Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Cancer until 10:20 AM, after which the Moon is in Leo.
- The void Moon occurs from 9:17 AM to 10:20 AM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- We are in between the First Quarter Moon that occurred on the 12th, and the Full Moon that will happen on the 19th.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

This can be a great day if you can manage to take a detour from the usual routine in some manner, dear Aries. You’re especially willing to explore new ideas, and you are wonderfully hopeful and future-minded. Feeling less inhibited is one of the best gifts that the Uranus transit of your sign in recent years has offered you, and it’s in the spotlight today. You’re in fabulous form for enjoying new interests, a friendship, making connections, or dreaming up new ways to enjoy your life. You can be particularly inspired by new ideas and potential ventures now. At the same time, you’re getting serious about a career matter, rule, or responsibility. You might also break through a barrier or problem, and this comes as a pleasant relief. Still, you can feel bonded with others or better about yourself by making responsible or mature choices now.

This is an active time for facing your feelings and accepting new ideas and projects, dear Taurus, all the while hunkering down and meeting your responsibilities. It may seem that you have a lot on your plate, but you’re managing things expertly now! Your instincts for making changes and improvements are excellent today, and you can make some advances related to your career or professional interests and long-term goals. Letting go of attitudes that keep you stuck in the past comes naturally right now. Entertaining new avenues makes sense and can lead to sweet rewards. Public or business activities have a nice, progressive flow to them, and people, bosses, and even organizations tend to be more willing and more flexible. You’re coming across in a pleasingly responsible or mature manner today and tomorrow.

A Sun-Uranus aspect active today can lift your spirits and inspire you to think positively about the future, dear Gemini. You are more in tune with your desire for new experience, learning, and excitement, and friends can figure strongly in connection with these things. Courses, studies, networking, teamwork, group associations, and publishing opportunities can be areas of improvement or inspiration. Opportunities emerge to grow and improve. You especially enjoy sharing viewpoints, personal philosophies, and opinions with others and making exciting discoveries in the process. At the same time, you may be hunkering down and facing reality about a financial or intimate matter now, and it feels good to face things maturely. There can be the clinching of a relationship, loan, job, or something similar. Whatever this is, it comes with responsibility! It’s a definite time for committing to making essential changes or improvements.

You’ll need ample room for experimentation to take full advantage of a Sun-Uranus transit today, dear Cancer. This way, you can arrive at new perspectives or methods for approaching an old problem. It’s likely to be an excellent day for money and career matters, possibly with surprising new developments in these areas. The Moon leaves your sign today, and this helps settle your feelings. A relationship might play a significant role in your motivation to reach a goal or ambition, or a common purpose with a significant other can form now. You could very well have a bonding moment with a particular person in your life over a shared responsibility, concern, or important task. This is a time for identifying what is no longer working for you or contributing to your growth and making a commitment to take better care of things as you go forward.

People in your life are contributing so much to your life these days, dear Leo, and you can feel especially happy and fulfilled today as you more fully come to this awareness. Your curiosity and willingness to explore can lead you to interesting places now, and aligning yourself with others who are progressive, adventurous, and forward-looking can be very beneficial. Mind-opening experiences and exciting revelations are in the pipeline now. There can be a feeling of moving forward with someone, or with a relationship, and perhaps a project or plan that excites you. At the same time, there can be a nice sense that you’re facing reality or meeting your responsibilities with work or health now as Venus and Saturn head towards alignment in your solar sixth house. It’s a fine time for tidying up your daily routines and habits, and you may very well take pleasure in putting things into order.

A little research goes a long way today, dear Virgo, and you may very well discover information that leaves you feeling exceptionally positive and hopeful. You might uncover answers or information that gives you a gentle nudge forward. This is a time for entertaining ideas you may not think up on another day and having some fun with it. Enjoy the positive vibes that may very well lead to small breakthroughs in your work or intimate life. At the same time, today holds a bit of seriousness, and there may be a reason to rally up support or face reality about a situation, which is empowering. There may be a renewal or revision of a commitment that ultimately can serve to build your confidence since you’re far more likely to put your faith and trust in someone or something with your eyes open.

