Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Cancer until 5:44 PM, after which the Moon is in Leo.
- The void Moon occurs from 10:44 AM to 5:44 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- We are in between the First Quarter Moon that occurred on February 1st, and the Full Moon, which will arrive on the 9th.
- There are no major planets that are retrograde!
- Mercury is not yet retrograde but is in its pre-retrograde shadow phase (Mercury will be retrograde from February 16-March 9).
- Venus enters the sign of Aries today (Venus is in Aries from February 7-March 4).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Venus begins its transit of your sign today, dear Aries, and will stay in Aries until March 4th. You are just awakening from a period of hibernation, so to speak, regarding matters related to love, pleasure, romance, and enjoyment. You’re more courageous in love during this cycle, but you’re also attracting people to you. Venus rules partnership and money in your solar chart, and these things tend to work in your favor in the weeks ahead. You are also very affectionate and expressive, and decisions regarding love and money come organically. Your most attractive traits seem to be highlighted. It’s a time of living well and putting the right kind of vibes out there that attract pleasant people and circumstances into your life. Today is good for expanding your horizons or your reach through sharing your ideas and beliefs with others. Relationships with extended family can improve.

Venus moves in your privacy sector today, dear Taurus, and will transit this hidden area of your solar chart until March 4th. There is a private, quiet, or sacrificing element to your love life during this cycle. Or, this can be a time for laying low generally speaking and enjoying more time to yourself. Getting extra rest can flatter you. You may be supporting someone or getting help from others behind the scenes. There can be a reassessment of a relationship during this period or some spiritual longing and attachment to the past or complicated ties. It’s an excellent time for enjoying some level of solitude and privacy when you can manage it, as well as for becoming very cozy with your inner world. Ideally, you get to a wonderful place of greater understanding of your past and your deeper feelings about recent events.

Venus moves into your friendship and ideals sector today, dear Gemini, and will transit this social area of your chart until March 4th. There can be more warmth, grace, or pleasure and enjoyment in your social life. This transit subtly improves your appeal as a friend or colleague, and you’re more approachable and companionable, in general. You get along better with the team, or you might share some of your talents or expertise with associates with excellent results. Your tastes are for the new, different, and progressive. You’re in a unique position for developing and enhancing friendships in the weeks ahead. Today’s energies are similarly open and friendly, particularly as the day advances and the Moon heads into your communications sector.

Venus enters your reputation and responsibility sector today, dear Cancer, and will stick around in this area of your solar chart until March 4th. You’re bringing more creativity, grace, and charm to your work in the weeks ahead, or opportunities emerge to socialize and network through your business or career. Improved business relationships and enhanced relationships with a parent, boss, or superior can figure strongly now. People more readily recognize your artistry, taste, or creativity. You are bringing extra magic to your work, or you get the chance to boost your reputation during this cycle. It’s an excellent time to make happy connections through your career or to more thoroughly enjoy setting goals for yourself.

Venus moves into your solar ninth house today, dear Leo, and will stick around this sector until March 4th, moving in harmony with your sign. You might become inspired by a loved one now, or someone might awaken a new perspective or way of thinking in you. This transit often brings desired situations and people your way. You are braver with your tastes and willingness to experiment and diversify–in fact, you’re attracted to anything that is non-routine. Sharing ideas and beliefs is fun, rewarding, and even relationship-enhancing in the weeks ahead. You might also enjoy a trip or a new adventure of sorts. This transit is excellent for good humor and personal appeal. Today, the Moon moves into your sign, amping up your emotions, and increasing your influence and visibility.

Venus moves into your intimacy sector today, dear Virgo, and will transit this area of your solar chart until March 4th. This transit can stir up a need to share some of your deeper feelings with someone special. There is easygoing energy available to you with the more intricate or complicated side of relationships. As well, you see the darker, deeper side of your own nature in a better light. Attracting resources from outside sources comes more easily, and it’s an excellent time to work out money problems with a partner. Shared resources and finances can get a nice boost during this cycle. Resolving differences comes more naturally. The weeks ahead are for processing recent events in your love life or recent feelings, and making changes that benefit you going forward. It’s a regeneration of sorts happening now. The Moon heads into your privacy sector later today, and this can put you in a supportive rather than starring role just for now. You need some downtime!

With Venus moving into your partnership sector today, dear Libra, love relationships and pleasurable matters come into the foreground in your life. Partnerships are favored, and there’s more comfortable energy in your life for relationships in general. It may not be the ideal time to tackle deep issues, but it is a good period for pleasant interactions. Venus brings more joy and pleasure to your relationships and sometimes brings a helpful person into your life. This cycle lasts until March 4th, and while it’s great for seeing your life from a different perspective, there can be times when you feel less than independent. Ideally, you can honor both your needs and those of others. Helping out a friend today can feel good, and this may happen through an inspiring, positive conversation.

Venus heads into your sector of work and health today, dear Scorpio, and until March 4th, you can find your attention to your work, routines, and health goals more joyful. The weeks ahead are fabulous for bringing harmony to your daily life, including your working environment. You can experience a compelling urge to restore balance in relationships with the people with whom you share your everyday life. Social or romantic opportunities can emerge through your job or the pursuit of your duties, health, and wellness. There can be a practical, unequal, or service theme to your love relationships, and Venus here can also help to restore a feeling of joy in doing your part. Today, there can be good financial or business news.

Venus moves into your sector of joy and self-expression today, dear Sagittarius, and will stay there until March 4th, helping to boost your sense of fun. You’ll be expressing a playful, deserving, and confident energy that draws in others in the weeks ahead. There is also good energy for awakening your inner artist and for exploring fun interests and hobbies. Matters of love and pleasure are refreshing and direct during this cycle, and money can be similarly straightforward. You might find more time for creative and pleasurable pursuits. Today, you may be acting on charitable impulses. You can feel especially alive and connected as the day advances.

Venus moves into your sector of heart and home today, dear Capricorn, and will stick around there until March 4th. Your love of home, familiarity, comfort, and security is in the spotlight. Home improvement and harmony are in focus and potential goals now. You’re in great shape for getting more rest if you need it, settling in, and learning about yourself and your emotional needs in the weeks ahead. This period is not the most connected or expressive for love and pleasure, but it’s a fine time for making peace at home or with family. It’s also a good period for building up your confidence–you can save pushing your boundaries for the next Venus cycle. Today favors sorting out business and financial matters.

Venus moves into your communications sector today, dear Aquarius, and will stick around here until March 4th, boosting your communications. You are inclined to communicate more cheerfully and perhaps tactfully during this cycle. Your love of socializing and the need for verbal rapport in your relationships are in the spotlight. You place much value in the exchange of ideas, and there could be some good publicity or news, invitations, and increased ease in your social life in the weeks ahead. There can be a noticeable shift in your manner, conversations, and interactions this week. Later today is particularly favorable and notable for friendly gestures.

Venus begins its transit of your resources sector today, dear Pisces, and will stick around there until March 4th, boosting your desire for comfort. You crave some stability and predictability in your relationships and emotional life during this cycle. You might also discover more joy in building upon your current resources and padding your life in ways that help you feel more secure and comfortable. You can be a little more patient about passing on immediate pleasures if it means you’re waiting for something you genuinely want. You’ll find this a good cycle for making money, although not always perfect for money management. Today’s energies are wonderful for appreciating the finer things in life. There is also strengthening energy with you for relationships with colleagues.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is February 7, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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