in touch with your fears of change, unpredictability, and loss of control in your relationships. Your first reaction may be to scramble to find ways to regain or maintain control, but attempts to do so can bring about undesirable results. Aim to rise above your fears.

A Mars-Pluto square today can push a matter to a head where you’ve been turning on the pressure too hard, dear Leo. Or, it can aggravate tension–your desire to advance your work or health may be at odds with your need to expand, learn, and experience life firsthand. It can be challenging to ease off in either area. Mind you, with Pluto transiting your solar sixth house, work and health are areas you’re more likely to overdo and micromanage, or where you’re so ambitious that other areas of your life are suffering. If these things are keeping you from venturing out and experiencing more of life, then it’s time to find ways to strike a balance. Pressures to advance or make changes can be excessive now, and it would be wise to recognize that you’re not superhuman and can only do so much. Chances are that fears are magnifying problem areas, and everything is overblown now. You tend to shoulder work responsibilities automatically, and while this can work in your favor a lot of the time, you can occasionally feel far too much pressure, and this can be one of those times. Think about ways to share the load or divide your time more efficiently so that you can catch a break.

Mars in your intimacy sector is stirring up all sorts of previously buried matter, dear Virgo, and today, its challenging meetup with Pluto can aggravate tensions, particularly in relationships, but can also point to inner conflicts. Resentments can surface now if people in your life are not taking something (or you) seriously enough. Your excitement or fervor may not be mirrored, and this can be frustrating. Or, there can be conflicts about how involved you want to be with a project, and too much may be riding on a relationship or project that it is losing its fun! In fact, it may be taking over your life in destructive ways. Watch intently for this possibility and take steps to even things out. Fortunately, the Mars-Pluto square today can show us where we’ve been overdoing, micromanaging, or unnecessarily fearful. Aim to recognize the need to let go of something just a little if your grip is too tight, whether this may be a child who is growing up, a love relationship that requires more space, a project that is no longer viable, or even a notion you’ve held about love and relationships. Use intense emotions and compulsions constructively if possible.

Mars in your partnership sector challenges Pluto in your home and family sector today, dear Libra, and you can feel a little torn between the wants and needs of others and your own feelings and fears. If you’ve been holding onto something too tightly or if you’re nursing some resentment, the consequences may appear now. Fortunately, this gives you the chance to resolve things. The goal now would be to ease off just a little to release some pressure. Mind you, the temptation to hold onto something that needs or wants to change can be strong, but won’t do you any good in the long term. Frustrations with others’ behavior or with confining situations tend to run high today, particularly if you’ve felt that others seem to be putting their agendas ahead of yours. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself, but do so without defensiveness, if possible, for best results. Your goal this week should be to make changes that help you live more authentically and less fearfully. Ego wars and power games won’t lead you to this place.

Mars is currently transiting your work and health sector, dear Scorpio, fueling your ambition for making improvements to your daily routines, and perhaps stimulating some frustration if things are not moving swiftly or straightforwardly. It’s an excellent time for upping your game, particularly with nutrition, health, fitness, and work. Competition is good for you in moderation, but today’s Mars-Pluto square tends to disrupt things in a big way. Ultimately, it helps you to see areas of your life that have become too pressured for your own good. Current drives can clash, especially if you’re putting so much effort into a project that is consuming way too much of your attention. Something has to give! Your desire to do something about an intolerable situation is intense today, making it hard to walk away from a conflict. Changes may be needed with the ways you communicate with and approach the people you work with or spend a lot of time with. This week is about letting go of projects, ideas, or attitudes, that are keeping you from growing. If the need to be right, correct, and in control is wreaking havoc and causing unhealthy tension, it’s time to ease off some of the unnecessary pressure so that you can better manage your daily affairs and keep your life organized and running smoothly.

The Moon spends the day in your resources sector, dear Sagittarius, encouraging a special interest in your practical affairs today. There can be some tensions related to, or disagreement about, core values, money, or questions of ownership now as Mars and Pluto form a square aspect. Alternatively, you may be feeling conflicted on an inner level about your feelings towards someone. You have a somewhat cautious and conservative streak when it comes to your money and possessions these days, and related tensions can run high now. This aspect tends to magnify insecurities and fears along these lines. In the process, you can learn much about yourself and your situation, and you might recognize areas where you’re holding on too tightly to specific ideas and ideals, or possibly even personal possessions or business methods, which may be holding you back from taking creative risks, enjoying and expressing yourself more fully, or following your heart. Emotional complexities need to be acknowledged and managed now.

The Moon spends the day in your sign, dear Capricorn, clarifying and perhaps heightening your emotions. You may feel a little impatient or impulsive with this brief transit, but it presents you with a strong excuse to prioritize your emotional needs. A Mars-Pluto square today can find you a little on edge, however. Mars is at the bottom of your chart, stirring up buried matter on an emotional level and/or energizing your home and personal life, and its meeting with Pluto now can serve to highlight the ways these things may conflict with your plans and needs for independence. If you’re feeling very much on edge now, perhaps it’s a sign that you need to loosen your grip on a matter that is keeping you on high alert or under too much stress for your own good, if only just enough to catch a break. Something could feel exaggerated now before you recognize the need to relax and detox. Your strong sense of pride and privacy may trip you up at times, as you tend to shoulder many responsibilities without sharing the load. Be careful that you don’t alienate others now. Despite how it may feel at the moment, you do need them going forward!

The Moon’s position in the sign just behind yours all day encourages you to take a little break from the usual, dear Aquarius, whatever that is at the moment! It marks the end of a lunar cycle, and it’s time to tie up loose ends, rest, reflect, and digest before the new cycle begins for you on the 3rd. Today’s Mars-Pluto aspect can ramp up tensions, however, and while there can be some uneasy feelings, words, or thoughts, it’s a good time to recognize anger if it’s been hanging around so that you can deal with it. This aspect can aggravate lingering control issues. You may feel tense about deadlines or impatient with matters that aren’t accelerating at the pace you’d like. Consider that guardedness of your privacy and unwillingness to explore the deeper issues may be at the root of tensions now, and whether something you’ve swept under the carpet is better dealt with than avoided since it can come up in disruptive ways regardless.

The Moon’s transit of your social sector is typically an easy one, dear Pisces, but with heavyweight planets in this area of your solar chart, it can sometimes aggravate tensions with others. A Mars-Pluto aspect today can point to emerging resentments related to differing values, issues of respect, and the like. There can be a buildup of pressure in a friendship or with a project today, and if you’ve kept too much to yourself, the stress can get to you now. If money and friends are mixing now, this can cause a problem now. Other areas of tension may have to do with boundaries, possessiveness, or respect on an emotional level, or money on the material plane. You want to hold your own with Mars currently transiting your solar second house, and if you are in the position to depend on others, it can frustrate you. Keep in mind that if fears of losing someone or something are preventing you from enjoying your life and finding the right work or path for you, you’d be wise to confront the problem.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is February 1, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
As an Aquarian, I intend to have rest today by having a duvet day, watching the snow flakes falling and reading a book in preparation for the new cycle which begins for me the 3rd Feb. Many thanks Annie for the astro advice!
Nice website! Loving the daily transits you write for each sign.