This is a good time to make the first move, approach someone, or enjoy a new activity, dear Libra. Certain areas of your life are far more pleasurable if you allow them some room to breathe and let go of the need to control things as the Sun and Uranus form a harmonious aspect. The Moon moves into your social sector, and emotions are stronger related to friendship. You’re open to others and they to you. Creative impulses are stronger than usual, and fresh approaches to relating are in order. A little frivolity goes a long way, and expressing yourself more freely and playfully can help open doors to you. Even so, Venus and Saturn are heading into alignment, and revealing your maturity and commitment may be in order, too. It’s a time for bringing more order, beauty, and structure to your private world or home life. You value those things that will stand the test of time. You may need to accept a person or situation for its limitations to make progress.

Your focus on family affairs and your personal life has been sharper than usual in recent weeks, dear Scorpio, and today is strong for enjoying the freedoms that acceptance and support afford you. You’re adding some extra spice to your home life and your work or routines with nice results and rewards. Extra room for creativity and experimentation can be great fun, and can boost your productivity as well. Forgiving others is a gift to yourself now, but so is recognizing and accepting limitations. These are the lessons of a special relationship between Saturn and Neptune this year. While it’s a beautiful time for thinking outside the box, you can also benefit from some focused and practical conversations or advice today. Gaining a fuller sense of what you can and can’t accomplish is empowering.

Flowing energy with you today can leave you with a beautiful sense of progress and gratitude, dear Sagittarius. You appreciate the chance to experiment and express your more unique traits now. You’re feeling a little looser, more spirited, and especially hopeful. At the same time, you’re not shying away from seeing a matter more clearly, particularly along financial or practical lines. The information you uncover today can be positive, exciting, and perhaps profitable, ultimately. Having a little fun with life leads to the most innovative and useful approaches right now, but you also recognize that in some regions of your life, a conservative, tried-and-true approach is most suitable, and this balanced attitude makes all the difference. Flexibility brings the most rewards now.

It can feel quite wonderful to meet others with an open mind today, dear Capricorn, and insight into a practical matter, especially financial, can come when you’re not trying too hard. Taking a small step back from a problem may bring a natural solution, and it’s likely to arrive in a gentle, natural manner. This is a time for approaching your family life, money, and domestic affairs in refreshing new ways and making small improvements that make you proud. Working on boosting your feelings of security and comfort, mainly through innovative approaches, can be successful. At the same time, getting serious about a plan or responsibility can be in focus, and it suits you well. You instinctively know that patience is the best way to achieve your goals, and some of the tension you’ve been feeling lately dissipates as you take a clearer, more mature, and realistic look at things. It’s empowering to understand your capabilities.

With the Sun in your sign in the past month, there may have been a stronger focus on personal projects and interests, dear Aquarius. You can feel very much in the driver’s seat now. Today, the Sun meets Uranus, and this is the last time it will do so while Uranus is in your communications sector. It gives a nice boost to your appeal, mainly through the vehicle of your communications or ideas. Agreements with others come organically now, all the while maintaining a strong sense of independence. This can be a time for shaking up the usual routine a little, or for reaching out to someone with whom you’ve meant to connect. At the same time, a Venus-Saturn aspect is also coming into play, and the need to see a relationship or project for what it is can feel a little uncomfortable at first. However, you get an excellent sense of your priorities now, and this empowers you.

A Sun-Uranus connection puts you in an excellent position for making improvements to your life, dear Pisces. However big or small, they’re satisfying and give you a good feeling of making progress. You’ve been working under the radar or behind the scenes in recent weeks, although this doesn’t mean you’re hiding out–you’re simply busy working away under the radar. The Sun will move into your sign tomorrow, but for now, you have some loose ends to attend to, and you’re especially innovative and hopeful as you do. You may be approaching your money or valuables in a unique manner now with your eye on moving forward freer and lighter. Outside of the box thinking is rewarded. At the same time, a Venus-Saturn alignment is on its way, and there is a strong sense that you need to rally up the forces to handle an important responsibility.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is February 17, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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