Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Leo.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- We are in between the First Quarter Moon that occurred on the 12th, and the Full Moon that will happen tomorrow.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
- Chiron enters Aries today.
- The Sun enters Pisces today (the Sun transits Pisces from February 18-March 20).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Chiron, the maverick, is now in your sign and will stay in it for many years to come, dear Aries. While it’s impacting those born early in the sign directly this year, all Aries will feel its energies over the coming years. Chiron brings out the unique and special qualities in you for all to see, and you will be learning to follow your own inner guidelines and instincts more intently. You’re entering an exceptionally creative stage of growth as you identify, face, and attempt to resolve and heal areas of damage. This is about embracing your uniqueness, and it’s bound to be empowering! Today also begins a Sun cycle that finds you a little more withdrawn than usual for the coming month. Today’s energies begin a little sternly, but loosen up tremendously as the day advances. Pinpointing something may not occur now, and it will be important not to let your imagination carry you away if it means investing in something significant. Otherwise, enjoy the ride.

You are in the position to take certain areas of life more seriously as Venus and Saturn converge, dear Taurus, such as your relationships, money, education, legal matters, and publishing. There may be a sobering moment now that prompts you to take care of business, but it feels good and right to do so! Even if you feel a bit tied down as you complete more work than you’d planned, there is a nice feeling of duty and responsibility to be enjoyed now. This may be the start of a new course of study or a recommitment to updating your skills for some of you. Later today, it can be challenging to know whether to keep quiet about something. Romantically speaking, however, this can be an unusually intuitive and possibly even magical day of increased understanding and empathy. Write down ideas or compose a story or letter, as you may be able to express yourself with more panache than usual.

With today’s Venus-Saturn meeting in your sector of intimate matters, support, personal psychology, finances, and shared resources, dear Gemini, you can be in the empowering position to consider your future and the impact your current choices might have going forward. This is a time for taking care of practical details. Consider wise counsel and apply traditional methods to resolve problems for best results now. As the day advances, though, boundaries dissolve and tension diffuses. Your planetary ruler, Mercury, heads towards an alignment with Neptune, and you can find yourself relying more and more on your intuition than your practical intelligence. You can easily intuit what others truly want or what their motives are today. Do watch the tendency for people around you to interpret your words through the lens of wishful thinking. Certainly, others are finding you very attractive and interesting now.

You are in the position to face up to reality through your interactions with a significant person in your life, dear Cancer, with Venus and Saturn meeting in your partnership sector. Relationships have something to teach you about yourself, or they take on a little more seriousness now. Aim to put false hopes behind you and make room for healthier situations going forward. Keep in mind that this is not the time to push for something new, but making a reassessment can work well. As the day advances, things lighten up considerably. Minds open, and this feels wonderful. There can be some inclination, however, to gloss over or adjust previously held beliefs and morals today. Do take advice received now with a grain of salt. In as soon as a few weeks, you might question what you’re currently putting faith into.

A couple of sign changes today makes it a transition/shift day, dear Leo, which generally means it’s better to observe than take significant action. This morning, though, is good for tidying up in some manner, and this can take place on a literal or figurative level! You’re happy to get your priorities straight regarding your routines, health, work, or habits. Don’t be afraid to show your responsible side now, as it’s appealing! As the day advances, tensions diffuse, and you can enjoy some lovely insight into others’ motives and desires, even if they are doing their best to keep these things to themselves. Emotionally, you are especially sensitive, but also susceptible to your own fantasies of others, so you will need to try to discern between illumination and self-deception. It’s a good time for fantasy, spiritual pursuits, and compassion. Love is gracious now.

A discussion or realization can occur that renews a commitment now, dear Virgo, but a Venus-Saturn alignment can just as well bring complicated logistics or problems to light in a love relationship. If you’re seeing a loved one or project in a more realistic light, consider that it’s going to help you out in the long run. A slowdown or block may surface now, but it can also afford you the opportunity to make necessary refinements to a plan. As the day advances, moods lighten and boundaries seem to disappear. You might come to a happy agreement with someone, although you may later realize that it wasn’t quite as you thought it would be when Mercury retrogrades and returns to this aspect next month. Before putting your faith entirely into what seems like a new beginning, give it some time and consider all angles. However, others are quite cooperative today, generally speaking, and it’s just fine to enjoy the moment.

