Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Virgo until 9:17 AM after which the Moon is in Libra.
- The void Moon occurs until 9:17 AM (since yesterday at 8:51 PM).
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon occurred on the 19th in the sign of Virgo, and the Last Quarter Moon will happen on February 26th.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Moon moves into your partnership sector, dear Aries, and this brings you into a more sociable mood. Highlighted today is a cycle that lasts until April 20th that is powerful for gaining a sense of self-mastery through specialized learning and skills development. The desire to contribute something of value or to specialize and learn a topic more deeply can be strong now, and a major motivation! Today is especially good for shared learning or activities. You are most often a self-starter, and that’s not changing today, but you welcome some helpful input now. Later today, though, try not to feel pressured to make a decision or draw a conclusion. Pushing these things is unlikely to work to your advantage and can instead cause undue stress.

The Moon’s move into your solar sixth house today can get you into a “taking care of business” frame of mind, dear Taurus. You have a helpful and motivating influence with you until April 20th that encourages you to take charge of money and business matters that may have fallen out of order, and that influence is in the spotlight quite favorably now. Feeling on top of your practical affairs will contribute to a stronger sense of balance and personal power. Later today, avoid snap judgments and decisions or hasty communications, particularly with friends and networks. You may be juggling too much, likely personal interests and the needs or demands of a friend, and tension can result if you can’t seem to focus on either one or the other.

A cycle that lasts until April 20th is in the spotlight today, dear Gemini, and it finds you naturally taking the lead and proving your independence. Watch that you don’t put a wall around yourself in the process, but do experiment with ways to improve a sense that you’re in charge and in control. A desire to reinvent yourself in some way can be strong. As the day advances, rising tensions tend to come from dividing your attention between two very different drives. Topics vying for your consideration are likely to be personal or private matters, and professional or work-related. Watch for being impatient and short with others if you are juggling a lot. Things may not be moving ahead as quickly as you’d like. Creative explorations fare nicely today, however. The Moon’s move into your creativity and romance sector this morning puts you in the mood to share.

The Moon’s move to the bottom of your solar chart is a call for extra attention to your personal life, dear Cancer, as well as your fundamental needs. It’s a good time of the month to find your emotional center. A cycle in your life that lasts until April 20th emphasizes empowerment through your stronger connection to your inner world, and it’s in the spotlight today. You can be especially productive in activities behind the scenes, and you may seek out some extra space or time to yourself to regroup. These things help you build strength. Later today, watch for impulsive communications and movements, whether you’re walking, driving, talking, or texting with Mars and Mercury in minor challenging aspect. This is not the time to push yourself.

The Moon heads into your communications sector for a couple of days, dear Leo, and you begin to crave a little more interaction. Juno is now transiting your social sector, and will stick around there until April 20th. During this cycle, you can be quite invested in your friendships but also extremely sensitive to any power dynamics that seem to be off in your social circle. This is a time for gathering up more strength through your connections to others, and also through your long-term plans and happiness goals, and attending to imbalances if they’re glaring. Today, networking is particularly satisfying and rewarding. As the day advances, there is some tendency to communicate abruptly or too quickly. Misjudgments happen if you feel pressure for something to move forward when it’s too early to do so.

Emotions tend to settle down, or you’re not treating emotional needs as quite so urgent today, dear Virgo. The Moon moves out of your sign and into your resources sector where it will spend a couple of days. A longer cycle, lasting until April 20th, finds you particularly invested in your career, performance, reputation, and responsibilities, and it’s in the spotlight today. A major key to feeling powerful and in control is through your attention to long-term goals now. You can be especially sensitive to imbalances of power with a boss, parent, or authority figure, which can motivate you to get a handle on these matters if needed. You may want to excel in your work, and you could be in the position to manage and lead, which you take more seriously now. Later today, however, you may be feeling a little tense or attracting people who are grumpy or impatient. The sooner you tune out the nonessential and accept that you may need to wait a bit longer for things to get back on track, the better you make use of the day’s supportive energies.

