Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aquarius.
- The void Moon occurs from 11:08 PM forward (until 1:37 AM on the 23rd).
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 15th, and the New Moon will happen on the 23rd.
- Mercury is retrograde (from February 16-March 9).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

While it’s not the time for rushing into new beginnings, dear Aries, the day does hold some good energy for new ideas. You could feel some pressure if you feel you don’t have enough time to meet your goals. In all likelihood, decisions don’t need to be made immediately. Avoid taking on more work than you can reasonably and happily manage. You’ve been working under the radar or behind the scenes with planetary activity in your privacy sector. Still, it’s a busy period for you. It’s a fine time for self-discovery and fabulous ideas about what to do with your money or business.

You might receive a signal in some shape or form if there was an overestimation of recent goals/plans, dear Taurus. Today’s energies are a little tense in spots, but once you recognize the need to make some adjustments to timelines or goals themselves, pressures dissipate. All in due time! Small problems experienced today are likely to be insignificant in the long run. Think in terms of edits rather than new beginnings right now with a New Moon occurring in just two days. You’re in fabulous form for enjoying new interests, a friendship, making connections, or dreaming up new ways to enjoy your life. The Moon spends the day at the top of your solar chart today and tomorrow, drawing your attention to your long-term goals. It’s a great time of the lunar month for checking in with your ambitions.

Watch for the tendency to push too hard or to put pressure on yourself to do more than is currently possible today, dear Gemini. With a New Moon occurring in just two days, it may be better to wind down than wind yourself up. As well, it’s best not to jump ship or jump into something new quite yet, as you can be missing vital information that would lead to a suitable choice. In other words, major decision making is not advised at the moment. There is restlessness in the air today, and if life seems to be standing still, it’s even more prominent, but you’d be wise to conserve your energy. Be helpful, useful, and productive. People can challenge you, but what matters most is how you respond. Letting go of attitudes that keep you stuck in the past comes naturally today, and is highly favored.

It’s all too easy to take on too much today, dear Cancer, but it’s wise to wind down with a New Moon occurring in just two days. As this cycle nears an end, it’s more appropriate to reflect and tie up loose ends than to push ahead with brand new initiatives. Try not to put so much pressure on yourself that you fail to enjoy yourself. People in your life may be wanting more from you than you can provide today, but you can feel a bit out of step with a key person in your life, or a sense that something isn’t entirely right. It’s temporary and likely only about off timing. Strategy based on patience and compassion is best now, although a little difficult to muster up. Fortunately, as the day advances, you come to be more in tune with your desire for new experience, learning, and excitement, and friends can figure strongly in connection with these things.

A Sun-Jupiter challenge can prompt some tension as expectations can be set too high for current conditions, dear Leo, but the stress is not worth it. If you’ve been feeling hemmed in, this state is harder to take today. Look for ways to improve your projects and methods, but avoid taking on too much or putting undue pressure on yourself. We are only two days behind a New Moon that will offer you a fresh start. Today, avoid strict schedules if possible, as you need breathing room to feel inspired. There can be some dissatisfaction with routines, and without a clear plan for escape or some form of adventure, you may just spin your wheels. Changes in plans tend to lead to new doors opening, and as the day advances, strong energy is with you for money and career matters, possibly with surprising new developments in these areas.

Today’s transits can aggravate any recent tendencies towards overreaching and overdoing, dear Virgo. Watch for jumping to conclusions and succumbing to pressures to go all out when it’s probably better to look for ways to pace yourself. After all, we’re only two days behind a New Moon, and it’s better to wind down as this cycle comes to a close. You may want to go your own way, but could stir up some opposition or controversy in the process. People may wonder why you’re acting out of character. Insecurities can surface, and you may be uncertain how to express yourself or to define a relationship. If you need to clear the air, then do so, but keep in mind that you are especially sensitive today and that approaching tricky matters usually works out better when tackled from a place of calm and confidence. Your curiosity and willingness to explore can lead you to interesting places now, and aligning yourself with others who are progressive, adventurous, and forward-looking can be very beneficial.