With Venus and Saturn coming together in your sector of home and family early today, dear Libra, your ability to see things more realistically may sting for a little bit, after which it begins to feel right. The work you put in now can benefit you for years to come in your personal and home life. You are paying no attention to quick fixes now, as you’re more focused on what will last. A responsibility or commitment to the family may need your attention now. Aim to identify priorities surrounding affairs of the heart, finances, and family matters. As the day advances, though, moods lighten and you’re likely to find the atmosphere especially warm and inviting. Mind you, there can be small problems that you’re especially sensitive to, or a slight yet noticeable level of chaos is present in your routine. Conversations with others can be delightful, but you probably shouldn’t expect clear answers to important questions. Simply resign yourself to enjoying the moment.

Venus aligns with Saturn in your communications sector early today, dear Scorpio, putting learning and sharing in the spotlight. You might thoroughly enjoy applying yourself to a project or studies or learning something practical or useful. If you’re updating your skills, it feels especially good–and mature–to do so now. However, you might also need to face the reality of time constrictions, or you may need to give up a pleasure so that you can meet your goals. While responsibilities are in the spotlight, the atmosphere changes tremendously as the day advances. Your senses heighten, and you can find yourself in a romantic and creative mood. Trends are robust for discovering or rediscovering romance. However, there can be some moodiness and restlessness, as you are hungrier than usual for affection. Avoid jumping too quickly to conclusions now as there is likely to be a change of mind or further details to consider on a matter next month when Mercury’s retrograde might change your perceptions of what’s going on currently. Aim to enjoy the moment.

While there can be some seriousness to early today, dear Sagittarius, once you decide on a long-term plan, you’re ready to put in the work and effort. Starting small makes the most sense now. You might even derive some pleasure from creating a budget, facing a financial situation head-on, or saving money. Paring down is not so tricky if you have a solid goal in mind. Or, you may be drawing boundaries if you are not feeling acknowledged for all that you do, and with self-control and foresight, you can make real improvements to your life now. As the day advances, you’re more inclined to unwind and relax your viewpoint. Reminiscing can be in order. Not everyone remembers events the same way, so try to be content with leaving things as open to interpretation. While there may be some misleading information or advice circling you now, if you avoid taking things too seriously and keep a sense of humor, it can be a very playful, imaginative time.

Today’s convergence of Venus and Saturn in your sign favors a long-term view, dear Capricorn, and this is right up your alley. Your eye is on a faraway prize, which motivates you to move towards it, slowly but surely. Starting small is just fine, and even preferable. You are neither over- or under-estimating a situation. Do watch for assuming more than your share of responsibility. As the day advances, you seek to unwind, and a break would be much deserved. What’s being said is not as important as the spirit behind the words now, and conversations can be satisfying, if not precise or practical. There is a tendency to dream and imagine more than usual tonight, and this helps to open your mind to new possibilities. It’s not a time to lock things down–in fact, next month, revisions will be needed for new beginnings now.

With Venus and Saturn joining together in your hidden sector today, dear Aquarius, you’re likely to savor your private life or some extra time to yourself. Nevertheless, there may be a reality to face about a dream, fantasy, or a lingering problem from the past. This gives you perspective and makes for improved decision making. The mood is lighter as the day advances, and exceptionally so! You can find yourself especially attracted to objects, activities, and projects that are uniquely beautiful and imaginative now, and you may very well discover something inspiring. However, watch that you don’t borrow from the future, opting to stick with purchases and promises that are within your means.

You can be quite determined to take care of your practical affairs with an alignment of Venus and Saturn, dear Pisces, or to put a situation that has demanded too much of your time and energy behind you. A long-term friendship may be solidified or begun. You get a more realistic sense of the viability of a project or long-term goal today, making it easier to make the right decisions going forward. As the day advances, you’ll feel a little more in your element. Chiron moves out of your sign and the Sun moves into it today! These are important shifts, and you’re likely to benefit most by taking things easy. Others may be taking strong interest in your own interests today. The lines of communication are open, although not entirely clear. Perhaps it’s more important that you’re connecting than it is for being precise. You are communicating with more sensitivity and heart, and this wins you some admiration.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is February 18, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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