Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Scorpio until 4:19 PM, after which there’s a Sagittarius Moon.
- The void Moon occurs from 7:13 AM to 4:19 PM.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- We’re in between the Full Moon that occurred on the 19th in the sign of Virgo and the Last Quarter Moon that will happen on February 26th.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

If you’ve been harboring some fears or insecurities related to your career, ambitions, or reputation, dear Aries, they may be working close to the surface today. There is some tendency to feel unsupported or especially worried about your position as the Sun and Pluto form a minor challenging aspect. To some extent, you do need to be cautious of competition these days, but you need to avoid letting this take over. Talking through things with a trusted friend may help ease the pressure you put on yourself. Let go of matters you cannot change. The need to observe and reflect seems important now. Allowing yourself to take a step back to reflect will lead to better choices in the future.

The need to support or entertain others continues to figure strongly today, dear Taurus, although, towards the end of the day, you’re inclined to pull back for some much-deserved space. Some of your core beliefs and views can be quite traditional or conservative with Capricorn on your solar ninth house, but with Pluto in this sector in recent years, your perspective is evolving. You are being challenged to expand your mind, although you’d prefer to do that on your own terms, not through conflict, and today you could feel a little self-protective. Allowing for differences in opinion without feeling personally threatened or insulted, and genuinely listening to other viewpoints can be rewarding now with the Sun in a challenging aspect to Pluto. This is a recurring theme so that it makes sense to examine any tension that emerges now so that you can get to the bottom of it.

With Pluto and the Sun in a minor challenging aspect now, dear Gemini, try to avoid allowing anxiety or fear undermine you. Choose instead to take substantial steps toward improving your current position, financial or emotional, with an eye on the future. There are no quick and easy fixes, but starting small and working on things step by step will get you closer to a freer, more empowering way of life. Today, avoid competitiveness with people in authority if possible, as it is unlikely to be a good use of your time and energy. Watch for time sucks, too. Simply aim to do your best. You have excellent energy with you now, in fact, for organizing your life in small but essential ways, with a focus on the details, and it’s a time when you thoroughly enjoy piecing things together.

The Moon in your joy sector forms some more pleasant aspects today, dear Cancer, and even when it enters your work and health sector, it plays well with others! These things help you naturally find satisfying ways of expressing yourself. You enjoy sharing your generous mood with the people around you. It’s a time for appreciating or making the most of your leisure time, and later on today, your chores. A new method can emerge that makes your duties or tasks more pleasant to perform. Even so, there can be some tension brewing in a one-to-one relationship. You’re one who enjoys some predictability in your closest relationships, but with Pluto and the Sun in minor challenging aspect now, you might attract experiences that put you in touch with some of your fears of change, unpredictability, and loss of control. Your first reaction may be to search for ways to regain or maintain control, but attempts to do so can bring about undesirable results. Power games get nowhere now. Aim to rise above insecurities if they’re triggered now.

You could be feeling quite a bit of pressure related to your work or chores now, dear Leo, and your pride may keep you from sharing a sense of being overwhelmed. Think about ways to share the load, even while continuing to give it your best, by sharing some concerns with a trusted friend. Don’t allow the pressure you put on yourself to build to the point of boiling over. Fortunately, the Moon is playing nice with other bodies, and this particularly boosts up your personal life, domestic world, and romantic relationships. Whether you’re toning things down in the first part of the day or ramping up the fun later today, you have the chance to let go and enjoy yourself, especially if you remind yourself that you don’t have to be “on” all the time.

Your interest in learning new things and with connecting is active today, dear Virgo, but despite a potentially busy day full of multiple projects or activities, it may not be the most productive of times. There is some tendency to hold on to a worry or concern at the back of your mind that creeps up on you here and there. You’d be wise to focus on those things already in your orbit than to pressure yourself by adding more to your already crowded schedule. In love or with your special projects, pride can lead to keeping your fears to yourself. Aim to face your fears of losing this sense of privacy for best results now, even in small ways. Consider ways to release some pressure, since if you keep everything to yourself, the resulting tension can interfere in disruptive ways.

Again today, you benefit from steadier emotions, dear Libra, and you’re inclined to focus on your physical and sensual needs more than usual. For much of the day, you can find yourself wonderfully content with the simple pleasures and comforts of life. As the day advances, though, complications may be introduced, but you can aim to tackle them one step at a time. Feeling overwhelmed gets you nowhere. Consider that your need for security and control in your domestic world can be so intense at times that it might obscure your decisions in other areas of your life. You are learning to embrace change, but it takes time–allow yourself this luxury. Don’t let fear keep you from discoveries and important changes in your working life.

As the Moon continues to transit your sign for part of the day, you feel connected and engaged, dear Scorpio, and you crave a little more involvement with the world around you. Your dreaming world is active, and your ideas are extraordinarily bright. It’s a dynamic time for getting in touch with your emotional needs. As the day advances, you’re inclined to focus on more practical matters, but also to take on more concerns and worries than is healthy. A Sun-Pluto minor challenging aspect can trigger some fears of losing clout or control over a situation. The tendency to be a little guarded with what you share is active today. Consider that your intense need to get everything right may be putting too much pressure on yourself.

Worries about money and security may be magnified for you these days, dear Sagittarius, and some days more than others. This is due to heavy planets in your resources sector, and when they form tense aspects as one of them does today, these issues might interfere with your day in little ways. While you’re inclined to keep these fears to yourself, it may be helpful to share your concerns with a trusted person so that you can release some pressure. Indulging in some alone time can be very beneficial in the first part of the day while the Moon transits Scorpio, the sign just behind your sign. Once the Moon moves into Sagittarius later today, you’ll crave more involvement and interaction with the rest of the world.

Your sense of pride and privacy are strong with Saturn and Pluto in your sign, dear Capricorn, and in moderation, these things can improve your life. However, if overdone, these same qualities can trip you up since you can end up shouldering too many responsibilities and pressure within you can build. You may fear a loss of respect if you reveal your vulnerabilities, and today’s Sun-Pluto aspect may help force the issue. Try to direct this energy positively or to release some of the extra pressure in satisfying ways, starting small. You’ll feel stronger and freer if you let go of some of the unnecessary pressure you put on yourself. Do your best to recuperate and recharge before new challenges arise.

Interactions with others can be somewhat fraught at times today, dear Aquarius, as the Sun and Pluto form a minor challenging aspect. Avoid starting or furthering power games since they get you nowhere. However, consider that guardedness of your privacy or shying away from deeper issues may be at the root of tensions now, and whether it’s possible that something you’ve swept under the carpet is better dealt with than avoided. Your responsibilities are in focus, and you feel considerably more at ease with meaningful tasks than you do with frivolous ones today. For best results now, focus on starting small and building from there since there is excellent energy available to you if you go with the flow, and a tendency to feel overwhelmed if you push the envelope at the moment!

Breaking your ventures or goals into parts can make sense today, dear Pisces, leading to small but satisfying strides forward and this is preferable to overshooting and getting nowhere. Avoid putting too high expectations on yourself today, even if you feel some of the pressures of a Sun-Pluto aspect. Aim to solve problems one step at a time. Consider that you may be bearing others’ burdens and hardships more than is healthy, and perhaps at your own expense. Pride may keep you from talking about a problem you’re having, or there can be a build-up of pressure related to bottling up your worries or fears. Consider ways to release some of the extra load you’re carrying so that you go forward in your birthday month freer and more confident. Be particularly careful with details today, however. It’s better to catch an error before moving something forward.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is February 25, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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