The Moon spends today and tomorrow in your creativity sector, dear Libra, emphasizing self-expression. It’s a strong time for connecting and communicating with others. Still, today’s Sun-Jupiter challenge suggests a tendency to take on too much or to reach a breaking point. Even if you’re experiencing an energy spike right now, energy levels will inevitably dip, so consider your future before adding more projects or commitments to your life. You are not at your decision-making best today, so don’t jump ship or jump into something too quickly. As the day advances, you may turn around your restlessness. You might uncover answers or information that gives you a gentle nudge forward. This is a time for entertaining ideas that you may not think up on another day and having some fun with the process.

Today’s energies can find you feeling enthusiastic, dear Scorpio, but there can be pressure to push your projects ahead. We are only two days behind a New Moon, making it better to wind down and tie up loose ends than take on something new. You can be productive, but it’s important to pace yourself. There’s some tendency to overindulge or to take on too much. You may need to adjust your schedule to accommodate your work and others better today, but take the necessary time you need to tend to your own needs as well. Certain areas of your life are far more pleasurable if you allow them some room to breathe and let go of the need to control things as the Sun and Uranus head toward a harmonious relationship. It’s a time for feeling a little freer to express yourself, and refreshing interactions can brighten your day.

The Moon spends today and tomorrow in your communications sector, dear Sagittarius, stimulating your curiosity as well as your desire to connect. There is some tendency to overindulge or to work yourself up over certain issues, but it’s better to aim to pace yourself. Avoid taking on too much, and watch for an inclination toward extravagance. Feelings are complicated right now, and you could be feeling out of sync with a friend or loved one. It doesn’t help that signals people are giving off are a mixed bag right now. Doubting someone is a strong tendency, but can lead to unnecessary frustration and possibly even damage, so do your best to rise above it. If you can find a way to enjoy a creative escape from stress, it would be most helpful. You may be adding some extra spice to your home life and your work or routines with nice results and rewards. Extra room for creativity and experimentation can be great fun, boosting your productivity as well.

The Moon spends the day in your solar second house, dear Capricorn, encouraging a need to deal with priorities. Keeping things simple is attractive, but tension may be building if you’ve been putting too much pressure on yourself to achieve your goals. Watch that you don’t take on too much, as this can be counterproductive. Look for ways to shave down unrealistic expectations. Enthusiasm runs high, but watch that you don’t burn out. Adjustments may be necessary when it comes to dealings with a boss, parent, or family member. You appreciate the chance to experiment and express your more unique traits, and you can stand out for your ability to rise above your troubles. It’s an ideal time for discovery, particularly along mental or intellectual lines.

The Moon spends today and tomorrow in your sign, dear Aquarius, prioritizing emotional needs. Feelings heighten and desire that you may have kept at bay or otherwise left unacknowledged or unfulfilled can push up and out. Today’s transits suggest some excess pressure, however, and you might want to double-check that it’s not self-imposed. Try to focus on what is most realistic and doable. Under current influences, there may be promises made that we forget later, and unresolved issues have a way of stirring up restlessness. You might also be struggling with a decision and having a hard time believing or putting your faith in a person or project. Don’t push for an answer, as it (or you) may not be ready. Fortunately, you’re in good shape for approaching your family life, money, and domestic affairs in refreshing new ways and making small improvements that make you proud.

Today’s energies have a way of stirring up restlessness, dear Pisces, but with a New Moon occurring in your sign in just two days, it’s best to conserve your energy. A Sun-Jupiter challenge points to the need to reassess goals that are stressing you out instead of energizing and motivating you. We can be extra sensitive today, and a difference in values or a question of ownership and respect may pull up all sorts of tension and buried matter. Friendships may need extra attention. Try not to allow misunderstandings negatively impact your day, but if a tricky issue does surface, don’t shy away from it–if you keep tucking it away, you’re likely to meet it again in the future in a more significant way. As the day advances, you get a nice boost. You’re able to maintain a strong sense of independence and cooperate, too.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is February 21, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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