Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus all day.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase until 8:41 PM today, after which the Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurs today at 8:41 PM.
- There are no major planets that are retrograde!
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You’re in great shape on professional and leisure levels today, dear Aries, and you could enjoy applying yourself to a pleasurable pursuit. With a Venus-Pluto connection forming, encouraging energy is with you for doing something you genuinely enjoy and putting more of yourself into it. You are more disciplined than usual right now, so take advantage. You might also gain new insight into a past relationship or your feelings. Support is there when you need it most, possibly from an unusual or hidden source. Feelings from deep within can emerge and guide you now. If you meet someone new, or someone you haven’t seen for a while, there can be a strong attraction or interest brewing now. You can be quite interested in improving your lot in life as the Moon transits your resources sector today, and with the Moon’s trine to Jupiter, the key to doing so may be integrity and some level of generosity. Business ideas coming to you may very well be golden.

A sense of inner well-being today can come from making plans for the future that inspire growth and hope, dear Taurus. It’s a time of feeling sharp, motivated, and optimistic. A Venus-Pluto aspect is in effect, and you’re especially magnetic. Networking and friendships can be rich sources of information, enjoyment, or even inspiration today. You can be feeling passionately about an idea, cause, or belief, and you might bond with others as a result. Travel or higher education plans can come together now. Dreams, wishes, and hopes are in stronger focus. The Moon spends the day in your sign, and it also harmonizes with Jupiter in your adventure sector. You can get the sense that in major areas, you’re growing and improving.

There are treasures to be found when you dig a little deeper today, dear Gemini, and you might enjoy an exciting and intensive project. A Venus-Pluto aspect can point to obtaining the support or backing you need to advance your goals, or it can mean you enjoy increased personal conviction. Today is active for intense but pleasant attractions. It’s a good time for enhancing or repairing relationships, and this can include intimate ones and those with associates as well. You can be quite motivated to work through problems, and it’s a superior time for valuable research. You may very well be at your best today and early tomorrow when you’re putting energy into heartfelt pursuits. The Moon’s transit of your privacy sector suggests some need to lay low or rest today. Something that was previously hidden can reveal itself to you now, and this is very much experienced as a personal gain.

Today’s energies are good for commitment and intensity in your relationships and interactions, dear Cancer. It’s easier than usual to see your emotional priorities, as well as to get in better touch with your affections. In fact, you can have a sudden epiphany that helps you see who or what you love more clearly. You have much to learn and share with someone special, too. Conversations are genuinely helpful, and a new perspective may be reached through your interactions. It’s an ideal time for strategies and plans for improvement. It’s also an important time for loyalty and commitment. You are more interested in quality than quantity in your personal life, and you have much to learn and share with someone special. This is also a good day for networking, connecting, and branching out.

Pursuing heartfelt activities and building alliances are favored today, dear Leo, particularly as the day advances, with Venus and Pluto heading towards a harmonious angle. Researching, editing, or otherwise going over business, health, and financial matters can be satisfying. Working with others to make a positive change can also be rewarding today. The trick now is to share. You can be particularly goal-oriented and concerned about responsibilities and duties today. The Moon spends all day at the top of your solar chart, and you’re checking in with your objectives, making adjustments as needed. It’s a fine time to both work with details and understand the overview.

Your interactions get a boost with a Venus-Pluto aspect influencing the day, dear Virgo. You’re likely to enjoy opportunities to advance or grow through your friendships or group endeavors. There can be pleasant, rewarding contact today. New insights into communications projects, a partnership, or a romantic relationship can come now, and these have long-term benefits. It’s a fabulous time for one-on-one interactions and negotiations, as well as repair and renewal in a relationship. Showing your loyalty and willingness to take the bad with the good can be especially useful. The Moon spends the day in your sector of spirit and adventure, and you crave a change of pace or a break from the routine.

A Venus-Pluto sextile influencing today is good for personal appeal, strategic thinking, and work-related activities, dear Libra. You can feel especially valued for what you do. Emotional energy is, at once, strong and pleasant. You’re coming across with more magnetism, and you’re a little more confident and persuasive than usual. In fact, you’re likely to magnetize good things to you, and you can feel that you’re on track and heading in the right direction. There can be wonderful opportunities through work, and the focus should be on eliminating, streamlining, and downsizing for best results. These things will give you an organized and confident feeling. Financial matters can improve, and family life is supportive. The Moon spends the day in your intimacy sector, and you’re seeking out a little more depth from your pursuits or relationships than usual.

Today’s transits particularly favor one-on-one relationships and matters related to your communications and projects, dear Scorpio. A Venus-Pluto sextile aspect influencing today boosts your sense of enjoyment and influence. It’s a good idea for you to reach out socially or professionally. For some, this is an excellent time for making a love connection and for charm, in general. Studying, learning, connecting, and creating are favored now. You might come to a happy agreement with a partner. Others are admiring your intellect. The Moon spends the day in your partnership sector, reaching out to lucky Jupiter in your communications sector, also favoring sharing ideas. Feelings of love or commitment can be communicated most warmly now.

Energies today favor income, gifts, and money matters right now, dear Sagittarius. You’re discovering your talents, resources, or skills, and as you feel more natural about them, opportunities seem to pop up for you. A Venus-Pluto aspect active today has a similar effect on you. You might learn valuable new things related to money or practical affairs, or you could understand your needs more fully. This is a better time than usual for addressing problems–even those that seem especially sensitive or complex- since many of the day’s benefits come from your ability to understand and face truths. Others are putting their faith in you–and you in them. Business intuition is excellent, and practical affairs thrive with a little strategy. Your appreciation builds for simple pleasures and comforts, as well as for familiar people and circumstances.

The Moon spends the day in your creative sector, dear Capricorn, and you can be in a playful, celebratory mood. You’re in great shape for expressing yourself today, and perhaps for enjoying a lucky break as well. Generosity of spirit is a theme. You may be teaching in some capacity right now, or you could be learning something new, different, and inspiring as the Moon harmonizes with Jupiter in your sign. With a Venus-Pluto aspect in play, circumstances are such that your energy flows naturally with minimal interruptions. It’s an ideal time for connecting with a friend, possibly on a whole new level. Conversations are brilliant or satisfying now, and your communications come across particularly well. You’re acknowledging, accepting, and enjoying feelings, even the deeper ones that you don’t always have the time or energy for processing. You’ll be in incredible shape today if you focus on renewal, healing, and bonding. The desire to contribute something of value or to specialize and learn a topic more deeply can be active now, and a major motivator.

You’re in fine shape for paying special attention to your personal resources, dear Aquarius. As Venus and Pluto move into harmony, building relationships can be valuable and rewarding. New insight into a venture can be motivating, or you feel more committed and on track with money and business or practical affairs. By extension, you also feel more organized or empowered! Financial planning and handling are favored now, and the primary keys to success are building alliances, eliminating redundancies, and employing strategy. This is a generally commitment-friendly time on many different levels! Anything that relieves stress will be appropriate today with the Moon spending the day in your sector of heart and home.

The Moon spends all day in your communications sector and connects well with Jupiter, a longer-term guest in your social sector, dear Pisces. These influences bode well for your interactions, and a Venus-Pluto aspect boosts things further. It’s a good day for networking and connecting. Energies seem to support heartfelt pursuits and might contribute to a comfortable intensity in your interactions with others. Emotions and thoughts drive creative efforts, and emotional self-honesty can push you in the right direction. Changes you make with friends or associates tend to be a step in the right direction, with long-term benefits. Sound energy is with you now for dreaming, wishing, and planting some seeds for the future.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is February 1, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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