Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Sagittarius.
- There is no void Moon.
- The Moon is waning and in its Third Quarter phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred yesterday, and the New Moon will happen on the 23rd.
- Mercury stations and turns retrograde today (Mercury is retrograde from February 16-March 9).
- Mars enters Capricorn today (Mars is in Capricorn from February 16-March 30).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Mars makes it to the top of your solar chart today, dear Aries, and until March 30th, your ambitions are likely to rise as well. Also today, Mercury begins its retrograde cycle that lasts until March 9th. Because Mercury is the ruler of your communications, work, and health sectors, be as clear as you can when communicating, or take more time to draw conclusions. In the weeks ahead, there can be some minor inconvenient delays or turnarounds. Trusting your instincts may not be as straightforward as usual, and you may be looking back a lot more than you are looking forward in some areas. Past mistakes can crop up for your attention. You may also experience some interruptions or a state of limbo on certain matters. Your thinking is more spiritual and less factual, which can be a clear asset if applied to the right things. Still, watch that you’re not misreading situations.

Mars moves into harmony with your sign today, dear Taurus, and it comes as a nice boost to your energy and motivation levels. This transit lasts until March 30th, and can be helpful as you more naturally challenge yourself. Also today, Mercury turns retrograde, and until March 9th, there can be some delays or misunderstandings to manage, although you’re mostly spirited and positive. Some of your recent ideas, plans, or decisions can meet with delays, or they may require review and reconsideration. Past friendships can figure more strongly in your life, or you may want to resurrect an old project as you see it in a new way. You may be reminded of a past goal or dream, and you’re now returning to it. Today is possibly a little disorienting with these shifts happening. It’s better not to push decision-making. Even so, as you grow more accustomed to the retrograde, you’re likely to enjoy new perspectives on old problems.

Mars moves into your solar eighth house for a transit that lasts until March 30th, dear Gemini. This shift releases its direct pressure on your sign that’s been in effect since early January. It puts you in a good place to sort out issues related to sharing and power dynamics in relationships. Today is complicated with Mercury, your ruler, turning retrograde, and it may be better to stick to projects that are already in the works rather than take on brand new endeavors for now. Some delays or mixups are possible but do look for opportunities in the coming weeks to make valuable refinements and changes. Mercury is retrograde until March 9th, mostly in your career and reputation sector, but later in your sector of learning and exploring. It’s a time to look to the past for answers on how to manage current responsibilities. Delays might lead to the reconsideration of some plans. Your words may be taken a little more seriously than usual — or remembered more strongly! Allow room for delays and mistakes. You might also reconsider your image or persona and think about ways to represent yourself better going forward. If you’ve been overthinking career or life-path goals, now is the time to slow down and draw upon your intuition for answers.

Mercury stations and turns retrograde today, dear Cancer, and there can be some misunderstandings or confusing instructions. Even so, the retrograde cycle overall, lasting until March 9th, is a good time for looking at past decisions and projects with new eyes. You might get the chance to reconsider certain plans to your advantage. There can be inconveniences and slowdowns that may be blessings in disguise as you turn your attention to problems that, when resolved, help you tremendously. Take this time to get in touch with your intuition, and become more aware of nonverbal forms of communication. If your mind has been running ahead of you recently, this is a time for slowing down a little and letting other parts of you catch up. Also today, Mars moves into your partnership sector until March 30th, and others are likely to animate your life. Clashes are possible, but so are resolutions to long-standing issues.

Mercury begins its retrograde cycle today, dear Leo, and will backtrack until March 9th. Until March 4th, this occurs in your solar eighth house, and there can be reasons to review shared resources, debts, or some aspects of a relationship. Delays can occur or slowdowns and unanswered questions can lead you to think in novel ways about problem areas, leading to unique solutions. You might discover a resource you never knew you had. Also today, Mars heads into your work and health sector, and this transit can rev you up. You have more energy to pursue your work, routines, and health pursuits until March 30th. Still, in the weeks ahead, it’s better to take extra time to arrive at important decisions. There may be delays encountered with support, and this forces you to get creative with money. Today can bring some confusion as these shifts occur. The Moon spends the day in harmony with your sign, helping boost your mood and optimism.

Mercury begins its retrograde period today, dear Virgo, and this cycle lasts until March 9th. Until March 4th, it impacts your close personal relationships most, but it can also point to obstacles and turnarounds related to career or long-term goals. You may be looking back or turning to the past in some manner, or a delay can keep you in limbo, and you need to redirect your energy and attention. It’s an excellent time to revise, review, and reorganize as you see things you may have missed because you were going too fast or because you were too busy to notice the first time around. Communication can be particularly sensitive to misunderstanding as this shift occurs now, but delays can also help you understand your situation better. Also today, Mars moves into your romantic and creative sector for a stay that will last almost until March 30th. While retrograde Mercury does pull you back, Mars helps support your energy levels as well as courage, self-assertion, and confidence.

