Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Virgo.
- The void Moon occurs from 8:51 PM forward (until the Moon enters Libra tomorrow).
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon occurred yesterday in the sign of Virgo.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

With the Sun in your privacy sector until March 20th, dear Aries, you have a greater need than usual for a break from competitive energies or demanding situations. You are drawn to restful, relaxing, and healing activities these days. With Mars in a quiet sector, too, this is a time for reflection and processing. While there can be some unusual or uncomfortable feelings today, possibly due to a reminder of a past disappointment or loss, as the day advances, there is powerful energy for a strong sense of moving forward. You’re focusing in on priorities, and today is good for solving some problems or fixing errors.

The Sun is currently transiting your sector of friendships, dreams, and wishes, dear Taurus, and the weeks ahead bring more sociable, experimental, and hopeful energy into your life. Mars in your sign is another signal that things are getting livelier for you now. You take more pride than usual in your friendships, connections, community involvement, or aspirations, and associates or friends may look to you for direction. Sharing visions with others gives you a boost, and you get more satisfaction than usual when your actions positively impact others. Despite this, there can be some worries and impending obligations to deal with — a small reality check. There can be some need for review or edits today. Look for ways to free yourself from unnecessary worry or attachments to the past that are holding you back.

With the Sun currently transiting your solar tenth house, dear Gemini, professional and public matters can be in stronger focus in the weeks ahead. Career or long-term goals can be on your mind more than usual, and you take more pride in your performance, the work you do, or the responsibilities you fulfill. As a result, your motivation to succeed can strengthen. Others are noticing your work or your accomplishments, so it’s wise to draw upon your more responsible, competent side. If you’ve done your homework, a promotion or a pat on the back can be incoming during this cycle. Today, you could be feeling a bit of tension if there’s a loose end to handle. You can get closer to someone today by backing off and allowing them space, even if it doesn’t feel entirely comfortable doing so. Fight self-doubt and put yourself out there, pushing past your fears.

The Sun’s transit of your adventure sector until March 20th has the effect of pulling you out of your shell, dear Cancer, and Mars is corroborating this story as it moves through your social sector! This is a time for reaching beyond your usual limits, boundaries, and routines in order to experience and learn new things. You are feeling in form and especially confident now. The routine or mundane elements of your life appear less exciting and more black-and-white as you seek out colorful life experiences. Today may require a few adjustments, however, but think of these as an opportunity to get things right before pushing forward.

The Sun is currently shining a light on sharing in intimate and financial ways these days, dear Leo. This is a time for recognizing debts and dependencies, and for sorting these out. In fact, you can gain a real feeling of self-empowerment during this cycle that lasts until March 20th. Investigating, researching, playing detective, and analyzing are all favored now. In the process, aim to be as honest with yourself as possible for the best results–you have a lot to learn and observe at this time of year. Today, however, there can be some frustrations if you attempt to push ahead too fast. It’s a better time for making edits and adjustments than it is for full-on forward motion.

February is becoming more and more social for you, dear Virgo. The Sun is currently transiting your partnership sector, and will stick around here until March 20th. Energetically, though, this is not the best of transits, but you do get some friendly help from Mars, which helps to compensate for energy dips. You take more pride in how you get along with others, and how well you find harmony and balance in your personal environment in the weeks ahead. At times, it may seem that others are directing your life in some way. Of course, to relate well with other people, a strong sense of self is vital–another area in which Mars is helping. You need to know what you want and what you’re prepared to give. Today, you are more noticeable and accountable than usual, and duties call to you! Mind you, a temporary setback or stubbornness can bring a pause to your plans, but with some minor adjustments, you’ll be back on track in no time.

As the month is advancing, dear Libra, you’re likely to feel the need for a little more time to yourself. You’re inclined to keep some things closer to the chest, but you’re also rather focused on getting things done. The Sun is spotlighting your work, service, health, daily habits, and routines until March 20th, and there can be an emphasis on improving your self-care habits, organization, and work commitments. You take special pride in your work or your health and wellness now. Today is strong for demonstrating your commitment and showing confidence in both yourself and the people around you. Mind you, there can be some minor setbacks or details to correct. This can feel like a slowdown but can save you time in the long run.

The Sun is currently transiting your solar fifth house, dear Scorpio, and will continue to do so until March 20th, bringing out your more playful, outgoing qualities. With Mars also in a social sector of your chart, there is a much stronger focus on fun, pleasure, and creative expression in your life these days. This is a creative period, and for some, it’s especially romantic. Love and attraction might be on your mind more than usual, special projects may be renewed or refreshed, new avenues for self-expression and entertainment can open up, and the need for positive feedback is very strong. Today, there can be the need to look back on projects and possibly relationships, and this kind of review can be useful as long as it doesn’t last too long! There is some tendency to come across insensitively now, however, which may need some attention.

February’s themes feel more insular as the month goes along, dear Sagittarius. The Sun is transiting your family and home sector until March 20th, stimulating a stronger need to get back in touch with family and activities revolving around the home. Or, this can simply manifest as a need to center yourself and get in better touch with your fundamental needs and wants. This cycle is good for reconnecting with a deep need for inner peace and comfort, as well as for enjoying quieter and perhaps emotionally safer activities. Today’s energies are a little up and down, however. While the Full Moon may have excited your emotions, today there can be a small reality check to manage. Pay attention to the fears and feelings that surface today, as you can learn a lot about what might be holding you back. Take care of loose ends for best results now.

Until March 20th, the Sun is traveling through your solar third house, dear Capricorn, and you’re inclined to put your feelers out for new ideas. It’s not the best cycle for focus and concentration, but it’s excellent for branching out, learning new things, satisfying your curiosity, and discovering rewarding ways to reach out to others. Your daily life can be especially busy now, and most pleasantly so. It’s an active time for diversifying. February is now shaping up to be a more sociable, outgoing month. Your independent streak is stimulated, but you may need to throw yourself into editing work before pushing something forward today. Try to slow yourself down and get centered. You’ll need to let go of the negative to embrace the positive.

With the Sun putting a spotlight on your resources sector until March 20th, life is about settling in and making yourself both comfortable and secure in the coming weeks, dear Aquarius. It’s an excellent time for taking charge of your finances and valuables, but it’s also a unique period for recognizing your own value! Working on honing natural talents or drawing upon these to advance your goals is favored now. The focus is on building and laying down firm foundations, and with Mars also in a sector related to security, you’ll find that it’s an important time for getting yourself settled in and comfortable. You’re taking stock of what you have and need, and you may very well discover that what’s already in place is more than enough for the time being.

The Sun is currently transiting your sign, dear Pisces, and will continue to do so until March 20th. Combined with Mars in your communications sector, you’re likely to feel more and more outgoing and interested in putting yourself out there. You are at a yearly personal peak of sorts, and you might play with a new look, style, or image. You are more inclined than usual to take mindful action rather than merely react to what is going on around you. You hold more power than usual to make resolutions and to make changes that truly improve your life. As more attention comes to you, you quite naturally want to get your act together, and today is particularly suitable for doing so.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is February 20, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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