The Moon moves into your sign this morning, dear Libra, and this begins a new lunar cycle. With all new beginnings, it makes sense to do it well, so be sure to consider what you’d like to accomplish this month and get into a positive frame of mind. Although on some levels you may feel as if you’re starting fresh, there is some tendency to speak (or judge) too soon about a matter today. Watch for this, but do enjoy the supportive aspects for learning and sharing. The Moon connects well with Juno, and Juno is currently moving in harmony with your sign from your adventure sector. This transit lasts until April 20th and is encouraging for feeling empowered through what you’re learning and the skills you’re developing. Ambition can motivate you to focus on skills development, courses, and training with excellent results in the two months ahead of you. Do watch for anxiousness to get something going later today, mainly related to work or health endeavors. A slower approach may be better.

The Moon moves into your privacy sector for a couple of days starting now, dear Scorpio, and this signals the need for some decompression, relaxation, and reflection as you wind down a lunar cycle. The Moon harmonizes with Juno today, supporting these efforts. Until April 20th, Juno is supportive of passion projects as well as any form of research or attempts to understand your close relationships and their power dynamics. If a close connection is very imbalanced, you’re unlikely to let it go at this time! As today advances, watch for drawing up too-quick conclusions, as you don’t have all the information you need just yet. Restlessness or impatience can disrupt an entirely good thing.

The Moon heads into your social sector and will enliven your feelings for new projects, causes, and friendships for the next couple of days, dear Sagittarius. You get the chance to make some headway with important projects, and also with friends or a partner now. You’re far less tolerant of any imbalances in a partnership these days with Juno in your opposite sign, and this trend is set to continue for another two months. It can be an empowering period for partnering up, as someone may help you discover your own power and personal effectiveness. Later today, there can be miscommunications between your actions and thoughts. Doing more than one thing at once can be particularly stressful now since there can be half-heartedness involved. Spreading yourself too thin with your work or health efforts can be less than satisfying. Be as patient as possible now.

The Moon moves to the top of your solar chart for a couple of days starting now, dear Capricorn, and this can prompt you to review your goals and recent performance. If you feel you’ve come up a little bit short, then you’ll want to up your game. Do consider, though, that you can sometimes be too hard on yourself in this respect. Fortunately, the Moon connects to Juno today, and you can be feeling pleasantly motivated. Do watch for nervous tension later today that can interfere with your perceptions–aim to take it easy instead of drawing quick conclusions. Keep in mind that in the coming two months, a significant key to feeling empowered involves feeling on top of your daily routines, work, and health.

Try not to divide your attention or attempt to take on too many different topics and interests today, dear Aquarius, as it can quickly lead to unwanted stress and tension. Otherwise, the day plays very much in your favor. The Moon moves into your sector of spirit and adventure for a couple of days, and this boosts your mood. It harmonizes with Juno, currently transiting your creative sector, encouraging you to find beautiful and unique ways to express yourself. You’re especially sensitive to imbalances of power in your relationships with friends, lovers, and children in the two months ahead, and this affords you the opportunity to make some wonderful improvements and corrections. You can also feel quite powerful and motivated as you develop a hobby or creative project.

The Moon’s move into your solar eighth house for a couple of days pulls your attention to deeper subjects, projects, and relationships, dear Pisces. Today is fantastic for connecting with your deeper feelings–you’re unusually honest about how you feel. You’re in a cycle that lasts until April 20th that’s most excellent for making improvements to your home or family life, and you can get a real taste of it today. Building your support system can be in focus, even if it starts with taking small steps to organize your domestic world so that it better supports you in the future. Later today, try not to put too much energy into tasks that aren’t ready to move forward. Another thing to watch is allowing yourself to wait impatiently for something to transpire when you can probably use your energies more productively elsewhere. Taking on too many things at once can lead to unnecessary complications, so aim to keep it simple now.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is February 21, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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