Mercury turns retrograde today, dear Libra, and will be retrograde until March 9th. During this cycle, a review of your work, health, or finances may be in order. You might find a lost possession or find a different way of doing your job or making money. Relationships with associates and co-workers require a little more sensitivity than usual, as misunderstandings are common now. Returning to an old health regimen or method may be in order. Delays may prompt you to slow down, and this allows you to consider details or perspectives that you missed the first time around. Today, mixups are possible as thinking is foggy, and it’s too easy to misunderstand one another. Another shift occurs today as Mars moves into your home and family sector, where it will transit until March 30th. You’ll be bringing more energy and initiative to home-related projects or family activities.

Mercury turns retrograde today and will stay so until March 9th, dear Scorpio. While this transit occurs, for the most part, in harmony with your sign, there can be some inconveniences, turnarounds, or delays related to romance, creative projects, or finances in the coming weeks. You may need to revisit old problems or wait for an answer to a question that keeps you in a state of limbo. Still, this can be a great chance to catch up in other areas of life and to do some rethinking of matters. It’s a time for finding new ways to express yourself, and with Mars moving into your communications sector today, you’re especially motivated to do so. Mars will transit this area of your solar chart until March 30th, stimulating your desire to learn and explore. In some ways, it may be particularly important to watch for coming across too brusquely. Otherwise, it’s a busy time for communicating, connecting, and commuting. These shifts occurring today tend to magnify problems, but going forward, you’re in an excellent position to look to past projects or relationships for inspiration, as well as to do editing work.

The Moon spends the day in your sign today, dear Sagittarius, amping up your emotions. It’s a complicated day with Mars changing signs and Mercury turning retrograde. Mars leaving your sign is good for winding down a little. Mercury is retrograde from today until March 9th, and some of the communications we take for granted seem to malfunction in minor and annoying ways. Keep things simple and definite today for best results, or choose to reserve judgment. In the coming weeks, there can be a shift in the way you see your world, particularly with household or family matters, communications, and transportation matters. Communications may require more sensitivity and clarity. Past errors or oversights may surface, or you could be returning to old plans and projects with a different perspective. Delays might motivate you to strengthen problem areas and consider issues that you may have overlooked the first time through. Reorganization in and around the home can be helpful, and so can looking to the past with new eyes.

The Moon spends the day in your solar twelfth house, dear Capricorn, and you need a little extra space. This is a useful approach with a couple of key shifts happening today, which can create some tension or confusion until we acclimate to the changes. With Mercury’s retrograde station, there can be some crossed wires. Mercury is retrograde until March 9th, and you’ll find some unique opportunities arising in the coming weeks. Delays or slowdowns can lead to creative workarounds and may point you to areas that need special attention or edits. There may be the need to revisit old problems with personal finances, but you might also find lost items or rediscover old interests and projects that you can revive and rework. Subjects may need further revision and study, and there could be mechanical issues with communication and transportation devices that prompt some rethinking of how you connect and get around. Learning matters may not go exactly as expected, but problems encountered now are unlikely to be serious ones, merely inconvenient. As well, Mars enters your sign today, and until March 30th, you’ll feel especially motivated and energized. Go slowly today.

Mercury, the planet that rules communication and transportation, turns retrograde today in your finances sector, dear Aquarius. It will remain retrograde until March 9th, eventually returning to your sign for a short spell (on March 4th) and alerting you to unfinished business. You might experience some delays or backstepping in the weeks ahead, but these can open your mind to different or improved systems, methods, and projects. As the shift occurs today, there can be some difficulties understanding others and gaining understanding. Mars is also changing signs today, and with both shifts occurring, confusion is even more likely just for now. In the weeks ahead, you might benefit from rethinking income and spending. Your path now is to look at money matters in new ways. If a money or business matter is delayed, it’s time to find new ways to approach your life and to make important discoveries in the process. Mars moves into the sign just behind yours, and until March 30th, this transit encourages you to resolve long-standing problems. You’ll feel especially compelled to wrap certain matters up.

The Moon spends the day at the top of your solar chart, dear Pisces, sensitizing you to outside pressures and markers. This happens just as Mars is moving out of this performance-focused area of your chart, and ambitions seem less pressing than they have been. Until March 30th, you’ll be putting more energy and effort into your social life or in fulfilling happiness goals. Also today, Mercury turns retrograde in your sign. Until March 9th, there can be some inconveniences or delays to manage. You may feel misunderstood at times during this period, and you should take a little extra time to make sure you’re clear in your communications. Decision-making turns inward in the weeks ahead, and you see the world through different filters. It’s a time of heightened spiritual awareness that favors reworking old plans. Because today can be a little confusing as these shifts occur, take your time with decisions and commitments.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is February 16, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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