Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Capricorn.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- We are in between the Last Quarter Moon, which occurred on the 27th, and the New Moon, which will happen on February 4th.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

With Venus in your adventure sector, you’ve been embracing new forms of pleasure and entertainment, dear Aries. Today, while relationships can be tricky if faith is fizzling, you’re inclined to latch onto a vision that’s positive and inspiring. You’re thinking outside the box, and activities involving communications, travel, projects revolving around technology or alternative therapies, and love connections are favored. Surprises turn out pleasant in the end. Letting go of negative feelings such as resentment feels great now. In many ways, February is about doing so. Tastes are for the unique, progressive, and unusual. You’re more likely to want to preserve your energy for exciting feelings and make room for positivity. You’re also attracted to things or products that make your life a little easier or more interesting. Topics shared can lean towards the profound, and a relationship may strengthen through shared or respected ideals, opinions, and beliefs.

This is a time for focusing on what’s working in your life, dear Taurus, but do keep an open mind about any negative feedback generated now since it can help you grow and improve. If you feel a compulsion to prove or defend yourself to people you shouldn’t need to do either of these things with, try to resist and let your actions speak for themselves. There are times when you are projecting your insecurities or lack of faith in yourself, and that’s what others might be reading. Moments of doubt can lead to better things as you detach yourself just enough to let go of insecurities and more thoroughly enjoy your day. This can be a time of experimenting with different ways to relate, and learning something exciting and new in the process. You could have flashes of inspiration that help you see the light, either within yourself or in a partner. There can be important breakthroughs of feeling occurring today. Liberating yourself from a burdensome secret or concern can be refreshing. This is a potentially perfect day for intimacy and connection on a deeper, perhaps nonverbal level.

Perhaps through a bit of discomfort, you free yourself up to move forward now, dear Gemini, as Venus and Uranus form a trine aspect. The idea or anticipation of a situation may cause worry or concern, but once it comes to life, it’s far less sinister than you imagined. You can be wonderfully surprised now, and you’re inclined to feel lighter and happier as a result. Knowing you can handle just about anything that life throws at you builds confidence. As you connect and reach out, you invite interesting people into your life. Friends tend to support you, and you’re quick to return the favor. While it’s not necessarily a day for making commitments, it’s a good one for expanding your reach and entertaining new pleasures or ways of relating that benefit all concerned. There can be a liberating feeling regarding friendship and partnership. You might entertain the possibility of a working collaboration or a shared chore or task that helps cement a bond in the coming days. Your natural talents are framed well and supported through teaming up or going one on one.

Whether it’s about what’s happening or NOT happening in a relationship, there could be some cause for confusion or frustration now, dear Cancer. However, you’ll find it easier than usual to pull yourself out of this funk as Venus and Uranus form a trine aspect, bringing excitement along with it. This happy connection occurs in your productivity sectors, and you’ll find that detaching yourself from expectations and being in the moment leads to greater pleasure with the work you do or services you provide, as well as in the relationship department. You might meet someone special through work or the pursuit of daily duties or health goals now, or pursuing your goals is more pleasurable and engaging. Approach the world in a more relaxed, creative way for best results today. As you do, you’re likely to come up with intelligent solutions to practical problems.

You’re quick to turn ordinary circumstances into fun, exciting ones, dear Leo, or otherwise make the best of a situation now. You’re also very much in need of something a little different, upbeat, and engaging. A Venus-Uranus connection in Fire signs enlivens you, and you could find yourself especially spirited and socially courageous today. A surprise attraction may be part of your day, and it’s a strong time for keeping things open, enjoying spontaneous pleasures, and entertaining fewer inhibitions. Mind you, some self-doubt, or doubt about recent undertakings, is natural right now and can help steer you in a better direction–you’re quick to pick yourself up. Your eye for what works well together is sharp now, and you could find yourself quite busy harmonizing or filling in patterns. A bonding moment can result from seeing relating patterns that have gone unnoticed until now. It’s time for doing things a little differently to keep things fresh.

A Venus-Uranus transit today helps pull you out of a rather serious mindset and draws out your more spontaneous inclinations, dear Virgo. Mind you, there can be brief wrestling with doubts involved, and they’re likely to do with questions of lovability or commitment, but recognizing these things as insecurities that you need to work through can help you move forward and enjoy yourself. In fact, understanding your limitations or vulnerabilities can help lead to a stronger sense of hopefulness and freedom. This is a common lesson these days and even years as Chiron and Uranus connect in a long-term semi-sextile relationship, reminding us that we grow through understanding our vulnerabilities. You’re able to discuss typically tricky topics without being either overly sensitive or insensitive today. Polite, goodnatured frankness can be part of this. Forward movement on a home project can be exciting, even if it’s born of necessity or frustration with current circumstances. This is a good time for creative problem solving around the home, and creative relating with family members as well.

Once beyond a small hurdle or doubt, dear Libra, the day should shape up to be happy and even liberating. Insecurities about intelligence, likability, or preparedness can be at the heart of problems now, and it’s a good idea to pay attention to these, but also to embrace this time as a chance to grow, improve, and accept that you’re perfectly imperfect! Your frankness can be a pleasant surprise, and you’re magnetic now. Recognize soft spots and sensitivities as things that make you a layered human being. A relationship might reach a new level or a conversation can occur that puts a problem behind you. There’s a very good chance of finding someone on the same or similar wavelength as you now. Your definitions of love or attractiveness are unique at the moment. Others may particularly appreciate your creative output as your ruler, Venus, connects with Uranus and Pallas.

You’re both bold and sensitive today, dear Scorpio, and it’s quite a combination! While insecurities are easy to trigger now, you’re quick to turn them around and make the most of your situation. Soft spots may be about issues of lovability but coming out of a pity spell can be highly motivating at times like these. There can be a surge of excitement about money-making or work matters, and new ways to improve your health, job, or routines can figure strongly now. With the slightly detached energy of a Venus-Uranus trine, it’s easier than usual to leave frustrations behind. You may enjoy an unexpected pleasure or connection now. Enjoying a detour from the usual routine is another possibility. A change of pace does you a world of good now, and it feels nice to be looking forward to the future with excitement.

Venus spends its final full day in your sign, dear Sagittarius. It’s a fun and free transit made even more so as Venus connects with Uranus today. Mind you, it’s also challenged by Chiron and the Sun, and this can trigger your insecurities, especially regarding the past, living arrangements, or family matters. This doesn’t stop you from enjoying the vibrant, progressive energy of the day. In fact, you may very well turn any pain or frustration into a positive for you, as courage to do something you’ve wanted to do, for example. You’re standing out from the pack in a pleasant way now. Creative talents are in the spotlight. You might turn heads and gain a few more followers or simply the attention of someone special. You feel a little more courageous about expressing yourself.

Venus is coming to the end of its transit of your privacy zone, dear Capricorn, but before leaving it and entering your sign tomorrow, today Venus forms some special connections. You might feel compelled to share a normally private feeling or to release yourself from heavy feelings that have weighed you down in a symbolic way. There may be a new development in an attraction or a private matter in a relationship. While you are a person who often wants to lock things down, feeling confidence when things are certain, leaving something just a little open today can be exhilarating. After all, attempting to control too many areas of your life can be exhausting! The Venus-Uranus trine today is spontaneous, and so is the Moon’s transit of your sign, making it an excellent time to do something new or different. While there is some tendency for certain events to reopen a wound on an emotional level, you’re having fun in spite of it. Enjoy the courage to express or explore your usually secret desires or wishes today.

While the Moon spends another day in your private sector and you tend to keep a low profile as a result, dear Aquarius, a Venus-Uranus connection active today encourages some reaching out. Fortunately, it’s a rather detached, light, and noncommital kind of energy that’s easy for you to enjoy. There is some tendency for others or events to trigger your soft spots now, and these can be important to explore since they’re persistent. Sensitivity is a strength, and you can feel freer as you accept something about your nature now. You are open to new adventures and ideas right now, and this could involve a chance encounter or a lively connection. Your unique perspective is valued. There can be a feeling of relief or release from a concern or obligation, particularly related to a friend or a long-term goal, or something that’s now out in the open leaves you feeling a little freer or lighter. This can also be a strong day for business income strategies or mutually beneficial agreements.

Pleasure through your work and responsibilities or regarding a sense of your future opening up for you is likely now, dear Pisces. You’re also in an excellent position to connect with people in high places or those who can help your cause. Bringing a fresh attitude, idea, or method to the table can figure strongly, and you’re especially open to making progress, moving on, and embracing different approaches. With money, responsibility, or work, you may have reason to breathe a sigh of relief, or there is a bit more freedom or leeway to enjoy now. You may do some battle with self-doubt now, but it can subside almost as quickly as it comes on. What’s more, this can be a learning opportunity, or a small bout of self-pity turns into fuel to move beyond a problem. The Venus-Uranus trine today encourages a spirit of progress and improvement. There is pleasant intensity in your manner that intrigues others, who are also drawn to your quiet strength.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is February 2, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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